Showing posts with label The Archive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Archive. Show all posts

Monday 20 May 2019

APoL: The Huge Update

Because it'a a holiday (in-lieu) (why do I always have to emphasise this as if I don't deserve it) and I picked up my butt to finish this that I set up to do, so here we are.

In this update, I've done up Chapter 16v2 which added a couple of details which I left out without much elaboration. More importantly, all chapters written thus far and beyond will go through grammar verification (#NotSponsored) by Grammarly, because my grammar is so bad it needs some AI help lol. Anyways, it's done, so hopefully you won't puke too much reading the stuff I've written like, 7 years ago haha *pukes*

I will still post the chapters below, but be aware that (1) the Scribd site will stop publishing chapters from Chapter 15 (and will also not include this update too), and (2) all of this listed below can be read in full by visiting the official Strikingly site which... probably needs some updating so I can present it to anyone besides myself lol

The chapters, in version order as it will not be listed on the site:

Introduction Arc
Shiriko Arc
Training Arc
Sora Arc
Kenichi Arc?

This is it then. Time to nap haha time to think about how to write Chapter 17 now that I've got the Duel mechanics out of the way...

Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Release: APoL Chapter 16

Okay, not to surprise anyone, but I did it. Not that I'm back in momentum or whatever, but I know the following months I might just continue this for real. We'll see. I'm doing this because it's like 90% done and I decided to finish in an afternoon.

Here. APoL Chapter 16. And yes, I've moved on to a new arc. Now I have to finish it haha

As you may have also noticed I've also improved "the" site to facilitate easy reading, so no more Scribd stuff anymore. You can also read the earlier chapters too. Sorry for large text if it bothers you because I'm lazy to do for every paragraph. Yeah. it's a chore.

Time for my dinner. Cya... soon. I mean, I haven't even done that Apple Music review follow-up I promised. If I can get it done tonight then sooner will be later, yes? *laughs*

Monday 8 May 2017

The Dream Record #14

Hey, it's been some time. Let's see how detailed I can write this. It may be too fresh for me to write it because my writing skills are that bad. Forgive me, yes? I'm not a novelist, or I wished I am.
(*Characters and locations will be vague due to the nature of what it is and where it's referenced from; notes will be placed below all for self reference)
"I was walking around in the mall someday until I walked to a corner of a mall, nearby an ATM and some amenities, far from most shops. Suddenly, a tug on me brought me away from the mall, leaving through the back exit. Before I could turn around, I reached another tall building nearby the mall. Until now I've not been able to see whoever it is, but it's no doubt a school girl for her height and build. It wasn't until she spoke did I notice she sounded familiar. What is she doing dragging me around, I thought, as I noticed I ended up in a large bedroom and then in the bathroom. She flipped open the cover of the bathtub and threw me in with great force. I laid down on the tub somehow in bliss as she said 'Keep your voice down' and laid on top of me."
Okay, it may have been for me to set an introduction, but for real, the dream started as late as when I was in the bathroom haha. Story setting, as they say.
"All of a sudden, the bathtub started moving down, however I did not bother as I was rather tired at that time. I did feel something amiss though, as I immediately saw an underground lab when we are out. 'I'm going to train you to be the best police officer around', she said, as she walked around the large chamber waving to all the scientists around, speaking technical terms that I did not comprehend."
Clearly she's a genius, right? I want to offer context here but maybe at the end, yes?
"We were outside with many other teenagers like me. It was as if we're doing some physical training, surprisingly outside of the tall building still standing before me. Some of them did some runs, and I'm standing around with a few others by the road. The sign was exceptionally weird that it contained a location on one side as I saw it (I even asked someone where we are) and flipping it around was a person's name for some reason. She then told us to go for our break, and most of us headed for the nearby mall. Feeling detached somehow, I followed to the mall as I see people drawing money from the machine and the others are walking away to the shops."
Okay, that's pretty much of it anyway. (Audience: Really?) Yeah, but that doesn't mean there's no room for a potential story. (I'm making up the summary here btw) A strong girl who has lost her parents that own a large security company is hiring me, a local police dude to train me so to protect her like the secret service? Don't ask for the questioning background scene and how I found out I'm a police officer (I inferred just like you), but suffice it to say I'm looking forward to the scene where I have to protect her with all my might lol

This is it then. References that I can mention include the protecting part because I've been reading Kuroshitsuji (RIP Agni) and the supposed running session because it's oddly familiar (even in graphics lol) to Anime Tsuki ga Kirei with Akanecchi in the track and field club. Others I can't really mention is the location of Tampines (the one side of the sign) and Fion Bay (please don't go searching for her, she's just an acquaintance of mine), and this story is starring someone called Ayamori Ichika (because you cannot find her info if you don't lead my kind of life lol), so please don't go searching for those, yes?


Cya guys again then. I noticed I'll get vivid dreams if I'm stressed or anticipating something in the future. And I am, for I've field work to do today. Beats rotting in the office all day, I guess. Have a good day. I'll do up the blockquotes when I reach home haha

P.S. Of course the theme song for this must be amazarashi's "Hero", who am I joking, right? No really, not a coincidence I assume.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Dream Fragment #19

Hey, it's been some time. And kudos to whoever knows that title means I've been dreaming about girls again, but hey, I have no girlfriend lol. Anyways, this time, it's the girl who just got her solo debut single. No, I don't mean Nu-chan (Numakura Manami), and I'm referring to one of the TrySail girls. Read on to find out.

Since it's excerpts, I'll keep it short. As usual, those in quotes are recollections, and brackets are personal opinions.

"I was in the middle of a theme park. I was surrounded by crowds of queues along with Mocho (Asakura Momo) who is desperately walking around the pathway to look for people in the crowd. As I walked with her, I saw familiar figures like the back of Ten-chan (Amamiya Sora) and the jovial, enthusiastic face of Nan-chan (Natsukawa Shiina). Suddenly, the camera view changed and I was looking from the view of Nan-chan, who got out of the queue to approach Mocho."
Yes, did I not mention about me totally seeing how big her bra is? I know; Mocho has potential. And she's only 22 as we speak haha

"Then the scene changed to a long path, similar to an apocalypse of some kind where only a couple would walk towards something everyone is walking away from. Once again, Mocho and I were the only ones (hugging each other, and) (xD) walking against the opposing crowd. And once again, we passed by Ten-chan who waved to us, Nan-chan to talked to us (her more than me), and..."

That's all folks. I can only remember this much. By this much I mean that's enough for me to remember considering it's been an hour since I woke up on a chilly morning where I'll be busy the rest of this school day. If you guys need references they aren't difficult to search online. Nothing that'll get you excited about someone's chest (lol), but you'll mostly find cute girls, if you're into it like me. I personally like 3D, if you want to ask haha

P.S. Related stuff include the fact that I've been editing some TrySail images before I sleep and totally mesmerising over them, and Mocho's debut single releases this week, and on preview it doesn't sound bad. Maybe like Aki-chan it may be a beginning to another fandom...?

P.P.S. I'll never win that China guy who bought enough singles to create a pillar in his room (it's definitely a he, and yes stacked by thickness) and lay down a heart for his confession. I mean, I'm not even that desperate.

Monday 19 September 2016

The Dream Fragment #18

Remember somewhere in this blog I wanna talk about that date in Aki-chan I wrote somewhere on Facebook for my own reading? I'm still not going to reveal that. However, I'm going to talk about... probably the best dream I've had in months. Yes, I got to be in a private session with my beloved idol. (And yes, it involves others but then we can't really be alone lol)

Instead of writing a story (which explains why this isn't a full story), I'll talk about what I have done in the dreams and what I didn't.

(In no particular order; piece it up yourself haha)

What I've done:
~ Asked for an autograph. I forgot where I got a square card, but probably from her latest album haha, but she said she won't just sign only she wants to leave me a message. I said anything would do she she wrote (awkwardly in Chinese) like, well the usual. Supporting her and stuff, thanks and love and stuff. No drawing though. But oh well, signatures are enough
~ Has a great time with her. I've a feeling I'm in a... what you call that, a shabu shabu house? Because all I remember are food, mostly uncooked. I was missing a bowl to eat in and she asked the waiter for me. For me. Yes.

