Monday 19 September 2016

The Dream Fragment #18

Remember somewhere in this blog I wanna talk about that date in Aki-chan I wrote somewhere on Facebook for my own reading? I'm still not going to reveal that. However, I'm going to talk about... probably the best dream I've had in months. Yes, I got to be in a private session with my beloved idol. (And yes, it involves others but then we can't really be alone lol)

Instead of writing a story (which explains why this isn't a full story), I'll talk about what I have done in the dreams and what I didn't.

(In no particular order; piece it up yourself haha)

What I've done:
~ Asked for an autograph. I forgot where I got a square card, but probably from her latest album haha, but she said she won't just sign only she wants to leave me a message. I said anything would do she she wrote (awkwardly in Chinese) like, well the usual. Supporting her and stuff, thanks and love and stuff. No drawing though. But oh well, signatures are enough
~ Has a great time with her. I've a feeling I'm in a... what you call that, a shabu shabu house? Because all I remember are food, mostly uncooked. I was missing a bowl to eat in and she asked the waiter for me. For me. Yes.

What I've not done:
~ Asked for a hug. It maybe ridiculous, and why not in a dream, but then I did intend to ask for one before all this, but I didn't. And I woke up remembering that. My heart is broken now lol
~ Count my chances. We in a nutshell I was lucky. You know how you have to be picked randomly for prizes related to anything of an idol? This one, enough for me to buy the lottery and win it haha. Somehow it's also done in the same place I was eating. Weird.
~ Sit closer to her. You know, we want to do that when we're desperate. Unfortunately there was kind of a glitch, I say, a logical paradox in the first place. Firstly, I was sitting on those comfy restaurant seats where you sit across each other. Secondly, at some point I had a scene where I was able to sit on a seat perpendicular (to my right) to where she was sitting. Her hand was on the seat for goodness sake.

There you go. I should've just written the whole dream, but I forgot most (as usual) and I promised myself (also probably Aki-chan) that I'll go to school today because of her. How I'm falling in love with this (soon to be) 30-year-old I don't know. I do know this is what we call fandom, and I hope this is just the beginning. Man, dreams are great.

P.S. If you need a hint on how this can work in your dreams, think of someone else the night before (I was thinking of Mina-chan if I'm not wrong), and sing a lot of songs to yourself. Wait, this sounds like me every night before I sleep haha

P.P.S. In view of this I may just post whatever I was taking about tonight, if I'm free. Well I will be, so you're in luck, me. *laughs*