Wednesday 31 August 2016

Are mistakes gender biased? How come I feel like when I make mistakes I may never be forgotten?

Yes, I am male. I guess it's not just gender biased though. But I may be wrong. How biased are you? You can't be totally unbiased, we know. For example, I'm biased against foreigners in my country. (Lol don't tell them)

Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Klassic Note Review 2016.08 Issue 1

Also the only issue for the month. Aki-chan's new single will likely come next month. I mean, it's like 2 days to the end of this month.

Forgive me if you wish to tell me how dumb I am to getting a single with a repeat song, but then again it's like that in Japan. This is their best way to release content. Then again, this song has quite a meaning, as I will mention below.

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Ikimonogakari - Last Scene/Bokura no Yume [Single]
(Them today, and them before their major debut, if I'm not wrong. I barely even know them back then.)

Origin: Let this be known. I'm doing a commemorating review for one of the honorary artists within Klassic Note. Yes, (album cover, from left to right) Mizuno, Kiyoe, Hotaka, you guys have made it. It's been ten years. Ten years of never ending music, giving us the smiles and emotions through all these years. Well, I didn't join in the full ten years, but I was close. I remember the first time I heard of them is from Anime "BLEACH" (RIP btw) and then it was a lively song. And after listening to a couple more songs and in 2008, the supposed first year in Klassic Note, I've been impressed to the extent that they are one of the "highest contributed artists in Klassic Note", as I used to determine how many songs I've heard form them. This single though, it may not be representative of the fabulous tunes they have provided, but it's one to remember. Remember about half a year ago I was reviewing their 10th year best album (this was their second), and now we are here. moving on as they usually do. Not all melodies can hit, but hey, the mood of the songs are things to remember, and is rather unique in them, I must say.

(1) Last Scene
No, it's not some final performance of any kind. The song itself sure feels like it though. We're presented with a pure Mizuno production here this time round (I know Hotaka, mood swings), and he has always been known to create tunes for many occasions, typically on demand to be honest. This song also took credit to the real life movie from Anime "Shigatsu was Kimi no Uso" (which I'll likely not be watching), but the song is good enough. It may be long, as typical of Ikimonogakari anyway, but the mood of the song is always a hit with me. The lyrics also sing to me of the feelings of love, and losing such love is also typical in the love songs presented by them. If you want another love song from them, then this is right up your alley. The music video compliments the understanding of this song by putting Kiyoe as one of the actors of a love story, even if it's a sad one. Not fantastic, but fan recommended for sure.
Rating: 4 stars (Below Average)

(2) Bokura no Yume [Our Dream]
"[From The Klassic Note Review 2016.04 Issue 2] ...I can accept an average long typical pop style song from them again. I've been giving chances, and this song I cannot miss. Even if the "baby" thing is irritating and it doesn't mean Kiyoe or anything..."
I may have been sarcastic when I was reviewing the 3CD album, but half a year down this was actually, amongst the songs I gave, the best one I ever remembered. Maybe because the 'baby' thing is easy to remember too. Overall a good song, I must say. Then again I've been liking it too much by playing it too often haha
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

Conclusion: Overall a decent single. Not their best, but then again it's not their worst, I suppose. I've been listening to them all these years, and I'm glad they reached their 10th year before Klassic Note reaches theirs. This single, probably for fans only. To remember how much we all have loved their songs, and Kiyoe will always be our songbird. To all of Ikimonogakari, this one is for you guys.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

Well, unboxing time. Too bad it's just a single so it probably isn't much. There is another nostalgic image of them inside the booklet, but I guess I'll keep that luxury to myself haha. Otherwise, the Ikimono cards are probably things to live by by now, and... that is it, actually. I've been expecting this for quite a while already, so... I may not be that hyped to when I heard from their music video weeks ago, I guess.

This is it. Stay tuned for the weekend probably (if I can get the delivery going) for Aki-chan's new single. I'll be preparing for it, if you need a hint. I've not even heard the full songs yet. This is another level of fandom in Japanese music already, apart from Ikimono above of course.

Monday 29 August 2016

Money can't buy you happiness. Not when you don't know happiness to begin with.

This is dark. Real dark. Sorry, I'm rather depressed now, and it's these times I think of the best stuff lol

For me, there exists no love. And thus, any effort for others on me feels like a futile attempt to make me believe there is tender, love and concern.

That's what you'd say if you noticed you screwed up today's schedule and potentially also the next half a year. Well, it isn't a job interview, but if I can't handle this, it's just going to get worse. Reality is harsher than we thought. At least, that's what I thought.

Sunday 28 August 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #35

Been thinking about life recently. Totally because there's internship coming my way and I'm nowhere in it yet. That's the problem. Okay, let's move on. *laughs*

Kono Bijutsu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Another week, another episode. Hey, who says they can't advance the romance in this slice-of-life show?
The episode (8) starts with a mysterious other room of the Art Club where it hosts its storage. Rather unknown to the club besides the President, it comes with a very rusty sliding door as the entrance. And yes, like typical romance shows, Usami and Uchimaki must be stuck in there in the evening of the school day. Hey, it's a roller coaster for Usami, but not for Uchimaki and his 2D wife. That wife can do amazing things, like shining out of its eyes (I wish it'd be somewhere else, but...) (lol) and scaring the teacher scouting around at night (lolol). Also, Imari-san came over (I don't know why she isn't in this club yet though) and apparently ended up in a treasure hunt. Unfortunately the "treasure" isn't something great even though it's of good reason why it is hidden this well, but yes, they're talking about that Hentai magazine next week too haha
P.S. I can post as many images as I want because I have the inner urge (lol Colette listening to Sumipe songs), but I shall refrain myself because jokes are to be remembered. And shared of course. That's why there's one lol
The face when you notice you potentially have to spend the night with that someone.
(I know, Usami-san. Rabbits. I know.)
Time Travel Shoujo: Hey, more development! Now we're talking about it. This episode (8) brings a summer episode. Come on, you know it's coming. Rather than be disappointed about the lack of bikini (Talking about you, Mari-chan), we focus on the prescence of the bad guys. Yes, they are bad now because someone's trying to steal the book, and the others are setting up surveillance in the lab as everyone is enjoying themselves in the beach. And yes, Mari-chan had to send herself back to the past, with good hope that Waka-chan and Mari-chan's younger sister is behind her and that Mari-chan probably will go to the past to meet the father and Graham Bell in the exhibition so that telephony can become a reality in the future and Mari can explain things to her father in today's time. See? This show is too easy to read. Hopefully everything will come together so that all the guys can summon their inner Bruce Lee and have a good fight out on whether... I mean, science does somehow get in the way of everything. Even if I tell you Mari's father is probably finding out the technology that his daughter is making int he future? Haha this show has plenty to uncover, so hold your breath until then, yes?
P.S. Man, that fence jumping in the opening theme, Shun-nii. I bet that will make me super cool haha. But I swear if I try to jump over any fence I'll get caught haha (No I'm not talking about Pokemon GO lol)
YES! *laughs*
(Yeah why the hell Mari-chan is in that swimsuit? Ugh...)