What I've not done:
~ Asked for a hug. It maybe ridiculous, and why not in a dream, but then I did intend to ask for one before all this, but I didn't. And I woke up remembering that. My heart is broken now lol
~ Count my chances. We in a nutshell I was lucky. You know how you have to be picked randomly for prizes related to anything of an idol? This one, enough for me to buy the lottery and win it haha. Somehow it's also done in the same place I was eating. Weird.
~ Sit closer to her. You know, we want to do that when we're desperate. Unfortunately there was kind of a glitch, I say, a logical paradox in the first place. Firstly, I was sitting on those comfy restaurant seats where you sit across each other. Secondly, at some point I had a scene where I was able to sit on a seat perpendicular (to my right) to where she was sitting. Her hand was on the seat for goodness sake.

There you go. I should've just written the whole dream, but I forgot most (as usual) and I promised myself (also probably Aki-chan) that I'll go to school today because of her. How I'm falling in love with this (soon to be) 30-year-old I don't know. I do know this is what we call fandom, and I hope this is just the beginning. Man, dreams are great.

P.S. If you need a hint on how this can work in your dreams, think of someone else the night before (I was thinking of Mina-chan if I'm not wrong), and sing a lot of songs to yourself. Wait, this sounds like me every night before I sleep haha

P.P.S. In view of this I may just post whatever I was taking about tonight, if I'm free. Well I will be, so you're in luck, me. *laughs*

Sunday 3 July 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #27


Seriously reflecting about life, and the fact that I've not been preparing for what's coming up within the next month. Physically. Either the end is near, or I'll have to threaten myself to exercise starting tomorrow. The latter is not working out yet though. That's why it's worrying. My brain is getting ahead of myself, if you know what I mean.

Assassination Classroom S2: This is as much as it can go, I guess.
As quite expected but against my thoughts, this last episode is a touching one. We see graduation, development, and time pass as expected, all apparently according to that one octopus and that big book that everyone in the class got. The money too, but that is another thing. The biggest draw, is that after seven years... besides the moon looking more normal (lol), is that Nagisa became a teacher. And yes, killing is an option within the class. Hey, no one said there couldn't be another season of this lol, but anyways it's a respectable end. I mean, bringing back the octopus may be more fun, but it beats creating a chemical that can replace any blood type in transfusion. So I'm fine with this kind of ending. I cried last week already, so this is good. The story panned out as expected too, so this is good as well. Overall, a show to watch is you want a little more out of your education. I mean, unless the intention is killing, it will never get better haha

BLEACH: Well, I guess this latest chapter is just to fill in the blanks. Apparently all the remaining Sternritters are pretty much dead, and has been "redistributed" to the leader himself after taking all of Ichigo's (spiritual) powers. Surprising why he isn't suffocating in a spiritual world yet lol. Anyways, the main antagonist chose to leave for Hueco Mundo it seems (it's like Aizen, but with a little less motivation haha), and with supposedly superior power, once again evil has consolidated into a singularity, much like Aizen. Will Soul Society have a chance to revive? Will everyone else in this story still alive go ahead to take down the evil? Or will everyone have to live with another dictator in hand, waiting for the worlds to collapse? And can Kubo do this in under 20 chapters?? (Audience: Did he mention that?) Well, I suppose we aren't far away, hopefully, but that we are close. Just hope the evil can sleep well at night and not get ambushed in some way lol. Oh wait, he may not need sleep anymore. Oops.

This Week on Klassic Note
This week continues my last week of reviewing Tomacchan's best albums, and after much time I still didn't decide to give enough songs to get on my shelf. Sorry, Tomacchan. Instead, I will take the time to review two of your singles next week in honour of your seven years of solo singing. This is the most I can do for now.


Anyways, moving on. I've finally come to terms of Sasaki Eri's band, and decided to give the debut song from Lattice. almost five years ago. It isn't the latest EP, but still. I've also finally got a time to listen to yucat's latest album from this year which features her very first song from back in 2012, and I gave more than that song apparently. I mean Yukari-chan if you want impressions two months into release I'll be glad to give my opinion. Honestly, the iconic style may stand out more than her compositions, to be honest, which explains why I only give topic songs like "Stop Me" and "Dr.Code" and so on.

Next week brings a couple of releases as far as I know, UNLIMITS' new album will be out then, and I think I can focus on it if nothing else comes out. I don't know, I cannot remember stuff now. Hey, the music video is online too; be sure to have a listen to it.

This is it then. Seriously taking some reflections now. The consequences are as different as a flip of a coin, so this will throw me off if I think hard enough. Meanwhile, I think I found the root to why I'm not continuing to write APoL, and I hope to resolve that soon. Until next time, take care, and if you don't exercise... hope there isn't any military regime forcing you to do so. Really, conscription is a b*tch. Oh well.

[P.S.: Hocchan week! Yes, her age is not a factor to how much I can like her. But then it's when she has makeup, for sure. *laughs*

Next week is a lot of TrySail, so that's going to be fun. Hey, they can all be prospective partners lol]

[P.P.S.: I know Ten-chan is quite a genius with a facade, Mocho is honestly serious despite being clumsy, and Nan-chan has thoughts - a lot of them - after reading so many of her blog posts. I guess not, huh.]

Afternote: I'm considering changing the post so I can get an image every post, specifically Entertainment News because I'm abolishing these images soon (you should've expected it) so long as I can confirm it expires after some time. Until then, I'm thinking of sharing a part of my social media posts because no one else cares. Well, not like anyone here cares too, but still.

Saturday 2 July 2016

The Dream Record #13

You know what's the best kind of feeling? When someone you know is in the same class with you. Sound familiar? Don't be surprised.

"I was in school registering my new semester subjects. Apparently we have to manually go to a place to put our own names on attendance lists in order for it to count. I went over to the last two specialisation courses (will explain this later) and when I reach the last course guess who's on the list. Besides some friends from the past that I know of a familiar name also surfaced: Komatsu Mikako."

Now if you think this is unlikely and how the heck it can even happen, yes new on my line of dreams is the dearest and loveliest Mikakoshi. Yes, finally.

"Not long after, we're all in class. The teacher briefed us about various things as I see her across the room, seemingly unaware of my presence. I felt somewhat too happy to be in it, and as active I seem to be in class she didn't seem to notice me."

Man, I've forgotten a good portion of this part of the dream. Moving on...

"I was at my cousin's house. It had several rooms all on the same level which apparently housed myself, my sis and mom, some of my cousins, and her. Again, within a smaller group, she still didn't seem to notice me at all. It was also afternoon, so the sun outside is shining bright. Running out of things to do many of us (not including my mom here) have decided to take afternoon naps. A voice echoed from the hallway to draw in the curtains so people could sleep in the room, in an rude manner too. Seeing that only my sis is on the mat on the floor dozing off and many others are not, I walked into another room with a karaoke set. My mom plugged it in and started to play familiar oldies of which I know of but I was singing half-assed and soon enough, I gave up singing those songs.

When I returned to that very room, I saw my sis missing as she appeared to stand beside me. We peeked in to notice her cuddling herself with the very translucent curtain that we used to shade out the sun. And with the room lights on and the sunlight seemingly disappearing, we decided to leave her alone. I went for another karaoke session with my mom again, but this time the reluctance came in quick I left the room just singing a phrase."

Wise choice, huh, leaving the room. Stupid me. Still, Mikakoshi wrapped in curtain.

"A while later, my sis and I returned and saw her missing. We then decided to lie on the only bed not on the floor for a quick snooze. My sis those to lie down perpendicular to the bed and me with a pillow is resting next to her lap. Before we can even sleep, someone walked in to the room, seemingly searching for something. After searching the whole room she then decided to search the bed. It was her. She apparently was playing some have with the others. I guess it's hide and seek with an item or not, who knows. She lightly touches around me on the bed to avoid waking me up as I was facing against her. She then starts mounting on me, finding crevices between me and the bed. Just when she was about to reach my sis, she took out the mystery item from behind my right ear and left the room. A quick glance shows that it was a keychain of a chicken. My sis was awake too, apparently, and I commented "I mean, if she can carry me out she would've said she found it too anyway" and we both laughed."

