Sunday 22 February 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #8

Hey everyone, and welcome back. I doubt anyone is, but I am. And that’s good enough for me.

Recently things have been great. At least the holiday. And it gets better, I guess. Well not like you need to know, I’m afraid. (Wow I’m so kind nowadays)

KimiUso: Nice performance, and Kousei almost got killed for playing with someone else’s sister (haha pun not intended), but on the other hand, we may see a final performance, seeing that there are only a couple more episodes before the ending (the Twitter account says four more) we may see a revival performance from Kaori-chan before she… haiz why did I even bother to even know the spoilers…
Class of Assassination & Discrimination: Well this episode the principal of the school has an opinion about the class, so he made it so that Class 3-E will ALWAYS stay as that class, no matter what it takes. Funny Koro-sensei doesn’t cheat by finding out what really happened before the exams with his abilities, but that also shows that much passion as his promise of being a teacher, especially integrity being the considering factor. Oh well, not like we’ll see their end of year exams anyway, because probably they’ll all get killed. Or will they?
Koufuku Graffiti: I’m liking this show more and more, despite the reviews asking for a little more of the cooking instead of the story-telling. (that kind of show is next season anyway, probably to not clash with this show, yes?) This week it’s Kirin’s turn to cook a dish for Ryou, under the supervision of Tsuyuko-san, the maid who looks like Shiina-san and is voiced by the same girl woman lady who is in Seitokai Yakuindomo (that teacher who loves young boys) and appeared in both Servant x Service live events making a joke of herself. (using “lady” is already being kind) Despite her own image, she holds this role pretty well considering her sense of comedy in other shows. The maid who is also a great cook (with chefs under her hood) teaches Ryou how to enjoy the happiness of being served food.

Really, this show is earning a thumbs up from me already; Somehow the show in a long time that I would watch immediately I got to watch it.

Yes. That says a lot about the other two shows.


BLEACH: Interesting development down there, as Ukitake finally explains his lung problems as a possession of a god within, and is sending it out (possible sacrificing himself) as the right hand man to save the Soul King I suppose? On the other hand, Kyoraku senses Aizen within the darkness enveloping the world, and somehow this is going to make things happen.

“Even if he’s only going to play a minor role in this final arc – which is what I’d prefer – seeing him return is only a positive in my opinion. Unless this was all according to his plan all along…” Samu, Random Curiosity

I really am wondering that already.
Kuroshitsuji: The tank has been taken care of by the best butler in the house, and some Grim Reapers have come to clean up the mess caused by the formidable duo. Yes, you’re going to hear this. The Reapers are German. I don’t know how they are going to translate this even further, but I suppose we have seen an extension of the Grim Reaper franchise. We shall see, we shall see…

This Week on Klassic Note
Well there have been a couple of things happen, despite the holiday season here. It’s not, in Japan at the least. By the middle of the week, I’ve given another song from sphere’s best album, which makes it eligible for purchase, and have already done it along with 7!! and moumoon’s singles. Goose house has been in a live on YouTube recently (now then I know there’s such a thing called YouTube Space) also to celebrate their 1 million subscribers record and promote their two albums next week, have given a listen to another new song. Wow giving a couple of new songs a listen, I guess I may have to give more than usual. Yeah.

(Answer: The song mentioned above is “Sing”, means I’ll possibly give “Sing 2015” in their new album “Bitter”.)
I’ve also given another song from FLOWER FLOWER because I miss YUI’s voice, and sphere’s new single, which surprisingly isn’t out yet so I cannot make sure whether I can give the single or not. Anyways, I’ll be patient and wait, as the following weeks will be interesting for more releases are due next month. Hell yeah, finally it’s kicking off. On the other hand, Kana-chan’s movie trailer shows premise, and I think I can give the new single. But I shall see about it. So much Kana-chan, I may have to buy the release after the movie airs to enjoy it fully…



I guess that’s all then, for this week. I’m running out of things to say, because I’m getting lazy. Things are appearing to push me on (mostly negative with respect to my mood now), but then I have gotten things done, despite being slow. APoL Chapter 14 is already out, if you came earlier before this post, and I’m already doing up on Chapter 15. With recent movie and show views over the holidays I guess I may have to stop killing people. *laughs* Oh well, cya guys then. Meanwhile I’ll think about that and until then… take care. Like me I have to take care of my physique. Yeah. Physical Fitness Tests. *sigh*

[P.S.: Yeah a lot of new homescreen images!

