The Labels

Promised to be a weekly "publication", this is pretty much a summary of what my entertainment is for the week. Typically posted on every Sunday night (your time zone may differ), I provide mainly Anime, Manga and Klassic Note song additions with my compliments. And criticisms, if any.

Sometimes a one-liner, sometimes more. If I feel like making a statement (definitely not illegal; I don't know how to in the first place) I will just do it. Now that I have a smart phone handy most likely it'll happen more often. More easily recognised (if you hate labels) by the obvious exclusion of a title.

Mainly what I'm living with (music in general), part of my life is surrounding this special phrase I've created back then to describe the spirit I have for listening to (mostly, if not all) J-Pop. More cannot be found here though. My Twitter page has more than what this site has to offer. But I'll use this place to post things that are longer than the tight character limit, from reviews to music video case studies. It all depends on me, though.

We all have dreams. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I do not. When I do, I wake up, and I'll type it here. If I don't, then I can pretty much do nothing about it, isn't it?

Anything. About my life. My mundane, uprising, tiring, sometimes exciting at-home-in-front-of-the-computer life. If you need more about me then this is it.

Titled "A Pack of Life" (APoL for short), it's one of the many projects I've been doing independently ever since I knew of freedom of creativity. This time round it arose in the form of a novel. Hopefully this turns out satisfactory; the story has a long way to go, especially since I'll be irregularly updating this story, dependent on my mood and/or inspiration.

More to come...?