Several things to note here. (1) I'm in university which means you do things online, and people have printed out attendance lists so we can't fill in the names ourselves anyway, (2) the last part refers to be being called by one of my cousins as a chicken supposedly due to the zodiac animal of my year, and (3) I have thoughts to make this interesting by not stating her name first but due to lack of details like how she behaves a little boyish and quiet as such, I decided not to do so. Also, Mikakoshi wrapped in curtain is probably because of this:

Okay, references. The university party should be easy to explain since I screwed up course registration a couple of days ago, the cousins meeting wasn't a thing but relatives meeting up is, and Mikakoshi-san? I guess it may be due to the recent purchase of that clear file, but otherwise, she's just to fulfil my earnest desire to touch her and be with her for the rest of my life. Seriously, can she be my waifu now??

P.S. Seriously next time idol events should not involve shaking hands only. They should have face licking or something. (Audience: What??) I guess the current dosage has weakened haha (Audience: What have you become, seriously...)

Friday 1 July 2016

The Dream Fragment #17

"I guess I was in a drawing contest. I could not determine my age but I consider to be very young that we are doing it on the floor. I was in a team with a girl against another team of guys. We are seemingly drawing a city scene against each other. The other team was drawing fast, covering terrain and starting to draw a very look-alike railway along with a station, supposedly so long it reaches the ends of the large paper. I took a laugh to it and looked at ours. Our terrain was supposedly very tiled and consists of a big mountain of white and the rest ws just a patch of green. My other teammate is still touching up on the terrain and I told her I shall start on drawing some roads and buildings before we run out of time. I took up a pencil and started drawing roads and noticed I can never draw a straight line possibly due to the uneven surface we are drawing on. I continuously tried drawing a straight line, somehow drew a dotted line thanks to the movements on the surface, and then another line, but all not in parallel. I continued drawing until I had decided to give up. I then drew some buildings which are just rectangles from the top view and it somewhat looks terrible in my opinion."

Honestly? I'm trying to sound dumb so I look like a kid lol. Anyways, references include that news female news reporter who was my teammate, my "friends" back when I was 13 to be the opposing team, and the game Parkitect that I've been playing often recently to be the terrain of my team's map. Man, references I can do well but recalling the dream I cannot, huh.

Sunday 26 June 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #26

If you're here and not listening to the awesome Sambomaster live right now at LINE as I'm posting this now, then... you may be too late already. Hey, follow my Twitter and I'll inform you when it comes lol

And I'm here because I can't understand his fast speeches. That's also my break time BTW

Assassination Classroom S2: Yes, tearing episode. Of course, they made sure you do it. Now that I've stopped crying (less than Nagisa, more than Karasuma), let's talk about it. Briefly. If it gets more detailed I'll need a bucket for tears.
Anyways, form the start it has kind of been decided already, but then again it's good iterating again considering from a drama standpoint. So yes, Koro Sensei let the exhaustion get of him as he lies down on the ground, the students pinned him down (which apparently works, and is the only time they can too) and Nagisa gave the final blow. What's worse, he decided to take a final attendance of the class, exposing me to a bank of names I could use (lol) and all of the reactions of the students. Little was mentioned about details, but suffice it to say Karasuma chased the government people away, the laser supposedly shot down but not like anyone noticed, and the students fell asleep in a stack of books of life written by that octopus we will all remember. Now if only he'd do that for me I'll cry harder than Nagisa would, serious. What will happen at THE last episode of the story? Your guess is as good as mine. But for now let's see how much are the chances that Koro Sensei can come back as a human or otherwise again. I mean, if the author can dictate that we'll see a happy ending. This sad one is just the prelude to it, that's my guess.
P.S. And Koro Sensei doesn't even close his eyes, he just vanishes like how epic death scenes in action shows must do, into little fragments of light. I mean, this is touching and all, and you bet it's effective, but I want to see a human dead. But than again, he probably was transformed to all goo and no blood, so...
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dammit, this show! Well, I guess we have to wait another three months for more action then. (Audience: NANIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!???)
Yes, the last episode of the first season. Well, first of two seasons, to say the least. We are introduced to The Guild, a secret operation based on the USA (sorry but I was just following the story) behind the deal of Atsushi and his bounty. The leader (I assume) paid visit to the Agency President and offered him a sum of a money for some supposed license to operate with ability skills (what a surprise, you need a license to do this???) (then likely the ones who suggested it also have ability I guess) and of course the refusal was backed up by the efforts to get it. I mean, it definitely must be tough and a whole lot more, so I guess I should elaborate and let the show do it in the future. Anyways, of course the ability users of The Guild wouldn't just let this go, and attacked Port Mafia and more to an extent, the Agency. Spoiled by Twitter, I have known one of the underlings to be Kana-chan, and damn she looks hideous as an antagonist. But then again, I expected a dollhouse-like ability (thanks to BLEACH Fullbringer... Riruka; sorry had to look it up) coming from a frilly-dressed girl, and man were the guys prepared. Well, as much as they are anyways. Add in a middle-aged ex-doctor who stayed to find her missing kin Elise-chan, we have an action show. Man, Kafuka-sensei sure knows how to draw plots well. Obviously this ability user is nothing compared to the likes of two (three) ability users (not like Atsushi noticed), and after some fight and negotiation and a whole lot of misunderstanding on my side (I'll mention later) they were released out of some time-based dimension. And guess what, if you remembered the doll Elise from last episode (oh NOW I remember the last episode lol) you'd know the third guy was the leader of Port Mafia, aged to perfection to not fight but instead advise Atsushi and help get rid of The Guid underlings? Man, this sure is exciting and all, but WHY THEY DECIDE TO STOP HERE? This show is just harsh, and I wish I'd watch this next month instead lol. But then again, what's epic if worth waiting, and I think I found my new love in the action genre of Anime. What will happen to all three organisations? Will it link to the government or other high authority involved? Is this possibly a global thing? We shall see. I foresee an epic series in this one. And I'll be sure to hold off my views of the Manga. I'm trying hard here. *laughs*
P.S. Misconceptions that I encountered watching this show: (1) That I thought the first and only scene I got to hear The Guild female underling talk to Kenji and missed Kana-chan's voice, (2) That I have TWICE assumed that the third guy who was fighting in the super-cute dimension was not the Port Mafia's head (first being Dazai because I think he can disguise himself, same build etc, and second being the Agency's President, because the old guys all sound alike but I guess the body is not like it huh lol), and (3) Port Mafia is weak (did you see the morning papers?) when it's clearly not. Man this show is epic.
P.P.S. Comedy and action done to certain perfection, I must say. But then again I only watched the likes of BLEACH, so...

Kuroshitsuji: Wow. Man, Elizabeth, WHAT THE HELL IS MAKING YOU GO BACK???
At first I thought back of the first time I saw this phenomenon, the stars thing, and then how it links to blood transfusion, so now I believe this "religion" is not much of a faith but of something to convince people on. But then again Sebastian saw this as such, and at this point if you are brought back from that side and want to go back I can only think of faith. Then maybe, Yana-chan-sensei, that you maybe playing with religion here. Hey, I'm somewhat a free-thinker, so do whatever you want. I'm just here for the sword fight. I know; Sebastian was an unfair opponent.
BLEACH: OMG what a title. Well, besides the title, there's heck a lot of development too. Hell yeah, Kubo! About time!
Firstly, we fully understand (I mean, if you don't) The Almighty's power, which is just being able to change and foretell change, which is seemingly of God, I guess, unlike us who can only change to affect the future but cannot foretell it. Then, we know of two of the (supposedly) final Sternritter powers (I mean, I cannot remember the term for it lol), which is B for Balance - in this case in terms of fortune, taking good from others and bad to a shield - and A for not Almighty, but Anti-thesis, which supposedly allows the reversal of sides in fighting. Well, then this could well be a trump card against the... what's his name, right now, since Ichigo now is out of luck. (lol get it??) And it appears that... oh wait, Quincy Lord + Ichigo = Quincy Lord. I mean, Ichigo's contribution is somewhat insignificant? Okay, maybe the myriad of powers will kill the Quincy. Fingers crossed.
Tonari no Kashiwagi-san: Almost forgot about this. Hey, I like a build-up chapter. Winter holidays are coming for the students, Tina is leaving (*sob*), and Yuuto is still a wuss. I mean, it's mutual affection, so I guess it's his problem ultimately. We know of a time to send Tina off and something's likely got to happen until then. Kou has plans for the couple(s) during Christmas, and unless Kotone wants to be with him alone (which is unlikely, and if so Yuuto can give Kou the middle finger haha) then we may be up to some fun in the next few chapters.

