Sunday 26 April 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #17

Hey guys, welcome back. Did I survive a day of exams? Somehow. With plenty of regret of my own mistakes. However it hasn’t ended, so I shall move on, though very cautiously.

Entertainment still covers my life, that is why I’m such a good mood now. So for now, let me enjoy a night of fun, yes? And revision, of course. That too.

ANIME (in chronological order, for a reminder)
Punch Line: Decided I will give this show because of its many funny antics, and I’m interested in the story. This episode some weird guy appears as introduced from being some occult group to end the world, but conversely another hero has appeared (besides Strange Juice) and he seems to have to see something from Korai House to gain a certain power to defeat the oncoming threat. Well well, many spoilers is there, yes? Also on the introduction is some sex jokes leading to find out Meika is actually a robot. Hmm. Now there’s a futuristic context into it, aside from that occult group. Now I’m filled with questions that I hope the show will eventually answer (unlike some other Anime original *wink*) and I will be satisfied with. For now, I’ll go along with the jokes and (sometimes) panties and I shall see how this goes.
Ansatsu 3-E: Another character in the class is put to the test for doubting Koro-sensei in his teachings, and risks himself to bring back the bait that is that tentacle kid who claims himself to be the teacher’s younger brother. Remembered that, yes? Overall very complete for an episode, and we shall see more. Not pool scenes, not this class anyway, apparently. *looks hard for any fanservice*

On another note… they’ve confirmed production on the sequel. We may not be far away from a a conclusion? I guess not. It may end up like a returning show like many others…
Plastic Memories: We’re at the latest episode for this week, and we’re dealing with another group of people, where the roles of guardian are reversed, ie. Giftia being guardian of a human, in this case a kid. It takes quite a lot to convince him (like a birthday party), but it was all worth it. I guess that is what I want: Diversity and ways to balance and accept them. (Oops what the hell I’m talking about, that’s APoL) (haha) (Audience: |||…) It turns out a sad ending, but a very memorable one. I mean, how can you hate that Giftia featured this episode. She even gave Isla the fanservice that kid (and us) will never experience. LOL

BLEACH: It’s finally back, and may stop again for Golden Week in Japan, I guess. Anyways, Aizen did not die, just disabled faster than you can order a cup of coffee, haha. Also, Yoruichi finds ways to get the group of heroes closer to the villain, and knowing that she came from Hueco Mundo should make one expect some guests from there, namely… Grimmjow. Oops, spoiler.
A Channel: *recalling… * Oh yeah, Nagi-chan was trying to get some new clothes but cannot afford one, so ends up choosing from the selection from the group of girls she is in. She ends up wearing shirts the wrong side, and putting on clothing that she cannot fit in, haha. Of course she is just going out with her brother, which begs the question of why her damn brother not even bother to buy her some new threads?? Hmm… and the sister acting all… lol

This Week on Klassic Note
Well, we’re at quite a lot of releases this week, but I’m still missing cinema staff’s new album. Haiz…

Anyways, back to this week. Kana-chan’s album was quite a big pill to swallow, but nonetheless I did. And quite a lot of it. I think I’ll end up giving four songs by today (I’m listening to the other two I haven’t gave yet), which is plenty after one has watched the making video of her album which practically features three of the four songs I have chosen for further review on first listen. Hmm… coincidence, Kana-chan, or just those are the best songs? Also, stumbled upon (really just stumbled upon) another single online and… it somehow ended on the list. THE ORAL CIGARETTES’ 2nd single apparently, is a love song, and I even took the B-side too. Feel free to take a listen to the new music video, (from here it’s advertising) (really) along with the many songs in KlassicNote@YouTube!



I guess that’s all then. I have some company for my exams, and I’m in it, so I guess I should spend more (less) time on it instead, huh. Cya guys soon then, and hopefully by next week… it’ll not be over. Heh? Yeah, not yet. Exam dates are such a b**ch, I know. Until next time… take care, as I probably will be sharing my plans for the long holiday season which my parents will NEVER be happy with. So long as I am everything doesn’t matter, yes? Stay happy, people.

[P.S.: Now for the “don’t put it in without the rubber” part (Audience: What will?) (Chillax, just a joke from Anime “Punch Line”; I’ll never-)

Two more weeks of chirakoshi to go though, and I felt I haven’t had enough. Of her pictures. And Tomacchan apparently will get another photobook. So… (YESH)]