A Channel: Hey, another chapter. This everyday life thing sure is fun haha. Tooru visits (*searches for name* Ok I got it lol) Yuuko's house where her sister Kei starts getting worried as how Tooru gets worried of (*searches for name again* Dammit this once in a blue moon release...) Run-chan expanding her social circle. But then again, considering I'm male and I also worry, then this shouldn't be abnormal. *laughs*
Yuuko said Tooru hasn't been smiling in a while, so here it is.
(The right was Kei-chan btw)
Kuroshitsuji: Another chapter leading to the intentions of the ball. Then again we get half the chapter a recall to how the Phantomhive hall came to be in like, two weeks. That, and the reapers have been investigating. We're introduced to fundamental blood types with that Green Witch, and then someone here may have known who's really behind all this. It may be a farce, but it's not going to cover the truth for long, I guess.
You may not recognise half of them, but after they transform you'll recognise none haha
Nagasarete Airantou: Yeah, even I've lost direction on where this is at already. The most I can remember is the guys on the island are battling Beniyasha, and is, if you didn't know, just a disguised mother of Shinobu (the girl obsessed with technology) so she can write her next novel lol. Other than that, they are close to solving the mystery, and amongst the nosebleeding and panties and partially nude girls, Ikuto has prevailed (somehow) and given the last clue. Well, it'll not be out until I know of the next chapter (it's taking its time for sure), but little do I notice that I've actually reached the 24th volume of this series. Wow. Now to catch up to Seitokai Yakuindomo too; that manga also is long as hell too.
P.S. Now I need to find a clean image to put in this post. Sure is tough for this manga lol
Sorry for spoilers, or otherwise you'll be seeing panties lol
(Kind of shows Beniyasha's ruthless yet kind side, you see)

This Week on Klassic Note
Another week in (I know, I used these phrases a lot as intro) Klassic Note, another bunch of releases. Ikimonogakari's new single got the flag of approval, but so is also Aki-chan's new single due next week, but we'll talk about that a little later. This week also brings a couple more releases which I swear I didn't remember until this week lol. AOP's new single for the Anime "Time Travel Shoujo" isn't half bad, so that's good news because I don't think I want to give the ending theme song anyway haha. Cocco's new album in two years (which explains why I don't even know her in the first place) after her performance of its topic song in TV when I just wanted some performance from Aimer (I told you it's a long story) left an impression, and I'm here to give a song or two. Actually, I gave three. Hey, she can write songs despite her age, you know. (Not guessing it btw, and neither should you) I'm likely giving the thumbs up for (because "7!!" looks stupid in text) Nanae's new single topic song because it's summer (still), and I've gotten myself some more live performance videos so I shall see if I can give a couple more songs or not.

Next week brings us the long awaited (now that it is) Toyosaki Aki's new single, in which this and the reviews for both singles (refer above paragraph) will likely be done during next week. I'll do it, screw school haha. More previews of songs have also surfaced, including Amamiya "Ten-chan" Sora's first album topic song "Absolute BLUE" (which sounds freaking cool btw), Numakura Manami's solo debut song (that scream man; the last time I heard one was Yocchan), and many else that I probably forgot lol. Anyways, I see a great next month in front of us, not forgetting I still can source for new songs, so that's great. Adding on, the weekend of Anisama (if you didn't know what it is) brings a lot of great performances from Tomacchan, Ayahi-chan, TrySail and news that will shock me. Well, we have confirmation now, so that's great. I really wonder what'll Asakura "Mocho" Momo sing in an Anime movie insert song.... Hey, you tell me.

That's it, if I didn't forget. Maybe next time I need to pre-record things that happen in the world of Klassic Note too already haha. (lol "world") Okay, I guess I need to go rest now. Well, mentally because I can't take it the moment I leave my comfort zone. Well, not for music and entertainment though. Cya guys next week, and until then... don't think I forgot about APoL. It's different from getting a job, but this project is eternal. I'm determined to complete it somehow.

Sunday 21 August 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #34

Just... thinking a lot. About life. Hey, isn't getting through university about getting a job at the end of it? Yeah, that's a problem for me. *sigh*