I guess it’s the holidays, so… I’m afraid I’ll run out of things for next week. Mikakoshi’s photobook doesn’t come until two weeks later, isn’t it?]

[P.P.S.: It’s pathetic. Only three people delivered their birthday greetings to me on my day online. I cannot blame them, they are celebrating the bigger event that is Chinese New Year. *sob*]

Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Release: APoL Chapter 13v2 & 14

I’ve decided to do something. Yes. The moment that (only I’m) you’ve been waiting for.

APoL Chapter 13 v2
APoL Chapter 14

Here is the conclusion to Sora’s tragic suicide attempt. Oops. Trying very hard not to give spoilers.
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone. Hope you (may) enjoy your read. And Happy Birthday to me, too. Got a new cover for my Nexus 5, and it’s… *cut off to avoid prolonged chatting*

Monday 16 February 2015

The Dream Fragment #6

From taking the weirdest alternate floor lift with my mother to seeing people fill in a form and reading off my credit card number (which I will not say it here), I do really have vivid dreams when I sleep recently, huh.

Weird. I can understand that I recently used my card, but the lift thing? Arch my head hurts...

Sunday 15 February 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #7

Hey guys, and welcome back. And if you’re not bored yet, I am. Haha, just joking. Anyways there isn’t much progress here in my life, but that doesn’t mean we don’t watch shows and listen to new songs. Okay, maybe not listen to songs too for me. *sigh*

KimiUso: Wow. Interesting turn of development aside, we see another performance (possibly the last this season) between Kousei and his newfound student. Being the teacher, despite his nervousness, brings his student along for the final act. Which is seen live by Kaori-chan? On her hospital ward? Eh… I may not see any form of jealousness here, but something tells me things are going to go haywire once their performance is over. And it may not be anything but. I don’t know. I don’t read spoilers.
3-E Class: Not much of assassination is happening on the class, but more focus on discrimination of the class by the rest of the school as they come for their monthly assembly in the hall. Seeing that they are also enjoying their part of the world thanks to potential assassins and probably the best teacher on eight legs, it poses some thought on the higher end students, and also, the principal. I wonder if Aizen will step in to change this… (lol of course not, just the same guy behind the voice)
Koufuku Graffiti: There’s still food porn, but there’s also fanservice. Self-mistaken to see a hot spring scene, the couple ended up on the bathtub, doing some real slice of life thought (like they won’t go in together again) and action (the process of Ryou getting the ice cream). Unfortunately they still remember the audience, so too bad, this is as much as we would get. Must… get…Blu-Ray… version…
Yeah she’s referring to you, you pervs. And that includes me. *OMG*

BLEACH: Now everyone knows (even Yuzu and Karin in the real world) that the worlds are about to collapse.

Amari Mawari: Really you should lock your door AS SOON AS you enter your house. You wouldn't want a little girl to come to your house and be mistaken as a paedophile by her guardian. I'm just saying.

MythBusters: Last episode for the season, the guys test on myths about the difficulty of drifting in real life. Well, with a professional things would be easy, but seeing that the pro also follows certain styles of execution, speeding using drifting definitely is not the way to go in real life. Really, even I don’t drift in racing games.
Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry: Yeah, been reminiscing about cartoon recently, and found an updated version over the Net, and more recently the Tom & Jerry ones, and as I see one of them commenting over YouTube, it seems that “people who watch old cartoon grow up to be gentlemen”, and the youth now… I don’t want to talk about it. *laughs*

This Week on Klassic Note
I know. I do not have the mood to listen to new songs nowadays.

