Sunday 19 July 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #29

After seeing what I have to go through next week (yeah there's a schedule), I feel like dying right now. A week without music, probably. Well, let's end the fun today with a summary then. *sob*

Sore ga Seiyuu!: Man, I so want to give this show, but I've never given a show without giving any of the theme songs. Oops. I mean, I've never heard such badly done theme songs! (Sry but I'm not into songs without much of a melody) That said, I think the episode spreads the topics or discussion well, and Kamiya Hiroshi (yeah you bet I know him, and if you don't know) is in the show, so why not? I need to swallow one of those songs in order to really give this show. Time shall see that for sure. Meanwhile, I like this show. The girls are going to get a web radio, which practically means they get everything for their first show together. DJCD, character songs, main character starring, theme songs blah blah blah...
WORKING!!!: "SATOU X YACHIYO FTW" is what probably can sum up this week's episode. If you didn't watch then this is already spoiler. Contrary to all Anime expectations, we finally see some romance interaction between the coolest cook in Wagnaria versus the not-so-scariest chief in the same restaurant. And yes, it's just because she carries with her a katana at all times. Even when she sits down. (I wonder why they didn't consider that) And if you guys want some kind of conclusion this is probably the furthest the story will go to please us. Very similar to things like in Servant x Service, if you watch that show from the same author. Of course we must not forget Yamada, who FOR THE FIRST TIME is doing work in order to get a reward pat from Takanashi, who reluctantly does with less effect than what she felt the first time. If she still believes in hard work sooner or later something might happen. "Might", of course. I agree with the guy at Random Curiosity that this might just be the best episode yet of all three seasons (seriously), and I can't wait to see more. Of the others. I'm not expecting another date from this couple anytime soon, apparently. But still, this one leaves an impression. A very good one. *thumbs up*

MythBusters: They are back with another set of episodes (I'll hardly call it a season by now; they aren't very long) and they start out with explosives and machine guns. The show myth is valid this time round (can see that idiot's reaction to his work being experimented compared to him giving excuses the last time he was here), and we all know that they don't have the budget to try the boat-blowing-up myth again. Too bad then, budget concerns, you know.

BLEACH: Seeing more dead bodies and putting them aside for now (I see the futureproofing, main bad guy who I still cannot recall his name), we see another interesting battle ahead of us. Kenpachi gets a stern warning from Mayuri, who apparently may already be possessed by that Sternritter they were against. Wait, what was the guy's abilities again? *checks online* Okay, my bad. That one I think of is dead already. This one is Sternritter "C", and this guy crushed one of the Zero Squad members into a ball. I wonder what Mayuri's sarcasm is doing in this chapter as he repeats his statement again. This might be something to look forward to, I guess. Internal conflict is so not my thing.

Now that I think about it, I like this random overpowering stuff. Just, a little longer, less stronger, and a lot more animated. Man please get the Anime adaptation back. Please, seriously.

Let's move on.

This Week on Klassic Note
This week isn't much, because there's only sphere and their latest single, and... I'm glad I don't have to buy the single. Phew. On the other hand, I watched some Aqua Timez live (and I tell you if I get hold of every single one of their lives I'll watch them all) and enjoyed some of the best tunes I've known them from since... I started doing so. Picked up a few songs from there and also Ayachi's live from I-also-don't-remember-when, and that's about it. Next week is SCANDAL up for a review, and from the B-side preview I think they may just get another release on my shelf. Maybe I need to start thinking of what gifts to take, if there are any.

And I don't even know if I have the time for it either. Being under control of others is pretty damn terrible. Cya guys then, and until next time... I need a break. Like, an early break. Because I'll be out before the sun comes out tomorrow. Bye.
[P.S.: I'll slowly be pushing Tomacchan out these few weeks, because I'm leaving the best ones when I start school. Here's a papaya to keep you on appetite.
If she kisses that thing the price of that fruit will definitely increase. Like, ten fold. Provided if you auction it to a bunch of fans. Excluding me, haha. (I don't even buy her photobook, what makes you think- (lol)]