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Wow, what an episode (7). Yeah, I've been teased of the new character in the Anime, but then he's spewing a whole lot of trash (get it?), and yes, we never got to know his name. And guess what? I don't even want to find out! *laughs hard* That's the joke that is infused in this show, and yes it's deserving of my attention at least. This idiot spikes Usami-chan off and thus besides Yumeko-sensei's encouragement becomes the basis for her and Uchimaki-kun to participate the next competition with another Anime wife. The details I shall not explain, but yeah, they won haha. Second half is close to Colette-chan, and about future occupations apparently. I don't know much to say about this (I didn't have to fill in one of them anyway haha), but then again Imari-chan may have helped out there somehow, I guess. Seriously, she can be an actor or even a cosplayer if that is all she can do haha
P.S. If you laughed as hard as the Club President and Colette-chan when someone said "wife", you have the potential to enjoy this show, if you know what I mean.
P.P.S. ONE IS NOT ENOUGH THIS WEEK SO I PUT TWO! YES! (Audience: Only this week?)
Best image of the episode. I need to possess such enthusiasm in studying lol
Either Usami likes flashing her panties a lot, or Uchimaki-kun is dense. About 3D girls.
(He's like, "I don't even want to see it!")
Time Travel Shoujo: The genius amongst us has been revealed. I didn't mean to get excited over this, but yes, now we know why Mari-chan is the main girl in this show. *laughs*
The episode (7) brings us back to another time, but with certain control. Shun has understood and is able to operate the time travelling machine, and this brings us another moment of Mari-chan and her father, who apparently is selling stuff in the past? Not that, but he is fixing mistakes he done with relation to people in the past (in this case Morse) because he screwed it up? Of course, it might be more than that, but it seems like Shun has found it out, and is encouraging the depressed-over-her-test-results Mari-chan to not give up. (No spoilers here, I assure you) The "bad guys" haven't found a way to get into the lab yet which is good news, and the father has no intention to come back. To conclude, I have noticed that the father has done two major mistakes before his time travelling trips and maybe doing it because of either or both reasons. He should have (1) not fired all his lab staff before boarding on such a trip because no one will be managing it (then again it's some secret too so...) and (2) he should hire someone to do so, which in this case Shun has done a great job I must say. The likely chance the father and Shun know the same thing (no spoilers, I promise), and that'll explain a lot of the father's intentions. Stay tuned for more, because I'm hyped up for this show too. The ending really is going to be a game changer here, really.
P.S. Yes Fuuta, we know how you got 80 on that test. Waka-chan wasn't revising with Mari-chan. No wonder you freaking passed you lucky bastard haha. Then again Mari-chan doesn't need help?
The expressions in this show are fantastic. Loving Aki-chan more every episode, really.
BTW this is Mari-chan's "you're lying" face.

BLEACH: Wow. The ten-year-later thing keeps on giving. A lot of weird stuff, apparently. (I'm going to use the word "apparently" a lot of times so listen up!) Apparently (you see?), it's been ten years too in the human world. And yes, Soul Society too. What we do not know of are supposedly, Ichigo and Orihime are married! And had a kid!! Same with Renji and Rukia!?? And she's a shinigami apprentice already?? OMG what the heck is happening right now... So Kubo gave us an ending most would likely expect but not me (no really, not me), and what a lead up to it. Problem is, since it's the last chapter (#BLEACHRIP) we'll never know one thing: Is Ichigo's kid some soul entity too? Well, what we do know from the chapter are that there's a 13th squad captain that is out (which is likely Rukia if anyone is not guessing), Soul Society is definitely open to souls visiting humans (to Ichigo's house at least), and yes, the next generation is a thing. It's unlikely Kubo will continue the adventures of wacky Abarai Ichika (which sounds totally cool) and itchy-handed Kusosaki Kazui (which sounds totally uncool haha) but hey, there's the ending. It'll probably take a lot to take it all in, but there's more news. A live action movie is in production as hinted previously and announced this chapter, and will be out 2018. I don't know how far this is going to go, but then if it is we shall see how great it goes.
She's a wily one, that Ichika-chan.
(I can't put myself to crop anything else, so something this funny would do)
And thanks again Kubo and BLEACH, for giving many years of joy. It has been a ride. -Kaineng
P.S. I WANT MY ANIME BACK!! Someone owes us a final arc season.
P.P.S. After a weekend of reading, I've found out a lot more. That I've been wrong, and even more puzzled to the stuff that has not been explained, like the fate of Zero Division of even the linchpin that is the Soul King. Well if we assume it has always been alive then I guess someone being alive is keeping the worlds stable, I guess.

This Week on Klassic Note
This week brings quite a couple of releases worth mentioning. Either that or I didn't bother to find out new tunes anyway haha. Aimer's new single was okay, but not as I expected (I mean, the previous one I reviewed on May seems better), but I'll give a take on her new album when it gets releases next month. I've decided to give her a chance after like, 5 years now. Also, her first TV appearance sure is great. I'm just glad I'm not shocked by her appearance. No, she's fine. Also learnt quite a lot about how her voice came to be. I've taken some time to listen to LuckLife's 2nd single till date (at least, major debut) and I'm really impressed. Now I really want them to appear again in that Anime they major debuted in *wink* next season *wink*. Along with the TV appearance of Aimer I've exposed myself to another song, and yes, I most likely will give a listen to Cocco's next album when it comes out. I just found the new topic song most impressive.

Next week brings Ikimono's new double A-side single (I have a feeling I want to reject it lol) and AoP's new single from that Anime above, and I think I'll like the girls. Well, I mean, the songs. I'm not interested in large groups of females. I'm not a pimp haha

This is it I guess. I mean, I'm lazy to think right now. I need a break from all the studying (that I've been NOT doing haha), but then again I should be more proactive. I guess it's that group project that's getting in my way lol. Cya guys next week, and until next time... damn the manga section is going to feel a whole lot emptier without the weekly series. *sob*

Thursday 18 August 2016

If your chances are close to zero, then why don't you try it? #effort

I don't normally post this here (in social media typically), but besides the obvious logic of this statement it's also in sarcasm because doing it shows intention of effort, right? Just because you know no help is needed of others doesn't mean you don't help them, yes?

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Unlike computers, we know how to analyse and provide solution cases to all questions. So why aren't we assuring solutions to others, even if it means little to all of us?

Thinking on a bus why the bus driver can explain why the doors aren't open even though he thinks it is full. If you took enough buses in your life you'll get what I mean.

Sunday 14 August 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #33

It's another week, it's another week of... everything, it seems. Dad's questioning my presence at home instead of school (no I'm not skipping it), I'm hooked to more video games (well only one actually), and I can't stop myself from not listening to new songs. Okay, let's move on haha