But they’ve been showing promise. sphere’s best album is just two songs away from the order which I will be able to give over the next few days at least. Seven oops (7!!) new single crediting to the KimiUso ending is actually pretty awesome, and will be the first 5-star song for the year. If I give the B-side this may also be on my shelf too. I may also give another song from FLOWER FLOWER’s new list of songs from a movie, and I’ve given up giving songs from Sora no Method’s character song album half written by fhana’s composers. But I still see promise in giving to next week songs on release, with Coalamode’s first major single under KimiUso’s opening song. Probably if I can give the B-side… I shall see about it. Honestly, I desire some VELTPUNCH. Or QUATTRO. Or Ajikan (in a month’s time). Or nano.RIPE (two month’s time). Something. *sigh*

I guess that’s it. I’m still stuck in doing up “someone’s last will and testament” so I can push two more chapters of APoL, so don’t expect much for now already. As the festive season is happen on this side of the world, and me not getting a Valentine’s, I guess I shall sit back and relax for now, and also keep my guard for a phone call every day on 10am. (Haiz, haha) Anyways, enjoy yourselves people (totally motivated by the bath scene), and I shall see you guys back here again. On the fourth day of Chinese New Year.

Great. Back to work. *sigh* *lands on new double-layer mattress*

[P.S.: Plenty of Kayanon this week as I intend to clear the job of changing wallpapers on my phone everyday… Sadly the streak is not ending anytime soon. The last picture tells you I’ve got more.


The Dream Record #6

I ended my dream because I don't want to forget the rest of it. Let's begin.

I don't remember exactly what the quotes are, but I'm in an exceptionally inspirational action game. Think Journey, and you'll get what I mean. However this one is more first person mode, I guess.

I start out in a shade of pure white, more like in a large, white room. I was holding a tall candle stick, like those you see in... I don't know. I walk carefully along the soft ground (not like cotton soft, but more carpet soft) and see a dimly lit room, supposedly from the natural light illuminating from the only light source on the other end of the room.

(OK there was a first scene I somehow forgot because I suck in memory, and I cannot draw. So let's move on first lest I forget more.)

With a candle stick magically lit in a dim shade of white. I move hastily ahead of me along a long corridor, seeing along the way similar candle sticks, leading up on a slope to and end with a small window of soft, bright sunlight. As I light up the candle sticks, there is also seemingly game narration that I don't think I can recall. Just think artistic and sophisticated speeches, OK? Moving on.

And as I walk on, somehow with the lighting of candle sticks it attracted a while bunch more of them coming from the previous room chasing after me. As the narration suggested me to move on to "send the light over", I quickly lit the last of the candle sticks and sent mine over the tall fence by throwing it. The candle sticks then faded away (yes faded, not went away) into the background as I figure out what to do next. There is a gate next to me, suggesting going down might be the next way. The narration also suggested for me to "go down to the bottom of the beds". I touched the ledge below me as I enter the gate. Its hard, but as I pressed on it it went soft. Seeing that it is clearly similar to cornstarch, also the layers below, I hesitate to proceed down.

"Go on, go ahead and reach down to the beds."

The narration hinted me to move on. I took a step out, holding my the fence. The floor is pretty hard, despite it behaving this way. As I slowly sink in, I took another step in another piece, leaving my hand off the fence.

As I sink down (there is a gap between the large pieces of material) I see deep rows of beds and material (the cornstarch like stuff) (still all in white) out into the bottom. I stick my hand into the material, hoping to use it as a way to break my fall. On the bottom was a stack of neatly folded beds. As soon as I landed on it, everything came crushing in. I struggled to move around, but to no avail. I see as the beds start crushing down around me...

