Sunday 17 May 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #20

I must say I’m very impressed with what the shows have to offer from recent episodes. Looking forward to many happy endings already.

Don’t even ask what I’m doing now. I’m doing… something.

Punch Line: With supposedly Meika’s cliffhanger, the criminal seems to have been revealed, and some things have been explained, like the origins of some of the characters, what Yubafy-ing can do, and who is under that stupid hero attire, which is just a previous clone of the main guy. Hmm, not that I’m bothered about that supernatural phenomenon, but being able to go back in time also means there is a chance for reset. And that, is not an uncommon phenomenon in Anime. Remember Yojouhan? Yeah, but this probably is the last time, as we would probably see a conclusion to this end-of-the-world asteroid disaster. Hopefully. I think.
Assassination Class-owns-remote-island: Seriously, this is weird. Even the mascot is pissed. The last class is apparently enjoying a hell of time in their reward for getting tops in exams, and also are plotting their ultimate attack on their teacher. Talk about ungratefulness LOL. Anyways, I can even see that this is filler, so a conclusion is necessary to end this season, so we shall see how much Koro-sensei will get ripped from next episode onwards. Well, he should reveal more of himself before he is killed, yes?
Plastic Memories: From last episode, we can already guess Isla will be less reluctant to… Tsukasa’s “advances” on her, besides their date is actually a visit down memory lane. Man, this sure got the people around them (the guys in his office) (the neighbouring girls) excited (just look at romantic-tsundere Michiru) (I like) (LOL) (Audience: |||…), and less of the couple, they’re taking things in their own pace. Well, not so much. They don’t have much left, and nothing much is revealed about Giftias and Terminal Service as an occupation for a while, so either that is going to pile up all on Isla as a conclusion, or they better not go lovey-dovey till the end. No really, this isn’t your romance comedy Anime.

BLEACH: Hmm things have taken a turn now that the bad dude has fully consumed the Soul King, so bad things are bound to happen. He looks scary though. Maybe the last saviour of this show is the fact that the ex-Soul King is released, and that he potentially can save the world. Not that anything else is foretold, so I don’t know where this will go. Hope it’s satisfactory, even if it means ending the world. Really. Hopefully not.
Evergreen: Well we know this is going to end soon, but I didn’t expect to be this soon, in chapter count. Anyways, a terrible event happens, and obviously one is worried about the other. So the guy goes to rescue the girl in an abandoned wooden house on the hills, and all is well. Too bad they cannot be lovers, but they have a special relationship, and that is enough. Man, if I had such a relationship with someone too… *sob* Really, this show displays many everyday-life phenomenon, like the one on the right.

Every time man, when my mom’s not at home.

This Week on Klassic Note

This pretty much sums up this week for me, as I try to give three singles and one album my opinion, and another album pending and another single still under review, hopefully by tonight. Or next week, maybe, so that I have something to write about. *looks at release list*

Chatmonchy’s album isn’t as much as I expected anymore ever since… yeah they weren’t a trio anymore, but then it isn’t bad. If I’m not wrong besides the topic song (which is real retro in my opinion, but still great) I gave one song from each side (the guys group, who played in the single last October, and the girls group, who played in the single just two months ago), so I know I’m unbiased. Ikimonogakari’s new single only consists of one new song, so I won’t comment much about it. They're still on their live tour anyway. Anyways, TrySail’s debut single (if you don’t know who they are Ten-chan’s in it) sounds great for a single, especially when it’ll probably be this good the first time round. So, I grabbed it while it’s still good. Like, along with the gift of a photo of the trio to commemorate the occasion. Yeah. xD Also I took some time to go to the Chinese music industry to hear some songs, and I think I got another indie group who sounds like cozy diary, I guess. Crispy’s 2nd single “Companion” (as in 脆乐团 and 玩伴) sounds eccentric in melody and totally emo in lyrics, and the B-side is also great. Man EP for a duo who… I think didn’t get to the end of the competition, seems to have a bunch of good songs. Not so sure about the rest of them, but this single will do.

I’ll probably give Sambomaster’s new album soon (if the album ever comes first; it’s supposed to be this week), and I’m still giving KANA-BOON’s new single some thought. I’m not impressed by their album, but this one… I may just give it a song or two. Stay tuned for answers to these questions next issue, yes?



I guess that’s it then. Man it’s a lot I’ve written. Which is good, it means I’m thinking. Thinking about something. Less of APoL, but more of the fact that I’m nowhere. I’ll be doing my own physical regime from tomorrow I guess (obviously for some reason, you know me), and the days will move on. If you need a word for what’s next for APoL, honestly saying I will try to do up v2s first before continuing on the story. I know. I’m getting excited too. But things need to be improved so I can be impressed with myself, and that takes time, not a deadline. Cya guys then, I think I’ve said enough. Until next time… take care. I’ll try to take care of myself too. Psychologically. *laughs*

[P.S.: Talking about mental health, it’s well maintained by this week’s “a-seiyuu-a-day” week! Yesh!

If you ask which one is my favourite… I’ll tell you which one it is when I have a girlfriend. Or when it is one of them. Haha.]

[P.P.S.: The names of the images of the voice actresses above, in order: Tomatsu Haruka –> Yuuki Aoi –> Kayano Ai –> Hanazawa Kana –> Toyosaki Aki –> Kotobuki Minako –> Taketatsu Ayana. If you need nicknames start following them now and you’ll know all of them in a month.]