Tuesday 28 July 2015

The Update: APoL Chapter 12-14 v3

Well I had the mood to do this, and because I read through a page of Chapter 12 and I'm already disappointed in myself. This probably fixes most of the errors, I guess. Also I felt that there is no need for checking for Chapter 15, but I think I'll do so. Probably. I'll post it here if I do.

I bring you, not one, not two, but three chapters of v3! I call that an achievement!

Chapter 12 v3

Chapter 13 v3

Chapter 14 v3

May I introduce to you (it's been there some time already) the official APoL website! For more reasons than other, I decided to open a site to facilitate updates so I'll just update here and the corresponding documents will be posted over there, neatly though not ideally. I can embed Scribed provided it's not private, but obviously... yeah. Hop to the new site to see more now! I also gave some heads on to what the future chapters will hint on! (Don't worry, you won't figure out much just by reading titles...)

I promise I'm still working on the latest chapter. As I mentioned (and I don't want to spoil you guys too much) it's quite a big story arc ahead, so I'll probably need more time to do this. Until next time... Windows 10, I guess?