Friday 31 January 2020

The Dream Record 20200131

I'll keep this one short since it's kind of a first for both of us probably haha okay stop dreaming

Hey, new year new dreams?? You bet!! Haha and among all the girls I can dream of... It's someone I know of course, but I think it's definitely the recent character song she wrote the lyrics to in which it caught my brain's attention... It's Nagatsuma Juuri. If you don't know of her it's fine she's not super popular, but you gotta wonder, right? Especially if it's a love song.

Okay I'm going to forget so let's begin

"I think I was supposed to facilitate a new vehicle route? I'm not too sure. There is a driver out there that'll need help in changing the route but I believe I have the new map. I was late but the run still has to begin so it left without me. After realising that I had to chase it several times while losing many lives in the process. This was probably where I think I was inside a video game world, to be honest. Upon reaching a pit stop, I saw Juuri hanging around outside. And apparently hearing from her, she noticed a vehicle driving slowly and asking for directions and then realised we were on the same team, but she isn't primarily helping the driver out, I guess. She kindly asked to print out the new map which I should have passed to the driver and told him or her to navigate... I was too late. I thanked Juuri for her help, and we had a conversation now that the driver knows his or her way. She sort of reprimanded me on my job, saying it's technically none of her business to help me. She felt cold, but she did help me out, so for that I was thankful to say the least."

That might be it haha. I had to fill in some gaps so it'll feel correct. If you need to guess it definitely felt like a Grand Theft Auto video game scenario, and I'm probably still thinking about work (yep you can guess), and I don't know how she came into question because I gave her new song like, last week so... Well I'll figure out myself haha cya

Monday 27 January 2020

The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #4

Happy Chinese New Year!! To all those who celebrate it of course. Otherwise, I hope you had a great weekend haha I tried my best to watch these whilst going out tbh it was hard to do it though as you will see I've rushed through 2/3 of these in one night

If you see anything going amiss with the blog, please do tell. Apparently Blogger changed their HTML template without warning me and I swear something was lost in the process of me saving it while adding features to here and then I had to fix it and at some point removed some js I wrote since the last time I backed it up SERIOUSLY MAN


So far it's only the arrows on the labels on mobile view which I will have to redo again but otherwise I hope nothing is lost I lost my mind on it on Chinese New Year Eve though MOTHERFU- Let's begin haha

Edit: Might be changes to facilitate the new UI, so technically if I create a new blog now I DID THAT SIX MONTHS AGO YOU PIECE OF-

アニメ Babylon
*speechless* I can't take any quote from them they are all bullsh*t haha
To be honest? I think that thinking about it in economics aspect will work its best by asking the question "what would a rational person do" in approval of the suicide law? Now it suddenly becomes easier. You're welcome, Alex. *laughs* In this probably pivotal episode (#Babylon11) we hold two international summits. Well, that's how them leaders do it to solve problems, hold summits, so whatever. Don't ask me how they got the approval to hold that one Suicide Summit from the Japanese leader, but he's useless, whatever. *laughs* First, the actual summit. They can't really name that summit over the real name, so they gotta use a fake one, replace the SEVEN leaders with... similar ones although I would argue that French leader is not a real replica haha, and they... talked about morality. Yep, Alex did it. It was initially about the standpoints of the states and why they have such a view, from Canada, to France, to the UK, to Germany... but that's not all important. That's because, Alex wants to talk about good and evil. And among all the discussion, two morality stories were mentioned. That trolley one-save-five question that you should've learnt in school because if you don't then your education system sucks lol, and a similar one but this one got ripped apart to save five from organ failure haha. (Magase might be triggered by this, please) But the leaders got more confused and deep into the question of what is right, because anything that is not evil can be right. Should morality then be based on this? Well, that's at least how they think now, and are deviating from it though. But if you think that saving one than five is sinful because you killed the one instead of an accident happen, and that's how Magase can take advantage of that and kill one by one with this assumption. That... I don't think is a good ending haha. Remember, we are driving that trolley to the split section right now we can't turn back. And so, Alex is still thinking even further until... they cut to Itsuki and his speech. But seriously, where's our Magase Sensor? *laughs* Oh Seizaki is right there haha gotta put him in the center so we can know if anything weird happens haha. So, the actual summit got disrupted by the one Itsuki Summit which I shall refer to instead because why not he's the hero now (lol), he's going to live broadcast someone jumping off the building again. Man, besides the reality talk of me wanting this to stop (*gets axe flashbacks* *sob*), Itsuki also brought a good amount of people to witness this in Shiniki. And thus, he proposes that Alex talk to the one person who can't decide to commit suicide. And surprise surprise, if you didn't think it's anyone else considering it's a female too, it's Magase. Yep, the author literally wrote until he cannot answer himself anymore haha. Because if you are impulsive like a normal person then you would persuade her from committing suicide because that's what negotiators do in those police dramas. But this is "Babylon", ladies and gentlemen who don't want to die. *giggles* Conventional thought doesn't exist in this show already. So, the evil has finally surfaced. What can we do now? It seems like it's just a rational talk and Alex can win, but you gotta think deeper (like him) and question the intentions of doing such a thing, kind of like a practical experiment where one step and... well besides falling down the building, will cause millions of people to change their decisions about life. Can he do it though? If he talks to her then he'll eventually be dead though ALEX NO~!! Man, this is going to be fun to watch. Not the death, I mean. Again, this is the most I have thought of stuff in an Anime in years RikeKoi has nothing on this series haha we're done thinking for the week
Very inconspicuous, by the way, allowing this name to pass through haha
Man, do any of these faces give you a good reference of the leaders today? Okay maybe not UK now but it was female for about 3 months lol
(Welp they left Russia out too how dare they)
P.S. Okay I may be dumb to realise this until now, but yeah it's literally referencing Alexander as The Thinker in that sculpture, in case you aren't aware of its existence.
P.P.S. Just as a joke answer, I want to allow suicide in society only on one condition: they must sacrifice their value to society before death. So we'll get rid a good bunch of poor people who are suffering even as they speak (lol sorry), maybe get rid of some of the rich and earn some state funds out of it (haha), and... maybe the world will be more balanced. It'll probably ruin the stock market every other day with all the rich dying but... haha because again, influence does not take part in my decision and probably all of theirs if you think about it

アニメ Hatena Illusion
"It's been a month since I came here" I've learnt nothing new haha poor Makoto
I'm pretty sure if your mom gives you the most precious family treasure she is going to risk her life for something. Mama no~!! Okay we made a similar joke on Babylon haha. In this new episode (#HatenaIllusion03) of a series I will be giving I guess, the animation is really bad. Like, you saw the fight scenes, right? I can't... really. Okay, here's how I will still eventually give this series. I mean, you can see if this is still around next week haha. Now, story. They got a bath scene after what seems to be the girls soaked in rain (that's really important must mention that Makoto got hit in the face twice haha also no one wants to look at you Hatena did you look at Mariah?), but also to the point thanks to Kokomi-chan, the two sat down to clarify all their misunderstandings so far. So yeah, as of Episode 1, Hatena thought that Makoto was female. I mean, she didn't think that far, but then again she probably doesn't know of gender as a kid so... sure. *laughs* Also, that tsundere said it. That she's been waiting for him. *laughs* To become magician partners, of course, in case you were wondering haha. Hey, she's 12 she can do this stuff. Confession it is for sure though, I would admit. And so, as the cloud clears in the night of understanding... something got stolen. Hey, shouldn't have had that sleepover haha. And since the mansion should have defences from outside, we can easily guess who's the rat here. I KNEW we shouldn't have trusted her, that Mariah. THAT B*TCH!! *laughs* And so, the hunt is out for her. Using some Artifact that will probably claim Yumemi as the hacker of the series, she managed to locate Mariah's location at the docks. (But of course) So Hatena went for her, the Master Thief in-practice. And since she's not experienced, you can expect a couple of mishaps along the way. She almost fell down from the sky and this series would have ended lmao. (RIP author) She reached and is probably feeling real hot (HELL YEAH haha she's 12 btw don't imagine things), and here's where the beating up starts haha. Hatena is obviously weak against her opponent, who is revealed to be the sister of her mother (hey aunt where's my red packet lol #CNYfeels) and is of course, taking it to produce more Artifacts to earn a living or whatever. Again, whatever I mentioned last week is true this act is rather immoral but not like anyone else besides the Hishisato family cares about that besides its potential. In what happens to be a real defeat and probably Hatena's short life (lol)... we can cue the hero now haha. So something happened at the mansion, and through Makoto's sheer will he became a magician?? Okay. And now his stick is called... "smile stick" GODDAMMIT WHY MUST YOU BE THE CARDCAPTOR haha also isn't that a really lewd name? *laughs* And that's why you don't let kids name things at 12 lmao okay Muff-kun is fine haha. He comes in to save the girl (Hatena, I mean), and manages to snatch back the treasure. In their argument, and I would like to argue against Mariah, and that's why the mother is preventing all this from happening because you're doing it? You know that's already evil, right? Oh well, and she left. But she'll be back. Hopefully when the mother is around maybe lol she's probably not that dumb. And... this brings us to the first part of the series I guess. I mean, is it not obvious that you have to make a judgement to watch this series now? But to be frank, just from this episode? There are easily a lot of plot holes. Firstly, Mariah's location as they sleep. Not that they should cover it so it wouldn't be suspicious, but it's so secret? And in Hatena's room too? How could she not have known? I just think it's rather absurd haha. Then, is Makoto's power. He just SUDDENLY got his powers? And yes despite it being invisibility and shield is that all he can do?? I mean, APoL has way more action scenes than that haha although I would argue they aren't. Nonetheless, I still think this is weak for a premise for an Anime, and not that I have a long portfolio of watching magic girl Anime, but this one man... is not really making the cut. I'm not criticising of the author to be honest, but I feel it lacks substance. In many ways than other. The theme songs are great so far, I would say. Everything else.. you can watch the animation again I'm not going to comment BLEACH had a higher budget than this China-fuelled production lmao we'll see if we will see you next week I may continue this for Yumemi-chan and if Hatena gets drenched again hehe come on they chased out the big chested woman what have I left to watch? *laughs*
Not me as a programmer haha
The father is still by far, the coolest character so far imo
P.S. I legit get serious Kuroshitsuji flashbacks every time I see that smiling face from the old butler he's the Tanaka of this series where's your cup of tea and ho ho ho- okay haha
P.P.S. "Lucky pervert is part of being the main guy" Man Ema-san you bashing through the fourth wall with a tank there lmao
[Oh and if you ask where's the bad part of the animation allow me to show you an example]
Try watching this in 60fps and tell me if you can stand this quality or not haha ugh

