Thursday 25 June 2015

The Dream Fragment #13

It really feels like some end-of-the-world scenario. Remember recent events? This is quite close.

Suffice it to say I was in an underground train with my family, ie. with mother and sister, without dad. (He'll be mentioned later) Then suddenly the train comes to a stop, of course living in the city there is major chaos, followed by an announcement for us to leave the trains as they stop at the station platform. The announcement talks about a buffer period so long there is a certain virus alert (read the news pls) being confirmed on the run, trains will be stopped for 4 hours without delay. And that is what happened. I was with my sister as we proceed to the platform. Knowing that none of them are not informed of this announcement, we immediately contacted my mother and not long after get reunited with her. She said dad is angry about his car breaking down, and I took a laugh. I asked her to see her extensive knowledge in bus services (apparently she does remember back then I was a kid) because we can only take buses (don't make sense, huh) and not the trains anymore, for four full hours, in emphasis. We then left the station to see more chaos on ground level as many get stuck on transport.

This is it. Because I don't want to get into details, and that I shouldn't imagine things like that. Cya guys later for the Klassic Note Review. Confirmed it'll come today already.