Sunday 19 December 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #51

<Insert birthday banner here>

Happy birthday Uesaka Sumire!!! May your chest continue to grow- I should stop writing stuff like this on the first paragraph people will walk into this place thinking this is a porno site lol (yes I meant to put just a placeholder)

Okay, let's not talk about birthdays because ironically my superior's birthday is also today I found out recently (ugh) (haha), we talk about that package! I can only say, if suddenly we're doing an unboxing tomorrow, you need to know how much I was rushed to consolidate this order so that I can get all of them in one box and not have to pay more shipping, so please forgive me. Will be a good week to start this with though considering next week will be my last week at work... for the year. Haha I gotcha didn't I

Anyways, Anime and Klassic Note and the latter is only getting more important than ever so please me do something about it, I have my cold brew with me because I had to wake up early in the morning for prayers (not the church one, mine's Taoist) so let's try not to sleep while doing this post, yes? I mean, how are we going to top that lingerie leak from last week lmao not gonna elaborate you can check last week's post LET'S GOOOOOOOO haha

アニメ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"Don't you want to hear the singing voice of (the) goddess?" lol Nakanaka I'm with you you get my vote haha
Man, what does Komi-san got to do with what the class is doing for school festival? *imagines vividly* Oh. OH!!! *laughs* Yeah that's why I want Komi-san to- In this new episode lol (#KomiSan11) looks like we are concluding this series with some school festival! Hey, I would like to say that is all the time we have left, but then you realize they have SO MUCH CONTENT it will not even end. *laughs* Let's talk about it from the start, because even the class deciding on what to do for the festival seems like a struggle. In a nutshell, Najimi suggested maid café even though it's cliché and we'll talk about why in a moment, Yamai-san would like to host a haunted house in case you need a reminder of her name and how much of a groping perv she can be in the dark lol, I'm going with Nakanaka's suggestion because honestly we only need one member in a band and that is Komi-san lmao (also in her defence I've never heard Koga Aoi sing besides in Anime "Kaguya-sama" so that'll be an eye ear-opener if it happened but sadly not), Agari-chan wants whack-a-mole because she wants to get hit and I can't believe they have a masochist gang in class lmao, but I'm sure they will find that Makeru-chan will join them in voting just because she wants a games stand lol how many times can she lose, no movie production I guess thank goodness haha, we'll talk about onigiri later Nene-san haha you see how much interconnection they have in just this one episode, and how did three people vote for a disco. *laughs* Well, other than some obvious ones which are unlikely, and thank goodness Tadano didn't decide for himself as chairperson which he should have, but he did consult Komi-san instead so yeah we getting maid café. *yay* Next up, preparations. Turns out Komi-san wants to help but can't because the others are stopping her from doing so due to her super privileged status (and that's how society works too in general tbh) but is kinda saved by Otori-san who is tasked with helping to buy some resources but... wait for it... *laughs* And she said she will do it but as you can see even this paragraph will be lengthened if we only let her go she will only come back in a week lmao, so she asked Komi-san for help since she is very free lol you're not wrong she's just sitting there. *laughs* The actual preparation for the maid café is wearing out the class so no one can actually join them haha thank goddess goodness (lol), but Nene-san volunteered to join lest they never come back. *laughs* But seriously Sonic, slow down. *laughs* Because as you may have noticed, this new character is not only just *slightly* retarded as in speed, but also suuuuuuper lag as if we are dealing with a PC from two decades ago. *silence* Someone please help I'm in nostalgic pain right now lmao. Anyways, Nene-san was worried about them getting lost which was the smartest thing I've heard in this series ever lol, but they still kinda got lost even though we did get some talk about of them... well one's using pen and paper so go figure. Hey, new friend, amirite?? *laughs* Really Komi-san, just join like, two clubs and it'll total to 100 people you'll hit it in no time at all at this rate. *giggles* Then, we have flyers to distribute. Unlike the last time with tissues, this one, we are to negotiate placing flyers inside shops to promote the festival itself specifically their class, and Najimi really wanted Komi-san to do it haha. Well, at least it worked for two places so that's good haha I like how all of them share a common process where it's hands out with flyer and black box and then it's done even though Najimi and Komi-san did it differently. *laughs* I'm sorry, I meant Kokko-san. *laughs* And we thought we're getting to the real thing, we have an all-nighter to burn before the day itself, so it's supper time! The girls in class made rice balls which is a thing? Well, in Anime it is, and everyone is guessing which one was made by the goddess so they can actually NOT eat it and just like, frame it and look at it or something- Yamai-san trust me I didn't have to read your mind to know this. *laughs* But yeah, turns out, Komi-san made a weird one super well so Najimi can go screw themselves lmao, and guess who took it. *wink* And last but not least, the real deal- There's a maid expert? Can we stop introducing more idiots we got enough of them already. *laughs* The worst thing is we know how this works, remember the aunt at the summer festival with the strings? *laughs* So yeah, just like everyone else, he's full of pride about the *shit* this Akito-san lol, but he's an otaku so I guess he'll take in anything lmao can we not show him in the shower. *laughs* Anyways, I was correct along those lines, but apart from everyone else in class which clearly can be associated with a personality, we have a sadist maid here just serving him water and staring at him intently... (Must... not... mention... Anime reference haha) One would think to be Agari-chan but this dude is probably right in referring to Komi-san as kuudere so I'll leave it at that. I mean, she is though, especially when Tadano is dressed up. Yes. As a maid. Thanks to Najimi, and if you still don't believe that all main dudes in a romance Anime have to look slightly more gay than they actually are, you need to watch more shows. *laughs* Komi-san's brother is the new god now lmao, Tadano's sister already proved to his family that Tadano is that way lol, and of course cross-dressing has to be the next big thing for our main girl. I mean, look at the "WORKING!!" series. *laughs* Okay I better stop here, all in all great episode I've been typing for a long time already, and WE ARE STILL NOT DONE YET!! Man, what else can you give me Anime, I don't even know. Hey, just, take off that maid outfit please, Tadano? Haha I'm done
MFW the moment I switched bodies with Komi-san lmao
This needs to be a spot at like, the back of the classroom at all times haha
P.S. "And if it's a dark place there won't be any problems feeling up Komi-san's butt" Trust me, I thought of putting this as the starting quote above lol "That's true!" Oi class of perverts haha
P.P.S. "You can take your time!" I feel like this slow one can speak faster than Komi-san at any pace as long as she opens her mouth BOOM GOTCHA KOMI-SAN haha
I swear Komi-san be like "how does he know to choose this?" haha it's fate man
I wish I can be as slow and my mind can be as blank as Otori-san lol