アニメ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
"You have been spacing out lately. Do you have a partner?" Yeah it's a half-ghost haha *frantic look*
In this new episode (#HanakoKun03) of probably my favourite series this season, we... just lost Yashiro's best friend. Yep, RIP cutest girl in the story; you will be missed. Haha okay probably not but man, must they make it freakish? Well, at least it won't be gory like the other youkai one I'm reviewing haha. So in this new episode, we have a new Seven Wonder of the school to talk about. This time, as hinted last week if it's not obvious enough, it's about a flight of stairs. I'll do this summary in a more complete manner since it deserves to. According to Hanako, there are many places in the school which can bring things from the human world to the spiritual world. Think a bit like that alternate world in Anime "Kekkaishi" made by that Byakuya if I didn't remember wrongly or those temporary worlds made by Anime characters with special powers, like the one doll house from Bungo Stray Dogs or BLEACH. In this case, it's a step on the stairs. Remember, the rumour will stay as long as people believe. But once you step on it, you will be forgotten forever. Everyone. Even your family will not remember you- I SWEAR this is EXACTLY taken from an original Anime I liked back in 2011 you sure Aoi is not spending Midas Bank money? *laughs* Then again how did this rumour stick on for so long if the victims are gone... Anyways, Yashiro got real worried when her bestie Aoi was completely lost from the human world so no surprise, this was probably done by a youkai. Ignoring what else Hanako could be doing in the day (probably spying on other girls in the girls' toilet lmao), Yashiro managed to get him after school to investigate this incident. Of course, Minamoto who we saw last week, also lost some girls who were probably supposed to come confess to him lol. So yep, the guys decide to just go into the world and check for themselves. Of course, the rumour isn't as bad as it sounds, as you wouldn't get ripped apart immediately as you enter. But the challenge here is then to listen to the youkai's demands as again what Hanako mentioned, the youkai are masters of their spiritual realm, so going against it would not be a wise choice. So, they were tasked to find amongst all the... stuff lying around, body parts that would satisfy the youkai's demands. And there's a time limit too. They managed to survive the first one (I will legit cry if they shipped Yashiro in half, I tell you), but there are many more. Again, I like how Hanako can talk about her weakness and then realise they still have to get to the end which is probably the center of the spiritual world in order to try out if that weakness exists haha. I liked the ecchi jokes here and there (it's two male and one female btw so not surprised at jokes considering Hanako is a-), and eventually they reached the end. I wouldn't want to spoil too much because apart from the wonderful animation I've praised since episode 1, the story was very well adapted from start to end. Never at a point did I think this plot was dumb, but then again, it could use some improvement. But I enjoyed it, so yeah, I'm definitely giving this one. Between that ero-daikon who wants a pair of tits (lol), to a pervert for a half-ghost to some... kouhai? I don't know, he keeps calling Yashiro a senpai isn't she also first year in high school? Oh well. *laughs* All in all, I really enjoyed what I've seen thus far: the flow, the jokes, and everything in between whatever Yashiro has on her chest which is nothing lmao. We shall get a proper conclusion next week on this, and I doubt the trio will get away with this Seven Wonder that easily. What happened to Seven Wonder No.1? Is it the found & lost youkai? Hey gotta reference that Survive Said The Prophet song haha go watch BANANA FISH too
(haha it doesn't look too bad on her tbh)
P.S. If you don't think Yashiro trying to get boobs is funny, wait till she really gets one haha. Kitou Akari, I mean. *laughs*
P.P.S. I know I didn't mention this, but if you didn't get a hint when some black flamingo flow into Yashiro's hair after she got kindly saved from a fall by a handsome guy in school... I think you might be distracted by Yashiro and her fake tits lmao
When your teacher tells you guys to behave and you're the bad kid who is also ugly lol

アニメ Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei Shite Mita.
"I'm a man who lives in love!" Kosuke you idiot stop being a smart a** about your Anime girls you nerd lol
Man, did I just screw up the watching order and skipped to episode 5 FUCK YOU AMAZON PRIME STOP RUINING OUR WATCHING SCHEDULE argh I should start watching along with the Japanese on time and without subs to avoid confusion haha I did it before. In this new episode (#RikeKoi03) come on I SWEAR this is Kaguya-sama haha if you need references you can start from there and let this nonsense end first haha I watch every week so in case you don't. *laughs* So, for this they were planning for a date...? I have a feeling I'm not watching a flashback from what I saw last week but, uh... let's leave at that for now it's okay. (See end of review for answers) Ahem, they had to plan a date. Well, Kanade-chan suggested them to plan a date because that's the easiest way to show how couples love one another, to build up their relationship by spending time with each other. I would argue that Kanade-chan again, as of now, still has the closest to any experience of dating considering that they asked the one guy who likes Anime girls for an opinion in which Yukimura praised him wildly about (yay me) and then shit on him immediately for being too excessive in love (haha loser), and the other childhood friend is into BL haha wtf HIMURO YOU TOO?? *laughs* Hey guys we still have a BGR (boy-girl relationship) type of Anime to make so please? Ahem, anyways, and Himuro seems really uncertain about everything somehow, this relationship. She then thinks back, when asked by Kanade-chan on her confidence in whatever she is doing now, on the time she was determined a nerd and bullied in school just by liking bugs. Hey, them kids also used to play with crickets, why bully the girl? Come on, we know I am the real hero she needs lol. So yeah, she was bullied hard, but some boy came to her to explain how much her interests and passion can be turned eventually into a dream career she can desire and motivate to work towards. And that kid grew up to be... SOMEBODY MAKE THE JOKE!! THAT BOY IS YUKIMURA, RIGHT?? *laughs* Ugh this Anime hurts me internally and I like haha thanks Kanade-chan for the save. These two cannot get any dumber this is literally Kaguya-sama it makes me want to scream into the void. Anyways, the two spent a lot of time planning the perfect date on all the things couples would do during one to the extent of when going to an amusement park, to plan the most efficient route for finishing them at the fastest time this is not about dating anymore haha. Kanade-chan is real good at it though she is researching on... Mocho I didn't get you it's called travelling what?? Haha that bear. (Also the reason I knew I watched in the wrong order, read on) And then, to end it off, the guy has to ask the girl out on a date. Hell yeah this might be the best part of the episode. And so next week is.. them going on a date again?? I'm really confused. Don't tell me they are testing the first chapter thing in the manga in Anime too? WTF?? Ugh we shall see next week but from what I see it... I might be in the wrong order. *sigh* Okay, realised it just now because them subs screwed me up real hard so... we'll be watching episode 2 next week. We watched episode 4 last week. Well, so much for a good date. *sigh* Cya guys next week haha we'll get it right in two weeks when episode 5 comes out
[TL:DR; Kanade-chan is going to be fuel for me watching this show every week provided I can get the episode order correct ugh]
This is as wrong as it is awesome I want to see it happen they did it in Kaguya-sama haha
That's irl me and my internal tsukkomi role shining through the light lmao
P.S. "This is Aika-chan? It reminds me of Ibarada-senpai..." Yeah right, Kanade? This guy is like all of us, finding girls to like even though some of them are right in front of us. Well, I don't have anyone around me so... *sob* wait, my sis...? Haha okay no please
P.P.S. "Well, yeah." Kanade-chan is THE BEST tsukkomi character I've seen in a decade haha she's going to be MVP every week she retorts lol more Kanade-chan below haha
That's my "don't try to lie because I know" face lol
That's my "hurry up and kiss already" face haha
[Also, to add this in because I can't anymore postscripts, in the credits it stated that whatever kabbadi girl from Chio-chan was Yukumura as a kid (understandable maybe) and Aika's voice is... Omigawa Chiaki you just blew my mind haha go watch Chio-chan and you'll get these references haha my sides]

