Sunday 25 April 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #17

I think watching Anime on Saturdays might be my new hobby now- Wait. *laughs*

I know right? It's as if I CHOSE not to watch on a Saturday just because. Little did I notice I get more time for the rest of the weekend where I can practically do NOTHING lol the stress of Monday seeps in though but not when I'm on leave next Monday!!! Haha, "family trip", it seems. Also awkward I'm using this term because when's the last time my family had a trip together lol ugh it just looks like my mom's having a trip together with her friends instead *shrugs*

Anime time I guess! And thanks to Anime, we're getting a bunch of new (and actually) good songs on the tab, so we'll talk about those too. I know, the problem is just it's all female vocalists; It's gonna affect that one survey in Klassic Note so bad lol who else cares but me isn't it

And trust me because I'm not a nerd who can't read Japanese for shit: My new hobby in recent years is to read the cast credits for minor characters at the ending of each episode. Seriously, it's when you know who they are and you don't notice that makes ALL the difference haha just like last week's KoiKimo and this week's too.

アニメ Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
"Okay, we get it, come back to us" lol me when I talk about my dream partner too haha Satsuki I feel you, man
Man, Ichika just shooting down everyone else's dreams of finding their partner, huh. I mean, you be dating with an old dude so you don't go- Haha hey, it wasn't her choice. *laughs* In this new episode (#KoiKimo04) where Ichika's ideal partner is basically NOT Ryou lmao, Rio's ideal is a sumo wrestler. So okay, dear fams, you have a (fat) chance (see what I did there?) of dating Ryou's sister now... provided you can get past the brother. And their front door. *laughs* (I'm sorry if you can't take my terrible sarcasm) Anyways, story time, because we have quite a lot to talk about here. This time, it's on the company Ryou works at. Again, WAAAAAAAY too much women on the premise that are still single by the way *laughs*, and I wish I can get my hands on any one of them chit-chatting about on the pantry during lunch about Ryou, believing that he has improved his image and appearance mainly because he is dating someone right now. Well, not true, but he is happy about it, nonetheless. They think it's someone older considering how many women have laid hands on him enough for the colleagues to warn newbies about approaching him romantically, but also, because one of them overheard his phone call talking about a certain "Ichika-chan"? Haha he's probably talking to his sister, and the others believe his target apparently is also a teacher who might be sadist? Well, the sadist part is kinda true though lmao I won't deny that. But yeah, as you can see this "Acting Kachou" has built up quite a reputation in the company. Not that it's a bad thing, but then again he's into Ichika right now so the others won't even bother I guess. But the rumours are spreading though. *giggles* Then, Tamaru asks the questions, and maybe, just a little, understands the whole situation with the main couple. After helping Ichika out because why wouldn't you lol *wink*, he asks Ichika about her relationship with Ryou, and then finds out later from the sister what has happened so far in this infatuation the brother has about this high schooler. *laughs* Tamaru himself though... he be wondering about HIS feelings about the girl. Ichika, I mean. *laughs* Hey, no love for Rio here? Sadge. *laughs* And then, Ichika asks her friend out to get advice on... what to get her friend's brother for Christmas. Like seriously, Ichika, why would you pair the stuff you want to repay to him for WITH Christmas anyways? You know people will get the wrong idea if you did things couple-like on that day. *silence* Hey, I guess she IS gullible lmao. Also, Rio is right: her brother only wants Ichika. Gifts are not necessary, girl. It's that "WANT YOU WANT YOU I WANT YOU" thing man; Ichika you can't give him that. *giggles* Nonetheless, the two did go out to select a present fitting of his status (we will see that soon), and then Ryou comes to ask his sister for what to give the girl. You know, not like, that one flower every other day for his own satisfaction. Man, being the middleman, or in this case, middlewoman, is rough. *laughs* (Spoiler alert: The gift for Ichika is going to be something otaku) Up next, we have a new character to talk about. Yep, took me a while even though I checked on their homepage last week, it's voiced by yours truly, Hanazawa Kana. (Also, is this the 2nd time I've seen her voice a single woman her age?? Haha PSYCHE) (Well she be married now so it doesn't matter) What we do know about this Matsushima is, that she came in to the company the same time as Ryou. That's pretty much it. Any feelings whatsoever though? I mean, Ryou's reputation is already on the same level as the sewers so I don't think we will have to think too much into it. Tamaru has more prospective in liking Ichika than this. *laughs* And lastly, Christmas, ditching your colleagues for the one high schooler who will give you a tie pin as a present. *YES* Ah hey, I'm just feeling happy for Ryou, okay? *laughs* Ichika got real Limited Edition stuff in return though if you wonder why she can be this happy feel free to browse through my blog posts lmao, and they both got presents for the one person who made this all happen: Ichika Rio. *laughs* (Hey, she didn't make the phone call lol) And so, they hang out at their place for foods, presents, and probably Sumo wrestling matches just because Rio is into them lol don't ask me why. All in all, fantastic episode for plot development, plenty of holes right now because I swear that Matsushima had waaaay lesser appearance this episode compared to the three colleagues who gossip about who Ryou is seeing lol, but I think we might clear up that quite soon, starting with Tamaru hopefully.
[TL:DR; "My brother's is in a super infatuation to Ichika right now" This series in a nutshell haha]
This has so many feels, this scene
(Gift gifting Ichika is very kawaii)
This has so many feels, this scene
(You lucky sonofa-)
P.S. "I've recently heard a rumour about (Ryou). Want to hear about it?" She's probably gonna say Ryou's going out with a high schooler yeah yeah we know that haha
P.P.S. "How do you (Ichika) feel about Amakusa's brother?" *looks at series title* Scum? *laughs*
[Rio is so chill and nice in this Anime I think we have a new dating target haha lol me]
Chill Rio-chan here is the best I've seen in the decade of Anime I watched
(Anime chicken drumstick btw you try holding one of those with your mouth irl)
And she got a rack too! Why are we liking Ichika-chan? Haha ah-

