Sunday 12 October 2014

The Entertainment News Week #41

Frequently checking which week of the year is it so I don’t lose track. But that’s unlikely since I do this every week. Not like…

Maybe I should do it more frequently. Maybe not.

Sora no Method: Actually hours after I finished the post last week I got to watch due to its early airtime. Probably means it’ll also happen for the rest of the season, like, for tonight too, but then I’ll keep remembering the show like it was yesterday. And I’ll just update the previous episode this week. Episode 1 is supposedly my first impression of this (yet another) Anime original, and the show falls in the “well-to-do” category. It has the appropriate amount of everything; the cuteness, the past recollection, and the reasons to feel sentimental. Seeing it going onto such good footsteps, I can’t see why I won’t be watching this show. Besides, there’s Aki-chan and Mikakoshi coming my way, so why not?
Denki-gai no Honya-san: If you watch the show, I don’t need to explain to you how funny it is. But in case you don’t, the second episode is better than the first. Go watch it. All I can remember is “balls” and plenty of fan service. Not like I’m a fan of any of those, but the point that someone said “Seitokai level comedy” he definitely isn’t wrong.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: This is one show of the season apart from the many sequels that dominate the rankings currently. But then so, this show shows plenty of premise in terms of a romance comedy coupled with music. And from episode one I don’t see how bad it can get, surprisingly from a production company that is A-1 Pictures, not really known for their quality. Good thing is, the things are colourfully spiced up, and we’re off to a good start, just like Sora no Method.

BLEACH: Eh… looks like the Zero Division is ready, but not totally ready, I guess. Where’s the leader again? But for now, we should be in time for a good show now that the “curtains” have been drawn up, haha.

This Week on Klassic Note
Let’s talk about this week. Even though it’s a week of nothing, ie. new reviews, like SPEAICL OTHERS ACOUSTIC debut album is nowhere to be seen, but I’ve been searching. First, about giving chance to Ayahime, ie Takagaki Ayahi, the last one in sphere I didn’t give a listen to. Finally after much consideration I decided to give her latest single a try, and managed to give her a song. B-side, unfortunately, but this isn’t my first time doing so anyway. Good thing is, I liked the song, and surprisingly lyrics have written a couple of songs for Mina-chan’s 2nd album too. (That’s how they get rookies into the industry *wink*) It’s called “3 leaf clover”, probably means my luck will not change even if I hear this song, haha. The other in the list is from YouTube, which I mentioned last week, from Kuso Iinkai. Yeah, their first major single is out, if you get what I mean. Song-wise… I may just give a song or two (latter unlikely), but I’ll see. Glad I’m actually liking their style though; Good Morning America, on the other hand, is not doing well in the impression department…

Let’s also talk about the theme songs for this season’s Anime. fhana is probably the other reason I mentioned weeks ago why I wanted to watch Sora no Method, and till the preview it has not been disappointing. Not until they released the full song. Six minutes long. What to do? On the other hand, Larval Stage Planning is going well for the opening theme song with “Stargazer”, which if I don’t like fhana would end up listening to this instead. I seriously don’t want to give fhana a 3-star rating by the end of the year. They’ve been doing so well…

Also in KimiUso (that’s how they call it online) is Goose house, who did a wonderful song for the opening. Honestly saying they’ve been getting better ever since their leader’s departure from the group (Oops) early this year. Hopefully the full song will turn out well. Ending song we have wacci, a rock band which… doesn’t sound bad at “first hear”. You know, like “first sight”. Seeing how smoothly this goes, I may have a load of new songs coming my way. And that is good news. Now to wait for Ayachi’s new single next week which will probably kick start everything.

I think that is all I have to say. This weekend been trying to forget I have a couple of quizzes and presentations to start preparing for, so let me enjoy it while I can. I have considered doing reviews on the go with watching Anime on Twitter, but I think I will spoil my own experience by doing so so I guess not. Besides, I’ll remember the shows somehow, especially when it gets interesting. Cya guys then, until next time… hope you’re not as stressed out or relaxes as me. Whichever you may not be.

[P.S.: If you’re here for Mikakoshi’s new artist images for her new single… you seriously should go find out what is Twitter.

New songs, new songs, new photos…? Maybe I’m just not happy enough to change frequently. I swear that there have been many updates online…]