Saturday 20 October 2018

The Klassic Note Initiation for Dummies (2007-2017)

Hey. I hope you're noticed, we're going to be serious from here on.

Today marks the start of a series of posts under #KN10YEARS which I shall discuss in detail on whatever is this phenomenon that has kept me going, which I refer as Klassic Note. So firstly, I will kick things off in here by talking about what it is about, and what makes any song out there worth adding to my song list.

Yes, I know this should've been done back in 2017 but I can still remember how it feels, and many of the "rules" which I shall refer to in this post, still applies today.


Klassic Note - as it has been previously abbreviated as "KN Song Awards" as taken from my initials because I didn't have that much creativity for a name back in 2011 if I'm not wrong - is the name for the analysing, exploring and in general, my song list after treading into the Japanese music industry circa 2007. I felt that back then the sudden surge of new songs and exposure to various styles of music even within specific genres affected my life drastically that I notice it was worth to remember them. And what better way to do so with awarding and complimenting at scale? And here we are.

Klassic Note in general had three main motto, two of them are used within the 10 years from origin.

For the 5th year anniversary in 2012, I knew that I should come up with a general direction for this project, and also try to describe the mood and goal of such a project, and with that, I focused on "Searching For A New Melody", which brings upon the fact that all I've been doing since the start is to explore, to find new melodies, to find different feels which can express my daily life, and I think I've done a real good job to follow that motto. From different genres and music styles and an array of artists to follow, this was an adequate representation.

However, as times changed, so did the feels. Setting judgement and giving certain levels of criteria to so objectively give songs from all walks of media, I thought of using certain level of objective criterion so I can distinguish the good ones from the everyday oens which I will still give with increased comfort following the artists I liked in style. So in comes "Searching For A Different Melody" as of 2017 to better represent Klassic Note, which shows the need to hear something different other than sticking to the usual comfortable melodies and styles or even genres, giving what was previously impossible to pass for song requirements a better chance, and giving transformation bigger credit for the goal to impress.

This, of course, is not THE rulebook because I'm human. I have my opinions, so I won't just give any song off the streets. Neither am I a robot, so requirements in this post won't always apply. Release time, size (single, album), marketing and relation of the artist with me in Klassic Note are heavy factors which have changed over time. But today, we shall talk about what did make most of the songs stay in the list instead of being brushed away as quickly as I finished hearing the first chorus. Yes, let's talk about it.

But before that, we need to talk about song structure. Specifically today's pop music structure. I'll like you to take a short read at Wikipedia if you have the chance, but if you don't, I'll give you a quick brief to what I think is in a song. Four terms you need to be aware of before we talk about them. Verses are parts of the song which lead to the chorus. Pre-chorus are right before the chorus and are typically shorter than the verses. If you don't know of the chorus I don't know if you know music or not becuase it's the part of the song everyone cares about. And finally, the bridge is the part of the song which creates an alternative transition from the (typically) middle of the song ie. second chorus to the final chorus and eventually, the end of the song. Other than these four, most of the parts of the song can be flexible, as these are more easily identified.

So, the rules, and on what I have given and have not given over the years.

Firstly, in melody. The melody describes what notes go into a song, and how they sound greatly affects how much we remember the song in general because we can hum or sing them. That is the essence of the song. What I do give is unique melodies: the better I can't relate to any song and I like, the better chances I'll remember it, and the higher the compliments I'll give every year for the awards. In early years this wasn't much of a case, as there weren't many songs to compare to (FYI my song list before Klassic Note is pathetic, just so you know), so it was pretty much everything I come across. We'll talk about that later. So, newer songs in later years came into increasing judgement on how different they are or actually, how comforting they are in famliarity, typically more of the latter as we see the lack of creativity in the music industry in general. What I do not give typically are those that do not fall into any of these categories, most notably in recent years the increase in "off-beat melodies" I would like to call it, as they create familiarity in melody but add a note or two in every phrase, making it impressional but less than convincing than me because it feels like a prick on that cactus which is a new song just slightly modified. And that applies to all parts of the song, most notable in the chorus because again, it's the impresison maker. It also appears most often, at least based on my experience, on the bridge part of the song as songs typically set to give a good impresion on which is known as audio previews released publicly before release, and giving a disappointing full song on release. These cases are most often seen in Anime songs written by producers in major labels instead of mainstream artists who are more dedicated to explore different melodies and styles. Other than that, some artists do exhibit unique melodies which can be memorable and happen more often with indie artists (as when I heard of them) including sunday morning bell, Lattice., amongst many others.

Secondly, in genre. In Klassic Note, I define genre differently from style (which I will talk next after this) and as what type of music is generally agreed upon in the industry, so for me it's kind of a gray area which can be exploited often so I can give melodies. In this case, it's most often a low priority factor. What I do give is what I have heard before. In early years, I have a Commendation mention of song genres I give over the years, and starting from familiar genres like Pop and Rock I have thus far advanced to having given Rap, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Electronic and Punk genres over the years. But yeah, I still give bias to song genres I feel comfortable giving, mostly in J-Rock and J-Pop, or a combination of both. Many Collection Artists in Klassic Note are there because their genres align with my interests. What I do not give though, are beat-based genres. I know it's compelling to have listed some of them which fall into this category, but hey, I'm being flexible, and as I mentioned earlier, not a heavy factory. However, the Techno genre has always been a no-go in Klassic Note from the start, and I hesitate to give any song even if the melody is good, and I generally avoid artists who touch on that genre of music or exhibit such styles. (It has been broken in 2018 but I'll leave that for another story) Also, because the definition of genre in Klassic Note is vague, a couple of songs which are prioritised of melody will be forgiven of this genre, namely from in 2017 Shishido Kavka's "Tachiagare" which can be argued to be in the Electronic/Techno genre and which I highly praised in the Song Awards. It was held back due to this rule as she stays 14th in the song rankings of that year.

Next, in style. Style in Klassic Note is defined as how an artist expresses different emotions, namely those with upbeat melodies and those with an emotional or sentimental feels to it, as far as I can feel. Rap is a good exception to this and is also seen so I guess this is a third style. For most artists, they (have to) display several different styles that will define them, and it's always shown in most artists, so liking one or the other in Klassic Note is not unusual. For example, KANA-BOON possesses all three styles. Their songs come with a variety of lively tunes, emotional melodies and of course, rapping songs which they do every now and then. Personally, I'm a fan of the lively songs, not so much on the emotional ones typically because they don't come up with a good melody every time, and rapping is out of my league for them. So yeah, just an example on how artist generally get my attention, and also how I give songs for artists and figure out if they have anything in style I can eventually like. Not a dealbreaker in first impression, but more for further analysis and inspection once the artist comes under the microscope.