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: And that's why you shouldn't just watch using a 3-episode rule. Introducing a new character now, halfway into the series? I don't know about that.
The episode (6) brings us the last of the main characters, Imari Maria. I mean, they mentioned enough of her name I can write it down without referring to the video again. (Then again I saw her name coming from the website already lol) And yes, this one is special because she can communicate with the blockhead that is Uchimaki, and yes, she is a "Manga and stuff" lover. Perhaps a little too much, really. I just didn't think using too much Anime quotes in real life will shock a kid enough to let go of his balloon haha. Anyways, this is going to spice up the Usami-Uchimaki relationship, and that's actually the point, and I guess I can like it, just like Usami will like Imari-chan too. Yes, Uchimaki is solid as a rock. <Insert boob squeeze image here> (You know I won't) (No not even at the end of this post) But then that's the point; this is a comedy slice-of-life. And unless you're WORKING!!, no one will go out dating. Then again, the jokes are fabulous as usual, and I had a good laugh. If Imigimuru-sensei wrote Usami's imagination about Uchimaki piggybacking Imari, that is in the animation's credit for making it awesome haha. But yeah, I have a feeling Usami is thinking too much into it, just like how any of them will ever see her underskirt when Maria just jumps to the tree basically showing her panties to even that kid. *laughs* Really, the jokes never end with this cast of characters. And truly, this show really does have a problem. And I won't say "Art Club" until Imari-chan joins it. Which is about like, next episode I suppose lol
P.S. Didn't notice but Touyama Nao sounds so like Mikakoshi. Don't mind me girls, just an opinion.
P.P.S. Damn I miss the mother already *laughs* And I almost misspelt (and fixed) the title again. Thanks, Moeka-chan.
This must be the animation team's laziest drawing ever lol
Time Travel Shoujo: And yes, here is another episode of someone feeling lost. And this time, it's Waka-chan. The episode (6) just takes it a step further to ridicule Faraday to be stealing the experiment from his superior without agreement, and yes it's not going well for him. Unfortunately, it's worse for Waka-chan, but then not really. Mari-chan just forgot somehow after like, 3 episodes? Yeah, she didn't tell Shun what her father told her. Then again, all is well again, I guess, and on the antagonists' side, we have more info. Now about a book, that doesn't lose its text after time travel now. Oh well, all this sounds absurd up till now, and will only likely be resolved within the last 2 episodes, so I'll just enjoy the fun in the meantime, yes?
P.S. Only in Anime will Aki-chan sound like the best friend to care for you ever. *laughs*
There's a lot of crying all episode, so I picked the best one.
(Mina-chan you're great at "crying" xD)

Tonari no Kashiwagi-san: Even though the exciting part is next chapter (probably), but this one has already made its impact. The guys had Christmas celebrations also in conjunction of sending Tina-chan back home to Germany, but then again it was fun. (Seriously I want to see Anime adaptation so they can make one page of the manga awesome haha) But of course, gifts. And Tina-chan may not want to go home, Kou definitely will make her regret the decision. It's real close to proposal, but you know, it's just a ring. He didn't emphasise on anything. Not yet, anyway. Nonetheless, two more couples are left on this wonderful day in Japan (you know, Christmas is A THING in Japan), so that's going to make the next chapter a whole lot more interesting. Yuuto is picking up his courage from the ground, so we may be in for something. I'm looking forward to (next month) it already.
All good things must come to an end, Tina-chan. So is this story lol
Also, no BLEACH. For the last time probably, no last chapter. Yet.

This Week on Klassic Note
After some awakening from the past year songs of Klassic Note (yeah they sounded out to me lol) and continuing my choices for giving new songs, I've finally settled on how many I would be giving after all. nano.RIPE's new single makes me miss all of her songs till this year, Goose house's new single is good enough I just love the chorus (both their singing and the main part of the song), I picked up THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new single to give just one song which is not the first one on the list, and instead of SHISHAMO I gave another song from that Shin Rizumu's debut album.

There may not be much this week, and I have been hesitating in giving songs this week besides the above early this week, then again I've been listening to future releases. Aimer's new single has more potential than her previous one that I missed, wacci (remember KimiUso?) is releasing their album at the end of the month so I'll listen to the released new single until then, Aki-chan's new single previews sound like when I heard Mina-chan's earlier this year (a hit and a miss), and Ikimonogakari's new song will make a huge difference to when I'll be doing my next review. We shall see about that last one, though. It isn't that impressive, honestly. Also, THE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE is following wacci's approach by releasing a single (in this case digital only) and an album later in the year, and I think I'm enjoying it till now. Hey, who says there aren't songs to listen this month?

This is it then. I feel tired typing using my nails on a sticky keyboard (like, literally), so I better finish this quick to I can clean things up. (Audience: What the hell is you room like anyway?) Seirously, you don't want to know what's in my room. Anyways, cya guys till next week, and until then... the Olympics? Fiji isn't the only country grabbing their gold medal this week. *laughs*

[P.S.: No I'm not a citizen of Fiji lol. And yes, it isn't pictures of women I like haha. I'm still getting used to not typing this last part.]

That's why we cannot have second chances. We'll never do our best in the first then.

That's just me, guess. But then again most things in life don't hold a second chance. And that's bad for me, I guess. Sometimes, it's a lack of knowledge that can ruin everything, huh. Yeah, I was talking about my grades haha

Thursday 11 August 2016

The more biased we are, the less we can enjoy entertainment.

Just came to me just now. But then again it depends on what you watch. Politically incorrect stuff is one thing, sacrificing any aspect of emotion for fulfilment is another. No wonder everyone wants a piece of the entertainment industry.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

I've done enough complaining about the real world already. I don't want to continue the criticism in the virtual world that is the Internet.

Real sad to see one comment that is positive and immediately there's one who received domestic abuse last night lol. Nonetheless, I'm an honest person, and I only complain within the family and people who they know me, but the Internet, man, it's harsh.

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #32

I told you guys I'll change it up a bit from last week, right? A whole lot more images from this week. Well, it's the same amount, just shifted from the bottom up. *laughs*

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Training myself to type the title of this show so I don't spell "Bijitsubu" wrongly like Moeka-chan and spell "Mondai" like "Monday". Spelling man, it's a curse.
Okay, this week's episode (5). I took the effort to watch it on a Friday than my scheduled Saturday night (yes there is such a thing) the day after it airs because I can't wait. Can't tell when's the last time I did that, but it's partly due to the manga I've read earlier this week too. (spoilers not below) Then again, watching Colette-chan is a joy (first half of the episode is from the manga BTW), and yeah, it's summer, and they need a pool scene, and Imigimuru-sensei didn't write one, so you know, Anime fillers? It's fine. Tachibana-sensei wasn't in it so it's fine lol.
Because Random Curiosity wasn't doing it. Fanservice shot!
(Man, many years ago I was serving these like hotcakes...)
Time Travel Shoujo: Hey, and finally four episodes, we have our first exception. Yes, that time travel machine has spoken.
The episode (5) talks about Waka-chan (I know), but also the fact from when she took one of the compasses that Mari-chan had, and this time, travelled back to the past with her. Problem now is that Mari is the only one who came back. Yeah, sounds ridiculous, and should have happened weeks ago, but hey, finally it happened. Another thing worth mentioning in this (educational) episode is that Hayase-sensei (Mari's father) isn't the only one doing this experiment, and has been led out my a compulsive gambler of a research assistant. What a rat, right? Oh well, but now we know of something a little more, and that the initial experiments the man mentioned resemble a futuristic experiment of time travel we may be familiar with. Well, if you've watched enough (or the right) Anime, that is. Anyways, this is getting better, and I can't say how good this show is going to get, making simple things (ridiculous though) dragged out yet exciting, so that's good news for this show. I'll be looking forward to what happens to Waka-chan. Unlike Mari, she is not taking this easy.
They make Mina-chan cry and Aki-chan shocked. I cannot ask more from this show lol