アニメ Kyokou Suiri
"That's nothing compared to being deflowered" Okay NOW I'm in let's see that flashback haha Kotoko-chan~
Ah, there aren't any notes written here just yet, because when I normally do we know there's a good series I'm watching right here haha. Hmm... in this new episode (#KyokouSuiri03) in which I have to decide to give or not... How can I not give? Let's talk about it. Because in this episode they actually gave us a larger worldview and an actual plot after dealing with whatever River God which Kotoko-chan had to go to the mountains to talk to from last week. Man, that was quite a drag. I don't think it's a reminder of what the series would be going down the line, because later half of the episode sheds a different light on the whole series altogether. Firstly, the talk with the serpent. Kotoko-chan continued from last week and ending on a conclusion that the supposed murderer, the woman, was hiding something else besides the one murder because... she has dumped a corpse into the river before? Yeah, it might sound ridiculous, but whatever it takes to give a good explanation to the God, man. Because Kotoko-chan explained it as such, that after breaking up with the boyfriend thinking that he killed someone in which we learnt from the police that he didn't because the boss came into her place to confess, the girlfriend had to throw away stuff to forget about the guy. But, the only thing she was not be able to throw away, is a baby. So yep, this show is gross, they really showed a fetus in this series which means this can only air on national television waaaay into the night lol. So yeah, and that's how the woman also knew to "dispose" of the evidence to incite the police after the interrogation to search the river for... the fetus after realising the boyfriend was not at fault. You know, real weird relationship things. That's how you save a relationship?? Lol but then the God cleans up the river every now and then, so... It probably is hard to trace at this point. Storytelling complete. The snake would love to ask more questions but Kuro-san is here so I guess it stopped haha. So, let's hope it'll stay that way; the case is even more creepy than the threat of explaining to the God why a body was disposed at the lake it drinks water from haha. Moving on a couple of years, and our first major arc villian appears. It's a youkai called "Steel Lady Nanse", and I promise you, I may just continue to watch this series because if I do it's because of BOOBS!!! I mean, she is not normal haha. Also, no face. Yeah. Not normal even for a youkai haha. A female police inspector was talking to her superior about this case, and recent cases concerning the youkai ending other peoples' lives. Again, you can refer to Hanako-kun I guess, but rumours are needed to keep the youkai alive, and she is technically fulfilling it so... ugh. *laughs* Still, it is a problem even for police standards with all the reporting of cases and people dying, so it has to be discovered in truth. Truth is, the female inspector can see things. Youkai, I mean. Obviously the superior can't, but then it's also because she saw a kappa one day at the river. Yep, flashback to episode 1, ladies and gentlemen. So Kuro-san was not the kappa as I said lol, but the kappa was speaking in fear of Kuro-san, whom we know now is technically immortal because of the mermaid which he ate- go read last week's review haha. So, she was real scared of it, his girlfriend... and yes, Saki-chan is a police inspector. It all comes together. That's why I can still argue this is still going to be worth the watch because besides the fact that the loop is complete and the police technically can help settle this too maybe they can't see anyways, but you know helping with local authorities is rather important for youkai who like to wreck havoc in a peaceful city. So, if you don't see me talking about this next week then good chances I'll be skipping it THOSE BOOBS THOUGH haha also I need to get over giving one of the theme songs as my own requirement and I don't really want to give Miyano Mamoru for the ending theme song and I did say Uso to Chameleon was not great last week so... we shall see then. *wink*
Since this might be the last episode I'll be watching here's lovely Saki-chan
(I'm ignoring that youkai Nanase for judgement btw that's a distraction lol)
Me when I was asking to get punched in the face haha literally
P.S. "I never would have saved you if I knew you were Saki-san" Man, Kotoko-chan is evil lmao
P.P.S. The last squeal from Kotoko-chan being punched is great I can imagine Akarin in the studio doing it hehe

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, quick one. This week was a long week of releases because basically there's three albums so we will go through them real quick: Base Ball Bear's new album was quite a disappointment considering nothing hit me in particular and the topic songs I've heard thus far from last year was better than even the album topic song which I didn't like, Uesaka Sumire's new album is... very sumipe, so I'm not giving much and I only tried to give one song so you can guess which one it is it's got to do with the night warrior haha what, and Tachibana Rika's 1st album is... okay at best, because once again the only thing stopping me to give more songs from her is not her voice but the songs. It's like a huge trash dump the composers are dumping their sub par quality creations to let her sing because they know it will sell. Sorry for being harsh on that but despite I still gave a couple of songs because... I want to give her chance, really. With respect to that though we might not have any more chances considering she's married and she probably won't have time to do this anymore I guess. Singing., I mean. And this isn't it, everyone. Liyuu's debut single for Anime "Hatena Illusion" shall become my first Klassic Note Review this year because I have come full circle to support a Chinese cosplayer singing Japanese songs lol, TrySail's new single is... only good on the B-side and it's obligatory that I give them a listen every time in which I did, and Game "Alternative Girls" new character song single is... I didn't know TWEEDEES was behind one of the two songs I'm taking the other because it's a better song and the lyrics were written by the seiyuu herself. Juuri... *laughs* Sorry, internal joke only fans who watched that OG livestream series will know haha

Next week brings us more releases despite me having not holiday season over here, as Waki Azumi's debut single is finally ready for release. I... probably wouldn't be giving FOUR songs for it to be on my shelf, but we'll see. It's one song so far after hearing the music video earlier this year where earlier is literally on New Year's Day haha. And since this is the only release for the week I'll be ready to listen to, I'll go back to a couple of releases I've missed mostly from the Anime I'm watching this season as above, like Suzuki Aina's new album which has "Hatena Illusion" ending theme song, for example. I'll find more if I have time during work lol

On news concerning music, Klassic Note and Twitter, TrySail is going global with their releases which will also explain how Asakura Momo livestreamed a half-an-hour video about her new album (during CNY Day 1 too) all whilst eating cup noodles (lmao) and planting a flower based on the title of the album which I'll not read (man she's a YouTuber now PLEASE do the same for the other two members haha), and... that's all you can read my Tweets if you want haha

Welp, I screwed this up.

I intended to finish this by Sunday, and look at the time date now. I'll say this might be the latest post I've done for Entertainment News here on my blog so far besides postponing watching of Anime so so far this is a new record haha. I'm tired already so if you will excuse me... cya guys next time, and until then... we're probably not going to break another record for Klassic Note Review to have one in January because Liyuu-san's debut single for Anime "Hatena Illusion" will be waiting in place with that 10th photobook to come in tandem so I can save on shipping costs haha byezzzzzz

Sunday 19 January 2020

The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #3

I know it's a bit sudden, but this year's theme for watching Anime shall be "openness".

