Sunday 5 October 2014

The Entertainment News Week #40

Hey! Because somewhere in this world tomorrow is a holiday, I’ve been busy doing stuff up so I don’t need to do it tomorrow. Apparently, it’s not going well. Oh well, this is more important. Hehe.

Denki-gai no Honya-san: Yes it’s on with the new season of Anime. Since I really took the comedy in interest (along with Ayachi’s song), I decided to give it a watch. And for first episode it’s pretty good, with a mix of comedy and some fanservice from time to time. Sadly because of characters like Sensei, manga like Tonari no Kashiwagi-san may probably not get an Anime adaptation anytime soon. Haha, just joking. Anyways, I did not take the review from Random Curiosity for granted, but seeing the next episode preview I’m starting to believe that it’s going to reach “Seitokai level” sick jokes very soon. Ending song sounds great with the manga author’s lyrics in it…
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete: Gave this show a chance for some reason (because someone’s doing the opening song), but then decided to NOT watch even if I cleared the first episode. The characters and voices remind me of the hentai Anime I watched before (Oops), and yesh there is potential for eechi scenes or even straight on hentai, which… I prefer to not watch just to avoid the genre. Or else I won’t be able to talk about it here already.
Tomorrow will probably be giving Sora no Method a chance too. Since it’s middle-school girls and it’s “like Natsuiro Kiseki” (RC), I guess I can give chance. After that next week I’ll be able to review the first episode of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, the other Anime I’m intending to watch this season, hopefully along with my sister. Hmm, it’s been some time. When’s the last time we decided to watch a show, I wonder?

BLEACH: Some sweet action over there, though I hope that the poor Zero Division doesn’t get wiped out just yet. According to Kubo, Ichigo’s not here yet. Haha.
A Channel: It’s been some time, and it looks like it’s a story amongst the grown-ups this time. Kamate-sensei (I just remembered her name) that happy-go-lucky teacher beside… (oops now I forgot the other one) Kitou-sensei (Phew…), and Satou-sensei jumped in with her to help with the… “clearing” of the refrigerator and mainly moving her stuff to her new house. Plenty of jokes there, but too small I cannot remember. Still very funny though; I just hope it’s for another season of Anime…

This Week on Klassic Note
Well there’s no new songs this week. Firstly, I’ve been reviewing Mina-chan’s 2nd album again, and have decided… NOT to make the order. (Sorry, Mina-chan.) Also with my desperation of finding songs, I gave Kana-chan’s new single a chance. Yes, the genre I’ll think twice to listen to again. Well, apparently I heard it twice, and I cannot not see the PV purely because I’m not blind, so… yeah. Besides, it’s not too bad, especially if you heard the three-minute preview.

Also, been searching for updates for some new mainstream artists I’ve been seeing over these few years just briefly and got a shock. Kuuso Iinkai, who just released their major first album (note the word “major” for major label, in this case King Records) in June, is coming up with their second major single. Already? And there’s a PV for it on YouTube. Not the usual stuff I love to dig in, but I’ll probably give chance so long as I can get hold of the sources. Also on YouTube is Good Morning America with their new album, already their second under major label, and that is like a year’s difference from the previous album. Sounds great, not impactful, but the PV is nothing but bloody murder scenes. Well done video, song-wise… I’ll wait till the album is up. Both mentioned are releasing this month.

In other new releases, Aki-chan’s single in November is called “Portrait” (I only hope for it to be an emotional or moody song because I’m totally ready for it), and Tomacchan’s new single is coming in December. As a theme song for Sword Art Online II Anime. As the opening theme song. Yeah. Means this is either going to blow my mind or blow my head against the wall. Hopefully it’ll not be disappointing. Come on, they made LiSA do the ending song goddammit… (not like I’m a fan of her LOL)

I guess that’s all this week. More to come next week, that’s for sure. And more to come next week for my school life, so… FML. But then life has to go on, or not Entertainment will not be as entertaining as it is, isn’t it?

Somehow thinking of throwing ALL the news I know and have been posting over the social media platforms here. ALL HERE. Yeah. We’ll see. Or I’ll see. Cya guys then.

[P.S.: (I guess not) Everyone’s favourite segment!

Ayachi’s photobook is awesome. Or maybe because she has been showing more of her… cleavage? Maybe it’s just me with the X-ray vision… xD]

[P.P.S.: I recommend all celebrities to join any social media and post regular selfies of themselves with minimum dimensions according to Mikakoshi’s Twitter. Then I will have more images for future pages of Entertainment News. Haha.]