Then, there is the instrumentals. If you've only been hearing the melody of any song, you've bene missing out. Part of listening to a song is to hear everything that is in it. The full audio spectrum. So yeah, from guitar riffs to drum beats to techno beats (not going there), there's always an instrumental melody or beat to remember by. So much so that since 2008 I've been introduced to intstrumental only bands from time to time, from SPECIAL OTHERS to PHONO TONES and so on. These artists remove the need for vocals for instrumental melody playing throughout, even for a long track length. And as distinctive as a melody, these make sure you'll remember the song itself as long as you can hear them. What I give and do not give though greatly depends on what I like and think is great, but the standards are generally lower compared to singing.

To a lesser extent and only preent in recent years, is lyrics. I know some people swear by song lyrics to give songs, but coming into a music industry for a language I have no idea about, this doesn't apply. Which is why the above rules take precedence in a world of not giving lyrics so I don't get distracted by the theme of the songs based generally on love and sadness if you are outside of Japan. In Klassic Note, you get a variety of emotions just listening to music itself, and the lyrics only came out of light as I continue to listen to more songs and sing along to the lyrics, from pronunciation to reading Japanese itself. With that, it brings a whole new level of comprehension and appreciation for the song(s), especially if it expresses a certain emotion. This however won't do good on song which have little meaning, but that is fine since this is not a dealbreaker rule, especially on first listen because the melody is more prominent than the lyrics since I can't comprehend them that fast to leave an impression.

And lastly, obligations. Because I like Anime, it has always been the reason for me to give songs in Klassic Note. Today, I have to give an Anime theme song if I have to give the corresponding show. Yes, it's a rule. So yes, maybe bad songs may have appeared from time to time to lower the quality throughout, but hey, there are good songs. More on that in the future posts, but yeah, this one I cannot dismiss. From Linked Horizon to practically anything in the "K-ON!" series, it's hard to see how this might throw the balance off what my bias is towards giving songs using the rules above. Another common trend which happens from time to time, is giving of cover songs. Whether it's for an Anime or an artist chose to release a Cover Album, it's another reason for me to give them songs for something they did not write, and that sometimes falls into two main categories: songs I have never heard of and I think the artist sang well, or - in more relevance to hearing songs for 10 years - songs I've heard of in Klassic Note. So yeah, standpoints for these have changed over the years, but since Collection Artists are getting their Tribute Albums which feature other artists covering their songs? For now I'm avoiding the awarding and addition of cover songs unless they are real good. Remixes of songs are even more of a no-go so don't bother asking if I give any of them.

As with all rulebooks there are exceptions, and this is no... exception. Becuase there are too many differences out there (I always give them, and I want to end this post already), I'll just list a couple. Remember this is not an exhaustive list, but the most common trends that are observed throughout the years listening to Japanese songs. (I may just add a few more over time if you want to read this long post again)

In present context, it is harder for me to give emotional songs today not because I don't have emotions, but it takes more time to absorb the message and mood delivered by the song, and that does not work in recent years. In early years it was easy to give along with a compulsory school education and regular ups and downs, but moving on this will be harder as the rules in the book may not count anymore. Instead, giving lyrics may come in handy and first impression of the melody became higher determining factors compared to the others since I won't bother to listen to them a second time if I didn't like it at all. The Awards every year are good examples of what I give every year in terms of style, not genre, is never consistent.

Another thing which will likely break the rulebook is also, the inclusion of objective judgement. As mentioned from the start, this makes it a lot harder to give songs based on any rule or even any impression, as it continues to tie me into rejecting songs because of a certain lack of quality eg. verse is boring, and then ignoring everything else in the song which can potentially be good. To this, a solution is typically to give them a second chance as long as I find the need to, so Yogee New Waves is a good example in 2017 where I started off with giving zero songs and ended the year with two. This greatly hinders on the progress of giving good songs versus giving songs which I like, both important and presented very realistically in Klassic Note itself. Anime songs are another good reason this exception exists too.

Familiar and/or fresh melodiesPoor song parts esp. chorus, bridge

In summary, we discussed in our first post for KN10YEARS what Klassic Note is about, its motto, and what goes to giving any song. Six rules are presented as reference to any song that is given over the past 10 years, with exceptions that are typically forgiven since it likely presents a unique mood that I'll not forget. As they say, music reflects on life, so if you listen to any song be sure to think if it represents what you feel right now. With so many songs out there, it's hard to even comment on all of them.

Next we shall kick start on The Klassic Note Spirit, starting from the top again from the origins, and presenting two years worth of stories every week until December where I will reveal The Master Plan for KN10YEARS. Cya guys then. First post on origins will follow shortly after this post.

Monday 15 October 2018

The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #41 - Anime Extra

Well, it may be a little hectic for this week ever since the last time I decided to watch that one show on a Sunday night before I sleep, but these are not it. So yeah, gotta cram watch these in one night then.

We're going to say goodbye to one(?) of the shows this week though, so we'll be back to normal next issue lol oh wait

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
"There's more than just Titans outside these walls" I mean, how did YOU know, ARMIN?? *laughs*
Okay I better check if I did mention that Eren's father was from outside of the walls or not... Oh I didn't haha good. The new episode is an episode of hope. Man, how many episodes of this series we get one like this? Not many- Wait, there's something in the ending theme song? WHAT THE FU-
#Spoilers (maybe I should cover this up just like the Reiss family)
Sorry for the sudden interruption because I was shocked. But first, where we left off. (Oh yeah, this will be the mobile site thumbnail too, oops) This week's episode (#AttackOnTitan49) was an episode of hope. We now know from the internal meeting that Eren's father was one from outside of the walls, and apparently he may be coming in to save the people within, but unfortunately encountered that memory-wiping of a Titan from the Reiss family, I assume. The rest, is probably as you know from the Commandant. Moving on, Levi now takes control of the serum, even though he got it from... Kenny (wow I forget the names of dead people real quick), and showed it to the higher-ups. He also had a confrontation with Erwin, who practically isn't fit to be a soldier right now. Well, he can still ride a horse. And scream. And wave his sword in the air. That's good enough as a Commander, right? *laughs* Anyways, re-taking of Wall Maria is in place, everyone had one final night eating the rarest food in their world now which is meat, and the three main guys talked through the night. Man, if we ever get a beach episode in this series I'll... *laughs* On other things, Beredo- what's his name, may already be waiting for them. Hey, not so fun now, isn't it? *looks at official website* Wait, this is it for now? Okay, then I better summarise. No wonder it was such a positive episode, this one.
Still Season 3, huh.
(Hey! It's the sea!)
This season (I wouldn't say that actually since next season is also called "Season 3" for some reason) brought us a lot of hope. Mainly revealing the truth behind most of the stuff within the walls, we now know of how Titans came to be (or can form), mostly through injecting that serum in you hoping that you're of royal blood so it works best on you. However, it may be more than that as they continue to witness the marvel of technology ahead they can't comprehend. Moreover also, the conspiracy regarding the politics ruling the walls. We also knew about Historia's real identity, and how she contribued to bringing peace once again to the now reduced region. Hey, we gotta expend again someday. Too bad it isn't this season. Things I got to wonder are why the theme songs barely lasted one-cour (which is on average 12 episodes) (okay it was close), why the haphazard conclusion which will be slated for explanations half a year later (like, why), and still mainly why the humans haven't gotten wiped yet. I mean, with the powers of the Titan at this point? An ambush would have easily wiped everyone in the walls. Hey, ever wondered how the walls were built WITHOUT the Titans f**king them? Me too. These, and many more questions unanswered, but I guess we'll just have to wait. Bring back better theme songs, man. I feel ashamed to have to give Linked Horizon another song lol (Like, where's cinema staff and Hikasa Youko?)
Let's end the "season" with two of the most pathetic people this time.
Let's end the "season" with two of the most pathetic people this time.
P.S. All that idiot can do is scream, that Erwin. *laughs* <= Very deep meaning in context btw go figure it out yourself