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Well I read on too much... Damn that Twitter account I thought it was safe to read on lol.
Anyways, I read till Chapter 10, and then was spoiled at Chapter 11, which is already part of the episode above (this was before I watched it BTW), so that's bad. Otherwise, you'd be glad to know the show actually follows the manga pretty well, maybe some arranging, some additions (Colette-chan's imagination of her abduction is extra) and such, but then overall does bring out the general mood of the light-hearted show well. Problem is I may be spoiled of future episodes too, because some involve seasons (there was a cold weather chapter in there somewhere), and some involve a ridiculously hilarious Colette-chan, which will no doubt spoil my first impression from the show if any of these was in it.
Laughed too hard on this one. #Picasso
BLEACH: Okay, second last chapter already. Mind blown right now, pretty much. *sob* And also this.
The chapter? It's been ten years. WTF? If you didn't ask yourself why so, you've not been reading the last chapter. Problem then is what the hell happened shortly after? Well, in a perspective 10 years later which Kubo-sensei forcefully led us to believe, some of them are alive (I believe Kensei is not dead dead, for sure), some of them are in a different position, not to mention everyone gathering for one of the few events that require every captains' presence: The declaration of a captain. And guess what? Rukia finally got up the ranks as one of them. The last part of the chapter gave us one last hint as to what might be happening to everyone else not mentioned in this chapter, and I believe that may not tell us much. Fortunately, it has been announced that there are extras (I supposed released after next week's chapter) and an announcement or perhaps another publication that will dictate everything else we all want to know. Hey, I'm not taking "10 years later" as a conclusion to a long-run story, Kubo. You better make this right.
Yeah Kenpachi; with Yachiru, everyone was lost. Now without, it's just one less person lol
P.S. The biggest question from me thinking through the past week ever since I saw last week's chapter is what will happen to the spiritual world? I'll keep it short here, but suffice it to say if you recall, the Spirit King is a linchpin to the world, and without it the world will not exist. After it was absorbed, the main villian is now killed by our main protagonist (which is absent from this chapter) some time ago. So why? How  has the world stayed put in the 10 years, just as Kyoraku mentioned whilst talking to Ukitake's grave? This, I have no idea. My deduction before reading this second last chapter is perhaps someone is now the core to the world, and thus needs a "successor". If it's not that trace of reiatsu Akon found, then it's going to be Ichigo. Something tells me I'm not getting my answer next week. *sigh*
Dagashi Kashi: Looks like the usual guy didn't continue, so I just switched to another one lol
The chapters. *laughs* I'm reminded of the episodes of Anime I've enjoyed, from the father wanting to be an online content creator (I don't want to promote G***** lol) to BDSM Fugashi to someone playing doctor. All these memories... even they have become mine. Man, Kotoyama-sensei, you know how to do your manga.
I'm not going to spoil anyone for "what he's done" but you can find out what happened haha

This Week on Klassic Note
Well, giving songs this week has been a joy. Well, mostly because of a rock festival video (FYI it's "VIVA LA ROCK 2016 Day1")I got my hands on. Thanks to it, a total of four new artists have entered Klassic Note, and if you have noticed who they are on my Twitter account then this shouldn't surprise you. Yogee New Waves sound good with just one song apparently (their whole album isn't much), also with LILI LIMIT's latest album, and yes, congrats on them on their major debut. Just... no more free music videos. Goddamn S*** M****

Shin Rhythm's lead song till date had great reception online so that should get you interested, and SHISHAMO's 1st and 3rd albums make them sound like the next Chatmonchy. Hey, I mean, an alternative. No one can replace Eriko-chan in her compositions, really. Besides, they sound more... forced, direct, and a whole less sad. They aren't apparently. That's enough praise/criticism of them already, yes?

With other releases from familiar artists, it's a different story though. THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new single is hard to give after what I've heard from them last year (I miss songs with meaningful lyrics, if you know what I mean) (I doubt so haha), Goose house's new single is nothing but good besides the fact that they are singing in chorus beautifully to a less than impressive song, which is their strength, by the way. (Yes I know it releases next week, but still) nano.RIPE's new single makes me miss their style, but I don't know how to give it too. Well, these guys will get another week on the waiting list (besides the first in the paragraph) probably, so I'll see about it.

In more releases, Flower Flower and Aqua Timez have confirmed their new singles (glad that YUI is back) slated for next month, and yes I didn't forget: Uesaka Sumire's new single is hard. Real hard. Now even Time Travel Shoujo's ending theme song is a better choice. Yeah, sorry Sumipe. Klassic Note is all about music, not your image of weird tunes.

This is it I guess. Heck a lot to cover for a week of joy before my new school semester starts. Then again it starts with a couple of holidays so that's just to make me get used to doing something again after a lot of doing nothing lol. Nonetheless, I have failed to deliver APoL's next chapter, and if anyone is excited about it, here's an apology from me (to myself, probably lol) because I cannot put my a** to write a novel now. Cya guys next week, and until next time... let me see if I can keep this up. The one-image-per-review thing above.

Saturday 6 August 2016

1st generation: "I know this is just fantasy."
2nd generation: "I want to turn this into reality."
3rd generation: "I can't wait to see this happen."

Been watching some superhero stories just now, and linked them to those who live in arms with crime and terrorism. They think they're the heroes. I don't think any of us are.

