Sunday 24 April 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #17

Well, looks like I haven't been studying. And yes, I haven't. I mean, with this much stuff to read and watch who in the right mind would be studying for the exams which are happening next week?



Assassination Classroom S2: And so the final season begins. Wait, the final season is now??
Anyways, the story. Okay, now many things make sense. It stems from Kayano who now is saved by Koro-sensei (what a surprise) with help from Nagisa (seriously the worst kiss scene ever), and yes, finally this octopus talks about his history. Well, apparently a surprise to me if not to you, he was a human before. Yes, he wasn't some alien. Which explains first, the reasons why there are solutions to kill the octopus, because he was "created" somewhere before, apparently cruelly through experiments as usual like any other Anime lol. Anyway, the turning point here is then who's the woman he's been with, and yes, as Kayano (I rather refer as her instead) mentioned it was the sister, who is married to the head scientist of this cruelty and who is also a teacher in that school with that evil principal Asano Gakushu. Less of that first, this latest episode focuses on the experiments did on the assassin-to-be, who got ripped by The Reaper, who took his name after getting his teacher arrested (nice plot there man), and landed in this situation. Which also explains how he (Koro-sensei of today) was supposed to be an infamous assassin whose name has been taken, and why there seems to be a misunderstood love scene at the start of this Anime series. Or maybe it's just me. Well for now, we know heck a lot of answers already so that's good news. And moving on, we'll know how someone actually with antimatter built in his body (or not), managed to destroy 70% of the moon. Man, I'm hyped.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Is that Gengar? So wait, there's Pokemon in this show? Man this is a good show.
Well it's reached the time I have to give this show or not, huh. Okay, this episode is a good one to talk about that then. This episode introduced the bad guys (duh) Port Mafia, which is evil as an organisation to do stuff around, and they have reason to attack the Agency. They also know of the weretiger, and are here to claim him for a bounty. Good thing Atsushi's on the good side (maybe not because of the money, but hey, it's not going to be his if he claims it anyway), and Dazai's here to stop everything. See? The ultimate trump card. Who apparently is tied to the good side now he has seen evil. Or power. Or supremacy. Whatever. Funny reviews online other places dislike the comedy on the start of the episode, but then it ties in well with the show to reveal the last part too. But I do agree to an extent that it's kind of irritating, that Tanezaki's sister Naomi, who apparently is drop dead if you still want to see her back filled with blood. (Don't worry, if you haven't seen Kara no Kyoukai you haven't seen worse haha) Nonetheless, I think this show can be a watch, but I would restrain myself from being pissed off if I don't like future "special powers" (as I shall call them now) from this episode on. I mean, there's Gengar, man.

Yes, sure I'll continue to watch this show. Even if it has only one cour this season and the other on two seasons later. No really, I don't blame production. Till now it has been a nice watch. If the author himself talks about not spoiling the show then this is how it can be done. (Professional reviewers don't scold me; I'm just a rookie like Atsushi~)
P.S. Now I want my sister to be Naomi-chan. Or maybe not. That'll make me a real sicko lol. Good job, Omigawa Chiaki-san. Your voice is one of a kind. *thinking back to Seitokai Yakuindomo*

Kuroshitsuji: Hmm the ending is real intriguing, if I were to say. And yes, Ciel made it sound like he has to take care of it instead of the local enforcement authorities, but then why not? They may have found a way to get into this fiasco, whilst we get to see a glimpse of the mastermind behind all this. I mean, blood transfusion is a thing, but if it is a thing of progress at the expense of neglecting risks, then maybe not so much, huh. This is going well, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
P.S. FYI Bravat, if you haven't noticed, is that fortune teller who apparently is also an instructor?
BLEACH: Yes, kid Hitsugaya was better lol
Anyways, the story. So with his Bankai apparently he assumed himself (I guess, until now) that his power will wilt off the moment his "petals" go off but apparently not. Well, if it comes from the many extended training session did he notice he'd grown a dick (lol) then I guess so. Still, his powers are increased, and the power of ice is nothing compared to Rukia's Bankai, seriously. I mean, you freeze a giant within four seconds, and Rukia can't even do that. Not to say she cannot even move by then and has to "thaw off" after using it. Well, that comes from the strongest ice zanpakuto in the universe, and with the help of Zaraki (who is not dead yet) and Byakuya flashing his Senkei at the right time... man, this is awesome. I don't care what happens, but man am I glad to see new skills.
Bungou Stray Dogs: I must say the Anime stays quite faithfully to the original work... sort of. Certain things are extrapolated frontwards so facilitate understanding (like how the first joke from Dazai to Kunikida isn't stated as one), and certain are actually missing and the adaptation made up for it, with most of them just to make up time for those lengthy dialogues. Nonetheless, I would say it's good, in terms of adopting the original work, to following the story well. And after reading the first volume (which apparently only has four chapters which made up three episodes already) I think I'm pleased. That I watched the Bones animation before reading the Manga. I mean, it's better. So yeah, I'll be only continuing this probably after this season ends.
P.S. The typical coils of words in displaying of power is so typical, it reminds me of a lot of actions shows lol (And what's worse it's only in the Anime xD)

This Week on Klassic Note
This week brings a lot of releases, and I'm not joking. I just forgot lol. There's sphere's new single which I only gave the topic song, there's also the final giving of Mrs. GREEN APPLE's major debut album. I tried to listen to Gotch's recommendations on Twitter only to find out that he likes synthetic pop instrumentals and bands like OGRE YOU ASSHOLE, who you should know is releasing song I'm not listening already. Well, I mean, not in the last year too. Over the weekend I also took a listen to yanaginagi's new album, and maybe I don't have the mood to listen to it, but I can't seem to give any songs because they don't pass the bridge part of the song which has always been a challenge in Klassic Note. Oh well, there's another week to ponder about it, I guess. I mean, I have no mood to listen to new songs for a legitimate reason haha

Future releases (not including next week) are Miyawaki Shion's new mini-album which features the two ending theme songs for Anime Assassination Classroom and may likely have a chance to get on my shelf because I just got to listen to all of them, a month before official release lol. Luck Life (yeah, the band's name) don't seem to bad for their major debut single, and TrySail's new single and album are next month. Well, that may sound a lot, but thinking that I would reject a whole lot of them doesn't bode good for Klassic Note's future. Well, I'll be watching various artists for recommendations though, and I should have time to visit the usual sites for new songs soon... *sob*

... I want exams to be over. Good news is by next issue which if you will come back (you will, right?) I'll be liberated, and probably busy fixing blog posts from past years to rush for the closure of Picasa Web Albums next month. Bad news is, I'm still far from that, and dawning is the fate of my grades, so I better do something about that. Cya guys then, and until next time... the water flow physics in Cities Skylines is amazing...

[P.S.: Ayachi and her water gun was enough for the week. Please, make me both of us wet lol (???)

Next week is a scheduled Yuuki "always-young-and-cute" Aoi-chan, to motivate me further, yes?]
[P.P.S.: Somebody, please show me a scanned archive of Rumi-chan's photobook...
(Audience: Man, you are such a fanboy...) (On the contrary, I'm searching for pieces of art. *silence* Okay, maybe not haha)]