アニメ Tsukumogami Kashimasu
"He made a fair bit from the rice market in the Kansai region..." Hey Sataro you forgot your 80 ryo debt to Okou-san? You broke her stuff, remember? (Also she could use the money to pay off the lending shop's debt *laughs*)
Hey despite Notetsu sounding like he's talking crap he actually makes sense. Not because of finding another woman, no no, but with the uncle he can ask around in there what they need, that last incense burner. (Notetsu gained 11 episodes worth of balls to say it though lmao) In this final episode (#Tsukumogami12) of this wonderful, wonderful series that is... oh come on, you guys know it. In the conclusion to #TheGossip we finally got the happy ending we all wanted. Did I wait 12 episodes for this to happen? You bet I did! Did I wait 12 episodes for Mikakoshi to flirt the sh*t out in front of a man?? YOU BET I DID!! Did I wait 12 episodes for Sataro-san to be indirectly rejected by Okou? You bet- Wait, what?? Okay, let's go over things. *laughs* Firstly, what happened. As we have learnt of last episode, Sataro-san is in town. And with Seiji's inquisitive mind, he figured out most of his motives for returning quick enough, of course, with great help this time around thanks to the tsukumogami which they keep saying they shouldn't converse with, but heck, this is last episode so we can break the rules haha. *laughs* Okay, back here. And so, Seiji went on a rough but eventful search for what Sataro is seeking, and where he is likely at now (stuck in the store room, so typical a hiding place lol). Hey, he did report home but other than that, he was totally prepared to marry Okou, I swear. Unfortunately, he thinks that all women are that fimicky that they will remember things like "Oh I broke something worth 80 ryo so I'm going to pay it back to you" and then we'll also propose to you for the marriage so now my mom can't say anything? Okou be like "what an idiot", and gave a scolding to Seiji too. Yes, guys. Apparently girls don't care about money. *laughs* Okay, jokes aside, but yeah, something Seiji and Sataro actually have in common that they will never understand (actually, I think I do) (but does that make me a woman? lol) and that is they are too apprehensive when it comes to love. If you really care, everything else should be forgiven. Hey, says a lot to what's bad about you and your girl is living with it. Think about it. I don't have one but you probably have, so think about it.

With all the forces coming together to solve this final mystery, and an afterword to conclude the series, I must say this is the best show this season. And yes, I mean that. Didn't really expect this ending, but I'll take it. Just like taking the debt for Izumoya, the incense burner from Sataro, the brush with a rabbit carving, the cigarette holder, the portrait of a moon, the figurine of a dancer, and the handy-dandy waist accessory. All in all, to deliver a sense of indifference and sense of satisfaction of solving communal mysteries in the Edo period. And that, I say this is a nice show. Kudos to the original author for thinking of this, for I would never believe such a concept will be that sound to make me love this every week. On the other hand, I would argue this last episode may be abrupt, since everything is going so smoothly. But hey, we can afford to have a show going according to plan, right? No? Then let's go over things again then. I think I might not have written this review good enough lol okay let's stop (I wish tsukumogamis were a real life thing; I love my phone so much back then it should become blessed lol) (What was your most treasured thing that isn't an electronic device?) (I don't have one now btw my dad threw it away because he didn't bother to fix it when the eye popped off *sob*)
He does deserve it by the way, whoever's not in the shot haha
*slap* haha
Real MVP this series though. You deserved it, Notetsu.
P.S. MVP this episode only: Usagi-san saying "going over things" earlier than Gokui Goi haha I LOVE THIS SHOW (sorry bro really, really forgot your name there)
P.P.S. "What good would ameteurs like us be able to do?" *looks at Seiji* *cues Conan theme music* Haha we don't need the magisterate! *laughs*
[These GIFs were brought to you by GIFMAGAZINE, your one-stop website for all short image clips Anime-related! #notSellout]

アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"You, after wanting to work at a bookstore after watching Episode 1..." You're breaking the fourth wall, Honda-san. *laughs*
Wow, I might just like this show now. Sorry, Denkigai no Honya-san, it's time for me to move on. This new episode (#HondaSan02) cannot get more real on showcasing the busiest day in the bookstore, and for what reason? Because it's holidays and every other publisher has to push their books to release before that so we guys get to enjoy your books during the break. (Sorry, no personal experience as a customer so I cannot relate lol) (I will attempt to do it this holiday season, I promise *looks at Kawai Makoto-sensei and Hazuki Matcha-sensei*) So yeah, the guys at the store are going to have to work hard to display the stock, like it or not. Hey, if this is the first show about bookstore management you've seen, I'm sorry. Not the best example for this show doesn't provide fanservice, but jokes are still the best thing this Anime can offer, so I'll take it. Hey, more laughs in half an episode compared to many other shows out there? It's an achievement already. We also got chance to listen to some character stories, well, mainly on their roles and who are the largest manga publishers in the country lol. I mean, if you don't know how to piece up any of their names you're not experienced enough. Between Shueisha and Young Jump and Kadokawa and Koudansha and Shokotsukan... there's bound to be someone you'll be meeting along the way if you read manga. Oh, those were company names? Oops. For mostly this show (besides Honda-san) focuses on naming their characters after what they look like in their face eg. Paperbag, we shall refer to them by their nicknames. So yeah, just another quick insight to whatever this mess of a show is, but hey, I'm enjoying it. I'll definitely be picking up this show for this season, but considering how short this is I may just put these with the others but it'll be a day late. Oh dear customers, you guys won't mind, would you? (Please don't complain haha)
Me when I know I need to lie on a bed lmao
Me when I try to cram all my exams into one revision lol (?)
P.S. #WorkProblems when you try to take leave on days when you have nothing to do to come back on time to have stuff for you to do lol
P.P.S. TIL this was based on a true story lmao Honda-san I'm so sorry I'll have to laugh at you for another 3 months
[OMAKE!! My manga author followings for your reference. I may just have a small column to introduce them every week in the future, so stay tuned.]

Okay I better end this soon. If you see a weird thumbnail or two that means I'm not done with it yet and I'll do it at work tomorrow haha I know I'm REAL FREE didn't you see the minor changes to the site? Even at desktop? And mobile? Yeah, proudly spent 10 hours today fine-tuning it *laughs* Cya guys on Saturday.