アニメ Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
"All (Yoshida's) telling me to do is his house chores. There's nothing in it for him" Yes there is; His place gets to be clean every day. You can NOT find a better housekeeper than a JK-
Ooo boy what have I just seen on a series I've approved last week. *laughs* In this new episode (#HigeHiro03) where I rather they not dig too deep into the past, they gotta show what happened in the six months Sayu was in Tokyo but had no place to stay right? THEY GOTTA. *laughs* Hey Sayu, feels great not being f**ked the night before and/or smelling like s**en, yeah? *laughs* I think nice guy Yoshida is going the long route here, and then he will bang this chick someday haha hey don't quote me here. *giggles* Jokes aside, let's talk about this week. Eh, before we go with the emotional drop, maybe we have to talk about what happened in Sayu's past- I think we better not lol. So, story. In an interesting move, Yoshida recently rejected a business trip probably because of Sayu, but as you can see, people have started thinking otherwise. I mean, it is true people will reject such an offer mainly because you have family or a partner, but in this case, it's a little hard to explain, as in Yoshida's case of course. His house may be robbed if he goes for a business trip. *laughs* Like his buddy said, it's going to get him into trouble someday, so just like the other times, he decides to keep it a secret. Well, not for long. And Mishima got mad because of it too. Hey, I like a jealous b*tch. *giggles* Then, Mishima asks Yoshida out for movies. I mean, if you didn't notice this from like, the previous episode at least, this female colleague has been setting her eyes on this nice guy of a superior if I'm not wrong, so she starts to take action, one step at a time. Whether Yoshida sees it or not... we will talk about it in a moment, but it's probably better than Gotou's relationship with Yoshida right now haha. Come on, Gotou, you can't look back. Then again this is a literal harem so everyone looks back haha ah hey. *laughs* Yoshida has to tell the one at home that he's not coming back for dinner (just like how I deal with my family lol see the similarity here?), also revealed his location to Sayu-chan. Ah, what an idiot, isn't he? Good game brother; It has been nice knowing you. *laughs* And just like any cringe drama Anime, they had to set it up such that Sayu leaves the house to confirm her suspicions and those suspicions can then be confirmed with her thinking that "going out with colleague" must be a female who likes him (or vice versa, unlikely but just putting this out) and she is totally right, just that, they had to catch them at the right place and right time. I must say though, that Mishima's courage is to be feared as to be praised, going full on throttle with Yoshida knowing full well someone is living on the same abode with him supposedly. Most women would already back off, but this girl. *laughs* And Sayu is right: she is jealous. Surprisingly, unlike from the many cases of her surviving on this unknown land, she may have actually fell in love with the guy who technically saved her life...? Hmm, we don't know. But it didn't take long for them to figure this out. As Mishima ran away from Yoshida after that hug moment (man, is this a real romance Anime? lol), she encounters Sayu in the park probably because she also needs a place to cry haha, but not until she realizes the one she is consoling on to to make more decisive action on her situation is also the one staying with the guy she likes... It's getting a little confusing isn't it? I even have trouble writing that one sentence out lol. And lastly, because if you didn't notice *wink* it's Episode 3, so they dish out the "emotional moment of clarity" (I should refer that as this next time lol) and I don't mean Sayu almost naked in front of Yoshida because then they can't air this on national TV lmao, but you get the idea if you have watched it. Essentially it's assuring what Sayu-chan keeps thinking about her situation right now: Living with some dude who doesn't get anything out of it. Being genuinely nice, I must say. I would say it's really hard to be such a person, but now that I have actually known a couple of them in my own life, I must say those people are real good, and they help you no matter what happens. Yoshida... might be such a person, trust me. And that's why even after literally watching what looks like a build-up to a porn video scene lol ("And... CUT!! Good job everyone" haha), Yoshida does admit Sayu's appeal just like any other dude one the streets would because if you don't I'm pretty sure you're gay, but also, explains to her why he's being so nice, and what he gets out of it. And as we have seen so far, his life changed. His house got clean, he didn't have to worry about dinner, he shaved every day... so much has been done to improve his lifestyle and image, it's already worth more than one night's sleep with the girl. Okay, if you think otherwise, just like what I have said in the first episode, this show is not for you. You can leave now, you freak. *waves farewell* But if you did understand how lonely Yoshida is living the working life and living alone and could use some company instead of a good time lmao, then you will get whatever has been going on so far. Just, cut down on the rated content, yes? Sayu-chan is cute but I don't want to f**k her just like what Yoshida said. Doesn't mean I'm a nice guy but she is a spoilt brat so it's already all loose down there haha ok I'll stop
[TL:DR; "That night, was Sayu hoping that someone-" ...Would f**k her so she can stay a night?!! Haha NAILED IT and THANK GOODNESS this story isn't like that]
They have to make it look like she's dominant even though she's short lmao
See? Haha
(Honestly anyone would be excited getting hugged including... me... *sob*)
P.S. I see, she doesn't feel anything. She must be a porn actress HAHAHAHAHAHA (Did I say this Anime will reveal all my adult content knowledge?)
P.P.S. "He says he's not into younger girls but... shouldn't he want to, at least a little?" Haha hey Sayu, to be honest? We don't know lol he might be gay for all we know lmao
[Sayu-chan be cute so here's more of her lol]
Perfectly patched sadly thinking minor Sayu-chan
Looks like she's taking a selfie but I promise you it's not and this is not a porno lol

アニメ Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy
"I (Abe) decided to date Shirokusa-chan so that I could humiliate you" Oh don't worry bro we got a counter plan for this already haha he doesn't know!!!
Wait, Sueharu was a child actor? Hey I'm kinda like him. *giggles* It's called kurorekishi; We don't talk about those haha. In this new episode (#OsaMake02) where the opening theme slaps and hopefully the pace isn't as edgy as the first episode, but man, is this actual drama here?? *laughs* Just like last week, we have plenty of content to go through, so let's get to it! Firstly, about Sueharu's past. In a nutshell, and I will not repeat the story he said to Shirokusa later, Sueheru is a child actor thanks to his parents, and some drama got him famous. Sadly, he "quit" not because he wanted to unlike what Abe-senpai thinks about him, but in an industry secret he had to be left on hiatus after her mom who was co-starring with him in the drama itself, got into a freak accident during the shooting filming, and thus, was left alone to deal with... the fame? Yeah, sure. It's pretty sad to some extent so let's not dig too deep into it. What we can dig deep into though, is the revenge plan. Let's talk about that first, and then how it might be a trap, according to Kuroha. Firstly, the plan. Since Sueharu was once a famous actor, and Abe-senpai is well known in the industry until you call out Sueharu's name lol, he and the buddy Tetsuhiko thought the best way to get back at Abe-senpai is to do a play. Basically, drama against drama, I guess. But to get that to work, not like they have a script ready to do so, so they thought asking for the best author or writer in class would be a great idea... until you realize that she is technically on the opponent's side, this woman. *laughs* But she did not reject Sueharu's suggestion though, so they exchanged numbers to discuss this on business terms lol. Wait, Sueharu you don't have Shirokusa's LINE NINE? How far behind are you now, may I ask? *laughs* I know Abe-senpai might be leading here but are you like, last place in a Mario Kart race? Haha I can't even. And yes, you didn't hear wrongly, Kuroha did suggest this as a trap, as a regular visit to each other's houses because they are neighbours, reveal that Shirokusa might not be that nice after all. Sorry, "Shiro". *laughs* We'll talk about that later, but suffice it to say it has been a while since he acted considering it might be many years of his name in hiding so he's basically a normal high schooler in a harem now haha what part of that is normal, but more importantly, is do we think Shirokusa is such a person? In a freak accident of Sueharu practising on stage in school and seeing him in the nurse's office and him telling about his past... likely not. For even if we think like Kuroha which is more on like "Sueharu is just her backup" kind of relationship, she still liked him from deep down, knowing him as a kid some time ago. Man, this story has much more depth talking about past than in the future lol. Because despite the obvious romance in front of him ie. childhood friend Kuroha and they are basically dating right now (lol those sad dudes in school who want to kill the harem king), Sueharu is also trying to... take revenge on the girl she likes because she's dating someone else also on revenge on the fact that he left her alone after they enjoyed each other's company as kids some time ago? Goddamn, this Anime is some levels of inception. *laughs* So who's the first love now? I don't even know lmao. But what I DO know is that this is making things a lot more spicier and more interesting that it should've been. I do have such child drama experience before working on stage not on TV before, but not about me, but I wouldn't know if this acting thing will get in the way for me for now. I'm not too sure. But just like Sueharu giving his acting another go while trying not to break up with Inorin Kuroha haha, I'm also trying to give this Anime because there's so much greatness going on with this series, I can even forgive the adaptation of the original story thus far. Then again, I don't read original work so I shall continue not to do so so I can enjoy this as much as I can. And if the Confession Festival is next episode, I wonder who will really win out of all this. I know who the losers are though, if you want me to bet on it right now. There's either going to be a lot of crying next week or... well anyways I'll get my fill haha remember they are voiced by actors too hehe cya guys next week
[TL:DR; We see which is faster: Me getting over the tensions of this series or me dying over Inorin overdose haha I think the latter]
If you wonder how lazy Anime production was for this series look at these
(This was when Sueharu was stopped for filming due to his mom's passing)
If you wonder how lazy Anime production was for this series look at these
(This was when Shirokusa couldn't get to play with Sueharu no more)
P.S. "I'll come up with something... depends on how much I get paid" This b*tch wants sex too? *looks at this, and then on HigeHiro* (That's it Sueharu that's how you defeat Abe-senpai lmao you get to her first, literally)
P.P.S. "You don't know? It's all your fault" Find me a harem Anime series which doesn't have this line somewhere in the dialogue haha also go back and hear Sakura Ayane say it again, for your own sake. *laughs*
[And that ending theme song title is "Strategies Unpredictable Type of Romantic Comedy Ending Song" lol I mean what (The song is actually not bad though I'll see how when it releases NEXT WEEK?? lol) (Definitely not tearjerker material though so I guess that will be done using insert songs...?)]
Anime mirror reflections shocking the characters themselves? That's new lol
Just like the (hidden?) placement of this image, Shirokusa is only beautiful below the surface when she is herself