Haha I know I literally based this on the number of shows I picked up this time around and I haven't even confirmed half of them to be able to say this but, hey, if it happens you'll see them around next week, I assure you. Oh yeah, next week... it's a public holiday here so I can't spend my weekend watching Anime now so... I may watch these earlier maybe. I just hope I don't have half a dozen shows to watch since Sunday is basically Anime day now lol

Well maybe I'll just end up with 3 shows this season I don't know does this count as openness? Haha let's start

アニメ Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu
Okay, quick one. I'm not giving it. *laughs* Easily for a number of reasons: (1) The guy is doing the tsukkomi role for EVERYTHING based on just even one guy so that's going to be tiring for even me seeing there's a diverse cast, (2) the guys around the main guy are (probably) literally Baka/Yamamoto from Anime "Jyoshimuda" who I can't even stand one of them in the intro already, (3) the opening theme sucks lol especially with the colourful characters and (4) I'm already watching 4 new shows this season. So, no. *laughs*
TL:DR; Even a kid will get tired of asking questions just by looking at five minutes of this show imo

アニメ Babylon
"I asked a friend I trusted to take care of (my family)" If it means I'm punished for killing the devil, I'll do it... is probably what Seizaki will say
Again, I think I said this before, all this spreading of allowing suicide law probably spawned from one woman, and Itsuki probably is also done for by the woman in the first place. So yeah, just one evil, it seems. But we don't know, maybe it was from Itsuki. In this new episode (#Babylon10) where I hope things are heating up further, we come to a proper conclusion of the thinking process of the suicide law from the world leader's prospective. Of course, I'm talking about the America President Alex as I will now refer to him from here on. So, story. Seizaki and his buddy went back to ask the Mayor of Hartford about his visit to the old folks' home (sorry I'm used to this term) and... some girl commited suicide. Oh well, that Mayor told the kid that AFTER he received that one call, so... RIP kid you will be missed haha AGAIN the latest female in the series just came and went real quick I think this show is feminist. Moving on (haha), Alex consulted a priest about what it means in Christianity to commit suicide. I don't know much about this considering I've only heard someone tell me about it during my university time for about 10 minutes I think, commiting suicide is not a sin. And as the final words of the priest (he is not dead yet, I meant the cutscene), God loves mankind. Which is why obviously, knowing the freedom that the world has even thousands of years ago even pertaining to a fundamental thing of life such as death, The Lord did not state that as a sin. So yeah, you can die? *laughs* And that's why I'm a free thinker. But then again I can think of dying too and am probably more susceptible to Magase Ai's... incitement to kill, so... haha. Anyways, Alex then moved on to talk about this with two other people who will influence his decisions about this suicide law thing as a leader. First, his wife. The wife wanted him to not think too much, since time is of essence (she isn't wrong) and you aren't typically given all the facts before making the best decision, which is why intinuition becomes your next important thing. Hey, not telling you guys to just think of death and go die haha, but she is not exactly wrong. I just hope that his intinuition is not go to commit suicide lol. He then talked to Seizaki mainly on two things: why he wanted to be in the FBI and giving all the information as we have seen him in the US so far, and why he wants Magase, uh, I mean, the devil, eliminated. *laughs* (We can't say that she's like that Harry Potter villian that needs a nickname) Firstly, Seizaki revealed to Alex his actual intentions of being in the FBI: to kill Magase. (oops) No surprise there, I mean, we should've known. So he's here to get a gun to kill whenever, basically. *laughs* Hey, goes to show how hard it is to do this at any occasion. Well, it's world affairs now so whatever. Then, he talks about his story to the President. I would argue that now that he has revealed his intentions to Alex himself (his chest hurts a bit man, he felt that) about how he practically lost everyone around him (at work) because of this dumb woman, that he is here to take revenge. Again, not really directly related to the law but considering that if the law is enacted and you start losing your life and people around you and this snowballs, we will see many more people dying for no reason. So yeah, that's bad, I guess. Oh also, at least we know now that the family is in good hands considering Magase doesn't have much time to influence that one guy who is protecting the family to kill the family or whatsoever so, good on you, bro. Alex then gave him what he asked for: a gun by being in the FBI officially so he can kill that bitc do what's right haha, and a command to always listen to his orders. The latter one, will probably come in use as a way to stop him from something in case he needs to. Hey, if it's to stop Seizaki from killing himself it's always welcome. *laughs* I mean, we've got enough people dying already another one just died this week, okay? Then, it's the Summit? Okay, the Prez be tuning in to Itsuki's speech on live television now too? So now Itsuki is bullsh*tting about how the suicide law cities can work together?? WTF isn't this a solo thing in the first place? This is no longer about society well-being already, this is politics. When's the last time you hear of a new law that everyone will gather in like, not inside the United Nations to talk about? So yeah, Itsuki's trying a revolution here, it seems. And at the end of thinking for at least two weeks day and night, I think Alex has an answer. He thought that he doesn't have to be the one who is thinking about the morality of the suicide law. (Take note of the word I just used) Because, just like Itsuki, he just needs to act like a leader. And considering he's the world leader (ignoring China and North Korea lol) he can make the world not fall into this trap. I mean, it'll take as many occasions of Magase's influence to get enough people to kill themselves, but it only takes him to stop all of that. (And Seizaki with a gun too probably haha) That... might be the focus of next week as he calls for his world summit to work against the one put forth by Itsuki, I guess. We shall see. This is getting to a point beyond human comprehension, people. I'm not going to tell you what I feel about this show now, but I can tell you something that Seizaki is right about as he always is: I want to see that evil woman put down. And I guarantee you we will see it happen. And if she doesn't die I'll go in and take an Anime gun and do it like those isekai shows haha
Here's a question in a thumbnail:
What you do think is the right age to allow the suicide law to be applicable?
Because if not I'm pretty sure I'll be dead younger than this girl lol
Gotta love that wife, you lucky bastard haha
P.S. "God gave you something that's very good" It's your wife!!! Goddamn the President's wife is hot you sure she not Magase? Haha

アニメ Hatena Illusion
"I'm not a burglar! I'm a Master Thief" Okay 12-year-old don't let me call the police on you haha
Nah, he's not gonna hold that secret I mean look at Makoto's face he can't even keep a secret lmao. In this new episode (#HatenaIllusion02) I learn that TSUNDERE HATENA-CHAN SAIKOU!! *laughs* No seriously, this might become the only reason why I'll continue to watch this series haha. So, story time, because we got lots more to talk about on... everything, it seems. Hey, Makoto not being a female is already good enough content for one episode so they gotta push the side characters to this week, yes? Haha so, we are introduced to more characters of this wonderful series but first, a story about Artifacts. Since this is still by far the most interesting part of this show, we can learn a little more about it as described by Hatena-chan. Artifacts are magical objects with a will, it seems, that were (probably ancestors but also) made by the mother. Problem is then, a good amount of them were stolen. (Why make so many in the first place?? lol) (Then again Kokomi could also do this too lol later on that) Stolen probably to be used for bad purposes, since now a good amount of people know of these and could be using this for evil, or even for own benefit like auctioning this stuff. Hey, if it's magical then it has great value even if you don't know how to use it. So once in a while the current Master Thief i.e. the mother, has to go "steal" back what was theirs to begin with, which is effectively just replacing it with an object that looks the same so the normal humans won't see the difference anyway. And that's why they call the mother the Master Thief. Of Artifacts. Haha not like we're going to make a justice Robin Hood series out of this lol it's just taking back what's been stolen. And Hatena-chan is in line to succeed in her mother's duty. She sucks, haha, but still, she is in training. Then, they go to school, and here is where the new slew of character introductions start. Cue Kikyouin Kokomi, Hatena-chan Kana-chan's childhood friend and classmate who, amongst all things, keep talking about that other name in which as of now should be kept secret. What a d*ck friend, amirite?? *laughs* There is more reason to this which we will talk about later, and Makoto somehow got a few new friends at school like those guys (the biggest dude is real suspicious imo who asked you to join the little boy gang lol) and probably picked up a few chicks in school by showing off his magic wand (which is surprisingly not his penis lmao OKAY) and probably defending Hatena in the process (considering Ema-san is student council level busy). You know, because that silly girl keeps showing off the magic stuff and probably is the one who gets the Artifacts stolen from the mansion in the first place. *silence* So that's why. *laughs* ANYWAYS, back in the mansion, Makoto gets to take a break from school instead of doing butler duties because there isn't anything to do at the time (that or the old geezer is real good at it) so he gets to talk to Yumemi. Man, Yumemi-chan's room is the best haha IS THAT A PX4?? Haha and in case you didn't notice her room is filled with Artifacts which will probably protect her when needed. Problem number 2 comes in during dinner where Kokomi suddenly shows up at her childhood friend's house to... well, besides finding out that Hatena is hiding a man at her place (thank goodness it's not her room lmao) (also, sweet female butler you got there), Kokomi is also here to search for an Artifact. Yeah, just any one, she doesn't care. Unlike the Master Thief of her successor, this one... doesn't know about magic. So... it'll be practically impossible to get one under her command anyways but man did the father promise something stupid and think it'll not come back to bite on him. Oh well, the servants will clean up after this so... haha *sigh* Kokomi, and her family, turns out, is also part of a conglomerate (wow I spelt that correctly first try I thought autocorrect was broken lol) which will somehow take care of all administrative matters in this series, I'm sure. So she knows everything. And after a good day's digging of someone else's place without saying sorry, the girl leaves for the night. (I don't like the butler's grin at the end, and she can fight too so) All in all, wonderful development for a series that I might continue watching, to be honest. I mean, I'm already in for the theme songs so this will do quite nicely for the season haha wtf is with that ending lol
How you know you have successfully picked up chicks with your magic skills haha
Nowhere close to porno, by the way. *laughs*
P.S. "When she takes back an Artifact, she replaces it with an item that is not magic-infused" Oh, so like, Indiana Jones? Haha sorry I gotta make that joke
P.P.S. "This was an all-girls school up until last year" I mean, is this a "Seitokai Yakuindomo" type of Anime reference? Man, dear author, I can't even get mad at you now haha RIP btw
[The reaction shots are great in this so here's more THEY ARE JUST 12 PLEASE haha]
MFW I have to see something ecchi lol
MFW I have to see something ecchi lol

