Sunday 21 February 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #8

It's a busy week, but hey at least I got through. And happy birthday to me, my sis and that lab buddy who could not understand my rhetorical reply for wishing me happy birthday. Fuck all of you, seriously. Good thing there's always next year. Or another day to eat that birthday dinner lol

Assassination Classroom S2: I just noticed something. The story doesn't make of much sense. Oh well, then last season's finale also wouldn't make much sense by now already huh. Well, Nagisa maybe over his head (his, it's a he) for a while I guess, but then again once you understand you forget you can change, as I always will remember. Anyways, the kids are held hostage somehow again, and Itona has made the wise decision to surrender to wait for another chance to kill. Oh and do we need to say Karasuma has never been sleeping ever since Koro-sensei was on Earth? Talk about being the Reaper, he doesn't even remember the actors' list lol. Other funny things to note are that disguise probably Koro-sensei donned on himself, his real crazy ideas about soccer odds, Ritsu being hacked (lol I was not that bit interested even after now, I guess it's too late by this episode), and we still pretending like we are the students who are still pretending to think that they can kill the octopus. I mean, that's the best joke ever haha (BTW I an no evil)
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: Wow, wow, wow. Well, at least Satoru got a chance to become a hero again, by turning back in time to the past. But really, after watching this episode, it has even more cemented the fact that the suspect is none other than the main guy himself. That is likely because I believe things are going to coincidentally. This time Satoru has elaborately made connections with Kenya (who I suppose can be trusted) and the other classmates, "abducted" Kayo-chan for her sake (probably not for her parents'), and deliberately set crime on various places in the neighbourhood to arouse attention in the area. Despite all this, the murder (I assume disguised very well) is still after her as if he knows where she is. Or what has happened. Or what Satoru has been doing till date. Which made me come up with such a deduction. Man, the truth is as crazy as the mystery itself, so I set to believe this can happen. More than that, it should happen. The biggest problem here then is whether the story itself (ie. the awesome author who has done a good job till now) will explain about the phenomenon of going back in time. It doesn't. So that leaves my deduction free of verification. Man I'm looking forward to the ending. And more than that, the theme song first haha
Dagashi Kashi (last week's): And I still don't have the latest episode yet. Oh well.
Maybe it's just me, but probably the lack of popularity for this show (at least, in the Internet) probably lies on the fact that the pace of the show is slow, and is mainly for product introductions with little story development. I mean, not like we'll see romance in this show, so... But still. I just like the jokes once in a while, and yes, Sayashi comes more appealing than Hotaru-chan. Probably because she hasn't been wearing anything revealing enough. Which reminds me of next (this week's) episode because I saw screenshots of them going to the beach. Damn may the next episode arrive quick please. Seriously, that upskirt... the brother is one sick bastard (so is the sister lol)

BLEACH: Well suck for the last (bad) part, this chapter is really good. Combating change of solution every time, we have Yoruichi who isn't a human but a super moody cat which changes her mood (the reiatsu, ie. the input) very often so much so Deathdealing becomes useless. Well that's a scientific way of explaining it already, but then even here Yoruichi is somewhat at her limit. With the bad guy releasing his final form (did I say what "final" finally means? *sigh*), I guess he's not dead yet, but if he learns of this at even a faster rate or just goes crazy in his skills, the couple will likely still end up in a bad state. Will Urahara-sensei do something to protect the soon weak Yoruichi and defeat this guy? We can but hope. (Please Kubo, I know you want to make Urahara do something so bad already!!)

MythBusters: One myth only? Man, they are lazy. (lol) Anyways, rocket myth. Rockets have a great impact on this show. I mean, they launched that JATO rocket (according to them) four times before they get it to work. With the uncertainties in rocket fuel, I'm glad they took it a simpler method and made it launch as to use a sophisticated mechanism in which ten thousand things can get wrong. We're not far away from the finale, but I hope the science doesn't end. Really, poop rocket. If they every invent a way to manufacture that on the Space Station that'll be useful. Even for heating purposes.

I am thinking of other things to put on this section, especially with MythBusters being the last season and this section will probably cease to exist. I mean, I watch a fair bit of YouTube comedy.

This Week on Klassic Note
This week presents many releases, probably the most in this couple of months. Firstly, I must tell you guys that Tomacchan's new single, contrast to my first impressions of the audio previews, are heading my way. And that is good news. Probably will do the review after next week because as I mentioned above, I'm going to be busy. KANA-BOON's new album is less disappointing than their previous one after I heard them first from last year, but then that doesn't mean I took half of album of songs or something like that. I've definitely given a couple more songs from Kuso Iinkai's new album as mentioned last week, and I've also given Goose house member Tanezawa Migiwa's new mini-album a chance. Not bad, but pretty similar as when I reviewed her other albums about two years ago. So I ended up just giving one. Probably another one if I have the mood. I need emotional songs. Too much of the super high ones already. I'm an emotional person. And VELTPUNCH is not coming up with new songs. *sob*

Next week also brings a couple of releases, namely Sayuri's 2nd single because of the Anime (which I heard a PV Preview which sounds NOTHING like the one in the Anime), nano.RIPE's new single if I ever had the mood to listen to it, and probably yanaginagi's new single because I thought I have to. I mean, I already thrown fhana's new single which was an Anime theme song out of the window; I doubt these two will have a chance. But still.

This is it then. I don't have much time to do my weekly maintenance and backup on my computer. Cya guys next week then, and when things finally die down for my term break, then probably we'll have more time to chat. (Watching Anime all on Sunday is not good because I prefer sleeping all day lol) Until next time... I hope you're fine. I'm not in tip-top condition, but then the doctor visit will also probably have to wait until next week. Bye!

[P.S.: A lot of Aki-chan, some Mina-chan, and some Tomacchan. Don't you worry because that last girl I mentioned is going to take over my phone for next week.

Too bad the special gift will not appear by that time, so Mikakoshi will take the weekend. Well, that's the plan. Recently also been hooked with Aki-chan, I don't know why. New album hype?]