Yes, Saturday. #KN10YEARS

We're all so boring now thanks to globalisation. Thanks, Internet.

Hey, don't kill me there, modern society. Allow me to explain. You guys know of the good times. The times we felt like the world was barely just the nation and not much more. The times where there was nothing else for entertainment or even conversation than life in here itself. Today, thanks to the Internet, we can have an array of interests, and what makes us desire more is what will distance us from each other. And make us not be able to converse with our colleagues because just one word will give us as many Google search answers as there are the amount of them in the category, for example video games.

I miss the nineties. I lived it before, by the way, just the end of it though. Even then, it was great times.

Sunday 14 October 2018

The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #41

Well, hello everyone.

This is not going to be an illusion as I'm changing the format of this weekly news column once again. Hey, gotta stay fresh once in a while, yes? This time, it's for visuals instead of interactivity, and I'm sure you should've noticed that right below. Other than that, I had a wonderful weekend. My colleagues sure are not though. It's the first weekend before project deployment so I got a rough week because of that. Sadly, my time will come and I will have to live through that sh*t too haha okay let's start

"They found a friend like none other in each other" Hell yeah you bet they did, ON THE SAME BED haha
The new episode (#BANANAFISH14) brings us two new theme songs (which I'll talk about later), but also escalation and change in direction to the whole situation we know of now. Following Arthur's death and arrest for practically everyone bearing witness there, we now have Ash in Emergency and hopefully, recovery in process. (Yes, I know of the ending, hold on) Many people are involved behind the scenes now which will decide Ash's fate and the whole drug situation and everything else in between. Remember, Ash taking revenge on Golzine and the Banana Fish thing are technically two different things. And surprisingly, none of them involve Golzine at this point. Well, he's only coming back next week which aligns pretty well with our schedule next episode lol, but saying that may only be a consolation. Meanwhile, that Lee youngest brother wants to change things around likely with a reverse execution of the Banana Fish plan set in place now which he is testing on his own brother for some reason, the local Police department are losing out to the FBI which will take over Ash's condition in the hospital because Golzine's "friends" knew about him and even blatantly gave him an IQ test to take which he aced (lol why), and Max may be able to scare the world differently by uncovering the Banana Fish incident, to assert (I assume) national or even global pressure on the current situation. Unfortunately, at this time, the FBI side kind of won. Besides them, Lee probably sent an assassin badly disguised as a nurse to drug Ash's IV drip and couldn't do much to Eiji which he bailed and kept in his place, and Max's plan has yet to take off. So for now, Ash has been transferred (by the FBI) to the Mental Health Institute which spoilers, he was pronounced dead. I mean, it'll take more than a local news announcement to kill him, that's for sure. But this has its psychological effects, because this may make some back off their plans and maybe change them hopefully driven by other motives now maybe, and hey Eiji's room has a TV, so he knows of it now. This will no doubt set in place a different story to tell probably not as what the old man planned when he comes back, and I still can't imagine what he has up his sleeve considering his "friends" are technically taking over the situation. Well, maybe they're just keeping the dude so they can "await further orders", I guess? I hope so. Other than that, I'm not IQ 180 so I can't figure out. So if you're like me, stay tuned for next week, and enjoy the new theme songs in the meantime, yes? They're quite good tbh
P.S. Ash trolling the intelligence agent with the math question was the best joke this series lmao

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"I made a friend who likes ferrets!" Me too, Misha-chan. Me too. *giggles*
And today I learnt that that thing is called a ferret haha. Beat me up however you want Misha because I'm not a fan of those things lol. (Okay I am but I'm tsundere like her, can?) In the new episode (#UzaMaid02) of this series... Tsubame became friends with Misha? It's too good to be true, right? YES, you're right. *laughs* Another thing you should've figured ouf of this show is also that tsundere-ness can be a naturally born trait. Wait, no? Misha is though. This show continues to be comforting as more truths are revealed. More things are around to explore as we continue on building the relationship between that irritating maid and that super cute Russian girl. Hey, we gotta, right? Firstly, building that relationship indirectly. I mean, in case you don't know accepting that friend request online is vastly different from knowing a friend in school/work, Tsubame tries to be friends with Misha from the game she is playing. Considering she has no friends and only has Kumagoro (which doesn't bite, for the record), this must be easy to befriend her, or so the maid thinks. And so, the journey begins. Didn't expect this show to go full on Wotakoi-level enactment of online RPG and the characters here, but yeah, some girl posing as a weird old dude is fighting alongside a military-sniper maid disguised as a supposedly super-rich kid playing a kid character lol. It obviously didn't last long though, and as soon as Tsubame blurted out the one word, Misha knew it was too good to be true. I mean, I'll pretend to like ferrets too if you'll befriend me, Misha. I just... don't play online RPGs. *laughs* Next, is a forced trip into the mountains. As much as I would like Tsubame to not keep mentioning about someone's mother (I'm somewhat glad it's only once this time round?), this time she ended up talking about her own father. But that's for another episode. For Misha, it's a day and a half of wonderful food and wildlife cooking, a visit to the zoo and scenery-viewing all along the mountainside. Man, you WISHED your mom was that good to you haha okay we promised not to touch on that. *touchy touchy* Haha all in all, a wonderful episode which continues to add on to the craziness of the plot, the reminders of this story about how tsundere the lady is compared to how sickening the maid is her affection (not desperate to be honest, only desperate to be friends), and how it all ties together to what a kid should be experiencing at this time of age. A lot of fun, a good friend (she doesn't have any though, so the maid is a good option tbh), and someone to talk to. You can see from when she immediately shares her experiences with the father that this kid needs someone to talk to. Not joking. Going at this pace I can't wait to see more things up Tsubame's sleeve to try to befriend this kid, but man please stop showing the pecs or I might just to go the gym someday lol. I think I need a maid here but I don't have a super-cute younger sister Tsubame-san can you still drop by? I need to pass my fitness test haha
P.S. TIL Tsubame was 28 and Misha has no friends. Okay the latter was so typical I can't even be surprised lol
P.P.S. You know it's going to fail when your introduction is "I'm a classmate from Misha's class in school" lol at this point I haven't seen what's ahead yet fyi (Edit: They didn't make it fail immediately lol)
[Well it was originally supposed to be 12 episodes of Kumagoro for thumbnail, so... I'll do a tribute here every week instead of a GIF HAHA lol okay maybe not I'll get over the obsession soon]

