Sunday 23 August 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #34

Yeah, it's been a week. I'm starting to feel the strain. Hopefully you aren't. If you do, I cannot do anything for you anyway. Besides offering some laughs from the things I enjoy. Okay, not the YouTube stuff. lol

Sore ga Seiyuu!: This episode's guest voice actor is quickly introduced as the show gives us more insight to the types of dubbing voice actors do besides Anime. Koyama Rikiya may not be famous to me, but him doing a good job as the boss in Servant x Service really left an impression for me, so I know he's one of them to be featured as himself in this show. Movie dubbing takes care of listening and speaking over it at the same time (poor Futaba has to watch the scary parts umpteen times to get over it), audiobooks makes people serious even if it is not a serious book (and now I know Nagaku Yuki can speak voices other than her Ichigohime image), and game voice acting can be seriously boring (poor Ichigo doing voices for like, a dozen BLEACH games) (Rin-chan... she's fine.) and repetitive. Overall a serious episode that should've been on every episode for this show, but clearly it's not, which is good in its own way. Next episode sees them on stage, which means more new songs? We shall see.
Ranpo Kitan: Hey so this show airs between these two shows, and this latest episode we get a conclusion to a simple Twenty Faces crime, but we know now that Akechi is doing all this to stop this "formula" from fruition. Problem is in the show the idea is loosely explained, and it's already an after-incident, with the original creator already dead. This episode probably also springs a lot of theory to understand the sciences, that math is the fundamental tool to all sciences even if they are impractical, well at least in theory. Nice show. Got boobs, got chicks, little kids are fine, and weird stuff all over the place. This show can watch. Just... not that often, haha.
WORKING!!!: Well we continue with more stories from when Yamada finally decided to reunite with her family, like, just her mother but not her real brother, whilst clinging on to Souma as being her brother. I can see that though, Souma really is better as a brother in some way or another. That too, is also pushing slowly (but surely) Takanashi's feelings against Inami-chan, which is no surprise we will get an ending to them sooner or later. Talking about ending, we may be closer than we thinking, as more dangerous and weird situations are going to surface. I really wonder what ending is ahead of us for this show. Hmm...

BLEACH: What a chapter. Mayuri is freaking me out, yet he is also fascinating at the same time, as a fellow researcher in Soul Society. I (I mean in the story) may not have limbs like this or a modified Bankai, but I have many things up my sleeve too, and that's what makes it flexible as a fighter. If one part fails, try another. If your Bankai gets stolen, use Kido because thats its own weakness. *wink* Anyways Mayuri is likely taking this down (because even if that doesn't die it will be reborn, you see), but Nemu is staring at him in a corner. Is she going to do anything? I don't think so. We know she's dead once she betrays the creator.

MythBusters: Another fan-based episode again it seems, and without doubt the most number of myths contested this time round ever since they cut down their cast for this. Most of them only require one scene of filming to get it done at least, and tests weren't super definitive (it's more like testing the ideas that they are mostly right, anyway), just very straightforward. Golf may not be the best choice for games they aren't good at and they aren't at in real life, but then we all know not all games or even all games do not have specific instructions to teach the skill in particular. And besides, I can ask the game. That's still a problem in video games till date. Maybe if that ever happens we may see this myth plausible? Haha we can but hope. Funny watching Adam and Jamie play golf though, very like those Germans in Allo Allo, really. Whether I'll do it myself? Nah *laughs*

This Week on Klassic Note
Quite a lot this week on Klassic Note, and we maybe leading a rush of new songs before the next part of the year comes in, which is... not much for now, but hopefully will pick up by next month. Who knows. Anyways, I shall mention again about TrySail's 2nd single which is pretty damn good considering the fact that my first impressions of the topic song isn't that great and actually the whole single is written by the same guy. So... yeah. Probably review tomorrow, or whenever the package comes which does not conflict with my morning lectures. amazarashi's new single review comes in due to my watching of the third show I picked up this season "Ranpo Kitan", and being the opening song this song is great. The B-sides aren't that impressive as one of them is shorter than 2 minutes which is against my rules for giving songs (not that it's great anyway), and the other does not leave much of an impression anyway. miwa's new single may include familiar tunes already, but the topic song... You guys watched it already? Man, the music video though...
Anyways, there's also new songs to expect next week and beyond. Sayuri's debut single which is the ending song from the new show I was catching up doesn't sound too bad. I may give another single featuring a female singer yet again. Yeah, even with a whole shelf of female singers this year, I know. Also, I caught on just the right time on Tomacchan's radio show to hear her new song, and I must say I like it, unlike Mina-chan's new song, so I'll see how it goes until then. It's one month later anyway. SPECIAL OTHERS have confirmed their album release in October, and VELTPUNCH has another (digital, though) single next month too. This year's going to be great. Not fantastic though, but great. (Man, what am I talking...)

Yeah that's it as always. Here is where I do a conclusion and tell you guys to come here again sometime as you please as I continue to somewhat privately share about my life, without any form of comment. Cya.
[P.S.: I know. I'm excited for the pictures too. If you wondered if Tomacchan has stripped...

Bad news is that it's a "no." Good news is it's happening next week probably. Yesh.]