Sunday 27 February 2022

The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #09

Do you guys know of Chat Jukebox? It's a thing in Twitch where streamers allow viewers to submit their short clips or videos (on YouTube, mostly) and it is compiled and played back to back, so it's basically a bunch of trash and memes and good stuff depending on the audience who paid to submit them. Yes, it's paid, or else it's going to be 100% cr*p haha so yeah, that was fun to watch, great catch-up on the stuff I may have never known of because I'm just an Anime weeb who only watches a set amount of drama and/or listen to Japanese music which probably was a thing for the world a decade ago.


Oh well, what'cha gonna do haha ANYWAYS!! *laughs* We got more shows to watch this week, and my weekend is running short thanks to that livestream. I also spent most of Saturday outside so you know next week for me at work is going to suck because I didn't stay at home enough lmao let's get to it then my hair's getting long haha

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"Because of Eren Jeager, my house...!" Yeah old woman I know right just march them Titans somewhere else dude aren't you protecting the people on the island? Geez haha
Well, looks like many are "giving their hearts" to the Eldian genocide cause, eh, Eren? Good for you bro, good for you. *laughs* Anyways, in this new episode where we continue to witness the effects of The Rumbling (#AttackOnTitan82), oh yeah we can talk about Annie who just woke up after shielding herself from Titan goo for years which has melted from the event that has been killing thousands of people at this point. Hey, small sacrifice, as Eren would've said. So, let's jump right into the story, as Armin would getting the jump on Connie next episode or something. *laughs* Firstly, let's talk about Annie. She's alive, and according to her long story-telling to Hitch which I swear I remember that name but not remember anything lol, Annie was out for about four years, remembered a lot of things thanks to people talking in front of her, so she probably figured out how she was removed from that Titan goo. Armed with her hands in blood so she can transform anytime, she threatened Hitch to send her out of the island - and I can't believe I can say that especially considering we know Annie is pretty heartless and doesn't care of anything - to see her foster dad once again. Spoiler alert, he's already dead, following a protest of the Eldians stuck inside Marley camps with most of the military not knowing of that dream everyone else saw, likely got shot in the head while going against the country that locked them down. So yeah, sorry for that Annie your dad's an idiot. *laughs* Next, we talk about Floch before I forget his name and what a piece of sh*t he was. Everything he said to the Marley volunteers were kind of correct, just that in his case, we know he is just a wimp and he'll do all it takes to control everyone if he can so yeah Eren probably made his best and worst choice on trusting this a**hole, but hey, what can I say he used everyone anyways so this idiot is included. *laughs* Anyways, he shot someone as an example so who said this isn't dealing with humans again, and Yelena's group got locked up until they were willing to help... Floch with his cause because I don't think a collective term exists for this now lol. Jean is just shocked at all this because yeah who wouldn't, Mikasa is shocked at what to do now since she can't do anything with Eren, and Armin has enough of her shit. *laughs* Well, considering he is the best brain in the gang and he's back to panicking, no wonder he rather think he's worse off as a main character and let Erwin live instead so he can make worse decisions than this. *laughs* Last but not least, we talk about Connie. Remember last time we saw him he left with... Falco I almost forgot his name lol (Please I can only member at most half a dozen people okay? And they aren't even Japanese names) because we know Falco has Titan powers inherited from the brother, and Connie can get his mother back by letting her eat... a... human? *laughs* But yeah, Falco knew close to nothing but to follow this soldier, but he has a hunch this guy isn't nice. Also hey, Connie, if you are a soldier, stop thinking of the people around you. You do for the cause, not save your family. *silence* I'm good haha so yeah, Armin's determined to stop him from saving his mom, that's for sure. Gotta say though, how to deal with the Titan powers being around forever, I have no idea. Maybe bury them in secret so they can never be consumed by someone else ever again? *laughs* All in all, and even in the preview, we see Pieck (umph) (haha) and the Commander (forgot his name again lmao oh yeah Magath) spotting Hange and Levi in the distance (they were blown away most likely), so I guess we will continue with that for now, this world on fire. So yeah, surprise surprise, our coolest hero isn't dead and yes Hange I don't mean you lmao cya guys for more story to the conclusion of this epic series that just refuses to end haha we are near the end trust me
That's the "you got a great face" type of face when fighting
(Yeah young Annie vs her dad)
That's the "you got a great face" type of face when fighting
(Levi passing out lmao what happened though)
P.S. "The only thing I could hear was you and Armin talking away" Oh yeah Annie what do you think Hitch and Armin are doing? *laughs* Hey she doesn't know and so do we "Thanks to you guys talking, I always knew what was going on" Haha hey this is great storytelling so now you don't have to explain to Annie what happened, kudos to the author for that
P.P.S. "Killing people was something we were praised for" Well, not in this world it isn't haha isn't war terrible? *sigh*