This Week on Klassic Note
I'm still inside Tomacchan's best albums, and am slowly but surely giving her songs a good listen, don't you worry. miwa's new single isn't impressive, and I'm real surprised how a CM song actually stands out over an Anime theme song as the title of this single... but I see why, and I only took one, haha. Ayachi's new single isn't impressive, but the B-side I must give. Hey, I like a cute song from her once in a while. The review may or may not be far away, but I may give it a miss this time round, I'm not sure yet. I also found out that Sasaki Eri-san who sings for Anime Plastic Memories before last year is actually a fresh graduate (serious) despite her face (sorry lol), and is part of a progressive rock band named "Lattice." (if I don't put apostrophes you don't notice the full stop haha) and have released like, 2 EPs. I gave a listen, and their style is quite good, considering Sasaki-san sings and plays the violin in it. Damn. I'll try to give a song somehow, we shall see.

There isn't much next week, so that's going to suck. VELTPUNCH recently released their new MV, and I'm not so much as impressed, but I sure do miss their music style, that's for sure.. Looking ahead next month, we have Gotch's new album which I enjoyed listening from two years ago his first, and probably UNLIMITS if I ever get a chance to listen to it too. Until then, I better find something else to listen to. Yes, including you Tomacchan.

This is it then. I'll go back to listening to Sambomaster's live. APoL is not close to completion and I blame myself for it, and I need to get exercising soon. Serious. The dawn is above me. Cya guys then, and until next time... I wish I lead a simpler life. Not as a farmer, but without modern society. (Audience: Isn't that a farmer?) I guess so...?

[P.S.: Aki-chan was great and all, so she stays for the week. And I really want her new photobook. I've seen too much of previews I'm desperate already. Serious.
Meanwhile, someone celebrated Ayachi's birthday (this week also is my friend's, and Mocho's haha) by surfacing her photobook from two years ago, so that'll make things awesome on my phone for a while whilst I think of whether to get myself a new one. OS support lifetime is a d*ck.]

The Dream Fragment #16

Well this is going to be a short one. It's vivid, but it's not very long either.

The dream last night stars one of the girls I know of again, this time being Baba Fumika-chan, and I have to say her presence in this dream is also one of the reasons of my fandom lol

"I was in water, supposedly in a large tank. After a few seconds, I raised up to the surface, around me seems to be a pool-like scenario, and I was actually in a large transparent container, and me in swimming briefs. Not long after, my head was pushed down once again as I take my breath. And as I come up to the surface again, I glanced left to see Fumika-chan also in the container. She was in a swimsuit showing her cleavage, and holding my head down with a slight smile on her face. As she continues to hold me down into the water shouting things like "one more time!" or something, it feels like I'm having some intensive training of my lungs. And as I surfaced once again, a dark skinned male walked past us and he spoke something, and Fumika-chan replied something in return. I was too into dipping myself into the water that I was subconscious to what is happening around me. The sun is shining brightly above us, and it looks like I'm going to continue this forever..."

That, is as detailed as I can remember. For more recalling of vivid dreams except for those that are too rated to describe (I mean, I think I did it before anyways), stay tuned. If I can remember... then it'll be out. Somehow.

P.S. Thanks Fumika-chan for being in. Your body figure is unlike no other. *laughs* And just a reference of what I was talking about, I chose an image which seemingly is what I glanced at? I don't know lol

Sunday 19 June 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #25

Another week, another *achoo*

Sorry. As you can hear...

Assassination Classroom S2: Okay, I shall separate this latest epic fight episode into three main categories:
(1) The Action. Of course it must mean something when I say this, and this show provides (kudos to the author) a whole lot of them. You get the usual one-sided victory, the hostage (students), and cliffhanger and whatever it takes to bring up the emotions (in this case, hate, because Kayano stepped in to "die" for Koro-sensei), and a game changer. I didn't expect emotion to take the bigger part of this ending, but then not like I understand antimatter anyways lol. Also, the tentacles thing, and an official usage of that knife. Nonetheless, a crazy effort to make a typical action show fight scene less than typical.
(2) The Backstory: The story between the real and fake Reaper has continued, and this time a lot more emotions is backed into it, but seeing it being possible restructuring of the Manga story itself I guess content is lacking at this point already. This one, I guess it's fine. Ended up with a consensus between the two tentacles (I kept thinking of testicles lolol) of respect and empathy, I guess it's good enough for this show.
(3) The Miracle: Yes, the one that "died". But of course as we have learnt in many episodes of this show Koro-sensei has prepared for this eventuality, and, provided as he mentioned, he stays alive and is around them to do it. Man, this one, I call the biological miracle. But the miracle(s) do not stop there, very unlikely. Next episode beings us the bigger problem of Koro-sensei having 1% chance of dying and/or exploding the Earth and that freaking laser aiming above his head... I guess the class may have a solution. I mean, unless the author decides to bring the students in just for the sole purpose of making Yanagisawa talk cr*p about them to Koro-sensei, then this might be a bad choice. Wait, maybe it's not. Or is it? We shall know next week.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Wow. 2x wow in this episode, and I like.
Let's talk about Akutagawa and Higuchi as partners in work. Lol I see many thinking of this as love or something, but I guess not. The boss of Port Mafia is ultimately unknown, but I see the kid is brought up well to think of getting rid of Akutagawa in some way lol, but then again this first half of the episode shows a lot about formalities within the organisation (The Black Lizard in this case), and some gratefulness from that evil, heartless man who has been knocked down. Really, such emotions within antagonists is rare within this show, especially BLEACH haha. Second half brings us to solve another mystery through a very different method, lead by Miyazawa Kenji, that country bumpkin who thinks that the best way to solve a mystery is to inquire until the truth is found, accepting all forms of surface truths ie. even if they are lying. And that isn't wrong, but then the downside is clearly shown that the culprits will want to hunt him down and beat him up, but that's where his ability comes into hand. Good thing he is on an empty stomach otherwise I doubt Atsushi will even spawn his ability to fight the gangsters.
P.S. Meanwhile Dazai sure is enjoying his "days off". I mean, sort of. *laughs*

BLEACH: Then what's the point now???
Okay, the story. Not much, but now we see Ichigo's Bankai (and think of Kubo thinking "hey maybe I should just draw a white border outside his black blade for effect" lol) and it being removed piece by piece by The Almighty, and as he mentioned, he can go to the future to transform it. Sounds a lot like Sims 3 for me (sorry I'm a Anime noob, but then you can't really change present in that game lol), but then it sounds a lot more like bullsh*t now. So Kubo? You intend to end this story with the Quincies winning then? Man, I don't know now...

This Week on Klassic Note
Tomacchan's best album didn't come early, and I'm still in pending for giving her songs, but I'm for now giving one of the two new songs (as in "new" new) (from starlight) so that's a good start. I may not get to the point to buying her albums, but I'll see how far it can go. I never wondered how Tsuji Shion can get on this list considering how little she is releasing new songs, but because of this video she posted this week I was determined to re-review her 3rd single seven years ago. Yeah, that long ago. And yes, getting the single (to be reviewed this month hopefully) is real tough. New ones cost a lot, and cheap ones are questionable, just like real life lol

Another on the list shall be ORESKABAND, because I feel bad for not giving them ever since last year with their mini-album and this year I shall give one of the two songs in their latest single, and this jazz is real good IMHO. Really miss that jazz-rock combination that is this girls band. Want more, but I see their music style changed a lot in recent years.

