Friday 1 July 2016

The Dream Fragment #17

"I guess I was in a drawing contest. I could not determine my age but I consider to be very young that we are doing it on the floor. I was in a team with a girl against another team of guys. We are seemingly drawing a city scene against each other. The other team was drawing fast, covering terrain and starting to draw a very look-alike railway along with a station, supposedly so long it reaches the ends of the large paper. I took a laugh to it and looked at ours. Our terrain was supposedly very tiled and consists of a big mountain of white and the rest ws just a patch of green. My other teammate is still touching up on the terrain and I told her I shall start on drawing some roads and buildings before we run out of time. I took up a pencil and started drawing roads and noticed I can never draw a straight line possibly due to the uneven surface we are drawing on. I continuously tried drawing a straight line, somehow drew a dotted line thanks to the movements on the surface, and then another line, but all not in parallel. I continued drawing until I had decided to give up. I then drew some buildings which are just rectangles from the top view and it somewhat looks terrible in my opinion."

Honestly? I'm trying to sound dumb so I look like a kid lol. Anyways, references include that news female news reporter who was my teammate, my "friends" back when I was 13 to be the opposing team, and the game Parkitect that I've been playing often recently to be the terrain of my team's map. Man, references I can do well but recalling the dream I cannot, huh.