Sunday 19 June 2016

The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #25

Another week, another *achoo*

Sorry. As you can hear...

Assassination Classroom S2: Okay, I shall separate this latest epic fight episode into three main categories:
(1) The Action. Of course it must mean something when I say this, and this show provides (kudos to the author) a whole lot of them. You get the usual one-sided victory, the hostage (students), and cliffhanger and whatever it takes to bring up the emotions (in this case, hate, because Kayano stepped in to "die" for Koro-sensei), and a game changer. I didn't expect emotion to take the bigger part of this ending, but then not like I understand antimatter anyways lol. Also, the tentacles thing, and an official usage of that knife. Nonetheless, a crazy effort to make a typical action show fight scene less than typical.
(2) The Backstory: The story between the real and fake Reaper has continued, and this time a lot more emotions is backed into it, but seeing it being possible restructuring of the Manga story itself I guess content is lacking at this point already. This one, I guess it's fine. Ended up with a consensus between the two tentacles (I kept thinking of testicles lolol) of respect and empathy, I guess it's good enough for this show.
(3) The Miracle: Yes, the one that "died". But of course as we have learnt in many episodes of this show Koro-sensei has prepared for this eventuality, and, provided as he mentioned, he stays alive and is around them to do it. Man, this one, I call the biological miracle. But the miracle(s) do not stop there, very unlikely. Next episode beings us the bigger problem of Koro-sensei having 1% chance of dying and/or exploding the Earth and that freaking laser aiming above his head... I guess the class may have a solution. I mean, unless the author decides to bring the students in just for the sole purpose of making Yanagisawa talk cr*p about them to Koro-sensei, then this might be a bad choice. Wait, maybe it's not. Or is it? We shall know next week.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Wow. 2x wow in this episode, and I like.
Let's talk about Akutagawa and Higuchi as partners in work. Lol I see many thinking of this as love or something, but I guess not. The boss of Port Mafia is ultimately unknown, but I see the kid is brought up well to think of getting rid of Akutagawa in some way lol, but then again this first half of the episode shows a lot about formalities within the organisation (The Black Lizard in this case), and some gratefulness from that evil, heartless man who has been knocked down. Really, such emotions within antagonists is rare within this show, especially BLEACH haha. Second half brings us to solve another mystery through a very different method, lead by Miyazawa Kenji, that country bumpkin who thinks that the best way to solve a mystery is to inquire until the truth is found, accepting all forms of surface truths ie. even if they are lying. And that isn't wrong, but then the downside is clearly shown that the culprits will want to hunt him down and beat him up, but that's where his ability comes into hand. Good thing he is on an empty stomach otherwise I doubt Atsushi will even spawn his ability to fight the gangsters.
P.S. Meanwhile Dazai sure is enjoying his "days off". I mean, sort of. *laughs*

BLEACH: Then what's the point now???
Okay, the story. Not much, but now we see Ichigo's Bankai (and think of Kubo thinking "hey maybe I should just draw a white border outside his black blade for effect" lol) and it being removed piece by piece by The Almighty, and as he mentioned, he can go to the future to transform it. Sounds a lot like Sims 3 for me (sorry I'm a Anime noob, but then you can't really change present in that game lol), but then it sounds a lot more like bullsh*t now. So Kubo? You intend to end this story with the Quincies winning then? Man, I don't know now...

This Week on Klassic Note
Tomacchan's best album didn't come early, and I'm still in pending for giving her songs, but I'm for now giving one of the two new songs (as in "new" new) (from starlight) so that's a good start. I may not get to the point to buying her albums, but I'll see how far it can go. I never wondered how Tsuji Shion can get on this list considering how little she is releasing new songs, but because of this video she posted this week I was determined to re-review her 3rd single seven years ago. Yeah, that long ago. And yes, getting the single (to be reviewed this month hopefully) is real tough. New ones cost a lot, and cheap ones are questionable, just like real life lol

Another on the list shall be ORESKABAND, because I feel bad for not giving them ever since last year with their mini-album and this year I shall give one of the two songs in their latest single, and this jazz is real good IMHO. Really miss that jazz-rock combination that is this girls band. Want more, but I see their music style changed a lot in recent years.

Next week brings miwa's new single which I have not been prepared to give yet (the music video is signalling an acoustic tune), and Ayachi's new single which I'm even less prepared to give. We shall see about those two soon, actually. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for UNLIMITS and VELTPUNCH amongst many who are going to release albums next month to give some music video for their topic songs so it can kick start the second half of the year; I guess I'll have to be patient about it, and so should you, I guess?

This is it then. Too much tea in my stomach and a runny nose is making me want to stop doing this now and go to bed early. I can say APoL is officially in progress now I'm going to hold on to that Android Studio course for now, and Chapter 16 is in its final planning. All I need is to type, and now my nose acts up. *sigh* Hate the weather, and myself in particular lately. No, the exercising part. *sigh* Until next time... go do some exercise, guys. Even if you have a dirty floor or a park full of elderly people.

[P.S.: It's the Ayachi selfie week it seems, one from long ago and one just this weekend. Thanks Ayachi, I've been waiting for the other one from the start of this week. I knew you would do it xD

Next week is Aki-chan, it seems. Man, it'll be more once I get those Internet-auctioned photos moving to my house. Sorry girls, for not pre-ordering your early singles even if I gave the thumbs up. This is some form of compensation, I guess.]
[P.P.S.: Well at least I bought the singles first. Then again, I'm feeling bad about it now. *sigh*]