Next week brings miwa's new single which I have not been prepared to give yet (the music video is signalling an acoustic tune), and Ayachi's new single which I'm even less prepared to give. We shall see about those two soon, actually. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for UNLIMITS and VELTPUNCH amongst many who are going to release albums next month to give some music video for their topic songs so it can kick start the second half of the year; I guess I'll have to be patient about it, and so should you, I guess?

This is it then. Too much tea in my stomach and a runny nose is making me want to stop doing this now and go to bed early. I can say APoL is officially in progress now I'm going to hold on to that Android Studio course for now, and Chapter 16 is in its final planning. All I need is to type, and now my nose acts up. *sigh* Hate the weather, and myself in particular lately. No, the exercising part. *sigh* Until next time... go do some exercise, guys. Even if you have a dirty floor or a park full of elderly people.

[P.S.: It's the Ayachi selfie week it seems, one from long ago and one just this weekend. Thanks Ayachi, I've been waiting for the other one from the start of this week. I knew you would do it xD

Next week is Aki-chan, it seems. Man, it'll be more once I get those Internet-auctioned photos moving to my house. Sorry girls, for not pre-ordering your early singles even if I gave the thumbs up. This is some form of compensation, I guess.]
[P.P.S.: Well at least I bought the singles first. Then again, I'm feeling bad about it now. *sigh*]

Sunday 12 June 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #24

Now that I've recently been playing a simulation game about a screwed up life of a YouTuber, I don't think I want to type an intro over here now. Things are better as you read on naturally, isn't it?

Assassination Classroom S2: Okay, let's talk about the sad part first. Since the other half is just terrible lol
The kids managed to get in to meet Koro-sensei without much problem, and they even celebrated his birthday/death/whatever, but then here's the bad news. There's more than that laser to get rid of him now. Cue Yanagisawa and Koro-sensei's only assassin student (I mean, the kids are not professionals, no?) who just synthesised to what appears to be a beast even the military doesn't want to touch, and the creator owning of superhuman powers. Hey, now there seems to be a reason to have these and that laser together in the same place now. But hey, the (yellow) octopus is willing to fight, so next week is just going to get more exciting. Man, Koro-sensei could have died calmly and peacefully, but these guys had to interfere. Oh well, might as well fight then, and not like he got another chance to do it anyway.
P.S. I keep forgetting this is a physical superpower show, which means no magic and whatsoever. So speed becomes a factor now. Oh well, don't die yet yellow octopus; we're far from finishing this show.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Epic fight it is, and other than the fact that it feels a lot like any other action show, this is awesome. Seriously.
So yah, Dazai got his way out of everything apparently. So his intentions (or more) are to resist capture because he could find out who is buying out Atsushi (human trafficking lol) and his powers and also, he knows his partner Chuuya will be pissed off at his capture. As funny as this may sound, the rest of the show lacks said comedy as we witness one of the best fights in this show yet. So now we know Rashoumon has a speed weakness, and as Atsushi's miraculous training tool (think of it as Ichigo learning from his Soul Society trip) his sheer speed and regenerative abilities far exceed what this emo guy can do, even though he's trying to kill that girl in the process. (Hey, you can kidnap, but you shouldn't kill, yes?) (lol) Kunikida-san is perfectly located to fetch them after Akutagawa's defeat (and of course he's going to be alive even though without Yosano-sensei he's going to be in ICU for a while), we learn of the real antagonist behind all this. Named "Guild", I guess this feels like something familiar to how there's a spiritually-rich land in BLEACH (Karakura Town FYI) which will spawn/attract beings to exist there, and quite the same here. So likely (I think) the Guild is just another group of ability underworld users that left (or are sold) to form a force outside of this fictional town of which I don't remember. Oh damn, I'll discover by next week, yes?
P.S. This show kicks ass. I wonder if I ever want to watch any other action show this season. *laughs*

Tonari no Kashiwagi-san: Well I seemed to have caught up with another translator with the latest stuff, so let's talk about it. We see more developments going, from the increased affection between Kotone and Yuuto and Tina meeting a deadline to leave the country (I mean, her hometown), it seems like things might just happen. We've seen one appear out of the sudden, one developed over the course of the story till now, so this might be it? I don't know what signals the end for this story, but if it ever ends then this might be it. We shall see. We've yet to see any Anime adaptation.... ah forget it. *laughs*
BLEACH: Still wondering how far this fight can go. Although it's awesome BTW. As per previous chapters, The Almighty power has a flaw, but we still don't know of it yet. I mean, going by Kubo's theories he's just going to think of something preposterous to weaken the mind of the opponent anyways, just like how Kenpachi did with that crazy imagination kid. Wait, this was also done by him. Oh well, whatever. Move on, Ichigo. Until you have no more powers to show off left haha
A Channel: Ah, for once I thought it wasn't a childhood recall. Then I noticed it was. I thought long about it though lol
The chapter talks about a certain part of Run-chan and Tooru's past about them meeting a rich kid in the mall. Yeah I thought it was Nagisa too (that good for nothing we all know), but then it doesn't seem so. The usual jokes are great as usual too.

This Week on Klassic Note
Can I just leave a blank spot here? I can't? But I really did nothing. This week has been quite a lot, so listening to songs isn't my priority. I went for a trip to, but came back in disappointment. Well at least I know we have Tomacchan's best albums for next week, and from the previews the new songs aren't bad. Let's see if this one can get in the shelf haha.

The shift is real, BTW. Of mainstream artists not singing new songs. *sigh* I really need to listen to more songs. They just aren't there. I guess I have to search more, huh.

This is it then. The summer heat it setting things down, and I'm feeling lazier than ever. But then again things will likely pick up next week as I have to prepare for that special something next month (thanks to my duties as a citizen lol) and I can't just sit down everyday. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I think I lost all my inspirations just by playing a game that sucks all of it. Should stop playing that game already...

[P.S.: I mean, NO LIFE NO TRYSAIL. Am I right girls?
(WARNING: If you stare close long enough you'll get more excited than if you did drugs haha)

I mean, I miss Mina-chan and all, and Ayachi's for next week, so... Mikakoshi too, but... *sigh*]

Sunday 5 June 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #23

... If this intro paragraph means anything... Or maybe I should bring the last paragraph to here instead. Let's move on.

Assassination Classroom S2: Wow what a development. If the Manga was this great I should-
Anyways, this episode. *laughs* That intro... but far from that, is the country's time to take action to kill Koro-sensei. Karasuma, nonetheless, shall also be part of it, and thank goodness I'm not watching a story where the cliffhanger is him pledging alliance to like, the creator of that octopus or something. Otherwise, you'd be pleased to hear that there is some buffer period after all that (not) scientific jargon, and that is one week. And within this week, the students have been closely monitored, but also have been closely working together to think of a solution. What solution, and what would it do, we don't know. But what we do know is they encrypted it hard (Damn you Ritsu with the attachment files) and fast-forwarded time to T-3 hours. And thanks to Nagisa taking a hint from Karasuma, I'd also like to see what will be the fate of that octopus. Hey, I'm not against an antimatter octopus being alive, but if not for murder then what will become of Koro-sensei? Damn this show stops at the right times.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Ah, just a day in the Agency, huh. Man, the good times. I wish the (future) job I had has such motivation. I mean, the praise.
This episode, yes. Man, I'm so hyped I'm tired to type lol. Time and time again I get excited, and this one isn't any exception. Kunikida, like Kyouka herself, knows of the solutions to the now lost her, and apparently the acknowledgement is clear, and that is she should get caught by the police. But in a turn of (expected) events Akutagawa has come to claim back the girl, and also catch the weretiger at the same time. Two birds with one stone. Heck, his ability is evil and all, but the person himself is something else. Kudos to the guy who voiced him; very scary and evil indeed. Over at Dazai's, his old pal Chuuya is here to beat his ass up so as to not let him leave, even if it is his intention all along. But then again, there is likely a leeway, so I'm more concerned about Atsushi. Good that the author didn't exploit Ranpo's ability to solve mysteries (or this show will become shit, literally), and that the President is actually realising its newest member in the Agency. Let's hope for everyone's sake he's not dead yet. We don't know much about the boat (or at least I hope Ranpo told Kunikida everything), and we don't know about Dazai. So yeah, I like this tension. Haven't gotten this excited in quite a while.
P.S. Epicness in next week's trailer. I can't wait. And for a moment I thought Dazai and Kyouka can do a double suicide since they have to. And then I remembered that this will be illegal lol. Also, Yosano-sensei operating on the kid. Child abuse, no?