アニメ Ore ga Suki Nano wa Imouto Dakedo Imouto Janai
"Honestly, it's easier to list things she's not good at" And that is...?
WTF DID I JUST SAW I SWEAR I SAW PANTIES okay then again I already feel like leaving when they give me that kind of introduction. (Hocchan, I heard you there~) (I checked the credits and I saw your name~) Nonetheless, I finished watching it. The first and last episode I'll be watching gives less than a good summary of the situation. Well, they gave it in half an episode, to be honest. Ignoring that super-deterring introduction of I-don't-know-why-it's-not-the-sister-dreaming-instead kind of scenario, apparently we are met with a guy who cannot write what he imagines. Hey, sounds like me already. Unfortunately, unlike me, I don't have a younger sister. From here on, I shall compare this show since it's most closely related to, you guessed it, "Eromanga-sensei". THREE THINGS THAT ARE SIMILAR TO EROMANGA SENSEI!!! (ImoImo01) It features a sibling pair. Not as in in love with each other Oreimo style kind, but yeah. Too stereotypical until I want to kill myself, and also half the reason I wanted to investigate what this was about. (2) It's a harem! Yeah, and I HATE IT. Not being sadist here, but yeah, this one is definitely it. If I get a hundred yen every episode they feature a female character with this guy, I'll be able to buy their Blu-Ray box by the end of it. (3) It's about light novel production. No matter how you look at it, even if it's not direct, this is most definitely picking on the recent fad that is on the behind the scenes of Anime and/or Light Novel production, starting from when the author gets chosen by his/her manuscript. Hey, I got bored of that years ago, bro. Not fresh already. And I like how it's even burned into the story where the one which won the award talks about brocon too. And now, THREE THINGS THAT WILL MAKE ME NOT WATCH THIS SERIES!!! [1] Boobs. I mean, I think I did casually mention this every season but never got to mention in a one-episode review, but yeah, not real. And what's more, it's distracting me (I'm being serious here) (no really, I am) from the plot which will not make my impression for the show and the plot in general fair. That's what I think now. Which brings me to my second point. [2] Ecchi scenes. They. Are. EVERYWHERE. From imagining the sister literally to censor bars even just bending over to panty shots (*looks at Nagasarete Airantou*) to putting hand in between boobs... you know where this will be going. And these mentioned are only from Episode 1. If you have the mood to watch all these feel free, but I'm not one of them. Well, not now. I don't think I have been in it tbh. [3] THE PLOT. Not that I'm not liking these kinds of stories and that Kondou Reina for younger sister is not cute, but the main girl is THE OPPOSITE to what anyone wants for a sister, so that's honestly quite a turn-off already. (Not that I'm hating it actually, but still also) Because of how it is as you've seen in the episode, the sister who won the award wants him to take over the role of which his own work lost to. For many reasons than other I would reject the offer even if I like her so much I imagine her naked. No really, not joking. I'll not live life with any more pride for substituting in someone's work as mine. Also, it wouldn't sound correct and even though I know this will be a plot line in the near future, I still don't like it. And that, is how you reject a series. Yes, my decision is final. I'm not going to watch this series. Not even for Kondou Reina. I'm sorry. *does a dogeza*
MFW I saw those gratuitous breasts, panties and nude scenes
P.S. "I was possessed!" Haha yeah you were possessed by an otaku that's for sure
P.P.S. Is there NO ONE in this show that DOES NOT have a rack?? Oh yah, the sister. *laughs*
[Okay, a little snippet to recommend anyone to watch this show: Kondou Reina (haha), the plot line may be similar but it's actually a fun one considering if your definition of "fun" is breast rubbing and nude scenes, and... that's all I can think of so be sure to like it if you think these are good reasons to watch it haha]

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
Me when I can't believe something happened lol
Okay we may have missed a couple of chapters so let's get back to it! The new chapters (129-131) in a nutshell are "Kokonotsu has matured", "Baby Star is retiring" and "Hajime-san is useless" haha man. Okay, one at a time. Firstly, remember Hotaru-san is back? Well, basically the final episode of Anime season 2, but this time, it continues. Kokonotsu considers the opinions of the editor who judged his work, and Hotaru-chan is back visiting his shop again. Weird, isn't it? How everything comes back like that. Which brings us to our next point: Has Hotaru done her mission? If all is possible then Yo-san joins Shidare Company, Kokonotsu joins her, and Hajime-san can tend the shop... You know where this is going. The perfect ending, I must say. Won't happen though, I think. Next, is Hotaru-chan thinking of product mascots again. This time, with Baby Star Ramen. Yeah, not like we know of, but the kind of made it a big deal, so.... AND finally, Hajime-san finds out she is done. Mostly because of the father's return and this sudden motivation to tend the shop (lol sun rising from the west liao this one), Owari-san may have just met her end. Get it? (That was, a Japanese word pun) I would stand by Hotaru-chan though, as she is still thinking too much until Yo-san remembers they're not earning money, at least. *laughs* but for now Hajime-san, start looking at the newspaper for jobs. You're going to be let off REAL soon. Or maybe not considering Yo-san likes to neglect his duties he can't hold that motivation for long haha
How to do a blowjob get a sore throat lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
I had a lot of fun listening to songs this week, not a lot of exploring though but let's talk about them. The Floor's 1st album in a major label was actually quite a listen, but sadly it falls under the similar styles category so I can only give based on melody and mood as I generally like their happier songs. There are a few of mention though so that's good. I also got into Polkadot Stingray's latest mini-album so far, and I've given one of the topic songs maybe becuase I think it's rad haha that's pretty much it for them I guess. Kuraki Mai's new concept mini-album was... weird. To be honest? If this was the concept album I wonder what her normal relases are. Becuase compared to Shishido Kavka her concept album was full or normal (though electronic) songs but her normal releases were rather disappointing. Hey, if Mikakoshi likes this woman I gotta give her another chance. Kuraki Mai, I mean. She's a much-loved veteran in the industry, you know. Sadly the album didn't cut it as far as uniqueness goes. I'm not digging the traditional songs anyway. I got the Anime ending theme already, that's good enough.

I have no agenda for next week though, so... finally I might just go find someone else to listen? Sure, or that Twitter or Apple Music Japan remind me what's next, yes?

Talking about Twitter, I've yet to listen to Yogee New Waves and ORESKABAND who both released new digital singles this week. I mean, Yogee New Waves was like, their second since the mini-album and the first wasn't great, and ORESKABAND was like... when was the last time I heard of them? So yeah, will give them a listen next week I guess. The new theme songs from Anime "BANANA FISH" was pretty good, but they are still far from release as far as I can tell, so we'll have to wait. Finally, a series that I can like the theme songs. Will still miss King Gnu though tbh, I haven't even reviewed their single yet. *sigh* Also, just a reminder that Ten-chan's 2nd album is available on Apple Music Japan after that 3-month block now, so you should be able to click the link on that Tweet now haha yeah you bet I remembered that I'll do it for Mocho too lol well with the new embed I probably won't have to do this from now

Okay, I'm done. I gotta set up for next week too. Work-time fun, I mean. I probably need to kickstart my #KN10YEARS plan even if no one gives a f*** about it, and it'll be in due time. (Spoilers: It's next week!!) Cya guys next time then, and until then... I need more personal time. A salary is not enough to sacrifice my time to do what I like- Aw man I can't change to a Google Pixel 2 because of work? *laughs*

Monday 8 October 2018

The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40 - Anime Extra

Oh, I did not put an intro and you saw that placeholder for like, a day without me noticing? Well, it's fixed now, so...