Sunday 31 July 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #31

Hey, it's the last day of the month! Yeah, school's gonna start soon too. Well, to be exact, next week is my last week in this long journey. Haha I bet I'm the only one jealous of me taking such a long break...

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Yeah, this art club sure has a problem. And now they have a bigger one. Because this episode (4) they just changed club advisers from the don't-even-have-eyes Koyama-sensei (goodbye linchpin-up-till-now) to the... Tachibana-sensei, because I don't even know how to describe this woman. She's shy, she's worried, I think she's from the military or scouts of some sort with the salute (cheeky stuff in slice-of-life shows go a long way), and she overthinks too much. Hey, pretty much like me, besides the saluting lol. The students (those who are active, and I count Colette-san as inactive) drew portraits of her (Uchimaki-kun animated it of course) while she was sitting there like a rock, watching after them. I mean, I may have the curiosity to know what they were drawing, but now I have a feeling the teacher's good at following orders haha. Also, a lot of romance in Usami-san that Uchimaki has no idea of. But then hey, good reminder to those good times you don't have your homework and a friend has to deliver it to your house. I've tried that before. Being the recipient lol
P.S. Not that I'm MILF or anything, but I miss you, Moeka's mother. *laughs* Also, didn't know your father(or in-law) was (implied) Koyama-sensei. Hey, it all comes around!
That ass shot... must they do that, even for a moment? Geez...
Time Travel Shoujo: I must say, this show has a lot than it looks. If you missed this show don't say I didn't warn you about it.
This episode (4), about Volta, that guy who created the first battery ever. But then, I didn't Mari to be meeting her dad this early. Problem is, that's his dad from the past, and quite a few years ago. Bigger problem is, this time it's fast-moving. They were in the 1800s, a time of war, and the father seems to have taught the guys how to use that compass and the stuff in the lab. Unfortunately, it's also good time to know that the bad guys are trying to corner them up, and this will be a problem. Hey, little do we know this show actually has plot than just some history lesson going on with all the time travel thing going on. I'm looking forward to next week. And yeah, travelling to the past with a taser and a bulletproof vest makes you badass, I'm sure.

BLEACH: Well I guess this is about it lol
Anyways, the chapter. Wow I'm getting bored of saying it like this already haha. Well Ishida finally appeared, and for once we may have a chance to get rid of this future-reading God-like Quincy. Yes. He's still a Quincy after all. And if Zangetsu has to be the one to stop whilst Ishida gives that opportunity, then yes this might just be it. As I mentioned like, two months ago, we're near the end, so this is going to be the case if it ends here. Just enough time to wrap things up anyway.

No I'm not feeling sad

I've been watching some movies recently, and I should have done it last week (watched two last week), but yeah, I'll do it now. Never too late to revive this segment back lol
Minions (2015): Yeah, this one. I mean, I watched the Despicable Me series before, so this is more than funny but also just entertaining. The ideas of the show are great though, and who doesn't like these little creatures who just want to follow someone evil?
Peanuts Movie (2015): From the production which is going to bring us Mutts in a movie (hey, I'm looking forward to it though) comes one of the most popular comics turned into animation and packaged in a movie. Yes, if you remember Snoopy you're in this with me lol. The movie is overall touching (I guess it's the chasing of a girl lol), and has many elements of art in it, basically flowing through the movie creativity from imagination (Snoopy flying on his kennel) to the whole thing of comic draws within 2D-like 3D animation... man the movie just looks great.
Cinderella Movie (2015): Some YouTube video brought me here, and it's not the trailer. But then this is a beautiful recreation of the fairy tale we're all familiar with (really, if you don't know the real story it's fine, you can live with this one), and hell yeah it's awesome. With the powers of CG, the fairy godmother becomes the MVP of this movie, and surprisingly the overall mood of the show is not harsh. Like, mocking harsh. They may be bad to Cinderella, but there isn't any full-on verbal abuser, which may be my impression of the story, apparently. Other than that, the show is more formal than I thought, which is good because they focus a lot on the plot and most importantly, romance. And it's good, I must say, watching this over this weekend.

I know, right? Chasing after last year's movies. That or I have no mood to go to a cinema for them haha

This Week on Klassic Note
Eh... SCANDAL's new single isn't very impressive by all means, but then if this is for 10 years I wonder what is up next. ClariS new single is rather disappointing, and I decided to just leave it out for now. And I blame myself because I'm thinking of the past year songs of them that are good. Yeah, maybe it's just me. Gotch's 2nd album finally got to a conclusion in Klassic Note, and I decided to give one song that is none of the topic songs, because I don't like its general style and I gave the last track because I missed the year 2011, specifically that compilation they have stopped doing.

Next week brings a couple of releases, if I didn't remember wrongly should be nano.RIPE's new single (which I have not heard much of) and more crucially because there's that Anime, Uesaka Sumire's new single, which is probably my first review of her releases, so I hope it'll be good. Otherwise I may have to spend next week browsing indie artists again. It's about time BTW

This is it then. Cya guys next week, and yeah, I'm feeling sad. Feeling sad I cannot write out APoL. But then again I think I missed something important before I can continue writing, so this may be on hold until I get myself thinking. Until next time... the time has to come, so treasure it while it is ongoing.

[P.S.: Which brings us to this segment, and yes, it'll be removed starting from the next issue. *sob*

This last week it's Kana-chan galore! You may miss her, but I won't. There's more of her next week haha]

To the extent we have to rely on non-natural means of intriguing our image, we have already reached the epitome of beauty.

Yeah, humans are disgusting. It's just how much only. Man, I'm full of it today. Disgust, I mean.

Saturday 30 July 2016

I would like to live through hell, because I don't know what it is like to live in heaven.

Yes, we are living in heaven. That is why the term "living hell" exists, that or I've not been in it yet. Someday. Someday.

Friday 29 July 2016

Now that I think about it: Muslim on terrorism is like North Korea on political rule.

I may be wrong here, so don't beat me up or whatsoever. But then again it's very biased, this statement, so take terrorism as you take Communism, yes? And I do mean Muslim being targeted as a symbol of terrorism, as compared to North Korea targeting others about their rule.

