Sunday 30 November 2014

The Entertainment News Week #48

Well one more month to go, and there’s still much to offer. So glad I don’t have to read the title over and over again as if I were in a radio broadcast. Too wordy for this title, isn’t it?

Sora no Method: This one is not last episode because so coincidentally as I’ve mentioned last week I’m watching it on a Monday. So will be this week’s one. Too bad. Anyways, they finally got into Shione, I mean the others, by fulfilling her wish (somehow) by building a Planetarium for a festival for all of them to see stars. Yeah, sounds weird. But so is the relationship with Shione and Nonoka. Apparently it’s resolved, but it’s not. Something tells me Shione knows more than all of us and probably Nonoka, but then don’t tell me… it’s got to do with Noel?? Hmm… so much cliffhanger that it feels weird stopping there already… Nvm, will know tomorrow, haha.
Denki-gai no Eechi-san: Really on the mature side, Hio-tan gets sick TWICE in order for us to see Kantoku’s concern to his employee and Sensei-chan’s shock to the sister’s three sizes LOL. On the other hand, it’s Christmas (well at least in the show) and even G-men is here to share the joy. Yeah, if you thought it’s illegal books it’s just they are sold illegally. I got confused there too for a moment. Next episode just seems to be better, as the comedy here doesn’t seem to lack anytime soon… *sees intoxicated and weeping Tsumorin*
KimiUso: Well nice performances from the two new characters this episode, and I must say in it bears many emotions of the two towards Kousei, and as always the thick-headed main guy doesn’t get to know about it. On the other hand, Kousei’s turn is coming next, and I swear this is going to change things well. (If you need me to spell out why means you’ve not been watching) (Whatever I’ll share my thoughts with you) (No spoilers; I swear I didn’t read the manga)  Either Kousei’s going to play so good and admit defeat if possible so that the two of them won’t feel bad losing to him again, or he just plays so bad because he still cannot hear the notes that the two lost hope and motivation in admiring him when they were young. Latter likely to happen though, I think…

Wow long essays are coming my way so long as the episodes have more content or I start remembering them. I will. Exams going to be over tomorrow. *laughs*

BLEACH: Wow Ichibe Hyousuke (that Zero Division monk) is revealed to have much influence in Soul Society apparently, is about to release his zanpakuto. This. Will. Be. Interesting. Great. Awesome. I’m running out of words to say already.
A Channel: It’s rather centred around Yutaka and I can only remember she plucked out her bangs (hair) instead of going to the stylist. Read it yourself if you want that impactful laugh, haha.
Amari Mawari: If you guys don’t read the manga you should, because it’s funny and is written by the same dude who wrote the previous one I mentioned above. and apparently it’s still about the guy’s hair. Like, Amari-chan wants a handful of it for a gift. Seriously. (P.S. Kyouka really is some beauty; if not for that kid…) (Reminds me of Chuunibyou though, not that I watched it)

Wow it’s been some time, and I immerse myself in another game. Godus is apparently the “spiritual successor” to the famous god game Populous (if I use “popular” just now you guys will think I’m trying to make a pun), and it lives to the name. Well, nearly. Things are different by a lot. Belief is a numerical thing now, time controls many things in the game, and you don’t summon ground like a Shaman, but drag the layers out. Cool game, even after one year of development already. Go check it out. Also have been going back to find a Need for Speed game, and ended up with the online version: Need for Speed World, which is like the good old Underground which I liked but with more freedom. And a whole lot less people int he servers. Come on, it’s been four years.

This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this week is hectic, though not like a lot. A few albums are still in review, following my mood to listen to them anyway. Ayachi’s 2nd album has a conslusion, and I’m only taking one song for the time being. (Just cannot go through the bridge part of the song)  (“Hey Hey Hey” *laughs*) FLOWER FLOWER’s album still shows some promise, so I’m still listening to it for the time being, while giving two songs from the digital singles and live performances. SPYAIR’s best album is under hold for now, and I think I’ll be only giving the new songs. Or song. Probably just one anyway.

Next week’s releases also come early, well some of them at least. Tomacchan’s new single B-side shows some promise (I miss her singing already after rejecting a single), and wacci’s single… I tell you I’m not pleased. But then it’s understandable; not like their music video shows any prospect anyway…

Of course more is coming my way, like Aqua Timez’s new single (wow I haven’t clicked on the button yet) and SCANDAL’s album. I shall wait. After tomorrow. I have plenty of time, really.

I guess that’s all then. I need to do some notes-compiling for my exams (yes note the plural word) tomorrow, so if you would excuse me. And also  stay tuned from next week as I see if I can conjure out at least two chapters of APoL by the end of the year. Wow, big words huh… Until next time!
[P.S.: Yes; Only one; Is Enough. Is that how you use semicolons? LOL]