アニメ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"I'll go to Tokyo... and Yuzu and I will come back together!" Uh, about that...
Man, Ryotarou, what did you do to your sister that she's willing to walk for days to see towards your safety? *giggles* Anyways, in this new episode (#TaishouOtome11) where it's nothing but sadness now, Tamahiko heads out of home to find his beloved Yuzuki. Aww, that is already so heart warming. You know, just in case we have to talk about more bad news. *OOF* Anyways, as he heads out, the kids from the village came to find him at his place uphill, and Aya Ryou-san (Why did I say Aya? Is it from Yuzuki? Oh) decided to join him mainly because of her brother, if you would recall, left home to work in the city in view of the family's circumstances which of course includes that useless father but ignoring that lol, Tamahiko in return also wants everyone else in the village to be safe and offers his still sturdy abode for all of them to stay for the time being. Ah, nice guy Shima is not something I'll say everyday but for this, I'll make the exception lol. So yeah, the two head out, and as they walk a day and a half towards the city from Chiba which isn't very far but it does take a couple of hours via car today so you can imagine walking, they witnessed a lot of sad news along the way just by looking at the houses that were destroyed... besides the Tokyo train station that is still standing. Yep, can imagine how bad that is already. Also, if both of them are going good chances one of the people they want to see might be in trouble- I don't want to know!! *aches* Okay not going to jinx it since I didn't *wink*, this is also ironically, the episode that brought everyone together. Okay, not Tamahiko's dad because I rather he be cremated right now lmao, but yay MVP Tamako is back!! *giggles* And this is our first salvation point: medical assistance in times of crisis. We also met the uncle who has prepared a first aid station to help the injured and Tamahiko who fainted out of fatigue walking the distance, still insists on finding Yuzuki no matter what it takes. But as the uncle said too, it'll be real hard without a clue unlike Ryou-san who actually knows where the brother is working at so at least it's easier. (Yeah she found him, thank goodness) From here on, depression only sets in worse because despite with the help from Tamako going along to find Yuzuki while Ryou finds her brother in another area, the siblings were still unable to locate Yuzu after days of searching and asking around. Serious talk though? There's a Chinese saying I know of so really "human if alive, corpse if dead" Tamahiko but going by things right now where they just cremate people together this might be hard. Like, really impossible hard. However, all is not lost, as we almost witnessed someone jumping off a bridge into the river- Just joking that wasn't the case, but with that the siblings met the actual Midori-san! Yes, the one who Yuzuki was supposed to meet... until they were separated- Ah I F**KING KNEW IT I KNEW IT WOULDN'T BE THIS EASY lol ah hey, Anime experience. Well, watch enough drama like this you'll figure it out too tbh. But yeah, I'm not going to expect a pregnant woman to be able to crowd control under such hectic situations along with a shortie (GOT HER lol) to not get lost in the flesh, but as Midori blames herself for Yuzuki's disappearance and I assume Midori probably got taken care of since she does have a baby on her, where also Tamahiko kindly left his sister behind to take care of her while bravely continuing his search. Luck finally got to the better of him because apart from finding another pair of siblings haha how are the Shiratori guys here I don't even know but I could use more of their songs hehe, thanks to Tamahiko... sort of helping some kids out he was able to locate their "elder sister" who turns out, is whom he was searching for. Aww... so there is hope after all. *smiles* All in all... I mean, I've used two packs of tissues and my shirt already what more do you want. *laughs* *sob* So yeah, thank goodness we don't have cliffhangers in this series so looks like we might be good. How will this end happy when the world around them is on fire? We shall see. Anime, please don't create an Anime death I can't even deal with it especially when we are ending this year soon
[TL:DR; "This is about eye level for Yuzu" Dude we're in a crisis right now and you can still make short jokes? Tamako teach your brother a lesson pls]
Me being grateful about the sh*ta** breakfast prepared by mom every morning lol
Me being grateful that idols exist haha Kotori-chan I'm not a fan of you though
P.S. "Are the other villagers alright?" I know I shouldn't jinx it, but man I wouldn't even mind if anything were to happen to Ryou's dad-
P.P.S. "But I got the umeboshi in (that onigiri) so it's cool right?" Uh huh. *laughs* Yuzuki be like you're forgiven lol
[And since our MVP is back... (Haha)]
The many faces of Shima Tamako
(This is so cute I can't even)
The many faces of Shima Tamako
(Wow Tamahiko how DARE you make her cry)