Sunday 24 July 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #30

Bad news, everyone. If you've been enjoying whatever is at the bottom of these posts every week, I'm sad to say that I've found out the reason, and yes, Facebook URLs to images will expire, and supposedly request another URL every time, which also means keeping it alive will be tough. Concisdering I don't want to store it in this blog too, this means I'm abolishing this for good.

The good news? I'll only stop by the end of the month, which coincidentally means you get to see girls from my phone for two more weeks, including this week. *laughs*

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: To more problems this Art Club can handle, with three members we are introduced its fourth, and it's Colette-chan, as we've seen her quite a couple of times if your eyes are good. Known to be hiding in corners (closet, behind the sofa) she's also younger than all of them, having a background story that is different from many because she's a foreigner, and surprisingly high-pitched. Well, I say Uesaka Sumire, you've outdone yourself on this episode (3). We end up a round trip thanks to Colette not checking her pockets (I mean, she has to wash them someday, right?), Usami helping Uchimaki thinking of ideas for a new hair for that 2D wife he wants to draw (describing might be tough, but giving examples is worse), and I love friends who want to help you and your crush get together. Hey, you can't stop a maiden falling in love with a blockhead, but then again they kind of kissed thanks to a bunch of less-than-smart friends, and even got them on the school newspaper lol. I'm enjoying this show, honestly. Next episode we welcome a new advisor it seems, and to a further extent than Usami, shyness seems to cover all over this female teacher.
Time Travel Shoujo: Hey! This episode (3) comes faster than a lightning strike, so you should definitely know we're talking about that guy who learnt of the truth of that natural electrical source from the clouds, dear Mr. Benjamin Franklin. Honestly saying, ignoring the facts about the times in the 18th century which people in the past are surprisingly understanding of Mari's situation, this show teaches us a lot of other stuff. For example, slavery in the past, people's lack of education and their supposed gratitude to be able to, heavy religion problems as usual about God vs Science, and many more. But I must say, I actually can enjoy this show. This may be little short in animation, but it compensates in knowledge, content, and everything in between. So sure, for Aki-chan and Mina-chan this episode, I'll watch it, whatever. (Audience: So in the end it's still them?) Haha I guess so. The theme songs are going to be a problem to give though. *sigh*

Kuroshitsuji: Well, guess what? Ciel was right! The way to deal with a prospering business, is another business!
The chapter elaborates well and leads up to what might cause Elizabeth to leave, but then again if it's only due to the charm of the music hall Bravat was hosting then I guess this may be over soon. However, the guys emphasised on her fortune-telling beliefs, so that may be a problem. On the other hand, the prince has given Ciel an idea, and that as a Phantomhive running a line of business, that the best way to deal with something popular is just to make it better and send it back at them. Nice one, Yana-chan-sensei, nicely played.
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Yes, the Anime's manga. I only read it's first release of three chapters (because it said so), and yes it follows close to the show. Well, close enough. Some jokes are covered (the introduction of the President is totally different, and he actually wants to draw!!) and others are expanded (when Usami falls there is not fortune-telling flashback which, in my opinion, that asking-for-a-kiss scene is straight hilarious), typical of Anime production. That's why I only watch one first before giving the other medium a chance. But then both made me laugh, so that's good news for this show. To avoid spoiling myself off content I'll hold off until the Anime ends, but I believe I'll get to see most of the jokes in the show too.
Saito-kun wa Chounouryokusha (Esper) Rashii: Hmm... that Art Club Anime lead me to the Manga and led me to the author's other work, which is this. Major differences between this and that are... everything is different. A snob for the main guy who can(not) bend spoons, esper-powered girls, high school setting, ecchi elements all around (like, they don't cover panties and more), but the jokes are also heavier. I laughed hard at a couple of chapters, but then this story fell short. Not like, four floors down a school building short (spoiler), but more like, 4 volumes short. Yes, it has already ended before I knew it. But then it was a great hour and a half as I'm reading it, and I sure missed SCANDAL's live stream. Oh well, nonetheless quite a read, and it belongs to one of those underrated indie works that should  be praised. Well, thanks to a certain Anime adaptation... this guy had outdone himself, this author.
BLEACH: I mean, the last time they did this successful the bad guy came back alive again, so... don't put your bets on this conclusion yet, yes? Besides, the usual way is what's after it, and that might be something simple. Recall Aizen's defeat is not by Ichigo's final blow, but his inability to take control again of the Hogyoku's powers. (Those were the days haha) But then again, this time it has a lot to do with predicting the future, so as long as he can still change it (even without his own bare hands), I see no reason to rejoice. Yet. Fingers crossed, guys. Kubo's promised us the end and he needs time to wrap things up, so... we're not far away.

This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, quite a bunch this week, so let's talk about it. TWEEDEES' new album came in fast, and I'm quite happy about it, despite being less than impressed on first hearing. But then again Okii Reiji has only such a style, so I shouldn't complain. Surprising "ikkubaru" came within the list of songs as a feature, but then again I didn't give that song now and back then anyway, so meh, just for knowledge for this one. VELTPUNCH's long awaited re-debut album came in too, and I must say I am impressed by it. The topic song music video should have been the first song though, and yes, if you have participated on the song creation voting you'd remember a familiar tune within the release.

Primary's new album also got in my magnifying glass over the weekend, and I must say this is her most palatable release yet. Damn, it's too easy to give songs recently. And that is good, actually.

In other news, I'm most likely rejecting Gotch's 2nd album because I find nothing in association with him and the band Ajikan's new single for for some reason, and I'm still questioning myself about it. SCANDAL's new single appears next week, and hearing the music video... if you haven't heard it yet, it's different. Very different. Not in style, just in general. And if that karate girl doesn't remind you of Kuso Iinkai I don't know what will. Ayachi has announced her new 3rd album is coming by the end of the year, so that's good news. Quite a couple of stuff coming out next week, but not like I can remember them though lol

This is it, then. My nose is acting up with the erratic weather once again, so I've not gotten into APoL much. The next school semester is drawing near, so I better get to it sooner or later, as I remind myself every day, I assure you. Until then, stay happy (because I'm not so much now), and stay healthy. My teeth are not very good the last time I saw it at the mirror...

[P.S.: Here you go, Tomacchan goodness. As close as you can get her. Mina-chan too. That one is also scanned by yours truly.