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, it's a week of Anime related songs releasing this week because this is how you all know to listen to them because that's how you think they are good lol, so let's talk about it. Uesaka Sumire's new single is not her worst, but then again I have only given one single a Klassic Note Review so don't expect too much from het songs in general. But you know, if you liked the Anime it's in I'm sure you'll tell me to watch a show I just rejected last week lol. Ishihara Kaori's new single probably took the spotlight this week and probably will be the winner for the theme songs for Anime this season (Maybe winning KoiKimo? I don't know) because man if that song didn't hit you when you watch the Anime you may want to watch the one this week to feel that. I also took some time to listen to mol-74's new EP which is a new release in quite a while since the disaster known as 2020 (lol), and man did I miss listening to them. Hopefully them singing for Anime will get them the recognition they need: They sound like SHE'S but the latter is more popular than them but mol-74 can do emotional songs like none other, really worth a listen if you do not know of them.

On news regarding music and is on Twitter and I did not forget filling this part up lol, not that you need to be in her fanclub or in her fanclub event to know of this but Kitou Akari is releasing a mini-album coming August lol that's quite far but it looks like she revealed one song in the event so yeah go sign up and buy tickets to it next time haha (Hey I'm halfway there already I got the membership), Teshima Aoi is releasing a best album in June for her 15th anniversary (yes she is quite a veteran but if you have heard of her you know she's good), yay sphere for 12 years of... memories because it's not all songs there was a hiatus of a year too haha, and FINALLY cinema staff is releasing an EP... soon because they didn't put in a date wtf seriously? Oh well, might as well wait longer.

So next week if I didn't remember wrongly it'll be Anime "OsaMake" theme song singles on release, which will be Azuna Riko's new single which man is the topic song quite impressive so we shall see if I can get into her songs, and whatever Minase Inori and Sakura Ayane Anime single. You think it will sell? Oh yeah I bet it will lol over the opening. As mentioned in the episode review, it's not emotional, and I suppose this romance comedy will still have that despite the jokes, so we might see insert songs incoming. Or that the B-side is just that. We shall see.

I did watch earlier Kotobuki Minako's livestream on YouTube and it's no major announcement it's just an anniversary on her YouTube channel and her in England for studies if you forgot about that and like me you didn't watch every single video of hers... she showed off a lot of photos taken on the streets of London. Wink wink for photobook, Mina-chan? If so I'll make sure to buy it hehe it's never too late, I say. Also, she was eating some cup noodle, excuse me, "pot noodle" and like some idiot because I'm not British I saw it sell locally probably imported, so I guess I might try it out myself lol "beef and tomato" without the beef taste is going to be WILD lmao. And as I sat down playing simulation games with my music library in the background and ClariS appearing, it really makes me miss the original duo a lot haha hey at least we got Clara-san and looking at her I would TOTALLY date her despite her... daunting height? I mean, who cares? I like Aki-chan too you gonna say the same thing? *laughs* (Oh, age difference, got it) Cya guys next time then, and until then... well hooray for 4-day work week that my superior is going to carry me for on Monday so that's going to be fun haha I feel bad now but I gotta spend that whatever tourism promotion voucher or else our local economy here will collapse lol bye

P.S. Not going to dump this on next week's post, and technically it is this week but it wasn't on Twitter until I saw my custom RSS feed (lol people still use those?), Toyosaki Aki is releasing a new album coming end of June. Not surprising considering she revealed new songs on her first ever streaming live, but yeah, she's back, and hopefully this will be an album to put on my shelf. We shall see, Aki-chan, we shall see.

Sunday 18 April 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #16

Well, another week just passed by. How's yours? I'm just glad it's over to be honest haha

Problem is man, I really should stop writing this intro on Sunday nights when the week is ending lmao it's so hard to think of something good to write. I did spend a lot of time doing up my side stuff though so that's good I should find more live videos to listen while doing these. And hey, I did spend a lot of money on one of the weekdays though, forgot which day lol. So yeah, even though we might not have a Suruga-ya run (I swear we will because I just bought another photo album haha) we do have things lined up for the next couple of months, so that'll be exciting- Excuse me, that'll be motivation to work for now lol

We still got new Anime to watch, so let's get to it! Hey, when you watch on Saturday it's just different haha HYPE lol also F**K YOU NAGATORO-SAN which airs on Saturdays so I can actually watch all my shows for the week a day early hehe you're welcome, me