アニメ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
"I'm going to a friends' place" Haha got her friends right there and INTO THE GIRL'S BATHROOM?? lmao
In this new episode (#HanakoKun02) of another wonderful series, we find out that Yashiro might be forced into labour worse than the worst labour abuse case in human history lol. Anyways, story because we have quite a lot to talk about. Firstly, the youkai in question this week as hinted last week. Well, there isn't much of a hint besides the radio thing at the end and considering I still get much from it... oh well haha. (Okay I went back to see it again and it still isn't much of a hint) So, it's about losing stuff. I mean, from Yashiro losing her textbook to missing locker doors, man is this getting from bad to worse real quick. We would expect Hanako-kun to take care of this but, uh, he's more concerned about keeping that one girls' toilet clean lol does he have OCD?? *laughs* For Yashiro, she rather spend her time helping other (male) senpai out with paperwork though haha. I get you, girl, but both of you two are hopeless lmao. Okay, Yashiro has more friends than the one apparition so... lol. Too bad for Yashiro, it's her job now for being saved (technically) twice in an episode, so she kinda has to do this now after school every day. Man, there's even surveillance for keeping up with this thing btw (which is also probably exposing her to danger tbh Hanako-kun you piece of sh-) and talking about that, some youkai noticed that, for sure. Turns out, it's some youkai who keeps devouring on stuff which made people think their stuff got "lost" so Hanako did end up taking care of it. Turns out, they are innocent little creatures who like to play prank on humans from time to time. But things can be different in this case, and instead of letting the rumours spread negatively, Yashiro as a human can help change the rumours to give these little beings (it's a plushie too btw go look it up) a chance of being viewed positively because that's their purpose in their youkai life, and to stop the weird stuff from happening where only the one girl can explain haha. So, the rumour now includes a reversal, where if you give them candy they will not pester you. Sounds like a great trade-off, so there's that. Secondly, we have a rival. Well, not as in love rival because Yashiro doesn't have any (BOOM GOT HER haha), but we have someone to come exorcise the one guy in the girls' toilet. I wouldn't call that exorcise since besides being an offence to be present in a girls' toilet as a male (lol), he is technically evil. But as Yashiro said, we don't know anything about this ghost. So, cue Minamoto Kou (if you need a reminder he was confessed to multiple times by girls but not Yashiro, and got bumped by her probably down the stairs and given terrible gifts like twice all in one episode lmao) who apparently is under a line of exorcists (nope this is not "Ao no Exorcist" I don't watch that weeb shit lol) and is tasked (by himself) apparently to get rid of Hanako. I mean, the friendship is nice and all between the two just earlier, but then Hanako had to fight back. And he won. Well, to a newbie in this, but still. He was a killer, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, considering this youkai has a knife for a weapon, this shouldn't be too surprising. And in what seems to be the most amount of action (as in time, and as in intensity) we have seen thus far, this is probably that side dish I'll end up remembering for this series, to say the least. Of course, we will end up having to answer the question where this ex-killer will be able to clean his hands upon the gold pan (sorry if this is a Chinese proverb) and not start splashing blood everywhere because we've got a new rumour in the house!! Hey, if that fourth step on the stairs brings me to the "Spirited Away" world to be a servant it might be worse than cleaning the toilet for some youkai haha cya next week
Cute youkai may be cute but cute classmate is better hehe kawaii
This is so gay I can't even
P.S. "I may be an easy woman right now..." Woah be careful what you say there, girl. You're triggering a lot of people from the male audience now lol
P.P.S. "If it's being forced to clean toilets or do paperwork alone I rather choose the papers" BOOM GOT HIM haha these burns
[Tbh I actually don't mind a strong youkai taking care of stuff in the school than an exorcist besides the youkai is stronger haha]
This is as cool in the series as you will get
(Yes, Yashiro too)
This is as cool in the series as you will get
(Yes, Yashiro too)

アニメ Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei Shite Mita.
"It's not like I want to interfere with your date" ...But WHAT THE F**K is this even a date?? *laughs*
Didn't even realise but, as long as you have the glasses you're science student?? Well Kanade sure is not lol. In this new episode (#RikeKoi04) of a series where it's focused on nothing but experiments instead of lovey-dovey stuff although there is, this series is going to be literally "Kaguya-sama" episode 1 but it's every episode haha. Goddamn though if there is any Anime that can science up romance this much it's only this show, I guarantee you. *laughs* Let's talk about analyse this episode. *laughs* But seriously, this series is just making me laugh like an idiot while making me dumb, and I like it. So this episode, the duo go dating. And if you expected it to be an experiment, you're not alone haha. And so far... I mean, it's only getting better tbh. And thank goodness there's two other observers in with this experiment, or else the two might already be wrong from the start. Hey, this Anime is not whatever tsukkomi Anime I rejected earlier so thanks Kanade-chan for telling them to get clothing haha. And as expected, they had to plan on how to do this experiment, from how to come up with proper hypotheses to how to track data and so on. Again, if you don't mind any of these this show is still watchable. Why? Because of the many romantic scenes here and they have to let the two tap on their counter app on the times they felt something haha. But seriously, it might be too much. The Anime sure knows how to reduce that as much as possible in order not to lose audience like me though, as the bear literally gave up to explain too much so to not bore the rest of us. (Just Google "statistics normalisation" if you need to understand that) But otherwise, Himuro is lovely af, Yukimura is going along with his intuition a lot more in this date (after arguing with the one guy who is trying to chat up his girl) than his own deductions which is great. Also, the recording of data from the other two is the best haha. There is technically also flexibility in this experient (lol), where Yukimura gave up in holding hands with his girl so to make Himuro feel so sad we can only tell with the data that she is instead of looking at her face. Hey, who says feelings in a date cannot be seen? *laughs* Moving on and ignoring that loser who got slapped by going out with some other girl lol (okay he did got analysed by two people on picking a girl up, so...), we move on to the next part of the date, which is the theme park. Hey, so stereotypical, you just need to watch enough Anime to know this is the place to go on dates. But heck, all along the way the couple is only talking about physics and scientific theories, from roller coaster centripetal force to historical paranormal discoveries- Okay I'm tired haha I don't get grades for explaining these here anyways. (Science student here, by the way) All in all, besides the science stuff that can make the show real dry after getting us wet (I mean, look at Himuro and hear her scream on the rides haha), there are certain scenes which I said, Yukimura did take some initiative to make it look like a date than follow the experiment plan. For example, the present. I know it's still based heavily on scientific analysis (yeah Yukimura why not analyse her vag-), but they are afraid of heights while sitting on a Ferris Wheel haha, and the experiment was a success. Hey, at least we know Himuro was enjoying it lmao. Okay, and here's my ultimatum right here: Not going to do hypotheses, but if they can keep up this pace of having something to talk about (scientifically and romantically) every week I'll watch it. We shall see what they can cook up i.e. experiment plan for next week. But then again, right now I'm 65.2% sure I'll watch this series till the end haha you thought you won't get stats from me?? Hey, blame this show haha
We can don't watch that tsukkomi Anime I rejected liao because she's one and she's cuter hehe
Oh hello sexy Ten-chan haha the voice don't matter anymore
P.S. Oh COME ON it's not late if I'm not EXACTLY on the spot when the clock strikes 10 besides your watch may be off by 2 seconds lol <= not scientists conducting experiments (If you know of +/- you'll know there should be an acceptance gap in statistics)
P.P.S. "...under guidance from romance expert Kousuke..." Uh oh, Yukimura listened to the Anime loving guy lol
[The screenshots I took indicate the number of times I enjoyed this episode so... since it's 40 times let's get another image up, yes? ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED lol "we'll continue to analyse screenshot counts in the next few episodes to determine an average so to add more images at the end of the reviews if we hit them" haha sorry I gotta]
Can I like both of them, to be honest? Wait, I'm going to be that two-timer guy liao?
Is it me or does this remind you of the Anime "OreImo" and their alternate endings?