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3
"Hey Takagi-san, can we take a detour on our way home?" Hey, Nishikata be going on dates with the girl already, what can I say. *laughs*
I guess Nishikata is into outdoor dates, huh. *laughs* In this new episode where we continue this path of romance with no end in sight or else how you do another season of this lmao (#TakagiSanS308), we actually are doing so, with a literal path. (Hehe how did I know that, future me you wrote that intro earlier-) So, the path of love. I won't spell it out for you so let's refer it as "Yoi Koi Hill" or something haha, Takagi and Nishikata climb the... stairs to see the fantastic scenery up this hill. Yes, steps like these are normal in the suburbs, city freak, so listen up. So initially, Nishikata asked his girl out (haha) not because he could be dating her walking up the stairs, nor did he intend to write on that notepad of the person he likes because we know it's Takagi and it'll have been a great idea to let the girl write down hers as a showdown instead lmao, but no instead Nishikata walks the steps with her and spent a good amount of time talking to her because what else you gonna so on the way up lol even he jebaited himself so Takagi can learn more about him, and then asked how many steps they climbed instead of asking her out. *laughs* Seriously bro. *laughs* Anyways, Takagi won just because it's literally written on the place of interest, so as punishment Nishikata has to... walk up here again next time with her. Yeah, just walk up here a few more times to seal the deal, idiot. *laughs* Dude, is this not more of a jebait or what? Haha I mean, Takagi-san you might have to think twice this partner of yours is not very smart. *giggles* Next up, and I can't believe I'm saying this, between whatever roles Yuuki Aoi has ever voiced I've watched so far, nothing comes as close as just hearing her normal voice in a bittersweet romance scenario. Like seriously, you questioned yourself on that before? So, stairs again, but it's another couple. These two, probably more chance to date each other earlier. Hojou and... I don't remember the guy's name BUT THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT!! *laughs* The point is that, the girl knows all about this place so is already happy about waiting for the moment, and the guy didn't deliver. I wouldn't say he didn't considering only Nishikata doesn't know about this place lmao, but he... he didn't do it. Sad, I feel sad for her already, the character and the voice behind it haha ah hey. *laughs* Gotta say though, still sweeter than like, season two's ending of this series tbh. *laughs* Someday guys, someday you two will be together. Next next up, in case you haven't realize they only hired one dude to do the background scene drawings this week lmao maybe I should check the credits later, it's Mano-chan's turn. With Nakai, of course. Problem is, we can clearly see how much the guy doesn't really care and we'll talk about why in a moment, versus the girl who is such a desperate slut- Anyways haha, Mano-chan is into this lovey-dovey stuff, so as boyfriend Nakai I suggest you play your part to make her happy. And so he did, for he has already climbed this hill before and wrote on that notepad too, just because. Aw... slap some more sugar on that relationship I can't even. *giggles* Mano-chan, you are very lucky to get laid to have a partner at your age for many to envy. Also Nakai-kun MVP he's the coolest in this series FYI. *laughs* I can already imagine in the future he's like oblivious to the girl's birthday and gives her a surprise at night in the evening or something. You know, celebrations. *giggles* And then, we have the lesbian subplot. *laughs* You think the legend works in this case? I don't know. I just know I won't search hentai of it. *laughs* But yeah, if you haven't guessed it, Sanae and Mina have no idea what this 415 thing is about besides Yukari-chan, because if you have not known of its spin-off novel series where she is the main character... I won't blame you it's a novel anyways. *laughs* Anyhow, not like Yukari has anyone to write it on anyways don't you dare write any of the dudes mentioned above (you can write like, Kimura or Takao or something haha) (or me, yeah, or me) (lol), so yeah, the girls are just for here to enjoy the scenery and a great workout, it seems. Oh come on, it's not sad, the legends just don't work on them. *laughs* To wrap this one side shtick off for the episode, we talk about rental DVDs. Oh DVDs exist in Japan, by the way, just so you know. I know it's 2022 already where the rest of the world are burning them as in on the fire lol we be digital now dude, the main couple drop by the convenience store where they rent movies and stuff like it's the early 2000s. *cringe* It's not really a showdown here because remember every episode has to have a wholesome moment at the end now? Haha so yeah, they recommended movies to each other. Apart from the spoilers revealed by Nishikata accidentally introducing his movie about aliens fighting humans but in an old Western duel lol who wrote that, and that "100% Unrequited Love" is getting a movie adaptation soon wow so much hype dude, we didn't get the "let's watch at my place" plot that we might have wanted even if these people are still in middle school lol. Well, turns out, Takagi may not have enough courage to do so, just like Nishikata. The dude may be a tsundere but Takagi... she be an embarrassed girl haha I mean, we dealing with an idiot and a thickhead so that is understandable. *laughs* All in all, I think you can understand how much I love this series just by looking at the write-up here lmao, and I don't even mind them throwing more of these stories at me. I just wonder what will conclude this season though, because nothing can quite top a summer festival theme, but maybe going to watch that movie on Christmas with that couple gift Nishikata wanted? I mean, that totally sounds like a thing your parents will let you do haha ah hey they got laid and I don't so they win lol cya guys then
The Girls of Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
[Main girl Takagi]
The Girls of Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
[Coolish yet shameful Houjou]
The Girls of Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
[Desperate hopeless romantic Mano-chan]
And there's our resident rapist haha
(Ah hey Nishikata promise me you won't make such faces again)
P.S. "Did you bring me all the way up here to enjoy this beautiful scenery?" Haha Nishikata you gotta say yes or else your showdown will be found out lol just say yes
P.P.S. "At long last! We can gossip about love and romance?" Hey Yukari-chan just telling you beforehand? Never, not with these girls try to find a different group like Takagi or Hojou haha this poor girl
I know I hardly say this for this series but this is a beautiful sunset someone spent time on this
(Also, the different reactions of the three girls lol)
Really reminds me of a particular season of Anime "Attack on Titan" lol
(Trust me, go find season three's poster)