アニメ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"Yuuto has been wanting to see you" Oh please Sakurai can't you come up with a better excuse to invite Kazama over? *giggles*
Wow why did they not just slap this as an ad to promote what companies look like at the end of the year?? Haha they are literally delaying projects, legally. *laughs* Ah hey, don't ask about mine it's the same anyways lmao in this new episode (#SenpaiGaUzai11) since it's this timely let me ask you all too whoever is reading: How are you going to spend New Year's Eve? If it's me I've taken work leave till the new year so *dabs* Haha ah hey some companies get to break until next year so f**k me. *laughs* Anyways, more stories to tell, so I hope your heart is ready because I sure didn't expect all of this to happen despite what we have seen so far. *giggles* So, story. It's end of the year, I'm sleeping all day at home lol not really for the sleeping part, but looks like Takeda might be doing that after his judo training so we same on that bro haha, but yeah, turns out Futaba might be alone this year. Well, seeing that the gramps is going on a fishing trip with his bros who are crazy about this super adorable of a granddaughter haha I feel you guys here, in the company dinner the guys talked about their plans for the new year. The boss is going on his usual skiing trip lol just wow, Ooishi is likely spending his single days with what's his name Hijikata haha sorry, don't guess on Sakurai because wink wink we know she might be trying to get Kazama to her place, and Kazama rather play video games than- Just joking of course he'll go because of Yuuto. *giggles* What a terrible excuse isn't it, asking him out afterwards. *laughs* Back to Futaba though, she feels a little sadness in her heart it seems, even after saying the year's farewell to her senpai. *wink* So yeah, Natsumi will fix that in a while lmao ah hey, we got better things to fix. So looks like we're kind of playing the secondary couple thing here again this episode, because Yuuto gave the 360 on his sister by telling her he be hanging out with his friend (Must be that girl he paired with back then right? HAHAHA) so leaving her alone at home... with Kazama of course are you joking me? *laughs* Yep, it's happening for sure, this thing. I know, I know, you would think Kazama should be pissed at this liar of a woman lol but yeah, he doesn't mind, we've gone this far, so as you may expect they spent the night... together... is this even legal? And you dare say you not a couple?? *laughs* The new year's dawn surfaced, and Futaba and Natsumi went for New Year prayers in case you don't know that is a thing with Japan not just Anime lol. Futaba wore a kimono for the occasion, but it's not until Natsumi saw Takeda at the shrine too that got her embarrassed wearing it. *laughs* So, with the main couple alone lol, it's omikuji time! Ah, for this I think the subtitles might have screwed up since not like anyone knows of the order of fortunes, so I'll help debunk their argument here by saying that... *confused?* Futaba's is higher than Takeda's luck from most of the Google search I just did lol, but it really depends, so be sure to get the reference slip when you are at your next shrine visit, yes? *giggles* Man, didn't know this is a cause for argument too lol. The two then ate ramen at the usual place after losing to each other over their argument haha, and... I must say Kazama you are just in time to make sure your death day is on the new year lol RIP Kazama you will be remembered haha I can't believe we have a character death in such a wholesome slice-of-life romance Anime. *laughs* That's why they say you can't judge a book by its cover I guess. *laughs* Last but not least, I guess Kazama wins as he gets to rest on Sakurai's lap I can't even- Oh please just fuck get together already haha I know right? *laughs* All in all, Sakurai is going to beat that kid up who tried to show something to Kazama with her camera lmao oh dear girl you should've uploaded to the cloud haha ah~ ah I think that's good enough for this series, isn't it? *giggles* Hey you there, you want wholesomeness and real life all put into one love package for your lonely (or not) hopeless romantic heart? You've come to the right place. Might I recommend you start from the beginning again, and watch how this ends next week. Man, can't describe how good this is already, so yeah, we shall see how this ends we still got the main ship to ship in this trading company so *laughs*
She is legit disappointed lol this is replacing all my sad emotes
My work leave the week after next be like
(Haha probably not which is the problem)
P.S. "Dear God, please land me more contracts at work" Oh come on Futaba we know that's not it "And please make my boobs grow bigger" Okay not that too but *laughs* "And also..." *wink*
P.P.S. Gotta say though, good casting choice to whoever chose Kusunoki Tomori for Futaba-chan's voice it's just too good- Okay, you gotta understand how sometimes despite all the simping around not people like her and whatnot some of them still turn out to be surprisingly good and I think this is one of those cases this is the "brings characters to life" thing I adore about Anime
Which do you think is better/worse?
(Kissing?? Damn Sakurai)
Which do you think is better/worse?
(Okay booba but also on her lap haha damn Kazama)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm this was supposed to be a break off Klassic Note to be honest, but what got me on Twitter and I guess I'll mention it later in the next paragraph (lol) is fumika's new single that just dropped and I have no idea of, on her birthday on Friday too apparently. Yes, it's a digital single, and yes, it isn't great haha okay I gotta say more I guess. Overall I just think the melodies aren't great, the pop is just there to make it work to be frank, but I did get interested in the lyrics of the last song because they started with "bye bye" for some reason lol so I guess I might just give that if I had to pad the song count haha unlikely because of this anyways

In this week of music news that is on Twitter, we have a lot of music videos up online so let's talk about them from Aimer's new music video which is meh, Minase Inori's new animated music video through her fanclub event which I'm not part of now lol, Polkadot Stingray's self cover of Hanazawa Kana's song written for her by the vocalist Shizuku so sure I won't give it anyways, to Takahashi Rie's new music video, they all are songs that I won't give or have rejected lmao. Anyways, other than that, I'll mention again below but thanks to SIX LOUNGE retweeting about them but a flood of circle's new album releases next week, I guess this counts but Anime "Kaguya-sama" is releasing a music album featuring all character songs including for smallest main character song that had a music video lol their budget is on drugs right now, and Asakura Momo's "Pinky Hook" got an Anison award which no doubt will be awarded again once this year's song awards is over on my side so yay haha it's good man do take a listen to the music video in full on YouTube yes she is from MusicRay'n who doesn't release anything in full until this year

So next week, as confirmed by me lol, we are making next week the final week of reviews for Klassic Note 2021, with tacica's best album which I will hope I can give more of them considering I'm slowly but sure getting interested in them and their album trailer was good, and a flood of circle's new album which I found out recently so I'll slap that into the list too since I don't have any intentions to give them any awards from this release HAHAHA ok me

I klike how Sumipe's birthday livestream on Instagram is literally her having dinner and eating cake haha even after I went for dinner and choked on a fishbone (Audience: lol wut) (yep) I still am able to continue watching her stream she has gone for real long I was just doing this post while watching/listening to it lol it lasted for 2 hours. Cya guys next time then, and as I mentioned earlier in the post, we might be meeting again sooner than we think, so let's see if that package is the last spurt I need to finish this year's work haha bye

P.S. I'm probably more excited about the announcement of Anime "BLEACH" and its final arc starting... about a year from now in October 2022 so yeah that'll take some time but the animation quality is real good at first glance so let's hope to not have terrible animation like that Aizen fight with Ichigo lol that is some animated trash I tell you you won't notice a difference watching it in 320p and in 1080p lmao

Sunday 12 December 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #50

Hey, the Christmas thing is coming soon, and I think I'm ready, I can tell you why. I have to play Secret Santa this year again with my colleagues because they wanted to, and thanks to whatever Google Pay vouchers they refuse to give me anything relevant to my life, I can actually use these to buy a better gift over the budget to whoever the recipient is, so I'm good with that decision making haha. Also buying using the same way to get more discounts for my sis' birthday so happy birthday in advance lmao I hope you like cold brew

In more great news, the package (for last month) is finally complete! Yeah, so let's hope for a Christmas miracle where I can review this box AND do that last Klassic Note Review of the year by this year haha this one might be rough. We shall see. I don't believe in Santa so who knows what will happen at the customs lol this is not Australia our local post office isn't that clogged and yes we will talk about the rough process of procuring all these stuff on the actual post itself don't you worry

So yeah, Anime and music this week then! I'm going to have quite a day after this where I have used, mind you, Google Reserve in where I live ie. partnered with local reservation services here, to reserve a family dinner tonight in celebration of my sis' birthday in 2 days because who celebrates birthdays on weekdays lol so yeah, I just hope it doesn't eat in to the quality of this post haha it won't I promise