アニメ Kyokou Suiri
"You're going into the mountains dressed like that?" Hell yeah she is!! Somehow I'm getting excited lol
Yes Kotoko-chan he is comparing you to tonjiru and you still lost. *laughs* Well I would argue yes since that pork has 4 legs and you only have one BOOM haha. In this new episode (#KyokouSuiri02) of this other youkai series, I've never seen a serpent want a beautiful woman's body that bad lmao. Okay images of snakes eating up humans whole are surfacing already so let's talk about this quick haha. Hmm... if you are still okay with mystery talks every episode to a bunch of youkai who won't give up on explanations like your mom then... hey, I'm liking it because it's rather peaceful tbh. So, the story of the week is a serpent. Kotoko was summoned to the river a town away because the "Water God" living there has something to clarify on. Hey, it be more persistent than the best detectives out there, and this will take a lot of explanation it seems, but she seems bent on going anyways. She's been given the title of God of Wisdom, after all. If Kotoko wants a backup plan by calling on Kuro-san who literally saved her last episode, it's no wonder it sucks when he rejected the offer. Also, having regeneration skills like Kuro would be real useful in many occasions if he didn't also take in another corpse other than a mermaid to cancel his immortality. Man, this show is complicated haha. So yeah, that's how it is for now, so we'll leave what that other one is that he ate for next time. Meanwhile, Kotoko has to go up to the mountains alone... after visiting Kuro-san again in the evening in hopes he would join, and man is he really cooking up soup for dinner lol. Kuro gets her ready for the mountain trip haha, and off she went. Alone, of course, and he snatched a youkai as a promise for coming back alive, I guess. It was quite a long debate going on so I won't bore you with the story if you aren't as interested, but a murder case likely tied to a third person with someone covering it up... so far won't explain why that one woman who admitted she was the killer threw the corpse into the river the God drinks water from. Hey, she couldn't find anywhere else, can? It was the nearest place she could go at night why you have to rat it out on her?? *laughs* I'm pretty sure if I said that I'll be removed of my duties by being eaten immediately haha. So... I don't know man. You guys enjoyed it? The jokes in between somehow got me going though, but to be honest I may get real bored if it's always like this every week. But I'll try. I saw the original work a little and there are several arcs with the first major one coming out soon so we shall see. For next episode... I swear if Kotoko says "I don't know" we're going to make Kuro-san the sacrifice liao haha bye
You wished beach cleaning was this efficient haha
I see, this is a sukebe youkai haha pls let me be it
P.S. "If you brought (miso soup) here can't your boyfriend also bring to eat here?" Wow this serpent God is a genius haha #MindBlown
MFW they had to explain the whole incident from 5 years ago

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week of releases to listen, although I would argue that not many got into the list since they aren't as good as I thought they would be. Let's start with this week's stuff. Amamiya Sora's new single was real close to getting on the shelf mainly because of the B-side I would say, but then again the full theme song isn't great either, so I shall not further comment. Yuuki Aoi's new single is thrown off my shelf now that I listen to it, since I will probably never get used to her style and voice as of now. I really missed her when she was in Victor, to be honest. A cute her is better than cool her imo. Now, for past releases. Play.Goose's first album (yep, the guys who were in Goose house) was... said to be the answers to the previous songs, and... not that I cared about that in the lyrics because I don't, but I could pick up a song or two just to remember, so sure I'll continue to listen to them maybe. Dido's latest album as I have given her one song years ago is... different than her usual style, but that doesn't mean I can't give her a song or two. I'll give myself another week to sink in on this. Cider Girl's new album which released last week apparently wasn't too bad, but it's definitely not great enough for me to talk about it enthusiastically (man what is with songs today), nonetheless though I will give chance. Last but not least, Anime "Kyokou Suiri" opening theme song single which released even before the Anime previewed it this week, released last week and... it's a band alright. It's... just not the ones I'll be liking. They are J-Rock too so that's rather bad on their reputation haha. Which will be complimented by the fact that I may end up dropping the Anime after all, so don't feel about it, yes? I show no emotion to songs that suck-

I can imagine what it feels like when vivid undress writes their first Anime theme song- Please don't be like them haha

Next week brings us a slew of releases which I don't know if I'll like but we'll see. These range from Tachibana Rika's first album after she started a couple of years ago and I've literally given her nothing besides the recent song which I probably will start doing AFTER she got married (lol no relation btw), Uesaka Sumire's new album literally based on the one single which rocked the world last year so I'm not anticipating much hearing whatever that topic song is about (it's her quirk and I don't like it), and Base Ball Bear's new album since their band turned three-piece last year and I started giving them more songs, so this might be the most anticipating one. And considering it's holiday season next weekend I'll have plenty of time to decide all of the above sure enough. Music subscriptions are making this real easy to do so, by the way so FUCK YOU SPOTIFY-

I would love to write a post about how well Spotify and its ad-driven service compares to the Apple Music Japan subscription I pay for now but that'll have to wait until I have the time to type a lot- Oh yeah my subscription I have to renew haha

Talking about new news across the Internet, of course, about music for Klassic Note, I'm probably not going to get hyped about TrySail's new single considering their previews didn't hook me in at all, fumika surprised us with a new single with her which I've not heard yet haha, Sangatsu no Phantasia's new song for a.. college festival project is written by yuiko-san in which I cannot express how great she sounds singing solo, and Anime "Kaguya-sama" is airing next season. Welp Attack on Titan Season 4 because you will be forgotten haha

This shall be it then. I also clicked the order button on my last photobook for the year which starts on my birthday and this 10th book will probably appear next month which is... Kitou Akari's 1st photobook. Because she's getting popular. I'll save the talk on the actual post itself, but suffice it to say I had to wait for the pre-order sign event ticket chance to expire on Monday? Yeah, before I could order because I probably won't go even if I get it and I don't really want to rob others the chance of winning one which will probably not be of my concern lol. Hey, good guy me, but not like Akarin will know. But we are getting good side dishes along with the book (talking about special gifts lol), so I'll look forward to that. Cya guys next week, and until next time... I want to finish that Harvest Moon Mineral Town game before the new Animal Crossing game comes out. I just need to marry someone haha hardest decisions in games amirite?? *silence* Haha bye

P.S. Windows 10 has been doing me well so far I just don't know why my mouse scrolling has been bad ever since I changed OS the keyboard was after that and I still have the problem

P.P.S. Not going to make a post about it, but this year's calendar is... sphere. It's probably bad enough to compare to the table fold-around calendar from Mikakoshi since it's all live footage images so I'm not showing you guys what's inside. Ugh this year sucks haha
Really, it's literally 12 pages, sorry, I mean, SIX pages of this stuff because they can't take better images *sigh*

Sunday 12 January 2020

The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #2

This be a hectic weekend and I have to watch close to half a dozen Anime for their first episode too? Let's hope I have time to finish all these today.

If you don't see SIX reviews of Anime by Sunday, then good chances I don't have time for all of them since I have to deal with so much work over the weekend because people get work leave and I technically just changed departments and don't know half the things and the team, whatever they are thinking about. *laughs* Let's continue before I start b*tching about them lol

Also, I'm giving most of them a chance first so if you don't see a full review means I didn't enjoy it. I can stop halfway through an episode, by the way. Built from experience of watching Anime for a decade haha you gain resistance towards terrible shows