アニメ Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
"I'm just cosplaying for myself; I don't care what other people think" Juju-san in your defence I think all cosplayers think like this to some extent until they realize how social media power as your career is REAL tantalizing haha
Wow Shinju, your enthusiasm for your onee-san is off the roof even though you don't have much to go to reach the roof haha *dabs* (Get it? Because she has a tall build- Why do I have to explain all my jokes?) In this new episode where I welcome us into the world of cosplay because come on we barely touched any ground on this (#KiseKoi08), so let's see with this episode we can go much further. So firstly, about the imouto. No, this particular one did not tickle my fancy. *laughs* She is Inui Shinju, so different from the elder sister Sajina, and boy is her explanation of how Juju-san came about is totally wholesome I can't believe we have an episode worth of this. More on that later, but suffice it to say the sister Shinju took on the interest from the father in photography, but specifically to take photos of the cute stuff that is Sajina lol am I the lolicon here, but yeah, because the sister is always doing cosplay for herself, this aspiring photographer thought it'll be a waste to not put what she did for many to see online, and so she did. So basically, she's the manager. *laughs* But despite how much things have grown so much that her reputation to even rent a studio to do her next cosplay will be so much easier (and cheaper) if the word "Juju" was placed in front of her requests she doesn't even know, but yeah, I can understand both of their cases, so to speak. I mean, look at Kitagawa getting high from looking at more exclusive Juju-san cosplay photos. *laughs* Maybe Shinju should join in the cosplay business too but she said no and I know we have the same shocked face as Gojou so WE KNOW SHE IS LYING!!! *laughs* But yeah, it's just a prospect, dear author, we know, we'll not think about this too deeply. *giggles* And as expected, the couple do not know of how professional cameras work because I know you don't too, and also how expensive they are. Well, study some engineering and one day you'll get it too but (haha) yeah the technology is never cheap especially the equipment used, so I guess they are not considering this at this point. Next up, the selection of studio for the shooting. Since the couple are going to be sharing the cost with Sajina here, they arranged to meet up to find the next best location to take photos apart from the yard which we start with... an abandoned hospital. *laughs* Well, great start, dear author, because we know this is totally not scary and there won't be the one person who won't freak out even walking into this chilly, dark place. *giggles* While Sajina quivered (hell yeah) (I'm not into loli haha ah) in her fears, we also learnt a lot about herself, about how her dream was being a magical girl (lol) as impractical as they were as a kid, could still come true being a cosplayer, which is why she tries her best to make it stay that way just because. I get it man, people do cosplay for all sorts of reasons, mostly for social media attention these days or you have these guys here I guess. Anyways, Gojou gets it too relating himself with hina dolls and how he hasn't reached it quite yet thanks to these girls lol but hey, at least he gets to be encouraged to do it by hearing this little girl's story. We can do the tears without the handshakes though, you gonna let girl-school-only never-talked-to-guys virgin Juju-san faint. *laughs* Ah hey, I wouldn't have gone for her hands, but what do I know I don't date a gal. *laughs* Last but not least, and I can't believe you can do this without bikini, it's the beach! Yeah, the exams are over, Kitagawa had the urge to go to the beach, so he dragged a mat and Gojou-kun with her. *laughs* Ironically, this is the signalling of the start of the summer vacations, and guess who they are going to spend it with. I mean, that's how you know this is a good relationship because one dude never leaves the house since he doesn't have to versus some outdoorsy girl who likes to go out, you can have so much fun you won't even get bored as long as you are together. *silence* Some woman take me out please I'm just taking myself out at this point it's just *sigh* Haha anyways, all in all, great episode I would say, we may have way too many quotes to talk about in one episode considering this series is chocked full of them in the first place, and I can't praise it myself any better. Maybe getting food stolen from a hawk and looking up the short skirt is fine after all lol those aren't reality guys you would be hit by the hawk first and skirts can't be that short... unless you're outside school but what do I know haha stay tuned for more Gojou-level discoveries of the outside world with best girl Kitagawa haha bye
[TL:DR; How you know Kitagawa Marin is a good girlfriend: She passes you half of the remaining burger AND the drink lol okay the latter doesn't matter though imo also indirect kiss so]
(Juju-san I knew you tried but technically you won Kitagawa's first attempt lol)
(Haha jealous b*tch amirite??)
(You know, overweighed by money lol you're not even Juju-san)
(HELL YEAH haha but seriously this will get those guys online high af)
P.S. "Do you usually change out the (camera) lenses?" Goddamn if it were my photography loving sis Gojou Wakana she'll beat you up into a pulp lol
P.P.S. "Do you... have any dreams for your future?" OOF Juju-san you sure cut deep on this one but no. *laughs* *dabs* "Even if I have to push myself, even if it's all make believe, I want to make my dream come true" Wow. Just wow how can this series just print out quotes like this "But jealousy is something you feel about things that matter (to you)" Not if you're MOSHIMO you won't. *laughs*
[More Kitagawa Marin I guess I may have gave too much Juju-san I gotta balance this out]
TFW <insert your favourite Anime here> gets a new season haha
(Oh and for me recently it was Yojouhan's sequel)
Now I suddenly want burgers lmao I don't know why dude
Secretly I wish there are girls who will look back at me like this
(*chira* haha)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, this week's Klassic Note went as great as expected. We had to listen to three full albums (and ones single lol) and they delivered. Well, some of them did. *laughs* So, let's start from the top. Kouno Marika's 1st album since her debut last year of the same period wasn't exactly great, not many songs will fit her high-pitched voice but that doesn't mean she is bad, just that the songs are heavily pop and rap-based, which only made me think the producers might be influenced by her idol group Earphones on this which doesn't really make of a great experience listening to it. I did give the more popular songs though including the topic song. Hanazawa Kana's new album ever since her change in music label was also not exactly a game-changer, as with my past experiences giving only an average of 1-2 songs per album even the one with 25 songs (lol) haha but yeah, I did find some interesting things besides the topic song which can bring you back right into the 1980s lmao. But yeah, Ooki Reiji, didn't even give the one song you wrote too just because. Moving on, miwa's new album as of course expectedly good because besides giving the usual now in her image ever since her short hiatus, in recent years she has only been singing pop-heavy songs, but I also had a share of listening to more Acoustic and Rock based songs which is great because covering as much ground as possible is half the reason why she still stands strong as a Collection Artist in Klassic Note today. Even missing out on her latest single from last year, and I gave it another chance after if I recall, rejecting the music video on first impression. Last but not least, I took a day later to give Akase Akari's debut single which ironically didn't appear on time but also, had a weird singing voice I can't describe it's not exactly like Marinka and it's not cute so the songs being subpar didn't make it any better so I just gave the one song.