アニメ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"We will just work hard normally" Yeah something Tadano would say but really though, who works hard at sports festivals? Haha LOSER lol I sound like Nakanaka
Aw yes another stereotypical scene for all school-based Anime, we have the sports festival! This is where we see people fail and then get encouraged to run to the finish line, right? Not with this series, you don't. *laughs* Because in this new episode (#KomiSan10) of the series, we got more jokes than your average romance or high school series so throw those series you know off the shelf, because this is going to redefine your experience, believe me. *laughs* So, first we talk about the sports festival. It's so typical I guess we don't have to explain much, but at least the rules are always different so in this case it's the super typical class competition so uh... it's the same lol. What's not the same though, is that they award points unfairly for flair, so Komi-san's perfect exercising on the field and Agari-chan's jump with her huge rack... Yeah, those. *laughs* That's how you know it's different. What else is different is the introduction of senpais in this series, namely super cool and on fire and portable built-in infrared thermometer 2nd year senior (lol) Netsuno Chika lol you can figure this out yourself, because she is always on a fever. Of course, I promise you when she sees me she'll have the same reaction as seeing cold-blooded Komi-san at first, and then when I see Komi-san cheering for me I'll just boil up and run across the field like a cheetah and then panting like Tadano lol no really personal experience included in this run and don't ask me who made me run that fast. *laughs* Not going to explain the judges because they are literally just there to make things interesting, but amongst the seven events the classes have to compete in for points, Komi-san's presence in the class for things like tug of war are the worst, Tadano is the most popular guy to ask for things including his hair lol Yamai-san, and Makeru-chan lost. *laughs* Last one probably not true since class competition, but you know, she has to lose somehow haha. Yes, the typical fall over and comeback story is probably the thing Komi-san had to experience for herself, seeing everyone is cheering for her and she can't do much shouting herself lol maybe someday then. Tadano got the hint from your lip sync. *giggles* Next up, and I can't believe I can quote MOSHIMO on every Anime and I think I've done the most from them so far lmao, it's jealousy time! Haha aw man I regret giving that one song lol. How that can happen though can be likely seen from Tadano's increasing workload as class chairperson, most likely due to the crazy demands and feedback from the class probably about how great Komi-san is (and dude Tadano can come up with a list himself too so), but also because Najimi as vice is not helping much, what a surprise. *laughs* Cue new character to save this poor bloke's life Nene-san, who is basically to him the nicest person in class mainly because she represents the onee-san personality, so can't help but take care of normal-person-who-has-a-jealous-classmate Tadano on his workload. *giggles* Who turns out probably might be the only one who can control her him it them. *laughs* Man Najimi, can we get a check on your actual gender, please? Language is such a b*tch lol. Anyways, this new girl can see clearer than even Yamai-san who only sees Komi-san as a goddess haha, but yeah, besides thinking that Tadano is a masochist amongst other things lol, on the journey of helping the class chairperson out she also noticed Komi-san's... let's just say worry because every time is a death stare lol, of having Nene-san in Tadano's social circle, if I were to put this nicely. But yeah, we know, or she knows, and so Nene just chose to leave those two alone just as any nice elder sister character would. Really, best girl in class lol SHE is the class goddess lmao. Last but not least, let's take ourselves some photo stickers! Says Komi-san enthusiastically to Tadano just because it's really meant to be two people, but yeah eventually it became four and I'll let you guess who the other two are without looking at the video haha, but suffice it to say besides playing around with Komi-san on the photo and/or her nonchalant face during the photo-taking session in the booth, Komi-san herself was more keen on the other things in the arcade they were in, specifically that one crane game with a keychain she seems to want. Or at least, Tadano thinks she wants. He probably didn't take 200 tries to get that, but Komi-san did get Najimi to bring her there again, so exchanging gifts when it's not Christmas time is probably the way to go now that they got it for the wrong reasons. I mean, if you are a couple that is!!! *laughs* Ah hey, all in all, great episode highlighting the social circle of Komi-san and her class AND her progression with Tadano as a.... prospective romance partner?? Uh oh, I shouldn't have said that haha let's see if there is actually something up by the end of this series hehe don't second guess this Anime they cannot disappoint you now lmao I sound like a Yamai-san
[TL:DR; "Komi-san, let's cheer on for everyone in class!" Ah Najimi about that... *laughs*]
This is replacing all ricardoFlick emotes on Twitch lol
The power of love baby haha
(Ah, I wish I have that now)
P.S. "This segment will give points for flair!" Yeah that means Komi-san will win lol I mean ask the judges man
P.P.S. "Is it even necessary for (sports) to be part of education?" Yeah Nakanaka I totally agree with you whether you're a weeb or it's just me being lazy lol
[Yes, best part of this episode is Koga Aoi panting MUAHAHAHAHA but really do you even know Anime to get this]
What I think my workload is now lol
This just looks wrong no matter how you look at it