BLEACH: I mean, it looks nice, but I doubt it's the end. Right?
Yes, most likely, and yes everybody, the worst nightmare of an abomination has finally happened. Kurosaki "The Ultimate Hybrid" Ichigo has shown its true form, and it's not that surprising, actually. Now that he has control of his own powers, will his combined powers do anything to the supposed God? But then again this God is of Quincy descent so if anything can stop it it's probably some Hollow powers... right? I mean, it's doubts everywhere, people.

This Week on Klassic Note
Well, there's Kana-chan's new single, and yeah, just gave one song as usual. I mean, I don't mind Kana-chan writing the lyrics, but can we just get another composer? Yeah? Kitagawa-sensei?

Next week also brings not much, which is bad news. I haven't spent the last week finding new songs yet, so maybe I should about now. Tomacchan's best album is coming the week after (and her music video Blu-Ray two months down), so that's another thing to note. Other than that... I think I really need to go listen to those indie artists now.

This is it then. Pretty short for Klassic Note because I'm in a mood swing, mostly counting down to the days I'm going to have left enjoying myself and doing things at my own pace. Other than that, I'd like a different kind of holiday. Cya guys next week, and until then... hope you  have a much more fulfilled life than me. And by fulfilled I mean, doing something, or just getting out of the house.

[P.S.: Kana-chan for the weekdays, Kana-chan for the weekend. And if I ever get my hands on her single at all... Nope. I'm not going to. *laughs* Sorry Kana-chan.

Next week is likely TrySail, because I reviewed two of the singles last week in case you guys don't know.]

Sunday 29 May 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #22

Hey, another week, another set of new content. Ah, what a time to live in. I bet people in the past are like, "What's the next feature opera performance?" or something lol. I don't think I know World History very well. *shame*

Assassination Classroom S2: For once, I thought I was watching some school slice-of-life romance Anime again. Oh, I'm not? Thank goodness.
Anyways, the episode is split into two. The future of the students, and what they did for their (supposedly last) Valentine's Day. Many got it easy, others got it rough. Thanks Karasuma for ending the episode well, and thanks Kayano for offering the scantily-clad Yukimura-sensei only at a time where they aren't going to kill the octopus lol. The end is near, we know a lot more then we should (like, the author literally told Elena to list out all the possibilities of the future), but going by the author's style, he might just only choose one ending. And that is likely happiness. Unless I'm expecting to watch another Attack on Titans story, this one should end well. And I'm hyped for it. Four more episodes to go (I think), and we shall see who is still trying their last efforts to kill the time bomb.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nice episode, I must say. We finally got to see another of the antagonists in this story, and she is a kid. Bad thing is (spoiler alert) that she managed to get Dazai to the Port Mafia, so that's bad news for that guy. Other than that, we're met with a suicide bomber, who's ability is just to use I guess super controlled grenades to blast sh*t up? (Because seriously, the train isn't blown into pieces yet, surprisingly) Nonetheless, we finally learnt of Yosano-sensei (I guess I don't want to be ripped apart so I'll say it formally lol) who's ability in this case is to heal. But only heal serious injury, which of course sounds like a thing that the author can use to save anyone if necessary. (Lol author schemes) That also says a lot about how Tanizaki got healed so well because he *** ****** ** four times? Haha good to see he is well because his ability is useful nonetheless, and also controlled, because not everyone's powers can be summoned at will. Like, Atsushi can only do partial for now, and that girl Kyouka can do none. Yes Akutagawa, people's minds can be changed. Let's see how next episode.
P.S. The girl is going to be a great addition to the story. Just hope she doesn't die like, the next episode. Also, no one else in the Agency knows of Dazai's disappearance. Especially when it's related to her. Oops.

Kuroshitsuji: Yeah, plot twist! Okay, the general story first. The Earl got in touch with Nina, well known for her fashion style she dons on the Phantomhive family (besides the butler), and also for the event itself. So yes of course Ciel will dump Sebastian with her in hopes of getting to Bravat and supposedly the people of the star signs, I assume. What's surprising is guarding the doors after Sebastian went in is Elizabeth?? Wait, so she's here to protect the people? For what reason? And it cannot only be her right? If you recall she belongs to a female noble family, which also means Sebastian may be in a lot of trouble. What kind, I don't know. But what I may know is that this girl is not hypnotised by anything. Yet.
BLEACH: Well, we're all buying time, but Ichigo has done it. Rising in ranks for being the most varied hybrid being in all of the fictional worlds, I don't even know if Ichigo is using his Quincy or Hollow powers or Shingami powers or whatever else he has up his sleeve. But then we are reminded of the power of The Almighty, that is shared between two people in day and night. So yeah, the future can be changed, but so what? Apparently there's more coming from the right-hand man, but Ishida may not live to see it, I guess.

This Week on Klassic Note
Hey, after so long of us talking about TrySail (supposedly) and Miyawaki Shion (because I chose to talk less to I can talk about it this week), their long-awaited album releases are out. TrySail's 1st album wasn't disappointing besides for those technopop styles, but then again I never give those songs anyway and the melodies aren't that great... nonetheless, I gave a couple of them. And they are both featured in the music video making FYI. Miyawaki Shion's new mini-album of expected list of songs (well because the new topic song also had a music video online) but to much review from me, won't have the privilege to be on my shelf, mainly due to the reason below.

Yeah, I blame that one guy. You dragged quality down, bro. *laughs* Also, TrySail's latest single(s) got approved, so I will try to review them by the end of the month. That is, if I can get the other one by Tuesday. We shall see. Chances now are not likely, and I'll probably do it next month.

Next week brings... nothing. Bad news for me, good news for those indie artists because I'm likely taking my chances against them again in search for fresh new songs. RO69JACK has released the new list of artists moving on for their chance to perform in one of the biggest rock festivals in Japan, and I think I can listen to a couple of them.

That's it then. I've been spending a lot of time building terrible buildings in isometric theme park simulator Parkitect, and they mostly look like desserts lol. Cya guys next week then, and until then, stay by for some review soon, and maybe APoL? No promises yet, but I aim to finish two chapters. And planning has been going well. Yeah, I'm lazy to type. Even this.

[P.S.: You don't know how great I feel whenever I look at my phone screen with Tomacchan.

Next week is Kana-chan again, and TrySail is in lineup. The next month is going to be interesting.]