アニメ Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
"I'm more concerned about you calling me at this time every night" Man, they are already this close? Ichika-chan man... *laughs*
I think after watching this already, we know the pace of this series is going to be funny as it's lovely, so yeah, I'm already into this, haven't you? In this new episode (#KoiKimo03) where I recall that getting hit by volleyball tumblr page I saw years ago lol, Ryou's sister see the new couple in worry because man, the brother may have some competition. *laughs* (Yes, didn't realize them subs be stylizing the names again, so from here on "Ryou") (The sister's name won't change though, as much as I won't be using it just because) Well not really, but it is about time we doubted on this womanizer's... love for Ichika, I guess. So, story. In a strange line of coincidences, we are introduced with new character and classmate to Ichika called Tamaru, and yes, he is male, he looks kinda handsome, and... he got hit by a volleyball lol. Well, it's Ichika's fault, she be nice like she always does and ask if he's fine... and somewhere along the road in return, Tamaru did pique her interest in stuff she can talk about but not with Ryou because he don't otaku on this for shit: manga. So yeah, it's your "nice classmates borrows you his own collection" type of situation and trust me I have done that before and that's how you get popular in class lmao (we even got to read it in class which I don't think Japan would even allow them to be seen in school premises but you get the idea), but suffice it to say, you know, they are just a bunch of good classmates. Who cares about Rio, amirite?? *laughs* But yes, cue Ryou into the situation where the three met coincidentally (well for Ryou not really but) (haha) outside of a convenience store, and yeah Ryou decided to drop a hint to Ichika's newly made classmate friend to, you know, not get in the way of the couple(?) lol. I think Tamaru did take the hint, but again, just like any other dude, unless you be going for sadist Ichika haha, no one is fighting with you Ryou just chill bro. *laughs* Hey, maybe it's those "don't take my prey" predator calls which I have never learnt from womanizing... women lol, but Ryou did make his point. Which interestingly, led Tamaru to think that this is no good dude, as he drops a casual warning to Ichika thinking that he might be up to no good. But seriously, how bad can things get? They are like, a decade apart in age what can even happen- Man, Tamaru-kun, Ryou's coming after your butt now haha my condolences to you at such a young age tbh. Fs for Tamaru-kun, everyone. *laughs* Moving on, and yes, so in case you didn't take the hint after the end of last week's episode, the one by the stairs seeing those two hug each other Ryou hugging Ichika aggressively (I'm calling the cops lmao) was, in fact, Tamaru-kun here. Not that it matters because he knows if he told it to not Ichika he's gonna die soon lol, but yeah, maybe that's what add up to the distrust of Ichika towards Ryou at some point. The confrontation happens at the study session with the sister, Ryou is kind of shocked and is taken aback to be honest, Tamaru might already be dead at this point lol, but somehow things haven't changed between them. It's like a lover's tiff, just that they aren't exactly lovers and they didn't quarrel directly with each other since Ryou probably already forgiven her. (I like how they still like, talk on the phone even though it's like awkward now. Yeah, looks like Ryou is a womanizer after all lmao) But more importantly then, is if you didn't notice Ichika coughing, she is slowly turning unwell. Maybe after all the worry accumulated from having to deal with this dude every night (not the nightly calls, please) but yeah, you see Ryou? You gotta give your girl a break. She's no adult woman who can take everything you throw at her. Well, not yet. *laughs* Okay, moving on, but yeah, Ryou seemingly forgot about his work and rushed to Ichika's place knowing that from his sister that she is unwell to go to their outing in the morning. And I swear the mom is giving a warning to the daughter because Ichika was right about her knowing the friend, but otherwise, she accidentally let in the beast, I guess. *laughs* Well, not like she's in a condition to bicker with him anyways lol. So yeah. Also, because Ryou was watching her preparing for the test last time and now is down with cough or something? Yeah, he kindly wrote her a study guide. Really, someone who would do that much is NEVER going to take advantage of you. *silence* Right? *silence* Anyways (haha), Ichika aced the test despite missing days at school, so she gotta thank Masuda for drawing that awesome cover for her study guide. Hey, we know who's getting the full credit here, Ryou. Haha man I wish I had a 16-year-old to brighten up my work life lol competition eliminated it's exclusive Ichika love from here on now haha lol cya guys next week for more of these shenanigans
Because clearly someone forgot to remove the annotations on their animation drafts lol
(Yes, my new thumbnail can do more than two images now)
Because clearly someone forgot to remove the annotations on their animation drafts lol
(Yes, my new thumbnail can do more than two images now)
Because clearly someone forgot to remove the annotations on their animation drafts lol
(Yes, my new thumbnail can do more than two images now)
P.S. "If you move away from (where you are) I'll be arriving at your house tomorrow morning by taxi with a white tuxedo holding a bouquet of flowers in my hand" Man, is this a threat? Haha bliss bro
P.P.S. "Ah, this sucks. Why do I feel at ease (with Ryou) now?" OOPS haha ah hey, she doesn't know
[I can't stop liking Ichika-chan too Ryou so here's more of her haha]
Her in bed unwell
Her in bed well
(*Furiously imagines the stuff I can do with her*) (lol)

アニメ Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
"Is (Sayu) really smiling from the bottom of her heart?" Probably not, Yoshida, but I think you can make it better. Not through sex though, please. *laughs*
Okay so where's the part where Yoshida has to buy brassiere for Sayu-chan? *laughs* In this new episode (#HigeHiro02) where we can don't buy this much for this girl to be honest (well I guess it's reward for doing all the housework), it's even harder to see through the real her. If it's me I'm going to be like "be honest here or get out" lol haha I know right?? (Wait, she's already gone? Why) Ignoring that opening theme sequence and I don't even know how I have to give another idol group a song because of Anime lol, we talk about the great advances we have on Yoshida's life this week. Well, I mean, not like everyone knows he's letting a JK live at his abode, but suffice it to say many at work have noticed his change. As with the first episode, including his buddy at work many have realized his improvement in image because he shaved his stubble often now (title drop), and is even at this point, unknown to his colleagues, going shopping with Sayu to get like, daily necessities like moisturisers or else how you gonna massage those boobs- Still, something doesn't feel right, as we have mentioned before and Yoshida has too, it's that she's still in acting mode. Which is why Yoshida has to remind her to not put up a fake image anymore, because that is precisely the reason why he saw through her and... effectively adopted her in the first place haha you think the parents will find out if we put his name as guardian? *laughs* Anyways, so yeah, Sayu, if those smiles were fake, get rid of them, like how you told Yoshida to get rid of his horrible stubble. (title drop) (haha) Next up, we have new characters to introduce. She is Mishima, Yoshida's female colleague by the way (man where are those IT company with all the female programmers SIGN ME UP haha my company doesn't have SHIT lol), likely below him since he's the one who noticed she screwed up code for a project to be submitted the next day (Hey, ask about how relevant is this to MY work right now haha), so just like a nice boss, he cleans up her mess. Though, after hearing that he might be screwed by management for this level of work quality, Mishima pulls herself together to clean up code (literally) before it's too late, well, also into the night. Nice guy Yoshida gets her dinner, and all is well. Hey, just another day's work just that my boss is so hardworking and nice he doesn't let me carry the can all the time. I know, I feel bad already. *giggles* Anyways, besides literally getting ruined by the colleague here about him with Gotou ("don't mind desu" lmao it's also very Ishihara Kaori too if you know of the voice behind in person), Mishima is also the first to talk about Yoshida's change in image, and she did ask about why he is so nice despite being dumped by that Gotou-san just in the first episode alone. I get it bro, he's just open about it and don't cry in the room jerking off like some idiot (*wink* KanoKari *wink*) but then again, since Mishima doesn't know for now, it's because of another woman. Another younger woman. WAY younger woman. *laughs* But as we know, Mishima seems to be happy that besides finding another buddy to go out for drinks, she also noticed it's her time to shine to, you know, be more involved in this nice guy's life. Yep, feels like a harem already MOVING ON!!! *laughs* And of course, he went home to only remember Sayu is alone at home waiting for him with dinner and, uh, yeah, which justifies Yoshida's plan in getting a phone at this day and age where this girl who should possessed one just threw hers into the sea in Hokkaido lol. I'm sure Sayu-chan will feel bad about this gift but to be honest I'll count that and any expensive stuff I have to buy for her to survive now, as debt she has to pay back. At least it won't let her feel that bad, if she does anyways. (Or we bring the budget down? How about a pager? Oh they don't have those? WHAT YEAR IS THIS lmao) (Young kids out there, may I quickly explain what a marvel that device is to be able to ONLY receive messages from any phone that sends out messages lol ok me) (Oh yeah you can send from a fax machine too!!- Ah) So that's that, and yeah, Yoshida may have taken too long to decide for the girl, seeing that she will keep rejecting (oof) him for it just because. You know, even got the buddy worried about him being too nice to the girl, considering she is a spoilt brat herself. So far, I don't think so, but what do we know she sleeps with men on a daily basis before they met. *laughs* Anyways, Gotou-san then asks Yoshida out. Well, not the "I regret rejecting you and let's date" kind of out, but more like, for work purposes I guess, as an excuse to, you know, ask him about stuff. Hey, she's right; It IS important to her, whatever he has done to his suit and stubble. *giggles* Because really, I like how Gotou-san here is so observant in thinking that Yoshida who got rejected by her immediately found solace in another woman Mishima and it feels like it's for revenging against her rejection (we'll talk about "OsaMake" later but still) (haha damn) but deep inside, we know he is effectively holding captive, a high school girl from Hokkaido. (I'm calling the cops lmao) Well, he did ask some questions that were important to us at least and of course him, including the purpose of this "meeting" and what cup size Gotou was so go watch to find out haha that is A, B, C, D, E... *laughs* He then returns home to notice that weird phenomenon of not being able to contact Sayu-chan again so he's probably eating dinner again for breakfast too lol, but yeah, he gave her the phone he got for her, after an afternoon's excitement and maybe slightly forgotten because of Gotou-san lmao. Hey, I get it bro, you into MILF, right? *laughs* So yeah, looks like this series will be a lot of this, and would Yoshida's buddy be nailing it as if the author's in the story himself? The resurgence of affection after rejection? We don't know. But what we do know looking at next week's thumbnail is... wow they got to Episode 12 real quick lmao haha I doubt so but we shall see
[TL:DR; That's it! That's the drop!! Thanks Anime for making me realize that when I shave every day for work means I'll be dating someone at some point. Yeah, just, for now it's still every week so]
What I expected
(Nice guy Yoshida FTW)
What I got
(Female audiences be like so high right now lol)
P.S. "Don't die over (carrying loads of goods in plastic bags)" Haha you should've seen Nasa-kun from "ToniKawa" that dude brought a new futon home too lol
P.P.S. The one time I see the name "Hashimoto Chinami" is when she's the counter for the shopping this episode lol man that is sad haha also Ishihara Kaori you're welcome since I will be holding off giving the opening song and giving ending song first- It's next week too? Okay haha (*listens back to the counter's voice* Haha it's legit her voice lol I'm sorry Chinami-chan why aren't YOU the voice of Sayu-chan lol)
What I expected
(This is legit kawaii I tell you)
What I got
(I'm calling the cops lmao)