アニメ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"And with my classmates popping in, this house has become quite lively" Haha man, this is probably what the dad didn't expect out of buying a wife, huh *nods head*
Wow Midori-san congrats on the marriage and upcoming baby lol we hardly know you. *laughs* In this new episode where only when the wife tells then the husband will know lol those who are married will get this (#TaishouOtome10), we got some Yuzuki story to talk about, namely her classmate and soon-to-be mother lol Midori but yeah don't ask if this is shotgun or not, but suffice it to say it's giving her the reason to go visit her as a close friend. And what a cliffhanger! Okay, leave that aside first, let's talk about visiting the   old friend. In the letter that Yuzuki received regularly from her friend back in school don't ask me where the other two schoolmates were lol, but I suppose they are focusing on this one because somehow she already is pregnant without getting married and at the same age as Yuzu herself, is moving to Kyushu soon to live with the husband. Man, that's a thing in 1920s Japan lol. It's so bizarre even Tamahiko allowed the wife to go visit her friend for perhaps the last time, but still, the worries of lacking each other's support seemed to worry Yuzuki, but I would argue that Tamahiko can take care of himself considering he's no Mr. Depression no more, but she still asked for help from Aya-chan to help with the meals of this one-armed bloke before she left for Tokyo. Such a good wife, isn't it. *laughs* And soon Yuzuki was in Tokyo, spending a day with the friend and talking about their lives so far. Midori was glad that despite whatever they may have done I don't even know how you can do the thing without being REALLY sexually attracted to each other lmao *wink*, had to get the fiancé to apologize to her whole family tree for his doings, actually got around it to allow the approval of such a marriage in the first place. Like really, if it's in China good chances you're going to drown in a pig's cage. Yes, all three of you. *laughs* Okay, creepy punishment stuff aside, the couple got lucky and so is Yuzuki, and all is well in the day they spent time together in the city. But it's good to realize and if you wonder when I teared up, it's bizarre to think of them in school thinking about their futures, and then honestly saying, living close to what they probably dreamt of today, having great prospective partners and living the life though in different directions or circumstances. Such is life much worth of envy especially if we are talking about 1920s Japan where discrimination and privilege is still a big thing back then. And boy did I jinx this since I wrote this part earlier lmao don't ask, we have something to change the tides. If you don't need me to spoil you on this please stop right here and watch it for yourself, I almost forgot Japan has earthquakes lol. No really, go check out Japan's track record for this earthly phenomenon, because considering earthquake-proof structures weren't a thing a century ago, one can already guess what that will do to Tamahiko's mansion and the village. And cue Mr. Depression again since this dude can't help anyone for sh*t and only can think about bad things that can happen to Yuzuki who is still right now, probably stuck in Tokyo. But instead of being emo and being sad and after seeing what was in his wife's room, next episode we going to Tokyo to find Yuzuki and ensure her safety?? lol serious talk though am I going to read next episode and say the train broke down? Haha hey we'll see that next week I guess this is the final stretch now let's see if their romance holds up or Midori's tbh her kid might be in trouble lmao now I'm the depression haha ok ok I'll stop
[TL:DR; "Let's come here (to the shrine) when we have our own baby" Haha not like, fortune-telling but it's happening at some point right? *laughs* "But then we can never have kids (if I wait)" I mean it's not impossible Yuzuki look at your friend-]
Me thinking about <insert name here> at work lol
This is replacing all my "uh..." emoticons haha thanks Aya-chan
P.S. "I could never have another better friend than her" Oh don't say that too early Yuzuki lmao hey me can you stop
P.P.S. "What do you do about meals and getting dressed?" Hey b*tch how did you think I went along before you appeared in my life haha ah hey Tamahiko was under the sheets that whole time so I guess he didn't have to do much but
[Okay so if this is the conclusion to this series and we are not hinted with a sequel (yet), then why are we shown the other Shima brothers in the opening? Or is that just me? I don't know, maybe I was wrong after all what happened this episode is bad enough already I guess]
I hardly get to patch a long image these days so you're welcome

アニメ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"If you aren't fussy about what you eat, you'll get bigger" Ah Takeda? This might be a gene thing because I'm a carnivore and I'm bigger than Futaba lmao
Can we get that squeal from Hayami Saori again, please and thanks? *laughs* Okay, ignoring all the creep stuff in my mind now lol, in this new episode (#SenpaiGaUzai10) we got more stories to tell, so don't let yourself believe we're done. Man, the shows I gave this season are so good I can only *chef's kiss* haha let's talk about it. Firstly, Sakurai got fat. *laughs* Okay, I'm going to get punched by her so let's get this over quick haha. *silence* Kazama felt the force. *laughs* Well twice including Natsumi which one should expect in the later part so go figure haha, but yeah, he be weak to huge racks lmao bro me too man. Meanwhile as Sakurai is going on a diet, Takeda is eating the heck out of it to get bigger, namely whatever buns that Itomaki owner decided to do because he's bored with ramen lol, but what's not expected is, and as you might see this is technically also a character focus episode, Tsukishiro joined in on the fun seeing that whoever wins in a showdown against someone else ie. Takeda is the other dude in the shop, gets to eat for free. Don't worry they concluded this real quick, so just take a guess at who won lol I can't believe I should say this but Tsukishiro be cute? *laughs* Hey not on me but Futaba did just witness them talking happily about what happened that day. Can we just, just... Futaba stop bringing in the j-j-j-jealousy!! *laughs* (I promise you this is the last of it this year we hit the quota for all three shows this season already lmao) But real talk though, Tsukishiro is not that kind of competition, Futaba. *laughs* Anyways, moving on, probably the highlight of this episode as started from Yuuto, we play basketball. Kazama spotted the new basketball club member practicing on his own, and decided to help him out. Don't ask what is the motivation for that *wink* Sakurai haha, but you know, it eventually became like a somewhat date kind of thing because the girl decided it'll be a good time to show off her cooking to Kazama or something and Yuuto don't go telling others you like cooking that is not very manly lol sorry for the discrimination. Anyways, playing amongst themselves is no fun according to Yuuto which the sister should later put blame on lol, he invited Natsumi who then invited the rest of the gang to play ball, and that's where Kazama did the penalty with Natsumi because they can play against each other without a winner for hours, and Sakurai is taking that as a personal penalty. *laughs* Ah I love this series, so many layers haha. The guys ended up with a bath and some cold milk which I must say I should experience that someday, and the MVP couple (lol) had some alone time because Sakurai wanted to. Haha selfishness for the win, I guess. *giggles* All in all, you know, we don't have sports festival but we have this, so I guess it's good enough? *laughs* I'm so sorry for all the references but as you can see I treat all the shows I watch every season as being in the same world lol. It's still an awesome episode though, all the short jokes lol Futaba don't hit me and romance things are landing perfectly and as expected, so I can only watch and giggle at all this drama. What else can there be between these people after we've reached the peak with Kazama's boob censor sensor and Takeda's large- large physique? Haha we can only watch on to find out. 
(MFW I see ripped dudes lol I don't care tbh)
(Kazama with the astronomy lessons lmao)
This series in a nutshell haha Futaba is great
P.S. "Who doesn't put ketchup (on hotdogs)?" Haha Sakurai IKR Kazama you madman lol
P.P.S. "I do drink milk every day" OOF "Igarashi has a hearty appetite" Ah yep "She gets plenty of rest" BIG OOF lmao can we stop with the insults on Futaba I legit feel bad now
[We know Tsukishiro is MVP this episode so]
Is this the gap moe thing you have been waiting for from her? 'Cos I did haha
I mean, look at what Tsukishiro did to Kazama lol nice

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite a week in Klassic Note maybe it's already over last week but you know, I gotta make waves. *laughs* Because it has been a while since LuckLife's new album since they left major music label Lantis and killed our chances of getting another Anime "Bungou Stray Dogs" ending song from them lol, continued to write more songs for us to remember, which also coincidentally got them into the Klassic Note Collection so congrats guys, you all deserve this. (Shoutout to "my Akari" haha and that's why they are getting best artist this year lol the music video is amazing btw) Of course, we shouldn't forget about ChouCho's best album for her list of Anime theme songs she has sung for and some written by herself by the way, got me with softer tunes because the two songs I ended up with coincidentally are from the same Anime, one ending song and insert song. Thankfully, they do NOT make of another Klassic Note Review due to the insert song being released as a digital single away from the other song so thank goodness. *laughs*

