Tuesday 30 April 2024

The Fanfiction 20240430

Writing these before the daily wallpaper is put on my phone is weird, isn't it? HAHA that is NOT what happened yesterday, bro. *wink*

Since I will be halfway done with the work week by the time you have seen this noon time published week-long special, you know what's the best way to unwind after a day of hard work? YouTube- Uh, I mean, hanging out at a bar! Hey, it may be lonesome juice bar that you don't even drink, me, you are neither of those so thank goodness there is fictional me so I can write about this next story! I've always wanted a drinking buddy, so this should set things up. Maybe. We can be friends. *giggles*



Aizawa Saya dressed in a gray dress with a black sleeved top, holding on to a glass and taking a sip
Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I decided to drop by this popular hotel bar alone after work. I was greeted with a mellow atmosphere set in front of well-lit alcohol displays but also fully filled seats on the grounds. I was lucky enough to get a vacant stool by the counter. I first ordered my usual and it was a good as I remembered. I then asked for a recommendation from the bartender after a day's work. That was refreshing and all, but as I glanced to my left, I was surprised to see a young lady in beautiful long, black hair shining in the dim light, holding on to a glass and staring back at me I think for as long as I have sat down. I greeted her out of formality and she nodded with a squeak, sipping on her drink. It wasn't long before her friend returned and they carried on their conversation. I then overheard that she is called Saya-chan, and this is her first time at a bar! She exerts such a calm feel even though I'm sure deep inside, she was excited of what she has seen so far.

Yeah, by episode 909 of this I'll actually do dumb things to her after getting a couple of drinks down. *laughs* (Get it? Aizawa Saya's birth date drop? September 9th?) Since me IRL thinks of going to bar but never, maybe this will be that vision to see how far will I go as fictional me? Haha I WISH we have a comprehensive library of images for this type of scene but not of what happens afterwards LMAO also I have no idea if I will ever get drunk because, now in my 30s, I have never drank any alcohol. *silence* Don't ever test it out, me, not now, just don't. *laughs* But since I also overheard her saying she liked the place (as so did fictional me), at least you can be assured this won't be the last time we will see of her. That's a promise from me- She's technically below 21 when they sold this photo set? Uh oh. *laughs*

Speaking of age, I wanted to convey like, some kid who has never seen someone this crazy to let the bartender offer a recommendation in their life, haha yeah, or maybe just witnessing such a monstrosity sitting beside her like I am who's that guy, Takeda-senpai from Anime "Senpai ga Uzai"? Haha I'm not that well-built though. Whichever she saw of me? I will not know. *giggles* This will likely also the most haphazard concept of a story for the week mainly because I last minute (as in 3 weeks ago) dropped another story in order to alternate between a couple of new characters for the week which, wink wink, the other new character's story for the week will be better. *giggles* Stay tuned for that too, will ya?