Next week is Kana-chan I suppose, provided it looks good (I refer to the image quality) on my phone of course.]

Sunday 17 July 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Week #29

Hey, everyone. Phew, that was a week. My end may be nearer than I thought, I desire more alone free time, and I'm not ready for the next 12 months yet. I'm screwed. Wish me luck. Wish Klassic Note luck too; I'm worried I may not keep up with it after ten years. Talking about ten years...

Taboo Tattoo: Okay, now to continue the long paragraphs last week.
You see, this show has its flaws. And they are standing out. Firstly, the weird jokes. Some of them are just not funny. I can't laugh at it, even if it's an action show. Seriously, throwing the guy down who was recently given a note in his shirt pocket down like, four floors and climbing up like within 30 seconds doesn't make any sense. Anyways, and we are now also introduced the antagonist, which is like some independent trying to take over the world. Hey, I can take world domination, but this is something else. Then, there is the irregular sense that is in this show. They, at this point, are not forming new questions that I want to find out down the road. Also, the main guy is a bloodthirsty freak. And now, he has to (maybe) kill his childhood friend because she is possessed by another tattoo user. This is real stupid, seriously. Sorry Mikakoshi, the show wasn't good. Maybe next time.
P.S. The only thing that I remembered of the show is that cute note from Izzy lol
Kono Bijitsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Hmm, I'm liking this show. A good example would be the first part of this episode (2) I guess. Easily, the President would just fake a death, Uchimaki would just play along wrongly, and once again they talk about panties. Hey, at least they didn't show it. On the other hand, there are a lot more jokes I can understand compared to other shows (*wink*), and it looks like the confession to Uchimaki is going to pose a threat to Usami, who apparently cannot cover her feelings about this junior. Then again, the girl who confessed looks like she's part of the cast? This could get interesting. (I don't know; my eyes are bad at identifying similar characters lol) We're moving on to a new character next episode, and I don't even need three episodes to  say I'm watching it. Seriously. This show is it.
P.S. Mikakoshi, you had A KID?!! Lol I found that out in the ending credits. She was the mother. Also, Uchimaki can just say no to whether he likes anyone in the school, because it's 2D haha
Time Travel Shoujo: Man, I keep forgetting this show is educational haha
The episode (2). Mari managed to come back, but not without learning a lesson. (See what I mean?) Gilbert managed to get the facts right, but needed a way to prove to the masses. Cue Mari and her soccer ball cake in process, and gives him an inspiration to show that Earth is indeed a gigantic magnet. Oh well, that is awesome and all, and the bad guys doesn't seem to have taken action yet (because not even we know of where that big grandfather's clock-like thing is anyway), we received a long lesson on magnetism and people getting killed in the name of science in the face of religion, and many more. Hey, this show maybe educational, but I can't help think the animation is less than good and the science is a little too much. But hey, at least it's a viable story. I want to find out what happens to Mari-chan's father anyway. I'll decide by next week.
P.S. Now I want to be named Fuuta so I can have Aki-chan and Mina-chan make a soccer cake on my birthday haha

BLEACH: For a long while I have not known where that Quincy leader is coming from. After checking with the Bleach Wiki I found out he was in the Soul King Palace. Oh yeah, I really forgot. The battle, man...

Well firstly, Aizen. Thanks to also him (I was anxious) we know he was in Soul Society waiting for that guy to come, and Ichigo and Renji came soon after. Unfortunately, we know everything about their interests in engaging in fight (yes, also Renji), and Ichigo just broke his blade again. *sigh*

Also, we have news that BLEACH will officially end in the next four months, not even reaching 700 chapters. Oh well, not that that's the point, but I want to see a reasonable ending. And that Kubo, I think you can still do. You've done sh*t and all, but I want to see something good this time round. Aizen popping out of his chair is most impressive BTW

Tonari no Kashiwagi-san: Spoilers - Yuuto forgot about his presents LOL
Anyways, the chapter. He's worried about the Christmas meet, and I guess he wants to get a present for Kotone, and can't decide on it. Cue her sister and manager for where he has worked before, and instead of asking what his female friend would like, they talked about uneasiness springing out of advancing the relationship. Well, not a bad idea to talk about it, but then again it's part of the story. And I like. It's hard not to worry about these things, huh. But Yuuto x Kotone is a sure thing, so he really can go for it. And that itself will be interesting.

FYI again if I did some time before this manga is ending Chapter 85, according to the author's Tweet. That is about the next volume when it ends. This better be a good ending (Ge it? Because I read a manga of that title before) man; I liked this story. Unfortunately at its prime it's only getting a partial Anime. *sob*

This Week on Klassic Note
Well since it's that week, I didn't have much time to listen to new songs. I'll review Gotch's new album next week instead of this week, or I should have done it last week, but oh well. Because of a certain Anime, I'm giving Mizuki Nana's new single a listen, and yes, I have a feeling the single is mostly written by old men lol. Anyways, I've given a couple of familiar names a listen to, to my disappointment of course. SPYAIR's new song is so like their past songs with the lyrics being real irritating, YUKI's new single is quite good but not good enough I guess (hey, back in 2012 that one was great IMHO) and Kimura Kaela's new single(s)... I guess I wouldn't even want to finish listening to them. It's okay; I'll give songs next week.

Talking about next week, we have finally waited long enough for VELTPUNCH's new album, and many other things I don't remember after that. Hey, this one's pretty important.

This is it then. I'm renewing the Klassic Note websites if you didn't notice, and I'm thinking of other ways to simplify my processing during the tenth year which is next year, if no one knows of it yet. Also, I'll be continuing APoL Chapter 16 (man, how many times have I mentioned this already) before school opens, so be sure to watch out for that, I guess. Cya guys then, and until next time... I don't know. My mind is in a daze. I think I can write a novel because I have most of the stuff drafted already, I think. *laughs*

[P.S.: We're close to knowing the truth, but I may just stop putting images of Aki-chan here soon. I'm sorry.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Especially the last two, they are scanned by yours truly. Tomacchan next week. There's cleavage, for goodness sake. *salivating*]

[P.P.S.: Strikingly is a reliable web hosting service, and I'm not saying this for ad revenue. Because if you put in images sources from the Internet they will let you put in the link to the image and reupload it to show in your webpages. Blogger doesn't. *sob*]