On news related to music and it's on Twitter and I missed some from last week so let's make sure we put that in, Ryokuoushoku Shakai is releasing a new album end of next month and I can't believe I missed this last week, Sambomaster's new song will be for a movie after celebrating their 15th anniversary live, on Monday's livestream where she just ate fried chicken for 5mins (lol) it was announced that Natsukawa Shiina's 2nd album will be released in two months and yes if "Pre-2nd" isn't a hint since last year you gotta wonder, but also they are releasing live video footage from that very live from this year for the whole of next month every week until the album release, I'm always in with more Yoru no Honki Dance live video on YouTube, following the third season announcement airing in January and likely focusing on the final year of their middle school life, Ohara Yuiko's new song will be for Anime "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" which no doubt will pad the ending songs with more character sung covers like the previous two seasons, THE ORAL CIGARETTES will be streaming a live audio album next week from the members' favourite picks, LuckLife's newest music video isn't something I gave from the album so welp, Kuso Iinkai's new music video made me wonder how much I have missed them because apparently not lol, Amamiya Sora's new song trailer is written by yours truly reached the first chorus I would hardly call it a trailer haha, and as a surprise on her live tour miwa announced a new album releasing in two months and in nearly five years but will now be competing with two OTHER albums released on that date which I will have to review. Man, I wonder who is going to win lol all of them lost already right? I mean, what are the chances miwa is going to win? *laughs* Oh miwa-san...

So next week is our last break of the year, and I can't tell you how much I want to shift Kuso Iinkai and tacica's new releases a week earlier but hey, it's them who are at a disadvantage not me so I'll probably try to look through the song awards while I have the time then. *silence* The new songs in recent weeks aren't going to cut it anyways so *laughs*

And... I'm done with the week. Today was quite an evening haha because I used all my energy to go shopping with my sis and then having dinner with the family near the seaside which thank goodness right choice for choosing that restaurant just that we had to wait for the last main dish to appear for like 20mins and *laughs* Cya guys next time then, and until next time... I'm trying to digest my excessive tea from the dinner while drinking more bottled tea from the shopping trip earlier so... ask me when I'll sleep tonight lol ugh my head hurts haha bye

P.S. I can't believe she didn't even notice this and even praised the cameraman (thanks Sashide Maria haha *thumbs up*) because despite redoing her tweet TWICE she still hasn't noticed how I would know that Kitou Akari was wearing black lingerie during that Anime livestream just now *laughs* Don't tell her, yes? 2nd image *laughs* No really I woke up enough to finish doing this post lmao

Sunday 5 December 2021

The Entertainment News 2021 Edition Issue #49

Is this it? Is it that I'm not bored at work and have something to do that I'm not just tired over the weekend? *silence* Okay, me, I still don't understand you lol you literally cried for help at work I can't believe you can still smile today *laughs*

Anyways, welcome to the weekend or by the time you read this the weekend is over already, but yeah, we are at the final stretch! Of 2021 actually lol that package might just appear by this year who knows it's not even sent out yet haha by next week I guess. So yeah meanwhile, we have a couple more music releases to talk about, the Anime this season I watched are still phenomenal, and I may have refreshed social media too often because I'm that bored lol I should just play more video games or something

So yeah, more Anime and music this week, let's get to it! Did you see that Fuchigami Mai tour pamphlet it comes with a CD too but girl I just want the book lmao

アニメ Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.
"When I start thinking about how I'm starting school today, my chest hurts" Wow same girl, literally me going to school every morning
Looks like we have a student from the countryside? Hey, does this series need MORE lore?? *laughs* In this new episode where sadly the summer holidays are over (#KomiSan09), I guess we have more characters to introduce- You think this won't get a season two? I'm just waiting for the end of this month to see it happen lol. Anyways, let's talk about country bumpkin and if my Japanese were better I would've remembered what her name is because don't forget every single character in this series mentioned has a name literally derived from their behaviour, so introducing Inaka Nokoko lol okay what a name, I really thought she was a transfer student until I realized (1) she has a Hokkaido accent because she ends with -dabe and (2) she is just like everyone else in class where they admire Komi-san too much they think everything she does is perfect which is not speaking which does say a lot about idolism today so *laughs* Anyways, Nokoko here thinks Komi-san is the perfect girl in the city considering her experience being in it lol not wrong, but she also gets amazed on how Komi-san can go into a... sandwich restaurant I don't want to reference anything intentionally lol, and under Najimi's crazy instructions once again, order some ridiculous menu in which is obviously not done right but again remember, she has communication problems so I must say I'm quite impressed on how she can keep doing this silence thing EVERY SINGLE TIME lol I feel like I'll get beat up in the alley if I don't speak. *laughs* Anyways, Nokoko probably did a better job than her because she probably spoke out her order, and Najimi had to apologize again for what pains she let Komi-san go through lol. Next up, and this is why you have a phone Komi-san, so friends can message you to invite you to hang out. And so did chuunibyou nerd Nakanaka, who despite probably not hanging out with many people, decided to take a step ahead of Yamai-san how dare you lmao, to invite her to her place and maybe play some video games if dear Komi-san even knows how to use a controller lol. But yeah, Nakanaka is just thinking about refresh rates on her THREE 4K MONITORS you monster lol, while Komi-san is just thinking if normal people had rooms like these. *laughs* Spoiler alert though, Komi-san? No, this is abnormal. *laughs* Also, for having my dear RumiRumi (Audience: Gross) (I'm terribly sorry lol) say so much nerd stuff even I have to question myself if I knew of them... I feel sorry for her I feel like I should pay her to stop her from voicing this role. *laughs* Eventually Nakanaka can't deal with two of them alone, so she asked for Najimi's presence who then suggested (and this could've been done from the start) (yeah imagine if it's not Tadano teaching Komi-san to play but the nerd *giggles*) playing some party or fighting game like... I'm not going to do more references but I think you can guess if you are nerd enough lol, and you know, see Nakanaka have a fun time with her friends, and when I mean her friends I meant Najimi because that's all she had anyways. *laughs* Then, we have part-time job? I thought Komi-san would've been better being the mascot since she doesn't speak, but that'll ruin her image as the appeal factor to... distribute tissue papers? Okay. And ironically, she isn't doing it until the one person who CLEARLY wants tissues lol the name is so meta (nope, not gonna explain the name) (yeah Facebook come sue me lol), where the queues started forming and (why are you here as crowd control Yamai-san lol) Najimi and the gang eventually got the work done. *shrugs* Sure, man. *laughs* Last but not least, they gotta end with a cringe moment which I don't mind, but yeah, Komi-san's dream is those future-predicting ones in case you don't believe those exist because I dreamt of people having a sesame seed on their face lol, and... we can just refer to each other by family name lol they haven't gone steady it's too early to call dibs on lovey-dovey names yet HAHAHAHAHA lol. All in all though, great episode, we don't need new characters stop printing more thanks, and I feel that Komi-san's appeal... is running low. Well, at least to me. And I would appreciate it if no one comes to my house for death threats, thanks. *locks door* Cya guys next time haha
[TL:DR; Bear in mind this is not an educational programme where we teach you to improve your communication skills because as you can see Komi-san can dodge everything just by being beautiful and having a broken vocal chord lmao]
Me when I force my friends to watch stuff I like which is never btw
(Can't have Anime to watch with friends when you don't have friends *brain tap meme*)
If you know any of the posters in the background I would love to NOT be friends with you lmao
(I can only recognize Re:Zero and maybe Sword Art Online)
P.S. Your skirt is up 2cm and you call this your summer debut? Haha that's me with idols who refuse to show more leg lmao
P.P.S. "The class goddess is in my room! Isn't this more than a mere victory?" HELL YEAH YOU BET if Komi-san were in Yamai-san's room she would've came 20 times beforehand already lmao ah hey (Yes when I meant "came" I meant that haha)
My self-motivation is similar to this but she's cuter lol
I like how I saw this and I'm like "Komi-san wouldn't even speak she can't even say she doesn't want to hang out with you" lol *brain tap meme*