It's Twitter News Time!! In this week's edition of "TNT" lmao I literally came up with this in three seconds lol, PHONO TONES' new song is also an announcement for their upcoming album coming in April so that is real hype considering their previous was back in 2015 wtf, cinema staff's new music video from their album from last year won't change my mind of giving the song anyways, Minase Inori's new video on YouTube is for her recent Blu-Ray release of her live last year and yes I did join in on the LINE LIVE soon after this video was premiered, Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new single is releasing in April following their album release in January, Kouno Marika's new live video on YouTube is from her recent live promoting her 1st album before the release of the album so yeah and don't ask why there isn't a live band she hasn't had enough budget to do so lol (it's also 20 minutes long Jesus Christ what else they have to show for Limited Edition DVD?), ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new video shows us a glimpse of the Limited Edition footage of their live from last year, Sangatsu no Phantasia's new song for her upcoming album is... kinda weird but I would say I'm liking it though, Horie Yui's new song preview (unless you go for her radio show which has a longer... preview lmao) likes to play with us on melody so we can not have a perfect song to remember by lol please don't do this to me, mol-74's new music video and its usual style gives me hope of their upcoming album out next week actually so I'll jump right into that to be frank, celebrating her debut since 2005 (OMFG) Kawada Mami's music video collection is up on YouTube and boy do I have classics to recommend and it's not all just Anime, and last but not least miwa's new live video on YouTube is more recent than ever showing off her music performances from her recent live tour which ended earlier this week. Last but not least because Amamiya Sora's new single will be for Anime "RikeKoi" season two, no surprises there. I mean, how can you be cuter than that, Ten-chan? *giggles*

So for next week, finally and finally, we are giving Asakura Momo's new single which I really hope besides her later than expected entrance in as Collection Artist (compared to her fellow TrySail members), we have SHE's new single and ORESKABAND's new album for quite a while I really hope it will be good we have heard the past couple of songs and they aren't bad, and from the above news paragraph we are also giving mol-74's new album which is probably their first out of indie times so these are stuff they came up with being in major for the past few years, so let's hope we have as much to give or even more compared to the previous releases since I've only given the one single last year? Yeah, we can do more mol-74 is uniquely nice to listen to, to be frank. I know many people won't be buying on it but Anime will keep them going haha major label power!!! *laughs* Also, next week is also quite a week for releases LET'S GO!!! lol

Oh yeah, forgot to mention it, but happy birthday today to let's see... Takahashi Rie aka Rieri because why wouldn't you want a lively girlfriend like her, Tachibana Rika-sama but we shall not talk too much about her since she's married, amongst a whole list of voice actresses who have their special day on this... special day somehow don't ask me why. *laughs* Anyways, no news about Rieri's fanclub renewal which I think I'll summarize it, being a member is buying a physical item last year in April when it started and whenever you buy it thereafter will expire the membership by end March so... now is definitely not the time to join, so I'm seeing when the next round of this is. Hey, I regretted that I missed a year of it, what can I say. Should've just written my name on your membership card or something. *dabs* Cya guys next time, and until next time... man February just came and left, but I can tell you for sure, the next month coming aka March 2022 is going to be so crazy, I may have to quit my job to receive packages lmao just joking remember my birthday present? The actual one? Haha yeah, it's coming. *giggles* Until next week.

P.S. Rieri at Japan time 11am this morning: "I slept a lot on my birthday!" LOL B*TCH I WAS WAITING A NIGHT FOR A BIRTHDAY TWEET haha I mean, such is living life dude I didn't even sleep half the day away for my birthday it was a Saturday so I didn't take work leave *sob*

Sunday 20 February 2022

The Entertainment News 2022 Edition Issue #08

Wow yesterday was quite a day. In a matter of hours, I went to dinner with my family and really had a unsatisfactory meal just because I wanted dimsum and the place failed to deliver even though we're eating a dimsum buffet with complimentary abalone and shark's fin (lol yeah), I bought myself some digital photobooks from Amazon as a gift to myself continuing my ideals of not full on buying physical goods, and my bro gave me an Amazon gift card to buy more. The last one, he placed a Sumipe image just because lol, and I guess I have to give back to him at some point and I really think giving him game credit would help with his terrible gacha luck lol, but yeah, the night has been fun. Earlier in the day... I forgot what I did so of course it's good haha *dabs*


I do remember Ten-chan appearing in my dreams though, will talk about that for outro I guess *giggles*

And in case you haven't noticed how I can chill this much this week, say goodbye to work from home for the past two weeks after this week and say hello to the new package of the year! Yeah, I'll tell this much but for the latter you can find out more in the previous posts so please do so it'll make me happy knowing you think I'm a creep simping on bromides lmao

So, let's get into the Anime and music! Quiet week for music but I did scoop up a lot of songs though, and I'm already hyped for next season's shows so... hey we are halfway there let us enjoy these while we can!