アニメ Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy
"Juggling between seven girls is going to be a hassle" Wow bro now THAT is what I call a harem lol Sueharu you loser haha
"I hate dirty-minded people" I'm like how are you even in this Anime, girl? Man with all these burns just this one episode I think I'm going to need to go to hospital for third-degree burns. *laughs* In this first episode (#OsaMake01) of a series I have decided to watch since last year... there is actually some lore here?? Haha I think this may need some introduction before we continue. Before watching this episode,  I legit thought this was just a simple story about a guy who got rejected by another girl and then this childhood friend will take revenge for him by sacrificing her dear self to go out with the dude. Well, all is still kind of accurate though, but now that I have seen this first episode for myself, I have my own doubts about what this might turn into, to be honest. So, let's talk about story and how this revenge story came about. They got through it real fast though; I was expecting the revenge drop to be at the end. So, Sueharu is our main guy in a harem well not yet but we will get to that eventually, and as the intro has shown, she has built up quite a relationship with first love and literal teen genius Kachi Shirokusa (Shirokusa sounds like me making those kusa jokes and she's serious type so Kachi-san Shirokusa kusa) (lol) after complimenting on her prowess of dealing out award-winning novels, Sueharu has somehow slipped into her life, which is a good start, to be honest. And also having a crush since then. Sadly, in that one classroom where all the drama is happening lol, we then found out (as a class) (lol) that she is taken, by Abe-senpai of the same school. You know, fitting status of a pair one would envy until they choke themselves to death for. Yes, we call them "normies". F**king normies... ANYWAYS!! (Haha) And unlike Sueharu's harem friend who is patting pussies (cats, please) day and night thinking of which to accept this upcoming summer lmao, this dude still hasn't gotten laid even though we are already HALFWAY THROUGH high school lol hey bro what about me. *laughs* So yeah, this is not technically a rejection, but yeah, why bother confess is more likely Sueharu's conclusion. He goes to cry in the nearby river like any other dude who got rejected (well he's not old enough to drink the pain away *looks at HigeHiro*) and onee-san childhood friend Kuroha is there for him so yeah, it feels rather sad already tbh. But yeah, just not cut deep enough. Because considering we're talking about Kuroha here who has confessed to nice guy Sueharu before and got rejected (Fs for Kuroha) she is still willing to go through Hell with her opposite gender buddy after all these years. I don't know if the love or childhood friend status makes her so nice to this guy but hey, you figure it out yourself. Anyways, she suggested the idea of revenge on the other couple we all hate now (lol) (yes for reference that is Abe-senpai and Kachi-san), and man did this get on fire. Because now that you know all the context, it'll be easier to explain how despite Sueharu not finding out any weakness of his love rival and THEN having to come up with ridiculous plans with Kuroha to take revenge against Kachi knowing that she might actually come back to get him if anything happens (safety net?), so interestingly, Kuroha does the nice girl sacrifice here to - quote me here - go out with him to make Kachi-san jealous. Normally I would only see this in titular or even shitty drama plots, but hey, they exist in Anime too apparently lol. (We still putting this in the "romance" genre or what) (oh yeah, "the romantic comedy") And ALSO because Kuroha wants her childhood friend SO BAD, it's not hard to state such a "sacrifice" in a room with them alone together you just go in for the kiss to seal the deal. *silence* I don't want to explain how ridiculous this might've gotten into and Sueharu did run away from it but man, if you close your eyes (and even if you cannot understand without subs lol) it really sounded like a porno. *laughs* Oh, so this is what romance is about? Sueharu you lucky piece of sh*t. *laughs* Well, in an Anime of everyone being in harems I wouldn't be too surprised lol what. *laughs* All in all, despite this being too good to be true even if it's a plot in an Anime world lmao, must I even repeat myself how forced the author sort of have to make this plausible such that such a plot would happen and how he/she can justify the title of this series? (FYI it's "the romance comedy where the childhood friend never loses") Hmm... yeah I won't be rejecting this series just like how all the rejection is happening of all the Anime I intend to watch this season, but yeah, far-fetched maybe an underestimation to what we might get in the future. And we are starting out strong too: Next episode is probably figuring out why Abe-senpai might know this loser of a dude lol I'm just here for the female cast don't mind me HAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay we good
[Okay no wonder this episode is awkward it's very different from the original work in terms of presentation much context is left behind until it's required and it's way more palatable than this animation haha I am getting worried about this adaptation]
They be so into each other already I wish they were together- Ah.
Man, 17-year-olds in gravure now? Japan man, can you just...
P.S. "Did you ask me out for something? You must really take me for a fool" Man, you burnt the guy right lol are all girls like this
P.P.S. "You're sometimes really confident (about your image), don't you think" Well, Sueharu, I must say Kuroha is as such though haha that's the whole point!! lol
[TL:DR; "I'm afraid (if I date Kuroha) that there is no turning back" Why would you want to turn back? lmao Inorin~!!! *giggles* *waves fanclub card with pride*]