アニメ Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
"Yuzuki-han, please teach me what love is!" Oh wow GREAT START lol it's not that hard though Yuzuki knows everything about it haha
Oh Tamahiko and Yuzuki, so that's not true? *laughs* GOT'EM lol in this new episode where Hakaru MVP for getting this ball rolling (#TaishouOtome09), let's just say all the songs are great when there's only like, 3 of them within the village, yes? Ask yourself how many songs people are listening to nowadays when like, two decades ago without the Internet we are still listening to the same set of tunes. *silence* Rant's over, story time. Man, I sound like a Hakaru lol and we will find out about that later, but first, Kotori-chan's reason for being at their place. She wants to know about love. I mean, she can just go to the nearest brothel to learn about those lmao, but yeah, she wants the pure ones, the ones she heard from her twin brother that exists for real and is still piping hot... yes she be talking about our main couple here. She explains how much scoop she wants from these two, and they obligingly agreed just because she be their idol and also, they understood how music can be so powerful it makes Klassic Note Song Awards exist lol, but not everyone. Hakaru, specifically. Not that he doesn't we'll get to that in a moment, but more like, whatever Kotori-chan is now, how she can write songs and be an idol of talk, how she can be writing a column for a girl's magazine... what? *laughs* Sorry but is this a thing in 1920s Japan? Don't forget context, people. Is that really a thing? I don't know now lol. Anyways, the two eventually figured both of them out, these twins, especially how Hakaru is totally avoiding his sister for some reason, did not even bother to talk to her about music no more, considering yes, we saw some flashback of Kotori with her brother with the guitar and singing together. Since Tamahiko is such good friends with the dude now and he did take a piece of fish from his lunch lol, Tamahiko decided to pop the question. Similar to Tamahiko though, Hakaru also fell ill as a kid even though he started this music thing on both of them, who then decided to give up on music in order to focus on recovering, which I guess is fine but you know music can heal wounds too? Not just the mental ones? Well I guess you can't really guitar in hospitals so that's understandable, but yeah, in just seven years not only did Hakaru recover probably be an even bigger miracle compared to Tamahiko's lol I'm sorry to say that but your dad is still hating you for killing his wife lmao what, Kotori-chan also became a singing legend recognized by many for her creative work. Man, it's all the more reason why you should fulfil your promise back then. I mean, it's no Tamahiko disability dude, you can totally go back into music- You know how cool would that be if it's a twins band?? *laughs* Hey, I'm sure that exists somewhere, but you know, just an idea? *giggles* Anyways, everything else in this episode is not important besides the singing with the kids and the last part, so if you missed that I don't know why would you, because that was so good I started thinking of my love life as a kid- Okay that's impossible that was so long ago haha. All in all, it seems like every other episode in this series is meant to make me tear up so you're welcome I guess, but yeah, looks like we're only getting more of these as their love settles down and we start to link everyone's lives together to actually show how much the main couple's lives have changed since they were together. And looks like we're getting more wholesome moments where Yuzuki goes back home to visit her friend in school. I'm very hopeful from the preview that this won't be sad, but we shall see.
[TL:DR; "Catching up to Kotori-chan right now would be exhausting" Yeah Hakaru, is it though?]
Me when I wake up in the morning and my mom pulls out the curtains lol
Man, I wished I knew how to ride a bicycle in tandem with... someone I like at the back haha
(Oh well can't ride in tandem if you ride alone *taps brain*)
P.S. "With music, I can be right beside a lovesick, make someone smile again, and empower someone with confidence!" Man, I wished all composers can say this instead of printing songs like it's a job- Ah.
P.P.S. The "new" songs are now on digital streaming platforms, namely "Tsukiyo no Shiratori" the one Kotori sang two weeks ago, and "Koi no Uta" the one sang this week
[More Kotori-chan because why not we don't have Tamako anyways lmao oh yeah the Anime's upcoming livestream on YouTube will feature the voice actors of the Shiratori siblings so if you imagined that was how they looked like... haha (Interestingly the account has been active on social they do regular Twitter Spaces discussion with the staff too if you don't know what that is]
Man, this is kinda creepy lol
Is this like an idolism thing but from a century ago?
Isn't this a big scoop then? I don't know