(I mean, I keep saying it as if I hate the shows I watch this season but really, they are still real good)

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"My goal is to protect the people of Paradis Island - The land where I was born" Man Eren YOU born was never a goal haha oh well
Oh well, there goes the walls that are supposed to protect them, I guess. You think anyone now alive have witnessed the building of these walls? Probably not huh. In this new episode where Eren is God now lol what a surprise (#AttackOnTitan81), we are taking our revenge against humanity. Well humanity that is not Eldian, of course. Whether that will be a success or will it have much resistance, you have to remember that the world is fully capable of killing titans using modern weaponry so they still have a chance... probably I don't know for sure. Is it too late to migrate? *laughs* (Audience: To where?) (Yes haha) Anyways, it appears that people outside of Paradis Island also will know seeing that dude heard it too, so yeah, I guess you can rat out Eren if you want to. So, story. Story goes that everyone heard of Eren's message because he's God now haha same joke, so we can assume, amongst all the assumptions of the people right now inside the island, that Eren is likely doing a genocide of the people outside of the island probably sacrificing himself if he has to. Like, you know, no exceptions. Which first worries Gabi, now that Falco is gone in the fight and already in the hands of Jean and others, decide to find him back even though as Armin mentioned, he might be the Jaw Titan now considering his body is still intact. So Gabi managed to somehow reunite with the farm family she betrayed because they got found out being Marleyeans, somehow saved her from interrogation from the Scouts who didn't know about this professional sniper holding what seems like Soifon's bankai from "BLEACH" lol good reference me, followed them to safety in order to find Falco out through sources, eventually knowing that Connie took him to, you heard that right, feed his mom who has been in a coma for years. Oh well, we gotta sacrifice someone. Figured it'd be Falco lol hey in their defence Falco is already hard to save the moment Zeke screamed so I'm not going to comment too much. Not going to look forward to Gabi's wedding at any point lol they may not have any guests haha SPEAKING OF THEM *laughs* So yeah, they are doomed, so let's move on and talk about the remaining Titans that have to be dealt with within the island, thanks to Zeke's scream. Yes, Pyxis is included in this so RIP him I guess he loved to drink though so that's on him really, but as the bodies pile up, the gang now not including Connie had to help the local military clear out the big ones so they can at least protect what is left of their hometown. Well, said for whoever that piece of shit is, Yelena and the others are still in wonder how all of this happened and how they got betrayed by Eren I mean NO SHIT lol, but instead are under control of... whoever that dude is who didn't die and got saved? Goddamn, should've just done him first. *laughs* All in all, a clean-up episode it seems after the great decision-making twist from Eren, and just a hint of what was about to become of Annie as Armin found out that Reiner's armour is totally gone. Yep, Annie, remember her? Last encased on armour because she thought she could run away from all this? Yep. I wonder what role she can play in this though, maybe run fast enough to get to Eren at this rate? *laughs* Next episode, it looks like we have to deal with the human element bullsh*t again, and as we have always learnt even in real life, it is never smooth and will never go the way we want. See ya guys then haha
Look at Reiner sleeping like a little baby~
(lol there's a war going on btw)
Yeah it's all gore but you know, this is what is left that's cool now so
(Hell yeah Mikasa)
Yeah it's all gore but you know, this is what is left that's cool now so
(Gotta remember Gabi isn't even of legal age)
P.S. "Eren... he will destroy this world" Well he will make some chaos, Reiner, that's for sure.
P.P.S. "Like I'm going to give up!" Yeah Gabi I admire your passion and resilience but dude *laughs*
[With people like Levi and Pyxis out of the way, we finally can get the others into the coolness ranking because Shadis is actually pretty rad amirite]

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3
"A dog!" lol okay Nishikata your enthusiasm is appreciated "You can't have a walk with a dog without the leash" Wow you just blew my mind there haha
Yeah okay I really am not selling on tsundere that isn't female so Nishikata if you could stop being such a problem... *laughs* Oh well, what'cha gonna do about it. *giggles* Anyways, in this new episode where Nishikata has never once touched a dog lol I shun from them and I have btw so I don't know how he managed to do this (#TakagiSanS307), I guess let's just let him have it his way for once, yes? *laughs* So firstly, walking the dog. It looks like Takagi had a chance to walk someone else's dog I legit thought she bought one because of Nishikata lmao anything is possible dude, but yeah, looks like someone else is more enthusiastic about it than the other. Hey, Nishikata be like an elementary kid full of curiosity, what can I say. *laughs* But yeah, he's hiding it all the way until Takagi gave him the chance (it's like Eren but Takagi is Eren now lmao AoT joke) to go ahead first by running with the dog, and letting him play with the dog at the shrine which was the assigned destination. You know, so Takagi herself can take photos from afar and slot in a video while she's at it haha what you think that didn't happen? *laughs* Hey, I'm just second-guessing Takagi now don't mine me haha. Now I just have to wonder if she called him out to hang out just because she had an excuse to. Also let me spell it out for you bro, that's called "kimi ga iru kara" haha *dabs* Hey, praise me for my Japanese I won't stop you from watching more Anime to learn of this. *laughs* Moving on, Nishikata had to go back and take his homework but Takagi insists on going back with him, also dealing with the remnants of the school festival. Remember the best scene of that play where Takagi was in Nishikata's embrace sort of? Yeah, now everyone wants to be together somehow, and just like Yukari-chan lol, they had to let the dude believe Takagi was just, you know, actually trying to spend more time with him, as if no one else which includes Mano-chan and his boy, thinking these two were an item. I mean, not yet. *laughs* Hey Sanae, we know that, thanks for the update. *laughs* But seriously though, until the day Nishikata can be cool and admit being with a girl is a thing, he'll only escape out of the window of the restroom and evade all embarrassment if possible, I tell you. Next up, looks like it's Christmas soon, and ignoring the three girls who are probably not getting laid by Santa anytime soon lol please Sanae because dear Mina-chan still believes in that old man don't ruin it for her. *laughs* Anyways, looks like for the library duty Nishikata be reading about the dogs now lol he just brushed it off like how anyone normally would, and Takagi be knitting? Yeah, and Nishikata wondered who it was for- I like how she didn't let Nishikata ask who is the recipient until he has to say himself? Haha this is a great series. *laughs* Process of elimination man, gotta eliminate yourself out of shame though. *laughs* But yeah, Takagi probably lied here because (trust me) it's (not) the neighbour's dog who needs a scarf or some sort. Hey, what do I know, Takagi is hard to read just as a person. She got her shame too, you forgot how her boy wanted to walk her home and she said no? That. *laughs* All in all, I recommend Nishikata to listen to more love songs to get used to whatever awkwardness that may require him to seek medical assistance soon lol it's not great for the heart btw, and Takagi at some point you should not leave your boy hanging. People getting a little impatient of the fact that you guys AREN'T together already lmao more of these next week I guess
[TL:DR; The actual drop for this episode is the ending haha yeah IKIMONOGAKARI HIT IT lol okay me from a decade ago]
Generic dog giving straight face I can't even
(Haha yeah I know, animation budget)
See? They look like a family without the daughter because who has humans for kids now
(I'm so sorry to your future kid lmao)
P.S. "I didn't realize how many of them stay back after school" I know right but WHY IS IT ALL THE COUPLES?? *pukes* "They stay back to hang out and talk (to each other)" Yeah what's that like? *sob*
P.P.S. "Actually I don't think Takagi-chan and Nishikata are dating yet" Yeah Sanae you are most accurate in your observations "I mean, they might as well be, just look at them" lol Yukari I am going to refrain myself from mentioning that song but you got a little j-j-j-jealousy over there? *laughs*
Sometimes it's just Nishikata overthinking things but hey this is cute so
Man she going the proactive route Takagi-san HELL YEAH GET'IM