And the worst opening animation this season goes to...!! Seriously though OsaMake how did you go right to the bottom- And how is ACE COLLECTION (KoiKimo) winning this season's best opening animation!?? WTF that "bad opening animation" had a good song though I meant OsaMake

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, I would say I didn't have the mood to even work this week, so new songs too... I think I only actually got into it during the weekend, that album. On the other hand, VTuber Hoshimiachi Suisei's new song is actually good so I might as well give it and where's her debut song in any digital release seriously, and Aimer's new album is our highlight for the week. (Not going to link you can't listen to all of it on Apple Music anyways) (Even Spotify a freemium service has more songs available than my yearly paid subscription you sonofa-) So, the album is quite a journey back when I was giving her songs for about 2 years, and hmm... I ended up giving like, all the single songs along the way instead of the newer songs, even not for the album topic songs. Okay, just the one. But yeah, goes to show some songs do age well. Or if I give a damn and they will leave a better impression lol. So yeah, wrapping that up as soon as possible because not like I can hear it on the go *sigh* Oh, I also listened to GLIM SPANKY's recent live too, and all the songs I gave in the album from last year (all 3 of them) were in there. I'm happy haha

On news concerning music that is on Twitter mostly from the people I follow lol I should follow artists I have some interest of to be honest, yay yay Waki Azumi's new music video will make you regret buying her photobook two months ago lol *sob*, Sangatsu no Phantasia got another credit in drama which is quite an achievement considering they were effectively doujin artists couple of years ago, in a weird streak of events Kuso Iinkai introduced their return in a video and their vocalist Miura Ryuuichi released a solo album which is already out now as we speak, if you need subpar Kitou Akari live with 360-degree audio videos from YouTube you're welcome it's official sources btw so obviously sponsored, not too surprising but Kouno Marika's 2nd single is announced for July for Anime this time around so let's see if it can reach my shelf again (Spoiler: It probably won't), my life sucks so I missed half of it but I did catch up on Tsuji Shion's performance livestream on YouTube in a while which now also accepts donations so I did my own part to support her after Scenarioart and UNLIMITS once again ("Three tickets worth will get me a signed bromide?? Whaaaaaaattttttt" lol) (If you need a hint she is more interesting in person than just her songs so yeah call her idol please haha), and Takahashi's debut EP has been confirmed for June which will include the first song revealed last week if I didn't remember wrongly so poor Nagaku Yuki still hasn't gotten solo music debut yet lol Earphones group is doing pretty well though they themselves are about to take off almost, and hot off the press cinema staff is releasing a new EP after a year of missing releases and boy you bet I'm glad to jump into their music again.

Looks like next week is only Uesaka Sumire's new single which I rejected the Anime it's credited for. Huh. Wait, let me check another website haha *checks Skream* Okay there are a shit ton of digital singles though so I may just drop in for some Cider Girl and Yourness digital singles if you even remember them from last year lol the latter was in Top 20 mind you. Oh yeah, and maybe that Miura Ryuuichi album if I feel like it lol I know it's effectively Kuso Iinkai but the latter is cooler lmao it's the same thing

Argh dammit stop displaying those TrySail collaboration shoes please I DON'T HAVE MONEY TO BUY THEM haha but seriously though I could change my shoes for work lol maybe not pink though. *laughs* Also, new shoes in this rainy season might not be great haha. Cya guys next time then, and until next time... I was told to wear a little more formal than what I usually wear (polo tee, jeans) to work, so... being the idiot I am I'll probably appear in office tomorrow with a blouse and suit pants lmao. No really, I have no idea what is in between in fashion, no joke. I just overdress so I don't have to worry about underdressing anyways. But that's also the problem, you know, overdressing compared to your colleagues. Must be easy being good at doing this lol maybe I need a fashion consultant haha bye

Sunday 11 April 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #15

Well, the cycling trip is right smack in the middle of the weekend, so I gotta do the Anime thing earlier.

Which is great too, since there's like, new shows this week so it's fine not to get into the flow yet, and some can wait. Until then, hey we got two new shows I intend to watch, so let's see how they fare against Ryo and Ichika-chan haha I think I'm hooked into the theme songs already

*See KoiKimo and HigeHiro* HOW ARE THOSE GUYS ALL YOUNGER THAN ME??!! Ugh, I feel hurt somehow lol I should thank these shows for making me hopeful that I'm not yet in a relationship at 28 and that I may someday date someone who is a decade younger than me


Okay, let's talk about Anime and other stuff not about my life, yes? My mom is getting worried about age gaps already haha *sob*