Well, since I don't have much to talk about here besides the fact that I just took 2 days MC, I hope I don't get fired and I can still be fired to do whatever I need to do that is not work haha let's start

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
"Is it wrong not to be special?" And then the mother's like "He's cute" lol she into Anime too?
The new episode (#AttackOnTitan48) of this series which is still going finally touches on the super-touchy topic we have avoided since someone's mother got eaten: Eren's past. It came from a sudden recall from the triggering of memories when Eren was apprehended by Reiss, and some familiar face surfaced. Nope, it's not Historia because we're done with her saving the people behind the walls, but the Commander. Remember that bald-headed guy who taught Eren and the others during training? I bet you do. He was the one who technically held the closest relationship with Eren's father. And so, they asked him for a story. A story of a bystander. I like how throughout this series besides despair the show also continues to emphasise the will for humans to progress, to become stronger, and to be braver. Well, mostly it's for the purpose for defeating Titans so they can stop being behind the walls (a good reflection of society today btw, think emigration), but still. The Commander starts his story with a reality check: that Eren's father is outside the walls, wiped of his memories. A good reminder that he's probably also around the place where the Reiss were trying to pass on their Titan power to control and also, to erase the memories of people who will therefore have no recollection of the past. Well, apparently the father can remember his own name and what he's good at, so I guess that's pretty good for a start. Instead of being prosecuted, the Military Police at that time along with the Commander who was then just a small fry of a Scout, took him in. Eventually, the father became a practitioner who continued to save lives. That is, however probably, till he discovered the Titan power. I mean, he probably could have eavesdropped on a conversation and got into it, as we have seen a couple of episodes ago. The Commander did try to stop his actions for letting his son take revenge for the mother, but was without much help. In the end, he thought he wasn't special enough to lead the Scouts to victory (I kind of agree; Erwin was better tbh), and he wasn't special enough to influence others probably. That, could use some reflection. For now today we have Eren bravely doing everything just to exact revenge for her mom, even without knowing the full story why because the father said so and injected him with Titan power for some reason. Hey, I could do halfway through life without knowing what it means, so can he. That, he now has to bear the truth for himself. There are still questions looming behind this story though (Is all this good enough reason to fight Titans? Maybe considering what we know of now, yeah), but I guess that'll be for next time. Meanwhile, they are ready to take back Wall Maria, hopefully, to give the people behind the walls their homeland, and more free space. I mean, they still didn't know whether Berthodt that lot will ever come back, so might as well enjoy expansion for now.
Eren's father is just weird. Real weird.
(Maybe it's because the discover of the legendary power?)
Mikasa is just weird. Real weird.
(Maybe she's jealous of Eren hanging out with Historia?)

アニメ Tsukumogami Kashimasu
"What's going on here?" Your. Fucking. Lady- *laughs*
Wow, that intro must be the best summary of the main story thus far. Hey, if you guys are missing out, this one's got you covered. In the new episode (#Tsukumogami11) of #TheGossip (damn did I miss using this hashtag lol) is precisely what you SHOULD NOT do to win the heart of a man. I'll say this once, and I'll say it again. This is as bad as a stereotypical type of conflict in relationship dramas, and it always has the biggest consequence if it isn't resolved. And that is jealousy.Especially when it turns evil. Remember Hansuke-san and her uh- I mean, HIS story about how he came to the town? Yeah, it was a sad one. Moreover, it was actually a common trick. Is this how people in the past trick their husbands to liking the wife? Man, I'm so glad I wasn't one of them back then. Still, in this long story in which we have pursued, it took this long for us to know the whole story. So yeah, it started with an encounter with Sataro-san's tsukumogami in the area, and he told the "gods" the full story. Of course, those two already know so who cares haha. Story goes that that incense burner Suou was missing. Story then goes that Okou exchanged hard that hairpin which was given to her and made it worth 80 ryo to afford another of those. Well, similar in design, but still. Turns out, one of my many suspicions for filling up this gap was correct: It was destroyed. Well, my intinuition was that both incense burners were destroyed which forced Sataro to leave, but that will not explain why Okou didn't get screwed for the rest of her life even up till now. So yeah, only the one which was bough to replace was destroyed. And surprise surprise, it was Sataro himself. He decided to leave because he knew this was set against him, and leaving was still his primary option, and that he would never be happy with whatever his life was now, and I agree. Not that I'm siding Okou, but these kinds of marriages are rather common as a change or match of social status. And people normally want to change their social status upwards. You know, parents. So Sataro had to leave in any capacity, but man did he destroy what could be worth another plot of land condensed to a work of art able to be placed on one's hands. However, Seiji decided to find out more of the truth, coincidentally after helping out Katsusaburo-sama solve his problem of suspecting Sanae still having a goings on with the previous lover. And yes Hansuke was right, that it's important to tell the partner everything in his/her face. *laughs at that idiot* And he did, so all is well for him. Reflecting upon Hansuke's story, Seiji then realised that this might just happen to Okou too. Yeah. Not a coincidence because women back then didn't have much creativity but very wily (which explains why women also need education lol I'm getting feminism tagged), but it can also happen to her. Okou, I mean. And Seiji was right. And of course, that b*tch couldn't have done it without assistance. Not prosecutable by law, but evil in nature. Women, people. In case you haven't thought about that possibility yet. *shakes head* And overlooking in the final episode preview, it would seem that Sataro is back?! Hmm, he was seen in the town, but what does that all mean...? Does that mean he's back in search of Okou? (I mean, he could've avoided coming back in any capacity) Does that mean he's escaping once again from where he settled after he left? So many questions, and a list of crimes behind his back apparently, what will conclude of this series?? I tell you, that hashtag is so booming, I'm the only one using it to vent my frustrations haha
I am with these guys on reactions tbh #SoMuchShock
I am with these guys on reactions tbh #SoMuchShock
P.S. Hansuke-san MVP this episode for being matchmaker to Ohana and that idiot who cannot confess his feelings lol that guy feels like my mom already (Wait, what? *laughs*)
P.P.S. Seiji be like *wink*wink* every time he talks to Hansuke-san because they set this one up for the two couples lmao I LOVE THIS SHOW haha AND SHE'S THAT WIFE TOO!! *laughs*

アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"Seriously, what's wrong with your daughter??" Said every father ever lol this one
Wow, another show in this new season which amazes me so much I must talk more about it. Don't ask how I got interested in this, but the only thing I came in to know that it has jokes. About work. Specifically, about work in a bookstore. I mean, I had that Anime experience before, and I think I did mention to you guys about it, and that is Denkigai no Honya-san. Not that I'm drawing parallels from it, but I can conclude what I saw just from the series introduction for this series: It's Yojouhan Shinwa Taikai storytelling of Denkigai no Honya-san. Let me explain why. In this first episode (#HondaSan01) of this half-length series (yes it's only 10 minutes long excluding theme song), we came to know of bookstore in Japan in general. And yes, despite the daunting narration off the bat, the perspective in the story is totally correct about the worldview: people from all over the world are interested in Japanese books, and some came here just to get their hands on a couple of them. Don't ask how they would otherwise understand Japanese in order to read them (and that's why there's licensed translations of those books), but hey, I guess there are people who will spend a day reading a book just like me lol. Okay, let's talk about Honda-san. I guess this is your image-based face-change type of Anime, where real faces aren't drawn (I mean, look at the customers and tell me why they don't draw some cute faces for the staff) (*looks at denk!girls*) and everyone looks like they're in a GTA heist (video game reference btw) lol. Ignoring that completely, Honda-san seems to be not at hand as a bookstore staff, frantically worrying about how to serve customers, and do a good job at... at his job. Of course, that's why we work, right? For interest, but also at interest of the customers, hoping to serve them the best they can. But of course with all forms of work you know sh*t is going to hit you the moment you realise what is in front of you, for example, a list of names on a piece of paper or when someone holds their phone for you to see typically a manga cover... hey, just another day in the job. That, and I'm real impressed this show didn't break momentum. Which is why I talked about both shows in my initial conclusion above. It has all the antics you would know of running a bookstore (OTs dealing with new books, limited edition stuff which is literally the whole shelf over there upstairs haha) but told in a faster pace then expected. And that's not a bad thing. Coming in with some knowledge (not of BL, but) of how the bookstore runs, this comes a more of a refreshing perspective of the story, and I'm sure in future episodes the other charcters will be introduced so we truly know what Honda-san is dealing with in his workplace that's getting his confidence on check. That, and he should brush up on his English are those younger voice actors who can speak better English than him?? Oh he newbie too? *laughs* We'll give chance, this show. I laughed. That's good enough of a passing requirement. That Sunday time slot though... feels like I'm the "uke" (look at definition no.5) having to watch this show lmao
I must say, job familiarity is an assurance and also a boost of confidence no matter how many times it appears lol
I must say, job familiarity is an assurance and also a boost of confidence no matter how many times it appears lol
P.S. If you believed any of those in the intro when they ask about impressions on bookstore staff, you CLEARLY haven't watched Anime lol
P.P.S. "Let's ask that clerk what the most popular BL is" I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA DON'T ASK ME lmao #JawDrop
[Also, kudos to whoever put in that Japanese dub filter on the English so that I'd rather not listen to them Japanese voice actors speak English haha they'll fail soooo bad if they didn't do that haha]

Hmm I'm immediately here after writing the above so let me share a bit about my thoughts on buying manga if I was in Japan. How to say... if I live in Japan, I wouldn't buy books in stock just like that one hardcore fan who probably got interested in a series so bad he immediately bought the whole series. Because if it were me I would have those books on my shelf that are only one or two books of it because I stopped as I didn't like it enough to buy the next volume on my nearest bookstore. Well, ignoring my sloth of actually going to buy one, it still is good to have some motivation behind to want to conitnue reading the story even though the whole series is out. That desperation will drive one's interest, I believe. Becuase if you bought the whole stack like that guy and didn't like it after the 2nd volume even though you read the 1st from your friend... you're going to be wasting a lot of your own money.

I'm done. Cya guys on Sunday. *laughs*

Sunday 7 October 2018

The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #40

I'm not feeling too well so I'll not do the super fancy stuff for this week. Tomorrow too probably.

Yeah, the cold's caught up to me. I may have to take my first work MC in my life. Yes, I didn't take MC even when I was in my internship. So yeah, so much for that record. *sob* Let's finish this quick. Thank goodness I was "well" when I watched the shows for this week.


You think this post will look better without the category names? Just the titles? Well, Klassic Note will have its own title but as large as the Anime ones. You think it's good? Maybe I'll do that for next week haha

Wait, did one just appear from the bin? And under the train tracks?? How the f- (Then again the two didn't see the preparations go down so...)
I mean, Ash may not have that man-killing drug which can ruin his world, but he's got his gay boyfriend Eiji. *laughs* The new episode (#BANANAFISH13) after a week of hiatus (damn you tornado you were bad AND a nuisance) returns to conclude the final battle between Ash and Frederic- Oh I can't say that yet? Arthur, for you guys will be more familiar with that name even at this point. Whoever that black guy is (sorry for the racism) set up a place for them to fight in a duel to the death with nothing but knives, but you know Arthur is not going to let himself lose even though we know he will lol. So yeah, he called the train in. Well, not helping much for Ash and the other witness(es) considering it was held in a train station platform where trains can run, and Arthur just managed to send a beast which can fire guns out of the windows lol. After defeating all of them, Ash managed to sneak into the train to catch up to Arthur. All this eventually led up to Ash thinking about his potential death ahead of him whilst fighting his nemesis? Well, I wouldn't say so. Firstly, Arthur was quite a pussy. Even back then he didn't get a gentlemanly fight with Ash, and now he's trying to avoid conflict as much as posssible. It's as if he hates violence lol. Second, he rejoices at his advantage which builds on his confidence. Kind of like me, but he's controlling the mafia. It's fine if he's me, but not when he's a gang leader. For playing too many tricks up his sleeve, this man shouldn't even be called a man at this point. In the end, the two did get into a proper duel but on the overground train tracks at the eyes of sunrise, with half the police force and the gangs "observing" down below. Spoiler alert: Arthur lost. Oh well. Ash didn't come up unscathed either, as the police arrive to take down everyone present, including Eiji. Hey, did I mention he was here? Thanks to the one guy that said he couldn't keep the secret anymore (oh just keep your mouth shut once for the sake of your boss, would you?), Eiji found out Ash was going to risk his life once more. And like any gay partner (lol), he rushed to witness the side Ash said he doesn't want Eiji to see. Yeah, much like those mafia shows where the wife shouldn't bear witness to the number of people the husband murdered. Hey, I may be drawing parallels here but now that the new parallel between Ash and Golzine is drawn, I really wonder what will happen next. Golzine still has things up his sleeve though, so he wouldn't be going away without a fight. That, or he may have applied for his migration which I don't think any country will take him? Haha cya guys next week to find out
Since this episode is too violent, I present to you the two rivals.
(In case you wonder my favourite is what you see now hehe)
Since this episode is too violent, I present to you the two rivals.
(In case you wonder my favourite is what you see now hehe)
P.S. Arthur can't shoot a gun at 10 paces for shit haha you f**king loser
P.P.S. Arthur is such a pussy, even if you inject him with Banana Fish he also won't kill Ash lmao