Sunday 22 May 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #21

I'm disappointed. From music deprivation. More below. I hope you had a great week, listening to music you've given like, two years ago lol

Assassination Classroom S2: Following the announcement of the new Call of Duty game, I'm naming this latest episode "Assassination Classroom: Infinite Assassinations"!! LOL
Anyways, the episode. It's not far-fetched to call the space trip ridiculous, but then it is. Okay, that aside, they did manage to get the relevant data, and for once Ritsu is happy. The process is as preposterous as it sounds, but yes many thing are factual. For example, if you don't know how many things get destroyed just from one space liftoff? Yeah, that's a budget that will suck. Then again the astronauts are surprised at Karma and Nagisa's abilities (man, they know nothing about them at all lol), and they had a blast when they are up there, somehow. The result? Somehow the class has seen this substance that can be used to cure the octopus before, and thus is easy to make. That's it. Now what? From the class, to Nagisa, he says that the assassination will still continue, and even then, the teacher has 1% of explosion, which is as good as it gets. That is good news, but we have like, a lot more episodes left, so I wonder what's going to fill up the blanks. The principal? The rest of the world? Only next episode will tell us then. I'm hyped.
Bungou Stray Dogs: What an interesting episode. I'll be glad if this isn't Manga material, but still.
This episode, it links up. I know many people including me will not be removing the fact that the lady who is with Dazai has nothing to do with this crime, and it turns out (spoiler alert) it does. She was the beloved of the Azure King, disguised as a "Messenger", to threaten the Agency for their doings, and somehow, it's directed at Kunikida-kun. Surprisingly, many people are tied in as well, including Port Mafia to guard the location to not let the Agency defuse the bomb. Little did the woman know that the partner team is excellent (all they needed to do was to switch opponents, even I know that), and there were more than one person who wanted to know the truth. Rokuzou, didn't expect you to still have the breath to pull the trigger. Nonetheless, another mystery is solved, but it still makes us wonder about some things. How Dazai knew about contacting the Azure Messenger, why Port Mafia didn't send more to guard the key, and many more.
P.S. Kunikida-kun's notebook is ideally awesome. And yes, as I've read the Wiki it's finally revealed clearly that he can recreate anything he has seen, and thus, can recreate the broken key that is needed to defuse the bomb. The numbers guy, on the other hand, is not cool. Which explains how the interrogated can just die without much effort. Man, remote actions are sly. Too sly.
P.P.S. I have a feeling this is Anime filler content, as I've seen the Manga. You have been informed.

Nagasarete Airantou: From like what seems like forever, the latest (scanned) chapter is out. And... I forgot what happened last time. In general, it's solving one of Beniyasha's mysteries in the island again (cleverly disguised by some mother), and with a bunch of scrolls they apparently are out to test the vocabulary of the villagers... and make Ikuto's nose bleed. Otherwise, we're not even close to capturing that evil-doer, as (what's her name) someone else is peeking behind the bushes to be backup...?
A Channel: Oh yeah, the dating thing. If you guys recalled, Kitou-sensei and Satou-sensei are out dating. Well, sort of. But then the rumour has spread well in the school, and other than that they get closer together, where Kitou-sensei got asked to stay to kill flies lol. Anyways, she is getting ever close to him, and yeah, cooking for everyone is NOT a solution. No, people will just notice you giving to Satou-sensei, Kitou-sensei.
P.S. Run-chan's forehead likely scored 100 points, and she slept in the closet keeping the futon again lol
BLEACH: Well that's a whole lot of text. About fighting, about finding oneself. Well, because Kubo doesn't want to kill the main guy yet, and because Ishida has to deal with all this fighting that he cannot even settle down in his life. Lol, references and jokes aside, Renji and Rukia are likely to join the fight sometime soon (maybe to save Ishida first though), but more interesting characters appear. Cue Ishida and Kurosaki. Yes, the fathers. And they have entered the fray, somewhat form that grandfather. Remember? Uryu's grandfather? Brings back good times. But still, this is interesting, as we can finally know of secrets and techniques we have NEVER seen in this series thus far. They both have a lot to teach their kids BTW

This Week on Klassic Note
Nothing. Zilch. Literally. But then again I've been listening. I've not seen cinema staff's new album yet (is it that bad??) (and don't ask me why, on both reasons), and I've not given new songs from last week. I've forgotten to give Cocoro Auction's new mini-album too, but then again it's also tough to just get a listen of it. But oh well, at least I got enough of Anime and Manga to be happy about. And I'm trying to find new songs. Just, not now. Now is not a good time, apparently.

Next week finally brings a couple of new releases including TrySail's 1st album and finally I can give a listen to Miyawaki Shion's new mini-album after a long wait for the Anime's ending theme song. I'm still considering for Aimer and TrySail from last week it seems, and I think I may not even give them at all. Fingers crossed. Almost every week.

That's it then. Until next time... I have that desperation to write APoL the moment I think of stories of real life in general (including reading the news), so it may come to me soon. I'm still far from finishing that Android Studio lesson I forked out money for, so that'll take some time. And maybe after this I'll go the one provided by Android Developers to see if they are any different. Besides, it's free. *laughs* Cya guys next week.

[P.S.: Kana-chan. And not her selfie, because someone took it for her. Whoever that asshole is.. thanks.
Next week? I'm quite addicted to Aki-chan's new photobook cover right now, but then it's likely in order. Tomacchan will be next.]

Sunday 15 May 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #20

I think I should stop doing an intro. I do best in explaining the status of my life after I've talked about what's awesome about it. *sob*

Assassination Classroom S2: EPIC FIGHT, as they say, must happen. Funny, how it ends depends very strongly in their relationship, considering how much they have been together until Nagisa got scared of how violent Karma is. I mean, it's goddamn third year already, and we're here all wanting to kill an octopus, so yeah. But then Karma decided to give in for he remembers Nagisa's effort for trying, even if he is weak in combat against him. Oh well, I guess the author has an answer, so I'll take it. Surprisingly, Karasuma-sensei wants them to find a method to save the teacher within a month. Will it be possible? Quite unlikely, but then there is the process. And we're still far from finishing this show. So yeah, looking forward to those then. I'll also be waiting the day Nagisa kills the octopus, even though I've not seen any spoilers. If I'm correct please don't tell me haha
P.S. Next episode: The 3-E Class in OUTER SPACE! WTF is wrong with this show...
Bungou Stray Dogs: This show is nice to watch, seriously. Comedy, action, everything.
Okay, today's episode maybe quite heavily focused on Kunikida-kun himself, but then again the show is about to unfold itself. He knows himself a lot of informants in order to keep his business around, and one of them is this handy taxi driver. Think GTA IV's Muhammed for example. But then again it's also because of the driver's background - that he gave up his job as an actor because it was not profitable - that got him into the trouble of being the culprit to this serial kidnapping case, what's more one victim involving Port Mafia. I don't want to think of that girl from where Akutagawa was with back in episode three, but then even if it is the guy's here to rip sh*t anyway. So yeah, some action, some ladies (man Dazai is totally right about her being sexy lol) (the power of words on lack of clothing is awesome), and a whole lot of mystery involving an ex-terrorist. He may not be as lucky as an undead (*wink* Achmed *wink*), but his Messenger is sure alive. So next episode they have to intentionally set up a bomb to blow it up at a certain location? I mean, it's shady as hell, and considering Kunikida went in the news (which is likely the Messenger's doing than the taxi driver) it seems impossible to avoid. We shall see.
P.S. I think I know who's the Azure Messenger as mentioned above. That hacker the stepfather is trying to protect. Very suspicious. Also, that girl Dazai had a night with. *laughs*

BLEACH: Eh... all but the end I don't get it. Well, Renji and Rukia has an illusion that they are fighting enemies against Hitsugaya's brother (lolol), that Quincy leader decides not to use his foretelling skills to kill his supposed son, and he is now releasing his I-don't-know-what power to prevent his son from leaving. Okay, whatever, Kubo. Please make this good. And more importantly, make his logical. It still sounds a little hazy right now...
Bungou Stray Dogs: Caught up with a couple of chapters till the episode with the awesome Ranpo-san and his NOT ability user powers, but then I didn't stop there for this reason only. Also, next chapter involves character I do not see in the Anime. Oops. That also means I may have to stop from here. Which is fine. The next time I'll read it is probably the end of the year then haha
Note to self: Stopped at Chapter 6. Man, their chapters are very packed.

This Week on Klassic Note
This, is a famous image of a supernova. Just Googled it a while ago. And yes, it's also in Aimer's latest music video. By the way, this image, not from the video.
Okay, jokes aside, this week brings quite a lot of releases, apart from the stuff I decided to give second chances to. Aimer's latest single with EGOIST's chelly is one of them for the month, but then it isn't that bad. I never missed her style because she started her debut single on BLEACH conventional pop and not this, so this is just... one of those I took a liking to. Don't get me wrong; I did give her previous releases chances. At least twice. I can even tell you specifically which ones.