アニメ Babylon
"Why don't you go through the normal processes?" Me when I try to complain to higher-ups without asking my boss haha that poor mayor
Hey, FINALLY we get some answers. The President did not do anything, to be honest. *laughs* In the new episode (#Babylon09) I think we have waited a long time but, we finally know what is causing all the cities to start adopting the suicide law. I mean, those motherf**kers probably did not even know about the law or even know about Japan, but yet... Okay, let's talk about it. Firstly, the President is worried. So, he has to make phone calls. At least, to warn the cities of the consequences of adopting the suicide law haphazardly. This, is for short term deterrence. So even if anything evil is happening behind the scenes, he can still stop them from making it to reality. Next, the FBI is called. And guess who's the new investigator on the line. Welcome Seizaki, but heck in this case is he speaking English, Japanese English or Japanese to the Americans? *laughs* Anyways, yay him, and he may even get appointed as an official member, but his immediate superior suggested such a promotion mainly because, apart from the other 2 reasons, that he is dangerous. Seizaki... is not dangerous as in the way that he can kill. He is dangerous because he's volatile, I would argue. Even as we watch this series we still can see him twitching once in a while to his own hallucinations of Magase, receives text messages somehow in the USA from Magase, and still not get confined by the FBI lol. Even the dumbest person in the FBI would also know to investigate on Seizaki himself, which I hope for the sake of themselves, they would probably do that by now. However, he is useful now since he knows a lot of info, has direct contact with Magase, and can help see what happens in the recent cities that announced such a thing. He went to Hartford with a buddy (RIP, for starters) (I'm not jinxing it but still) and with some investigations found out that the Mayor of the area recently went to an old folks' home, and received a phone call. Yep, it's Magase Ai again. Besides the obvious trigger for Seizaki to which he should TOTALLY tell his buddy about ("Hey bro, I'm aroused by this" lmao), we also get to actually know what Magase is doing in detail which made people change their decisions to the extent of remove their will to live. Although I would argue that does this work on free thinkers? Haha I am so... Anyways, she may have different ways to talk to people about this or else she would be caught in the act already, so let's hope she screws up the one time and gets ripped apart by Seizaki- Don't worry that won't happen. I do hope for Seizaki's sake that he doesn't get double-crossed by the FBI and die an innocent death without explaining what he is experiencing through as of now, to be honest. This is going to end well, no matter which direction we take haha. Then again, I would like a surprise ending, and with Seizaki's volatile character as of now, it might just happen. We shall see then this is getting REAL exciting hehe I am not evil btw haha
All the other characters aren't as cool as this guy so he shall do for now haha
P.S. "When you die, it's over" Haha yeah Dr. Magase you being a scientist and influencing me with your scientific studies in the face of religion? lol I don't care I DIE WHENEVER I WANT haha

アニメ Hatena Illusion
If you are a Master Thief, does that mean you are not punishable by law? *laughs* 
In this incredibly flashy opening of a series, the first episode (#HatenaIllusion01) gives us the main perspective of the plot and everything else that exists in general. I don't really know why I decide to pick this one up, but I did think along the lines of "if this isn't Tejina Senpai I'll watch" kind of way lol. Firstly, what happened. When you have a childhood kid who saved you when your were young(er) (she's 12), you'll be darned she'll be BFFs with you after you grow up. For Hatena-chan though, that might not be the case. Problem? She thinks her childhood friend was a female. Oops. People make those mistakes as a kid. The production probably made a mistake already letting a female voice Makoto (I checked, it's a guy haha), who is in fact, a male. Yep, a man is one without a chest haha I thank the Anime for not going for... you know. "I see someone has grown a d*ck" haha *silence* Okay, lame sex jokes aside lmao, the family of Hatena-chan is welcoming his return, mainly for apprentice learning from the parents who are themselves, professional magicians. Well, just before we continue, the worldview is magical, but not as in Madoka Magica lol, but of the tejina level but still rather crazy levels, I would argue. (I mean, teleportation or illusion magic? Well hello, David Co**erfield) Okay, back into the plot. So Makoto was kind of lost reaching that mansion of the professional magicians family, (I mean, you can just bring the kid to the nearest police post and be on your way- Oh yeah, he was lost too. *laughs*) but hey, upon the realisation of truth from Hatena-chan the parents already are busy with work I assume, leaving the house and such. So... what do you do with a guy inside the house? I mean Hatena-chan, what about the old butler? So yeah Makoto joins the old man as a butler, after somehow "accidentally" breaking an Artifact (we shall come to that later) of the storeroom in which this poor bloke is living in for the moment, now has to compensate for it because the family maid Ema decided he has to. I mean, is she the fourth wall of this series or what? *laughs* I mean, as much as we stand by her side to want to see this development happen between the two, Makoto also left good impressions on everyone in general. He gave a small gift in appreciation of meeting Hatena's younger sister Yumemi (GAMERS UNITE lol), is still very respectful to others especially now the father is his shisho, the mother repaired his wand for him when he was young anyway FLASHBACK!! So yeah, the dog broke it years ago, and perhaps the parents should help repair Hatena's broken heart since she can't live with this guy in the house somehow lol. Now, impressions. I liked the theme songs and with time probably I will anyways, and it isn't Tejina Senpai. There actually is a plot here with all the mystery from the house of traps (if you walk the wrong corridor lol), to the mother creating an Artifact maybe disguising it as a repair to Makoto's wand... there seems to be much to talk about even for one cour, and I think I can watch it. Three episode rule, I suppose. And considering I can talk about it this much I think I'll like it. Hey, give me a new couple by the end of the series and... it probably won't top other romance Anime I intend to watch even this season so whatever haha I'll enjoy a good laugh though they are easy to anticipate
Really, this is modern-day Shana-chan if I ever saw it (and I did)
This girl is literally asking for a couple to be made.
I see we are standing on the same side haha
P.S. She talking to her accessories too are you by chance a Flame Haze?? Haha sorry but I gotta make that Shana reference
P.P.S. Coffee black? How old is this girl?? *laughs*
[KANA-CHAN GIF COMING UP!! Haha she be cute and I like]
I genuinely want her to be together with the girl, uh, I mean, guy haha
(She's 12 btw lol)

アニメ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
"But in exchange, she takes something precious from them" NO, NOT HER VIRGINITY!! lmao it's a "he" btw haha
"If you want power beyond human comprehension, the price will be much higher" Ah, the series in a summary, by the way. In this fabulous first episode (#HanakoKun01) I didn't expect to like, we are brought to a real yet surreal universe. Nope, not your next isekai world by any means; We are still in a modern day school lmao. The school, just like any school in Japanese Anime (lol), has seven wonders. Well, some have more but. *laughs* And the seventh, because if we talk about the first six it'll take three seasons lol, is an apparation in the girls' toilet. Yeah, you can see where this is going haha. This apparation though, can fulfill one wish in exchange of something from you. So Yashiro - this innocent, cute, love-struck and down with love luck girl - comes to ask for his her his help. Initially it was all but a joke, as he gives more practical approaches to getting the guy she likes. Then again, she did mention her case as trying to find someone else to piss off the one person she confessed to earlier in school, so... as Hanako-san said truthfully and I agree, anyone will do. So... I hope you didn't realise the plot twist now, because we still have ways to go haha. Realistic approaches don't work (really, giving him vegetables from your own plantation wouldn't work lol), so here comes the not-so-realistic ones. Yashiro found a pouch of mermaid's scales (they come in two, just so you wonder), and she thought this might be it. Well, she's not right though, as Hanako-san tries to explain what they are and... she swallowed it. Well damn, that sucks, because it's a curse. And also because since she didn't give the other to someone else ie. someone she likes, the scales won't form a bond and... Yashiro becomes a fish. Wait, what? *laughs* This show is real amazing at how it can play around with this spiritual stuff, I would argue. But a fish isn't complete in the apparation world without its master, so... cue the mermaid. I mean, if you thought the mermaids in Pirates movie series were disgusting, this one will make you throw up if this were to be made into a real life movie haha okay stop imagining that now lol. Hanako-san defends her underling (lol) by saying that he hasn't fulfilled her wish yet, and deals with the old b*tch (fish, haha) with a knife. I don't think the action plays a lot in this series, so I'm glad? (It's kinda lacking though tbh) Anyways, and if you need suspense for this one, Hanako-san decides to save this poor fish, uh, I mean, girl haha, by sharing the bond with her. And so, he takes the other scale. She returns to normal, but yeah now technically they are a couple. Yay, we're done. Romance series ended. Hey, thanks for coming to the last episode of this series- I'm just joking this is just starting. As much as this Hanako-san is a perv, he is just going to use Yashiro for labour considering he's half ghost, and probably throughout this series they together will discover many other strange things in this school. Your new duo is born, ladies and gentlemen. In terms of production, I am still impressed but am not getting used to the less than realistic drawings so far, but I think I can live with it. Otherwise, you get quite a jovial couple (I mean, it's a perv and a radish what more can you ask? *laughs*) who will talk about spiritual stuff every once in a while. Hey, Anime? If you want to flirt too I'm fine I like that Hanako-kun fellow haha we shall see a couple more episodes to see if there is a standard flow I won't get bored with
Me when I ask a girl out lol
Let ERO-DAIKON be the best joke of this week haha before the week is over let's
P.S. "That stuff is out of fashion these days. You can call me Hanako-kun" wow this cross-dress lore is amazing haha
P.P.S. "My special skill is gardening!" Yeah put that in your resume, girl. *laughs* Then again some of them girls put "watching drama" as a skill so... You're good lmao