アニメ Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
"Kitagawa-san can't put fake eyelashes by herself..." Dude you saw that surprise by Juju-san? You don't get that privilege from our MVP Gojou-kun you know *giggles*
Okay where's the jealousy part because I can't wait two more episodes to do this- Oh, we not there yet? Dammit haha in this new episode though (#KiseKoi07) we go a little further in all directions it seems, and that's a good thing. Nothing's better than opening your vision outside of hina doll making and actually looking at naked women- So, let's talk about the naked one first. *laughs* Since they technically signed a contract with Gojou not getting any payment because Juju-san here will be spending it all on a studio rental lol not really but, the other two offered her payment for part of the rental in exchange of doing cosplay together, which great news, she agreed, so yeah we get so step into the world of professional(?) cosplayers and how they do it. But first, and I like how this series never forgets their worlds inside worlds, we gotta watch that "Blaze!" series first. Yeah, all 126 episodes of them. For your information, the "Attack on Titan" series is not even going to end nearly close to this, which shows how bored we are collectively watching old series which were then popular because we didn't have access to the broader Internet just like Wakana here is too. *laughs* Oh yeah, we are in an age where DVDs still exist in Japan (they still do FYI) and Netflix isn't invented yet so... *laughs* So looks like instead of Gojou picking up on the series on digital we get to go to Kitagawa's place to get them, and boy was that a joy to watch. Yes, I'm talking about the girl herself. Of course I refer to her contacts, what are you saying dude *laughs* Anyways, in-love Kitagawa thought it'll be a great idea to get him to stay to watch the series with her just because they can spend more time with each other (*wink* Takagi, watch and learn) (haha), and besides the unsurprising otaku room of dear Maria-chan here, I think Gojou summarized it perfectly but I'll add on to it, that Anime is just magic girls fist-fighting in front of a gay couple after turning to the dark side because you can't get laid. Why am I not a magical girl. *laughs* Also interesting is when Kitagawa offered to cook for her dear boi and him having to think twice about that lmao, but hey I gotta say the guest is here to watch the series so it can lighten his load bringing it back which I highly doubt you are doing so just stay the night here dude haha *dabs* Kitagawa did a GREAT job at cooking NOT omelette rice because her eggs ran out (lol get it because whatever whatever women stuff) which was a joy to listen to the surprises every time when Gojou said "fried rice" lol it sure looks like it. *laughs* Last but not least, we continue on the journey of Inui Sajina. She is still impressed by Gojou every time he speaks, from this being his first attempt at making an outfit, how they don't have a proper camera just using a smartphone, and how they can't just Photoshop Kitagawa's rack to make hers bigger without having to pad them physically until she can't breathe lol, but suffice it to say they can learn one thing at a time. I mean, for Kitagawa, that is. Why is Gojou so enthusiastic about cosplay- HOLY SHIT THE CAMERAWOMAN IMOUTO IS BIG *laughs* (Yeah Gojou, as in height, what of it) (lmao) All in all, it looks like moving on, we might see more technical stuff going on because man did I almost doze off with them talking about Anime and/or taping in cosplay so if you don't mind me I'll take a nap for now thinking about how Kitagawa loves Gojou so much I can't even *laughs* Cya guys then
[TL:DR; I think I can say that if you didn't like whatever loli fighting series is in that Anime inside of this Anime, I'm legally allowed to sue you for renting that DVD Blu-Ray BOX from your local video rental shop or vending machine haha *dabs*]
I can't stop laughing at this squealing haha thanks Suguta Hina-san I can't thank you more for voicing this
But serious talk though why is no one turned on by this-
P.S. "...has already ended airing right? I need to find a way to watch it" Dude, just subscribe to like, Netflix Japan or something. *laughs* Hey, AbemaTV also works it's free and they air old shows on the regular too lol *dabs* (I know that but I can't watch any of them though life without subtitles is still a pain, I remember I did that for the latter with "Asobi Asobase" that was rough)
P.P.S. "If you want to be a great dollmaker in the future, you can't just look at dolls" Yeah dude look at women, especially naked ones right in front of you flashing their-
[Boobs, please, flashing their boobs- I really thought Kitagawa saying she didn't wear a bra will be a joke for later but nope, legit disappoint *laughs*]
Hey, I would be shocked if I were a female with a rack like hers
(Oh, contacts too, I'm okay without red so thanks for suppin)
You think it's cold in there?
(Haha *dabs*)
Haha even the animators are mocking her for her cooking taste lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week, apart from what I mentioned from last week where I'm giving wacci's new song and the one song from Cwondo, I've spent most of this week sinking in deep into Sasagawa Mao and his music library thanks to the one song he wrote for Natsukawa Shiina's new album. Out of that context, I've listened slowly and back in time so in descending chronological order thanks to YouTube (Music) the new single which is a cover of a song he wrote for an idol group, then his latest album from two years ago, and then the album half a month before that, and his first EP a year before that. Yep, heard them all already I pretty much covered all the bases at this point besides his digital singles from between the album and now, so I'll stop there I may have listened too much haha. I've listened to him from being indie and sounding rough and Rock-based though Alternative, to being more niche and pop and eventually it's just way more distinct than when he started in 2018. So good for him man, I might just keep a lookout for future releases if I have some time in the future. And I padded it with some Ohara Yuiko's new song for Anime "Takagi-san" just because I don't know when I should give this song so might as well. *laughs*