アニメ Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
"Why are all of you here (at the beach) like it's totally normal?" Hey Futaba-chan? Someone higher up in this production asked for this budget so shut your damn mouth haha
I know right? Futaba be like questioning why is the whole Anime cast here when I'm already disappointed about why aren't all of them in swimsuits right from the intro. *laughs* In this new episode where it's summer I guess lol and I don't hang out with my colleagues at the beach or even for anything *sob* (#SenpaiGaUzai09), I guess this is the fanservice episode, yes? Ah, this is so good I can't even. *giggles* So, story. Story goes that Sakurai asked Futaba out for a weekend at the beach of course including lodgings, but turns out she invited the whole gang. How she invited Natsumi I have no idea, they know each other? *laughs* Anyways, they had a great time. The end. *laughs* What, you want to know more? What's else to know? We already know the main couple's great senpai-kouhai relationship; We already know the secondary couple's great lovey-dovey relationship; We already know about Yuuto's soft cheeks... Wait, you don't know the last part? *laughs* Please, don't even ask me if there's a thing between Natsumi and Yuuto, because I'd like to believe that she wouldn't be ruining his relationship with the girl he knew at school, but more of, Natsumi is surprisingly a nice person despite her... rowdy tendencies like skipping school as a kid lol. (Oh yeah she did punch a dude but so did I so) (*sshh*) But you know, the gang played on the beach, went for a swim unless you're Futaba-chan because for her we gotta start kicking first lol, ate great food at the hostel, played with fireworks haha I hate my country for this lol, slept or unless you're Kazama or if you're one of the girls who talked about relationships with the lights off I doubt you slept haha, and so much more. I rather let you experience all the fun that has to be had on this episode alone, even the swimsuit reveals don't do them justice. *laughs* You know how it's always the dudes change faster and they can wait for the girls to line up and you see Futaba-chan and you punch yourself in the face? *laughs* Okay, I feel like I'm going to end up insulting Futaba when I don't want to so I might as well stop here. This trip is also technically a time for Natsumi to find out about Futaba and her colleagues and it definitely made her feel relieved, if anything. We probably wouldn't even need to be worried about how things will turn out at this rate, for I rather have Sakurai and Kazama be the main couple if I could change this series out lol it'll be a different title by then though. All in all, great episode I especially like Natsumi's rack lmao hey Kazama I'm with ya, gotta love that smug on Futaba's face when she found out about Kazama's thing with Sakurai lmao, and guess who forgot to put on the suntan because she got sheltered (literally) by the grandfather every summer. I guess we can let the Gramps get pissed off just this year. Wait, next year too, Futaba? You can't do this to your ojii-chan lol who cares amirite?? Haha cya guys for more cringe life stories
Thanks Kazama, this will go into my GIF collection haha
This is undoubtedly Futaba's "I can blackmail you now" face lmao
P.S. "Thanks for taking care of my sister (Sakurai)" Yeah you're welcome MUAHAHAHAHA <= Not Kazama lol
P.P.S. "Is it weird for a boy and girl to be friends?" DUDE lol also Yuuto F**K YOU MAN you lucky bastard- *sigh* *silence* Why
[I know right why did I put those thumbnails WITHOUT BOOBA so here we go]
I know I can present the word "defeat" in many ways but this
Someday when we have a spin-off of this series featuring these two I'll title it "Karakai Jouzu no Sakurai-san" haha ah hey
This is the average you'll see on the beach.
Probably. Depends on where you from lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Last stretch, people, so let's end Klassic Note this year with a bang with more album releases! Haha man, I wished it was singles and they don't release in that Christmas week but oh well. *shrugs* Anyways, for this week, we have Cider Girl's 4th album and despite me talking about me bumping into their releases from time to time is always timed on each album lol I did listen to one of the singles tbh, but yeah, their style should be easy listening to many but it's always the melodies that fail to impress. For this one though, I thought it was actually good and accompanied by the short hiatus I had not giving new songs, I was able to give a good amount of songs other than the obligatory Anime theme song I had to give which was unsurprisingly bad because why would you change pace after the first chorus. *laughs* So anyways, that was great, and I hope the rest of the month will end this well. None of them here are Top 20 contenders though lol I just thought that Halloween song is funny

On news concerning music and it's on Twitter and I don't think I can come up with a better title for this paragraph honestly, Amamiya Sora's new music video (preview, as usual) is nothing but her and besides being a song she wrote there really isn't much impressive besides her looks lol, Aimer's new songs are released early in view of her actual new single in January, more LuckLife live footage on YouTube is always a joy they don't appear on TV or rock festivals often anyways, that Ikimonogakari vocalist Yoshioka Kiyoe's solo song music video is animated and featured herself and Hanazawa Kana as voices in the web short, thanks to voice actress Omigawa Chiaki I found out that marble released a new song and boy did that bring me back please tell me you have releases planned after this long, ORESKABAND released a new song again but I'm not that keen as the previous time, Night Tempo released a collaboration album with guests such as Uesaka Sumire and yes this dude's a DJ so you can expect what songs will be in it so I'm not reviewing that, yuiko is singing for indie songwriter Luca's new song and it is something she sang for quite a long time since that music group Primary she was in didn't release any new songs, Minase Inori released a new song for Anime in view of the new album likely for next year, and I don't know how I missed Sambomaster's live streamed on YouTube. Man, when I realized it was over and tried to listen to a couple of songs and they cut me off? Welp. *laughs* Oh well I've listened to them many times over the years and I'm not so much of a live person so I'm good. *laughs* (No really, I am)

So for next week, I hope I can review LuckLife's new album which is quite a while already I've been giving new songs but I could use more of them, before I get totally owned by ChouCho's best album and her infamous Anime theme songs trash the heck out of an independent band and I have to give half her album already. *laughs* Well, ChouCho's prime is when she was not singing solo but you wouldn't know if I didn't tell you so

I only realized how... weird I am when I talk about memes like this one that I made recently with some new type of virus type (lol) (I'm trying to be vague so this won't be recorded in detail here, the fire), and only found out maybe I was weird after all...? (I had to explain that this irony happens in our bilingual society where people do not know of the latter term and I heard it in the evening news for half an hour haha) Well, not surprising but their reactions are. *laughs* Package will be planned to come up by Christmas hopefully I'm not going to let that get stuck unintentionally with holiday orders I still have a Klassic Note Review due, and I still have the calendar for next year to set the next package in so, this and the upcoming one will be the last of this year. And maybe in a while because the taxation is coming blah blah blah even if not I will likely go for more digital approach ie. not buy physical goods and do digital stuff, say e-books or fanclub memberships. *wink* I have plans, so we shall see. Cya guys then, and until next time... I hope you're still happy. I'm not, and I mean deep inside thanks to work, so yeah, I may want some change by next year, maybe starting with dealing with Army stuff I don't even want to deal with but have to. *sigh* Bye.

P.S. Oh wow the new launcher which hosts that DOAXVV game will check your region? I may need a plan B for this because I don't have any lol maybe web version? That wouldn't be easy for grinding OR will it look good on my 24" monitor though so DMM GAMES can we don't