アニメ Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
"I never thought I'd start daydreaming from exhaustion" I think I'm not working hard enough to deserve this myself lmao but now that I think of it...
Say the thing, Ichika!!! SAY THE THING!!! Oh well. I was expecting that "dinner, bath or me" question. *laughs* Oh well, not yet huh. In this new episode (#KoiKimo02) which I'm already dancing to the opening song and crying to the ending song lol, if you have to ask me about my personality and what I seek in a relationship, I think I can consider Ryo my mutual friend. *laughs* Other than that, I don't think my mom will approve of a high schooler (max age 17 not considering rounin) (sorry Ichinose Hana) to be my partner considering MY AGE, so Ryo you should think about that too haha. So, story. You sure this is not the final episode? *laughs* In what seems to be one, we start off strong with Ichika appearing in an apron (with baking tools) in front of the door as Ryo(u) steps in (it's too late to fix the romanized name so we shall stick with "Ryo") HIS place to find out that... he might be already drunk lol. Interestingly, it was his sister's friends dropping by to practice to bake for their upcoming school festival. Besides the other two classmates totally fangirling over Ryo, the more important points (lol) in focus are more obviously, the sister (Rio, not to be confused with Ryo the brother, and to avoid me getting confused we be calling the sister "the sister" instead) talking about her relationship with her brother so far, and how somehow, Ichika brought them siblings together. Hey, Ichika-chan? You don't have to shoulder this responsiblity to maintain their relationship. It's the brother's fault for not refusing getting laid with other girls in the first place. *laughs* I have a feeling we'll get to that part in this series at some point. We also found out that the sister is actually a decade younger than Ryo, which will explain how this series of a romance story can even happen in the first place. Well, I have an elder sister so I'm screwed in finding partners through my sister so *laughs* Anyways, age shouldn't be an issue anyways, but you know, not like my sistser's friend saw anything in me. (Yep I got me real good) Moving on, we have another character to introduce other than the two classmates who are just adding to the Ryo fanclub size lol. It's Masuda, Ryo's friend since middle school, a freelance photographer, and somehow got wind of his friend crushing, excuse me, having a crush on a high schooler. *laughs* Okay, he didn't put it this nice so I guess he's as weird as his friend haha. It is kind of obvious this is the serious relationship we are talking about her other than the long queue of women Ryo has laid his hands on who have laid their hands on him (lol) (yeah that's how high ego women brag to others around them), so yeah, his friend got weirdly excited in the bar he's already celebrating it before we even finish this season. Didn't I say this is last episode-like already? *laughs* Then, it's the school festival. Ryo takes Masuda to show him to Ichika-chan after his friend doxxed the heck out of her calling her at 1AM in the morning (thanks for the insults Ichika lol "I should call her in the middle of the night more often" haha says Ryo), they are then also here to look around the festival and of course, first visit the Japanese cafe Ryo sister's class is hosting for the festival. The sister paves a perfect path for the couple to go have some time alone walking around the festivities (poor Masuda shoved with the cake he thought he could get away with it), the two had some time to play some games which got them vouchers for the food stalls (shoutout to the one guy who got hit for Ichika's win lmao), and wait for it... Ryo saved Ichika's life. Now we're even. *laughs* Okay, not really. The flight of stairs Ryo was about to fall from considering his height too is going to be worse than this one. (I speak from experience, because the height part I'm about his height) And as Ryo kindly told Ichika to wait as he gets the food because she be wearing clogs, she... thought about how well Ryo smells. Well, it's cologne, so it's kind of dependent on how you view it (my mom just HATES it when I use it for work for some reason lmao), and we got a smooth transition to the ending. You think the ending is more smooth or Ryo flirting with anyone who is not Ichika? Haha man, this is already a rollercoaster ride I DON'T want to miss hehe so yes I'm already giving it. I just hope for more emotional moments when it's deemed important so it can really give the ending song more impact, but other than that... I can take more sadist and masochist jokes lol because I like that shit haha not the uke and the seme just the jokes only lol Ichika please don't
[TL:DR; This series in a nutshell: "Is it true that you are messing around with a high school girl?" lmao]
This week in violence we have(?):
Their service is so good they shove food down your throat lol
"This one is the drink with the drug" lol if you don't get this don't ask
P.S. "Did I turn in our marriage registration form without realizing it?" Okay Ryo stop talking about my desires haha
P.P.S. "If you are worried... then don't quarrel" Haha every family problems, Ryo's sister. Too bad that will never happen just because (Okay, she's called Rio?? Well, that's gonna be confusing lol)
[More Ichika because Ryo I think I might become your love rival haha I won't win though]
Simple, but patched to perfection.
(I tried my best this might be my last attempt)
Man, with Ichika in this position I can understand why Ryo would then hug this 17-year-old hehe

アニメ Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
"What kind of female high schooler wants to stay over the place of an old geezer she's never met?" In this. This Anime. *laughs*
Between this drop and the one in "KanoKari" with the "wakareyo" drop, I think this one is way better haha ah hey at least this Yoshida had the guts to ask her out. The other one was in heaven and then got dropped lol. Also, why is it all about high schoolers this season? Even worse, it's about high schoolers and adults. Haha I sense a theme here in the Anime I watch this season lol. In the first episode of "I'll let you do me if you let me stay over at your place" lmao (#HigeHiro01) did I warn you about the ecchi references that will be in this Anime compared to the previous one above? Not yet? Okay you have been warned. *laughs* So, story. Story is not about sex, thankfully. To start, there's this guy called Yoshida, and he's about to ask the girl out to his place, you know, wink wink, and then realized that the woman was already attached. Welp. Worse case scenario ever. *looks at KanoKari* Anyways, he gets drunk with his buddy until the late of night and goes home, but on his way home, he noticed some girl on the streets still outdoors despite the curfew (In Japan, minors are not allowed to stay outdoors after a certain time, as dictated by the government; I only learnt of one timing which is anyone until high school, 10pm), and asks her to go home like anyone would. (We'll get to the morality of that later) But instead, the girl who doesn't have a home to go to AND doesn't have the money to go back home, requested boldly to stay at his place. Temporarily, of course. Pretty easy for a woman if you think about it considering she's in a high school uniform, but nice guy Yoshida despite being drunk and dumped by a woman, is still wide awake and allows her to stay for the moment, probably because he can't think any further lol. But as soon as they reach his place, the girl asks to, you know, uh... *sigh* Please, girl. He just finished work for the week, he got dumped by a woman who lied to him, and you ask him he wants to have sex? I would have turned in too, please. *laughs* Anyways, as he wakes up the next day and recalls what he did when half drunk, he then also noticed after talking to the girl that she is actually a high schooler all the way from Hokkaido (they are at Tokyo now; go Google Maps to see where is where), Sayu here says her parents are better off without her (divorce, maybe?), and because she only knows how to seduce... guys... to survive here up till now, he thinks she's probably a spoilt brat. Because that's all they know how to do!! *laughs* Okay, I'm not going on with the biases here, but you get the idea. The idea is just, for Yoshida's case, to educate her in the way of life and not let her life be based on the Kamasutra lol no like, really. *laughs* She may have a F-cup chest, she may be 17 (*salivates* ah), but that doesn't mean she has to suffer for whatever the parents may have done to her forcing her to leave the place where she calls home. Hey, not everyone had to live that life. I mean, just look at me and my smooth sailing life. *laughs* Anyways, Yoshida then also haphazardly decides to allow her to stay until she can actually get her life together, and not let it be surrounded by guys hanging out their- Uh oh his friend found out about it. *laughs* Ignoring all laws in the country including the news he recently saw of police arresting a guy holding up a minor at his place, Sayu is still apparently, happily staying at someone else's place. Just that, you know, she doesn't have to sex for it. *laughs* (Okay I should tone this down, these words) As Yoshida walks home after a day's work thinking if this Sayu has eaten (I mean, the house has to have something to eat or else it'll just be COCK lol I meant fried chicken like karaage) (Okay am I going to make these sex jokes for the rest of the season? Haha) he eventually lets her settle down to not have a mind of worrying how to survive in the city life because you know, not everyone out there is that nice. No really, Yoshida did his research. *giggles* To conclude, I think this story reminds me of "Senko-san", but just that Senko-san probably didn't do men to survive for six months. *laughs* Well she doesn't have to lol she's an immortal. And ignoring the title of this where it's concerning his shave (titled "(I) shaved. And then (I) picked up a female high schooler"), it's also wonder how this can be taken seriously as a series similar to other romance series in the genre and not yet dive into porno territory because just a reminder this wasn't even a DMM pictures production so I can't even sh*t on this like "KanoKari" or "DomeKano", amongst other things. Still, there are still a lot of questions to answer, and I doubt this will be cleared even when his room is clean every day and his suit is ironed so much so the girls in his office noticed, but suffice it to say this might still be interesting to watch. And it's not even a deity fox too; It's a literal woman. I mean, I can treat this 17-year-old as a woman, right? Or do I have to be as sad as the guy in that Yoru no Honki Dance music video? Haha I guess we shall see how this works in the next couple of weeks. And yes, the sort of rated stuff isn't as irritating as most of the other shows I rejected, so I don't think I have to worry about that. Yet. Hopefully. Haha cya guys next week
[TL:DR; This guy is not interested in a high schooler who is willing to have sex with him. We can leave now boys 'cos the rest of this series is going to be BORING haha if that is really what you think about this series you can leave now]
What I expected walking into this Anime
What I got
P.S. "I didn't do anything weird to you last night, right?" Say yes, girl. Say yes, sue him for damages. *evil me laughing*
P.P.S. "Are all high schoolers this weird?... No, it's just her" Wow Yoshida for having drunk pints of beer you are still quite awake lol "I won't be sleeping with some little kid" Wow you got her Yoshida lmao
[This Anime is going to expose ALL my porno knowledge without even showing any porno scenes, I tell you]