So, in news on Twitter which concerns music I listened or intend to listen to, let's get the Valentine's Day news out of the way because honestly speaking the only thing music-related is Kitou Akari's recent live excerpt on YouTube which is nice, Asakura Momo's new song is out on pre-release and it's actually not bad I might get too into this I have been this weekend somehow I love its emotions, Sambomaster's new song preview in a movie trailer sounds great just release the song next week already haha yeah, Hanazawa Kana is doing a release livestream next week celebrating her new album so I better have listened to it by then, and it looks like PHONO TONES has something to announce soon which sounds like a new song. 

For next week, because of the sheer amount of releases we have to listen all coming out at the same time of this year just because, we are prioritizing on the THREE ALBUMS to be released which are (in no particular order) Hanazawa Kana's new album since her revival and migration to a new music label, Kouno Marika's 1st album since she had her solo debut last year, and miwa's new album in years so let's see if it's actually good. After all this is done, then I will consider moving on to Akase Akari's new single for Anime "KiseKoi" and sink in to her cosplay goodness if I still care about it lol, and yanaginagi's selection best album if I have the time. This, is going to be a week full of songs I will not give because I'm going to get burnt out on Wednesday haha we shall see

Oh yeah, dreaming of Ten-chan, dear Amamiya Sora. To put it simply because I am lazy to write dream recollection posts lol sorry me from the past, I vaguely remember seeing her walking around in a rush while taking off her makeup (lol) and since I can walk in pace with her and she was busy doing what she was doing, I took a selfie with her in the background, with thoughts of sharing to my bro (the one at the start of the post) and constantly asking her to slow down and being concerned about why she didn't just stop walking and do it instead and also looking forward to her without makeup which is probably the most important imo *laughs* Well, Ten-chan, I look forward to the day we will be together, whichever universe or timeline it might be. *giggles* We wouldn't have talked in high school even if mine is in Japan though, so don't think too much, me. *sob* Cya guys next time then, and until next time... I can't wait for this month to be over so I can see Nan-chan's photobook from last year go on sale so I can exercise my gifted credits to buy it on Amazon Kindle. *dabs* Bye oh and also Ede-chan is cute I can't wait for her new photobook next month lmao that's the real reason I want this month to be over

P.S. Seriously "Toradora!" if you have any reason to celebrate your 15th anniversary with anything please tell me so I can be mentally prepared for it because WHY YOU SUDDENLY COLLABORATE WITH OSAMAKE geez *laughs*

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Klassic Note Welfare Package February 2022: Hobbies For Valentine

Hey, today is Total Defence Day here so besides guessing where I live and was born in, you just need to know what whatever financial stability you get is because we opened up borders to get more people infected daily so we can keep the economy strong, yes? *ugh* Haha

Also, it may be a day late already but didn't you see them girls doing social media posts after midnight?? *laughs* Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. I hope you have someone to spend it with, or some lady gave you chocolates. You have none of those? Hey, welcome to the right place because look at what I gave myself on Love Day. *laughs*

I totally thought I'd planned this to appear on a day that I work from home but of course it's not I literally checked the package status today and here it is already so oh well. *laughs* Good news is, I guess I have all the time to do this until tomorrow? Haha is sleeping late a consolation? Probably for what you are going to see is the new good stuff I got!... and might have missed while doing so lol I waited dude, I waited a lot...

Amamiya Sora "VIPER"
Ryokuoushoku Shakai "LITMUS"
"HekoMachiKoroIbuki" Talk Event Kido Ibuki Bromide Sets
Suruga-ya Run
"Ganabre Douki-chan" Vol.6

But first...!! Insert whatever statement here so I can have an excuse to show more of the money I spent overseas even though it's a bunch of wrapping and cardboard (lol) UNBOXING!!! Haha

Not a big box if you don't buy posters, eh?
(Haha I got me again)

Ah, the extra line on the receipt with the CDs just make my day because FREE BROMIDES MAN

Ah, more stationery I'll talk about them in a bit

Hey, Ten-chan. So glad I don't have to get you through Suruga-ya this time lol

Oh yeah, RyokuShaka man! Be sure to read the review where I talk about their awesomeness at length

There's black and white Amamiya Sora...