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"I'm not interested in girls who've begun to menstrate" lol wtf
"Hey, you need a replacement wife?" Is LITERALLY the first thing that came into my mind when watching this show lol. Wow this series man. Translated as "The House Maid Is Too Annoying!", this show is... definitely in the laughable region of comedy. And honestly? What brought me here is only the fact that Nu-chan (who plays the maid) was in it. That's it. For what is in this show, I have no idea besides watching the trailer. But as of now, I think I have a better picture, and I may just want to watch this for laughs every week. This first episode (#UzaMaid01) gives us a simple and quick introduction (you'll know why I say 'quick' here) of what happens when you marry a Russian and have kids lol. Kamoi Tsubame is a woman. A woman with great aspirations. I mean, being a jet fighter pilot as a woman in Japan? Many would dream of getting such a job. Well first you gotta be ripped to even be in the Air Force which most women wouldn't want which we will talk about later, but hey, she's living the life. Unfortunately, she doesn't like it. A great episode to teach us about #JobChoices in life, and she quitted her job in search for something she thought would be impossible to get as a job: taking care of a cute kid while letting the kid wear the clothes she makes for some reason. Well, I would otherwise suggest for the former along the lines of a caregiver or an elementary school teacher, but the job agency isn't helping much, and technically I can't think of any on the latter, so oh well. Anyways, she ponders about the time she got struck by the idea seeing that cute Russian girl on the garden with her mother, and still till date was determined to make her ideal job happen. Fast forward a couple of years and she is out of a job, constantly searching for that dream job and then noticed the house she was admiring all along is finding a maid. Great! It totally fits her bill! Taking care of the laundry, cooking, and the kid... this just might be the best job for her ever. Sadly, there's a catch. The kid is a pain to take care of. This was also why the father had a hard time finding a maid after (sorry for saying this) the mother passed away. Misha, the kid, was a playful one. And she did not exclude Tsubame in making sure she gets the hint by pouring on her muddy water in the living room and on a couch, which no doubt I'll freaking kill my kid if he/she ever does that lol. And against all odds, Tsubame was not even rejective of this kid, and turned out liking her more. There are more subtle hints which I'll not dwelve into since it'll probably be talked about in future episodes (lolicon), but for now we just need to know there's a desperate maid to take care of the kid, and there's a rejective kid which will keep her mischevious character in check. Which is honestly a good thing for the father and for us. For the father since it'll solve his problem of not having someone take care of the house during the day, and great for us because we'll get to see 11 more episodes of this fun ensue. What will happen next in the cosplay pedophile dress-up gag comedy series? Your guess is as good as mine. Meanwhile, two things will stand in my way of giving this, mainly the ripped maid (I mean, if she dresses up appropriately as a maid lol I wouldn't even mind, but that school PE outfit...), and the theme songs. The ending theme song was technically a rap. *sigh* Much as this show is annoying, I want to give it, so we shall see.
Guess who's going to be MVP this series hehe
Me when I realise who's going to be MVP lol what's with this outfit
P.S. The theme songs are more annoying than this show tbh they should rename this show to "Teema Kyoku ga Uzasugiru!" [Theme Song(s) Are Too Annoying!]
P.P.S. Okay this was so important but I gotta say that that pet in the house (whatever that is) heavily reminds me of this because the girl in that image and the pet above are voiced by yours sincerely, Naganawa Maria. (Oh, the flashbacks she must be getting when acting as that pet haha) (Ah, I love Anime)
[Season introductory GIF, I assume]
*No one was physically killed in the making of this series lol

Nagasarete Airantou
The new chapter (162) tells us about one of those unusual phenomenon that appears around the island, namely the harvest of the heavenly eggplants. Due to it's active nature (as with most plants in this island) it can only be harvested by ninjas for their quick speed and stealth abilities every decade when they decide to spread their seeds haha. So yeah, Shinobu and her sister Mikoto are up for the task. Up to the Eastern forest they go (Shinobu was lost again lol), and they did find those things. They move though (well, it's normal in that island), so it'll take some effort for the girls to be able to "harvest" them without getting into any sort of danger. Or will they? Well by the time you finish reading this chapter they've already stripped down and are using leaves to cover their bodies (which will not be shown here) so... you can guess how well this is going haha. More next chapter, I assume. Will they get the harvest? I guess so. How much can they tease us already? (What, who?) *laughs*
Again, for SafeSearch reasons, here's some eggplants lol
P.S. Yes I saw that stereotypical hentai scenario of melting clothing don't think I don't know that lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was not much but we still can talk about it. To be honest? I got lazy with the research I told myself to do last week, so I only listened to a couple of Polkadot Stingray singles and EPs (not going to list them all here because there's like, four), and... I must say I'm not fancy of their style, and I'm not talking about genre. You get what I mean. I also didn't took much time but review the mini-album from SHE'S and... I get a good feeling now on what type of music they are going for, so I'll see if I have the mood to give another one. Polkadot Stingray too, just so you wonder. They are pretty good if you dive in further to find out about them. For this week's releases, YOSHIKI's new single was a total disappointment after the 90-second mark so thank goodness I'll not be doing a Review about it (it's a single track for all versions of the release btw), and Asakura Momo's 1st album is... I wouldn't say awesome, but it's cute. The emotional songs did not touch me in any way, and the love songs... I gotta give one of them, right? RIGHT?? *laughs* I mean, if I like her I gotta scream it out! Ei! Ou! Ei! Ou! *giggles* (Come back in like, 3 months to hit that Preview buttom lol)

Kuraki Mai's new mini-album for the year releases next week, since she has to wait for a better song than the Tsukumogami Anime ending theme song for some reason (which is worse btw), and I'll be doing a listen to The Floor who recently got a major debut early this year. Now that they have released an album and a single releasing next week, it's time to take a good look. First impressions are great as usual, I really dig the mood and style these guys give me. Real cheerful and strong in beats. I'll also spend more time giving those ROCK IN JAPAN FES 2018 live performance videos a listen but my hard disks are full and I need take work leave in order to watch, clip, and archive them all. Ugh, work life SUCKS haha

On Twitter, VPN stopped me from watching the livestream promoting Mocho's 1st album on Wednesday even though it's just her talking about the songs for 30 minutes with a host (because if she handled it herself we'll fall down laughing till we die) (also, it's only half an hour) (I also got around the VPN thing so next time for sure), ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is releasing a new album due December 2018 based on all the singles thus far from 3 years ago which is only like two lol, GLIM SPANKY got nominated for an award so go vote for them online it's until 3rd November, and Tsuji Shion is promoting her new album by putting audio previews on her Instagram account only I assume. Sure, I'll give a listen. Liked your songs you since 9 years ago, don't see why you need to go that far to tease me hehe. miwa also opened her music collection on Apple Music Japan I guess secretly for some reason, so now I can go full on nostalgia and hope that I can give more of those non-electronic songs I have loved. *sigh*

I'm done. I'll try another dose of Panadol and get a good night's sleep and see if I can recover. Good chances it won't happen but fingers crossed I don't want to go through the trouble of submitting MC haha. Also, I'll do up the pop-ups if I have the time at work (well, if I DO go to work I will lol) and stay tuned tomorrow to see if I did wait for 2 hours just to see the doctor, get some pills and a piece of paper. Oh government hospitals only give A4-size paper they don't know how to save paper like private clinics do haha