Monday 4 March 2024

Either our lives are under the decisions made by someone, or we make the decisions and ruin the lives of everyone else.

And that's why the world has to be evil. It's totally Darwinian, and hear me out. Even me not writing this part here is a good example that we cannot be good just to make everyone happy, we make very selfish choices that make us think we are evil, and we are. How do you think the homosapiens survived and had the smartest brains of all ape-kind? And now we are protecting all the idiots that were supposed to be killed long time ago through evolution? Pft, no wonder we are our own enemy.

P.S. I'm sure I wrote here in my personal space on the Internet instead of in Bluesky so I don't have to be evil and offend anyone out there. Think about it.