... and if you haven't seen before Nagata Haruko she is idol material go find her on social you're welcome

Thought I'll never see FUJIFILM anywhere again since I don't even see them in malls now I saw them on a bus stop though they rebranded lol
(Yes, thanks for the warning of photos inside, every package I have should have this lmao)

So yes, this is totally simp mode and I can assure you I almost missed the window for getting this so you can imagine my hands when I saw this... let me get the name right, "Hekomachikoroibuki" talk event collaboration between Kido Ibuki and other people I won't even bother mentioning just because. *laughs* Anyways, they sell bromides in the form of online prints per order, so unlike some others which required you to now go print them physically at a convenience store and I regret not knowing someone who lives in Japan who can do this for me, but yeah, this one was easy to get. *giggles* Ibuki-chan!!~ Two sets of bromides too, by the way; I wouldn't even regret allowing some live event shots in just because.


And of course, to pad this order which was initially for the CDs and... a book which we will talk about soon haha stop second-guessing me please, we have another Suruga-ya run! I would compare the enthusiasm level to be rather mild on this one, but it really is due to the increasing availability of Tachibana Rika bromides from the past few years which geared me to make another purchase along with some of the latest ones from the recent past too. I'm just padding this ever-increasing bromide collection as usual, don't mind me. *laughs* *dabs*

So, so good amirite

As you can see, this is a good summary of my tastes in women
(Yes, age range too, from Miyu-chan to Kana-chan haha *gets punched*)

Oh yeah, she be wanting to grab my attention if you get what I mean haha
(Please, me, this is not a rated site)

Okay no wonder why I didn't see the other one with this, they packaged this all over the place huh

So, let's talk about why I have the need to expand my storage collection with more stationeries imported from Japan! *laughs* For starters, these are hard to find where I live in this city-state and I am not joking, even the online listings were very trash because who buys CDs now so *laughs* Even then, I still thought of buying back my usual Amazon order of CD cases but that comes in the hundreds which honestly won't be much relevant at this point just because I review hundreds of CDs... in two decades now lol so this would do. Along with this is also a badge folder again because I filled up the previous one which had pockets big enough to house two of the standard (smaller) badges and Polaroids so I thought of using this as the actual badge folder for it's smaller pockets and use the previous one I bought for those one-shot photos, I guess. If this plan fails don't tell me about it, me. *laughs*

Really, who puts cute cartoons on top of stationery not meant for kids?
Like, CDs, for kids?? *ugh*
(Stop please, me)

And of course we always put the good stuff at the end lol, it's our regular issue of Ganbare Douki-chan!! Yeah, sixth book incoming and I still cannot believe I gave the green light on buying this series physically since almost two years ago... and I really would like to lament myself for not doing so earlier for this, actually two days earlier even though it has been out for a month. Story goes that it was end of January, I thought waiting till the weekend to get the above plus the book will be a good idea until it wasn't, and the special gift from the usual Toranoana ie. the clear folder which perfectly holds the book itself, ran out of stock. *sob* I am so hurt right now, even until I opened the box I really hoped they would slip one in just in case anyone cancelled their order so I can be happy. They did not. *sob* Okay let's check out the contents it's just literal boobs if you are into those because SAME DUDE hahahaha

This cover would be banned if it were released here so please don't call the cops on me thanks

Oh yeah wow Happy Valentine's Day everyone, just in time
(I'll take anything at this point so thanks Douki-chan)

When you just lose from the beginning I can't even

Oh yeah, the one-room-sleep-together strategy I've heard of that in Anime lol

Together as in on top of each other, by the way
(Haha Douki-chan man...)

Yes, I would like to share my body temperature (and BO) with the girl I like, thanks

She's wet. *laughs*
You need to share body temperature too? lol

Well I guess she wants to "do it".
Haha I meant share body temperature what are you thinking-

I like how the guy's defence is it's not okay to be cuddling together without dating together.

I know this senpai is totally killing it in the underwear department...

... but I'm into cuteness so I'll take Douki-chan hehe

Ah wow there's a relationship chart now the antagonist is the cat btw, sending that text out accidentally haha

No one else can feed my boy, amirite??

"But I can" hehe hey I'll go for this one FYI

And he did it! NICE

And he came haha okay the food was hot okay she didn't blow on it to cool it down-

I mean, every girl can look forward to White Day too right?
Well, if you have given something to your guy, of course.
*thumbs up*

That shall be all for now, I feel much loved now even without having touched a woman. *sob* If you saw this as a mess means I still have to work tomorrow and despite the fact that I don't have to travel to the office doesn't mean I don't have to sleep early. *laughs* So yeah, I'll stop here for now, the reviews took me way longer to write already because you know, so much passion to talk about, yes? No really, we weren't supposed to talk about these stuff that is not music until I had so much impulse to buy them. *silence* Cya guys next time then, sorry for not making this a back-to-back post special with Anime yesterday because I seriously did not expect this to arrive this early, but happy birthday to me soon I guess.

P.S. You deserve this package, me. Take this as appetizer before you get the REAL birthday gifts next month. *giggles*

P.P.S. Well I tried out the stationery and... The badge folder is too small, and the CD wrapper is actually a sleeve ie. It has openings and not meant to seal the disc cases. *silence* Why am I disappointed at imported stationery lmao