Sunday 28 September 2014

The Entertainment News Week #39

Hi everyone, and if anyone is back, welcome back. Let’s get started.

Glasslip: Eh… after much understanding of the show… I still do not know much. Okay. Let’s just say the production is aiming for an artistic view of a slice of life show. And to me, I believe Kakeru is alive and has been alive. For the memories in the summer holidays? Well, at least everyone else besides Touko got it well…
Next season Anime? I have to mention that again? Guess not. Besides, Denkigai no Honya-san will start next week, and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is the week after next. Apparently they’ve shown an ending trailer for the latter show and it looks awesome. Let’s hope Aniplex don’t destroy this wonderful romance show…

BLEACH: Badass. At least one of them is in the ball, killing a Sternritter without much effort. Let’s hope it’s a kill, Kubo loves to do a troll every time. After that? Let’s hope Ichigo’s team (including Ganju for some reason) gets there quick. But I am still thinking about the alternate world that everyone may have been living in, and that the Soul King is, in fact, the spiritual leader of the Quincy instead. I don’t know; things to happen in the last minute after all…

This Week on Klassic Note
Well this week’s mostly on Mina-chan’s album, where I… try to give her album chance, but then not all is possible due to the nature of the style of the dance songs, but I tried my best. Now at three songs out of the seven songs, still not enough for a purchase though. On the other hand, negoto’s new single is hauling ass. Haha American vocabulary. Well anyways, besides the weird iteration of a weird song I gave two years ago, everything else is awesome. I then noticed “Ammonite!” is actually closer to a love song. Hmm…

Next week is a buffer for me, and the week after next is SPECIAL OTHERS. The great event of the year is coming. And if VELTPUNCH comes by too it’ll be awesome.
Also, seeing the artist list for this year’s Anime Festival Asia, looks like yanaginagi and Hocchan are attending the on in Singapore. (Not that I’m going there) It’ll take more than them for me to buy any tickets. And we should be expecting Satomi-chan or even Mikakoshi in like… 2016? Haha…

That’s all. Quite a short week, if you ask me. It’ll get longer as long as I continue watching Anime, I guess. Cya next week, and until then… I’m working on APoL. And the Klassic Note Reviews. And my order is running delays. Damn. So much to do, so little time…

[P.S.: Pretty much…

Yeah, that’s all. Because of my reluctance to change the images. No, really not because I’m lazy, no…]