Besides that, we have the expected reviews. TrySail's 4th single is surprisingly good, and I'm still thinking of whether to give the B-side. (The music video, still better than Aimer, haha.) This decision can go on for so long because I'm guaranteed the First Press Release for this and their previous single which released three months ago online, so yeah, I intend to take forever. Or even until when their album releases in two weeks. LuckLife's major debut single for Anime "Bungou Stray Dogs" isn't that bad, but not good enough for me to actually give anything, I guess. Sometimes, Anime produced songs bring out the best of a band, haha. (ie. Without them they aren't that fabulous, I think) SpecialThanks new mini-album came in late for the week, but I did manage to listen to it over the weekend. Both topic songs which have music videos (go ahead to check my YouTube playlist for both of them) are on my list, and otherwise... I guess not. Man, giving chances to SpecialThanks running this melodic punk style is hard. Recall MINAMI NiNE. Very similar. And Misaki-chan's English is real bad. Her Japanese though is sweet! *silence* Did I just... make a pun there? (Audience: You most definitely did!)

For next week, I'm slightly ahead to give Porno Graffitti's new single for now (yes, their name is unheard of in this blog) and even earlier, Miyawaki Shion's mini-album, both released at the last week of the month in two weeks time. Otherwise, I'm excited for cinema staff's new album next week, and I haven't had a chance to give Cocoro Auction a new song yet. Maybe I should. *looks above paragraph* The vocals ratio is going to topple to one side yet again.

Yeah, that's about it. I'm stunned by many songs this week, and I'm still in thinking. Of many things. Other than music. So... yeah. Cya guys next time, and until then... Anyone here playing GTA Online like, every other day? I don't mind being your Social Club friend~

[P.S.: Nothing but schoolgirl Tomacchan for the week. Best.
What's better, you ask? Kana-chan's Twitter image on my phone. What's even better? You guys saw the special gift images for her latest single? My heart's on Toranoana (3rd one), but my body's on her in the water. You know which one. Haha.]

[P.P.S. Because Ten-chan wrote in her blog, I decided to see what she was referring to in her group's latest music video. At "0:43" she refers to Mocho tilting her head back whilst singing, and at "4:19" she was referring to the close-up on Nan-chan touching her hair. Both are great but Ten-chan, what about you? Oh yeah, it's at "2:19", where she back faces us. Last paragraph. You're welcome.


Okay, there you go. Images. (Audience: Yay!) No GIFs though. Or maybe I should. For myself. Anyways Ten-chan. I get those feminine stuff. Don't think I missed them. I'm referring to your blog.]

Sunday 8 May 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #19

"Android Studio vs APoL: The Great Battle"

I'm just thinking of what to do for next week. Too lazy to do both, and want to do at least one of them. *sigh* Such is life. (Audience: Or "No Life".) Yeah, I know. This weekly post is evidence of my character. Let's move on.

Assassination Classroom S2: And they are left a couple of months and now what... Civil war??
Hmm, it seems Nagisa's plan to save Koro-sensei isn't going well with the class, and it is to be expected due to the nature of reasons that will arise from just thinking of whether to kill or not kill that octopus. (Personally, I'd still kill him because it's tough to protect a fugitive from the society even if he can be saved.) So yes, two camps have appeared (unsurprisingly split in half) (as half as possible) (that Ritsu AI still got to vote?), and that octopus has decided to make the class unified by killing each other. Hell yeah it's exciting, but then I guess it's an important process to bring them back on their track. It's "Assassination Classroom" anyway. Everyone's been "killed" one way or another, and it's left to the biggest enemies and greatest fighters Karma and Nagisa. Man, I wished it would end this episode, but that also means next week's will be great. I cannot wait.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Haha I had a great laugh. Today we talk about Edogawa Ranpo-san. And if you need an introduction or if you have NEVER watched Ranpo Kitan from last year (please help yourself to it; it was a great show celebrating the author's 50th death anniversary), this guy (and also if you read the Manga review I did a while ago) is a famous detective series author, and yes he specialises in writing detective cases. This is also a tribute to the person himself, and yes so does the guy in this show. He apparently is an ability user who can deduce crimes faster than anyone in the police can do, but not without a special condition. His glasses. (Audience: Hey quit the bullsh*ting already we know the answer) Yeah, he's not an ability user. The point the good side of ability users lies in a detective agency is also due to him, as he can deduce crimes even with the smallest of clues, as mentioned by Dazai. Dazai is smart too, being able to see through most of the crime, but I guess that's what makes Ranpo here special: He is just good. *salutes* The author of this show really gave this famous author its due respect and power man. I salute to both of them.
P.S. First thing that came to my mind when I hear someone got caught drifting in the river, and yes, if I'm the superintendent I've already ordered my troops to capture Dazai as a suspect first haha

BLEACH: Okay, so that I do not get it wrong, it just got morning?
So this chapter, after the awesome attack from the shinigami, of course they should know of the fundamental "miracle" that is common sense, where the Quincy can just absorb spiritual particles so long as they are alive. Yes, that jerk is still alive. And now, we see the next morning arrive, which of course means the power levels of two people will change if you can recall, as Ishida has not killed the leader of the night at his strongest and Ichigo is going to meet his death lol. Fingers crossed.

This Week on Klassic Note
Oh, I was so enjoying my solo karaoke session at home. (See, such a loner *points to self*) Thanks to a couple of HDMI cables and Joysound app for Android for this. Even though I'm not in Japan to have this for free (region restricted apparently), but still.
This one's for you, Inori-chan. #thelife
And yes, as expected of myself from last week, I decided to venture to Audioleaf (first), if you guys would remember, is infamous in Klassic Note of creating miracles of importing new songs from indie artists into my list of songs. And yes, there is a result. In fact, two. A couple more artists have came under my microscope, namely titilulu and Light Palette, both participated in a indie live artist event RO69JACK hosted by ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL to promote indie artists. The latter artist participated in this year's event, so when you read this post you still have roughly about... 23 hours left to vote. (That big orange button) No restrictions, no registering. Once per device (I have three lol), and as many artists as you want. And yes, piqued by curiosity I managed to scour a couple more artists who are waiting for me to vote them so they get an increased chance for performing at a large stage. As I say, it may not be our business, but them getting famous just buy clicking a button... hey, I'll do it. And you should too.

The other one came a longer route, this time from Skream. (Man, if you have no idea what I'm talking about please Google them for goodness sake) (or checking out the Twitter page would do) The Floor - and I'm not joking about the name - released a new song and also their first album and their latest music video... isn't as fascinating as their first music video for their debut single. Seriously. They are this-year new, so go check them out. Them and titilulu's music videos are added to my YouTube playlist, so feel free to take a listen. As for Light Palette... here you go.

Man, I feel like a music promoter. Even though I'm not. Thanks for the recognition anyway. *laughs* I'm still in consideration of another artist I heard over the weekend (*wink* chocol8 syndrome *wink*) so I'll talk about it next week.

Talking about next week, we have TrySail's 4th single in view of their first album by the end of the month, SpecialThanks and their new mini-album (let's see if I can give an English song this time round) along with Luck Life's new single for the Anime above are due next week, THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new music video isn't impressive at all (reminded me of a song in their latest album which I REJECTED), and cinema staff's new music video is awesome as usual. Tsuzuri Zukuri's new scientific music video isn't great, and if you haven't voted for VELTPUNCH's new song for their again major debut album then please help yourself.

Wow, so many things. But that is all, actually. Hopefully with this much things to do I'll be motivated to continue what I set out to do this holiday season so my sense of fulfilment can drown out the fact that... I'm actually not finding a part-time job over these three months lol. Cya guys next week, and until next time... music is life, people. Get a life, yes?

[P.S.: Kana-chan this week is good enough.

Next week it's Tomacchan holding a pen and dressing up like she was sixteen. Something for you guys to think about until next week haha]

[P.P.S.: Aki-chan's self-drawn LINE stickers are too cute. Not so much for the other two I know of lol. Makes me want to open a LINE account after I (supposedly) scraped one last year.]