Sunday 17 May 2015

The Dream Record #10

I didn't want to do this, but I remember it well enough to do it.

One scene is from I guess, influenced by some China drama last night. Not that I watched it, but a glimpse is enough for it to set the scene and environment of my dream, albeit no storyline. Well the storyline goes from special snipers that are hunting down nomads (I guess I am one of them). Someone was wanting food after being lost in the wild, a guy wants to chase him away but the lady beside him stops him.

"He is just here for food. Give him some."

As he is taking his food, another of the guys goes to see to one of the kids, who is sitting by a rock. The guy walks to him to give him some food and notices he does not react as agile. He lifts him up from a slightly lying down position and notices a part of a blue blob of seemingly ink on the rock. (Blue because I watched a gameplay of a game with ink) He lifts the boy out of the way to see the ink blob fully covering the rock. He then starts to touch the boy from the front to look for any holes and yes, he saw one. A big one.

"It's my turn already, huh."

The boy sighs in pain as he is brought to rest with a bunch of other people who have obvious holes on their bodies.


Another scene is simpler than the one above. Supposedly my dad is fixing a toilet bowl that has a hole... by the side. Like, a hole, enough to cover the left side of the bowl. I'm still peeing off it, hoping it doesn't go off the sides (like, literally) and then I left. As I'm outside the bathroom, I can hear my dad complaining things like "this thing smells all the time" and "how am I going to do this with this smell".

Sorry dad, it's just a dream.

I guess that's all. I may not have such dreams after tonight (because I'll likely be running a fitness regime in the morning), but we shall see. If my imagination goes far I rather I dream of APoL, so to further the progress of the story too, hehe. Cya guys soon.