Sunday 3 January 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #1

Yeah, I didn't come up with anything new. The only thing that was new is the date. I mean, everyday is (lol) and yeah, it's just another new year. So let's get on with it. There isn't much anyway. Well...

[Edit: Okay, I did it anyway. Changed one word. If you didn't refer to last year's post you won't even notice the difference lol]

WORKING!!!: Yes, the finale. The final test. The whatever-you-call-that-of-a-mother Shizuka who is coming to rip her kids apart- Wait, no. She's not. And here's why.

She hates liars, the mother. And thus she comes back home learning of not a new relationship from her only son, but of a lie from him, which is unsatisfactory by her means. I get the idea over here of the story, and how fast they can cover the mother's background and past enough to make the statement, from us knowing the deceased father is also like Souta who is also a liar (seriously), and that she doesn't want the only son to be like so. But then again that can be a way of expressing oneself, anf through more understanding from others this can be somewhat resolved. A good example is on Yamada's mother, who apparently is being understood too well by Souma and his immense knowledge of whatever that was. Facial recognition? Read up on her background? Whatever. Good thing is, this becomes part of an excuse to introduce a young mother's face from the past, as with Souma being able to do so with Yamada mother's help, which makes perfect sense. All in all, a very good and touching ending, and I'm pleased. I'm pleased to be waiting this long to know of the ending to this story. And I tell you, it's a good one. Many things become normal (like normal to go out dating, normal to take over as Chief of a restaurant, normal to not carry a sword everywhere you go, normal to be found every time someone went missing?), and that is of a good ending. Good job man, Takatsu Karino-sensei. I'm pleased with such an ending. Well, at least in Anime. But still. Never lacking in jokes, never lacking in story progression (well, not until this last season), and never lacking in re-playability. Yeah. This will be a good show to watch for years to come. *applauses*

This Week on Klassic Note
There really isn't much... but I'm prepared for the new year. Every year there's that period of time where I have to compile results for last year? Yeah, that was the "buffer period". And after that the floodgates are opened, and yeah I got myself to start with a couple of songs next week, hopefully. But next week I'll be spending more time to listen to live performances from Ikimonogakari, Chatmonchy and yanaginagi, so that'll take some time, and some tunes (hopefully) into this year's list.

Next week also starts the first slew of releases with Ajikan's new single (it don't sound too bad), and I think over the month I'm going to listen to a couple of albums of artists I've got to listen to last year, amongst many others are releasing them at the start of the year, which is good. Tokyo Karan Koron can sing normal songs, Scenarioart is just weird (last year's song was a compromise, I believe), KANA-BOON has no spoilers up till now (or maybe it's just me), and THE ORAL CIGARETTES are just not enough my style. Well, I'll review their releases anyway.

Also, hope you guys took a look at the results for last year. Very tough decisions every year, and I'll never be satisfied. Maybe I should find other artists...? Nah, I'm fine. I can reach 10 years in this.

This is it, then. Start of the year is always this quiet. I've gotten some progress in APoL, and I think I can get a chapter out next week (no promises, as usual). Next week is my last week on holiday (*sob*), and I'll be spending time doing up stuff and watching live performances (as I mentioned above), so hopefully that'll wrap things up. My computer is running out of space, I have no new year resolutions to give, and my life is silently in a mess. Cya guys next week.

[P.S.: Aoi-chan ends last year, and I let Ayahi-chan start this year. Great, isn't it?

Ah, what a time to be alive... And Ten-chan's photobook starts next week. Yesh.]