Sunday 15 February 2015

The Dream Record #6

I ended my dream because I don't want to forget the rest of it. Let's begin.

I don't remember exactly what the quotes are, but I'm in an exceptionally inspirational action game. Think Journey, and you'll get what I mean. However this one is more first person mode, I guess.

I start out in a shade of pure white, more like in a large, white room. I was holding a tall candle stick, like those you see in... I don't know. I walk carefully along the soft ground (not like cotton soft, but more carpet soft) and see a dimly lit room, supposedly from the natural light illuminating from the only light source on the other end of the room.

(OK there was a first scene I somehow forgot because I suck in memory, and I cannot draw. So let's move on first lest I forget more.)

With a candle stick magically lit in a dim shade of white. I move hastily ahead of me along a long corridor, seeing along the way similar candle sticks, leading up on a slope to and end with a small window of soft, bright sunlight. As I light up the candle sticks, there is also seemingly game narration that I don't think I can recall. Just think artistic and sophisticated speeches, OK? Moving on.

And as I walk on, somehow with the lighting of candle sticks it attracted a while bunch more of them coming from the previous room chasing after me. As the narration suggested me to move on to "send the light over", I quickly lit the last of the candle sticks and sent mine over the tall fence by throwing it. The candle sticks then faded away (yes faded, not went away) into the background as I figure out what to do next. There is a gate next to me, suggesting going down might be the next way. The narration also suggested for me to "go down to the bottom of the beds". I touched the ledge below me as I enter the gate. Its hard, but as I pressed on it it went soft. Seeing that it is clearly similar to cornstarch, also the layers below, I hesitate to proceed down.

"Go on, go ahead and reach down to the beds."

The narration hinted me to move on. I took a step out, holding my the fence. The floor is pretty hard, despite it behaving this way. As I slowly sink in, I took another step in another piece, leaving my hand off the fence.

As I sink down (there is a gap between the large pieces of material) I see deep rows of beds and material (the cornstarch like stuff) (still all in white) out into the bottom. I stick my hand into the material, hoping to use it as a way to break my fall. On the bottom was a stack of neatly folded beds. As soon as I landed on it, everything came crushing in. I struggled to move around, but to no avail. I see as the beds start crushing down around me...

I guess that's it, really. And this is only about 40% of the contents, and before this another dream like this. If only I could try remembering more of it... I could release a new game. *laughs*

Anyways, that's all. And good morning.