アニメ Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
"(The library) is usually my favourite spot after school, since no one's here" *looks at girls next table chatting* Guess I'm leaving!! Haha you wish
I don't get it is this Senpai into dark skinned girls? 'Cos I'm not. *laughs* In this... depends on how you view it first episode (#NagataroSan01), I... I see myself in it and I'm not happy about it. *laughs* Let's talk about why. So, story of how this weird couple will come by. Surprisingly, it's as weird as you will imagine. Senpai, as he will be referred to in the story, is just a shut-in, maybe introvert, maybe hates hanging out with people especially with women, has fantasies of great stories that will be liked by the otaku community... basically me haha, going to the library to study alone (okay that's not me I don't study *dabs*) but is shocked to see a bunch of gals hanging out in the library, eating snacks and talking out loud. For those who have NEVER been to a library before, you are supposed to keep quiet like how the rest world is doing it now in public transportation other than Japan because they have always lol. He tries to stay calm (definitely not a "Binbougami ga!" reference- HEIJOUSHIN KICK lmao) but eventually, the two forces come into contact. We at least know that the senpai is rather talented in art (to draw this well of a manga takes a lot of practice and creativity), but of course, gets sh*t on by the main girl in the series, which is of course, one of the girls in the gal group. But instead of the others who chose to leave because their friend is outside of school, this girl Nagatoro as we have found out her name by the end of the episode, chose to mingle with this loner and... wait for it, tease, uh, I mean, bully the heck out of her senior in school. Well, not like anyone will give a damn nowadays but she did make him cry, so yay for you, I guess. *silence* Moving on, and if this is not obvious of a 4-koma in original series because it's all shorts here, she visits the art club her senpai goes to, to you know, pose as a model for him. He does a fantastic job but you know, the insults still has to happen so I would compare the ecchi level of this to "HigeHirou" above too, to be honest. Just that, you know, look at her and you lose lol. Again, this is not even close to "Takagi-san", not even. Even on the way home, ironically they take the same route lol how have you not been bullied since then, but despite even being pushed into the nearby canal, he still left her bullying a** alone. I know, right? Believing in a confession is so not 2021 anymore, isn't it. *laughs* Anyways, I don't want to sh*t on this guy because as we have seen from flashbacks, he's not good with people and me too brother we can be friends, but suffice it to say this is basically how the flow goes. It's "Takagi-san" but the embarrassment comes from Nagatoro laughing at your sorry a** ALL. THE. TIME. I mean, like even the cast is great with Uesaka Sumire, Komatsu Mikako, Suzuki Aina... I wish this was like "Hatena Illusion" but sadly, it's not. So no. No way. I can't watch this for another 12 episodes just like how the senpai can't stare at these f**ks for any longer. *laughs* I'll still give the theme songs though, again production level is great with all the reactions, but the guy crying shouldn't be part of them. Then again, this series wouldn't have sold so well to have an adaptation. You sick f**ks out there lol we're done
The series is so good I want to animate this but so bad I don't want to
Great reference here lol I wouldn't have known this is illegal in school lmao
P.S. "Damn, this is better than Two Piece" Shoutout to that popular series in Japan selling millions lmao GREAT REFERENCE haha
[Edit: If you need some sweet revenge in this series (maybe there is at the end but) you can search for... you know, doujins for this series and you'll get it haha]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
There's quite a lot to talk about this week in music, so let's talk about what I listened. FIVE NEW OLD's new album was first reviewed and is actually a mistake, because I may have given too many songs from them thus far listening to them, and I think that's good that means they will have a chance on Top 20 this year haha. On the other hand, it's ruining my experience for SIX LOUNGE's new album which, despite the fact that their style - as I mentioned years ago and now - is very classic which is also less interesting, is still real good and I managed to give a couple of songs I think I will grow to love. I also allowed Anime "KoiKimo" theme song... digital singles to enter my life because despite MaRuRi and Ryuga's new song and ACE COLLECTION's new song sounding real good but of course I prefer the former, they aren't announcing any larger releases related to it (the former known to only release mini-albums) and I guess it's a trend like this now so I will not wait any longer to give them in like, a couple more months later where they announce their new albums or whatever. *laughs* Oh, didn't I mention to listen to Rie fu's new song(s)? Yeah. That's it. *laughs* Oh also, Yuuki Aoi's new single. Period. *laughs* Yay to SPYAIR being the new Collection Artist with their new album this week by the way!! It has been a decade but here you go some Klassic Note recognition

On news concerning music and it's on Twitter and I just recalled this paragraph's opening unlike last week, Amamiya Sora's music video preview on YouTube is actually good so I guess I'll be listening to it anyways and if you can't wait I haven't listened to the full song so you're welcome, Komatsu Mikako's preview of her new song (they call it "spot CM", as in "commercial", for commercial use) I wouldn't even call it a music video preview because that's even shorter, but I think we might have a Klassic Note Review next month hehe (yes I'm just a fan lol) (of her in person haha), vivid undress' new mini-album is in end of June so that's why you wait to listen to their digital singles back in March, Aimer's new music video is fine I guess I'll make the final verdict soon, Takahashi Rie's solo debut song released early along with the drama premier is... uh not what I expected because seriously why you didn't go the usual Anime level route. No really, imagine Rieri with a cute song. Not Anime character song. Yeah?

Well, looks like for next week we have to give obligatory Klassic Note artist Aimer's new album a listen then. *giggles* It has been a while since I gave her anything since last year, so this will be a good time to get back on her songs, provided if it will even appear in Apple Music in the first place. Well, I haven't seen her newer songs on that music subscription platform I just renewed for the 7th time coming so go figure.

Well, another week's over again. Feel a week older yet? *laughs* I know, I'm boring. On the other hand, I should be more interested in the things around me, I guess. Or not. Or maybe I always talk too much when people have to ask me something at work. Yeah. Remind myself to keep quiet again when I feel the urge to talk lol. Cya guys next week then, and until next time... You know how sad I was when I saw those Kayano Ai bromides disappear from my cart (which I haven't clicked on order... yet) on that Suruga-ya site?? Haha yes, I held back already, and have been doing so for like a month already. That's what happens when you want to review a photobook and you have no reason to haha. On other things, Douki-chan got another volume, so we got something to talk about again next month, along with Akarin's fanclub goods and Inorin's fanclub goods. Fanclub goods are the topic then, I guess. Should I respect the rule of three and add like, Rika-sama into the mix? Well, her blog's header images are already my fuel so I'm good. *laughs* Okay bye

P.S. Me, remind yourself to go find out whether nano.RIPE is hyping up their old songs or promoting their new songs which you haven't given a listen to yet and listen to them.

P.P.S. Wow, didn't even realise until she showed an image of herself on Twitter (lol) that Taketatsu Ayana has been singing solo for 9 years since 2012! Congrats man. Can't wait to burn my money on your best album next year lol *looks at Kana-chan's 2012 debut*