アニメ Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei Shite Mita.
"These numbers aren't concrete..." And BITCH you can round up to 1 decimal place? lol
Man, that intro is literally, an introduction to numerology. Hey, I paid 2k (SGD) for a fortune telling because my mom told me to, by the way. *laughs* In this first episode (#RikeKoi01) of the smartest Anime we have seen yet haha, JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY GEEZ. *laughs* Okay, first things first, I'll talk about production. You must get used to either of the things I mention now which are (1) the animtion because it isn't the best you can find out there and also because any of the above I reviewed this week is better (thanks for the cuter animations too those got me in haha), (2) the super cliche plot lines that they won't explain since it's science and they can say it whatever way they want kind of like how you can argue your way through university projects any way you like and you'll still get As and (3) the real technical stuff, because if you don't know null hypothesis now is a good time to learn what it is haha. If you can get over any of them, the reward here will be fantastic. I'm not going to draw pie charts to explain how much you'll like this show just by liking any of the above points because I'm not a researcher lmao. Okay, story time. There's the girl Himuro and guy Yukimura. Somehow, the girl like the guy. Yeah. We're done. Easy, right? Explanation over. But instead of embracing each other like normal people do, they go talk about that one null hypothesis about why they will love each other. Well, now that they have to spend the next 12 episodes debating about it lol, the first comes with a more direct approach, mainly physical contact. Himuro also compiled a bunch of reasons and deduced how she came to like the guy and so on (and that's why I say this may get dry and boring), but yeah it's basically her flirting all over the guy haha. I mean, if they say they can search the Internet for suggestions (and technically prove them wrong) the girl can just find as many intimate things (besides sex) (haha Koi to Uso GO AWAY) to ask the guy to do because you know, her heartbeats will go real quick? *laughs* Yeah, as you can see we have a very mature yet desperate woman haha. Kanade joins in as our first side character in this first episode, and she... she knows the reality. *laughs* The reality meaning that it's about the feels. If you really do like someone there might be reasons, there might be an origin, but normally it's also because of a lot of reasons and how you feel (circumstances mostly) (I am not a "love master" go talk to Tsurezure Children's Katori-senpai haha) in general that determine how you will want to do more for that special person. But nope, the guy be like "I'll draw a formula to put you into the statistics" lol and you know, spoil the entire love talk and flashback altogether. I mean, if you can get used to this then this is your show. I... might be holding back on this even though this might be a long time in a while I will ever get to watch Ten-chan (Amamiya Sora) act as a main girl in a love story I can like, so... better give her chance while I'm at it for now hehe. Besides, the main girl character is lovesick I'm sure to enjoy that haha REALITY SUCKS *laughs* To end this... the bear MVP every episode haha MOCHO~!! lol my most boring lecturer is more interesting than it HECK the one toy rabbit for a boss in a government organisation is more interesting than this bear lmao
This is so wholesome I can't even
MFW I watch this episode this is LITERALLY Kaguya-sama haha what a bunch of idiots
P.S. "What happened between us in that dream?" Haha you don't want to know bro, you don't want to know. *laughs* Oh they just held hands, how nice.
P.P.S. Wow they have just convinced me that researching how much someone loves another through a machine learning algorithm would make of a great FYP (college thesis) haha well too bad mine's over for now but next time I get a degree... Remind me to do a major in Social Sciences haha

アニメ Kyokou Suiri
"...I'm just girl who went crazy after some lunatic who messed with my body" Not adult content, by the way haha
I see that kappa, and I know this Anime is going to be weird. Haha waiting for that plot twist, to be honest. In this rather calming start of a first episode (#KyokouSuiri01), we got to 9000 real quick, and it might become my favourite this season. Okay, let's talk about it. Firstly, the deception. The Anime will start you in a calming scenario without much origin, but that's okay. Storytelling is required for this to work out, so I can understand. The main girl introduces herself as Kotoko, someone who mysteriously got kidnapped and lost a leg and arm and was found alone two weeks after she went missing. She talks to a guy Kuro, who are both outside a hospital. The conversation... I'll leave you to understand yourself, but yes, she is one heck of a God of Youkai. Just the stuff I would actually like if it isn't full on crazy like the many other Anime though who walked these traditional fiction story footsteps. The guy... no, let's talk about the girl first. Apparently, she has a walker. Not because it's cool or whatever, but she lost a leg. And an eye, to be more exact. Story goes she was "kidnapped" years ago and then woke up to a bunch of youkai asking her to be their saint. A "Goddess of Wisdom", as they mentioned. She agreed, and that sounds like a huge price to get your limb taken off and eye gouged (perfectly, by the way), but hey, she be living the life now, eh? And somehow she likes the guy. She saw him at the hospital as he was visiting a patient while she was a patient (if you didn't realise she needs to recover after whatever she went through which hit the headlines), saved him from a fall which probably would get him a good concussion. At that time, the guy still has a girlfriend, but now... she has a chance to confess? Okay, Anime, whatever you say haha. If you thought RikeKoi was weird wait till you watch this lol. This... awkwardness in relationship probably will play out soon, but let's talk about the guy. He is Kuro-kun, a normal guy who recently broke up with his girlfriend because she saw a kappa when they were taking a stroll by the river. The girl initiated it. And if you watched the episode and didn't realise the hidden mystery, he is what his girlfriend saw. BOOM hope I didn't blow your mind haha. And the people he ate by the river, yeah? This getting to you right now? Haha that's probably one of the charms of the Anime, I would argue. If you need a hint as to why, the episode then ends with a somewhat action scene in dealing with a youkai, but man is it gory, so if you wanna watch this one please get over seeing the girl in the operation room with her leg chopped off first lol. Overall... I still think this Anime is awkwardly interesting somehow. It's like the normal youkai master Anime but.. a little dull, and more like peaceful, I might add. But uh, if you can't understand this story flow then this really isn't for you. But for the sake of Kitou Akari (yes she be main girl again) I will give this a couple more episodes like the others to see if I can accept the weekly flow of fighting monsters... without using weapons? Okay that fire extinguisher is kind of a weapon lol. We shall see. I'm not as crazy about this show as Kotoko-chan is crazy about Kuro-kun hehe
My dad when he has to tell me to get a life lol
(I know I'm not a female but)
She came lmao
P.S. "I guess it's possible to die that way" Oi haha for context the guy probably thought the girl is dying soon lmao
P.P.S. But seriously, between cute voice Akarin and normal voice Akarin I'll take this, uh, I mean, I'll take both hehe

But seriously, side note, all these new Anime taught me this week is to be aggresive in approaching love, like just go for it. That's it. *laughs*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm... not much has happened since we last talked about Klassic Note because I have a work life, but let's talk about it anyways. Polkadot Stingray's new mini-album releases this week in case you didn't know they can write songs faster than you can hear them (also, music videos), and... sure I'll take some hype songs, whatever. Haha I am liking their style anyways, as much as they always try to overdo it with the instrumentals to you know, look cool. I also took some time to look back at a release that I've not yet rejected last year which is a flood of circle's latest EP and... if you need to be happy for the start of the year, this thing is it. *laughs* It got me happy real quick the moment I heard it. The topic song music video is also real funny, so you can watch it. "Lucky to be alive", yes? Haha

Next week we welcome a slew of Anime theme song releases in which I may or may not give so you can come back next week to see for yourself, from Yuuki Aoi's new single to Amamiya Sora's new single for Anime "RikeKoi" that you might have read above. Yeah, this might be her first and only single we'll hear a cute her in... pretty much everything from her singing to- I just want that fanservice music video hehe

About news on Twitter and around the Internet if they aren't on Twitter which they should be, you can hear a snippet of Minase Inori's new single online now which is okay probably, Numakura Manami's new music video and her final song in her solo music career already made me weep, and why must Ikimonogakari's new music video go through the history of their band formation and singing "goodbye youth" haiz mine is also gone from hearing you guys too *sob*

Sorry for the haphazard post this week, but I really settled work and rushed through this in one night. Maybe tomorrow if I have time after work and not be forced to work overtime (FU-) then I'll update on the thumbnails. Yeah, for now this might be it. You know, you can gauge how much effort I will do in relation to which series I might actually give in the end, but for now... let me go shower and sleep haha. Cya guys next week, and until then... I hope you have time to watch Anime this week haha a lot of shows appeared for the new season already. I feel sad not giving Anime with more action compared to these few I landed with but hey, it's not even final. Haha see you guys around.

P.S. Ah, I know why now. The Anime aren't cool enough because they lacked a cool phrase or line. Man, remember those Anime where they like to "I'll take care of it" and starts rampaging on a monster or something? I miss those days haha