I guess that's it, really. And this is only about 40% of the contents, and before this another dream like this. If only I could try remembering more of it... I could release a new game. *laughs*

Anyways, that's all. And good morning.

Thursday 12 February 2015

After all, it's not about learning the life lesson. It's learning it the way you want.

Probably that means I'll take my driving test a decade and a half from now. Or not. We shall see.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Come on, I always get injured for the wrong people, whether it is physically or emotionally.

Well, maybe its just me. Or maybe, its everyone else. Ah, the latter doesn't count.

Monday 9 February 2015

The Dream Fragment #5

Well, this time round it happens to my phone. My cousin (and I know which one) happens to be looking at my phone, admiring the (if you do not know the brand then... I'm not repeating it here) phone itself. And suddenly he tore off the case that was holding it due to it looking worn off (cheap casing, you know) and made it so the back is gone. I told him to pay for it and he feigned ignorance. Adding on and telling him whoever did not pay for breaking people's stuff and it came to a pause. And I woke up.

I know. I did spoil people's things when I was young. And never bothered to compensate them. I'm such a jerk.

I'm done. Cya guys for more dreams sometime.

Sunday 8 February 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #6

Hey… I’m tired. So let’s be quick about it. Today has been a hectic day. Yeah, probably one of the few days I’m out of the house on a weekend, too.

KimiUso: Trying not to refer to the manga (which I still did), we know a little more about that little girl who somewhat is pissed that a genius is teaching her piano. Besides that, we see an obvious turn in events where Kaori-chan will probably be meeting her end anytime soon. No spoilers involved, but it seems like (from people I know, on Facebook) that she will depart, eventually. Maybe not even leaving a message. Oh well. We shall continue watching then. I stay to the Anime until it ends first anyway.
Koro-sensei Classroom: Another episode featuring another assassin dispatched to teach in the class, but this time is use of charm on Koro-sensei which, somewhat works, but makes me wonder why she didn’t resort to using those weapons that work on him instead. Besides that, we see plenty of sick humour, and a significant change in Bitch-sensei in terms of blending into the surroundings as an assassin. More to come, I guess.
Koufuku Graffiti: Somehow I like this show now not because of the food-gasms and food orgy in the show, but more of the deepened meaning the show is trying to express actively. Not being able to go anywhere for fun, the three girls think of how to spend their summer holidays as prep students. Surprisingly they got invited by Shiina to her house which reminds me of Aria (from Seitokai Yakuindomo) who features a maid that sounds so like that sick teacher (also reminded from the same show), done with some imperfections to create a comedic effect. Probably the third time I watch a show talking about nagashi-soumen (including Nichijou and Kawaisou), but it’s still a joy especially watching the way they eat. Things don’t get bored in this show as we continue to soak in the happiness that is Koufuku Graffiti.

BLEACH: Can’t you all see the Quincy leader is the founder of APoL too? Just joking. On a serious note, thanks to Ichigo, Soul Society is about to crumble. Can it even be salvaged already? I don’t know. Kubo, don’t go too overboard~

MythBusters: I thought this was featuring Transformers, that movie, but I was wrong. Just two myths that feature the transformation of vehicles are put to the test. Nice though, really shows the ingenuity of the guys and creativity in their building skills, once again showing that these guys are the best designers for this show. Well, I mean, there’s only two of them left…

This Week on Klassic Note
This week I review fhana’s new album, which is rather expectedly narrow in opinion as I barely try to give another song besides the topic song, if you guys haven’t watched it yet. It’s not easy, and I don’t want to give three stars by the end of the year, so I decided not to do it anyway. Also, I have given a listen to a new album (of English songs) from Murder by Death, if you would remember from 2011 whilst playing The Sims 3. Their root style music is still running strong in the album, and I’ve taken a couple of songs with nice melodies and great meaning in the lyrics. In other news, I also took a couple of songs from moumoon after watching their FULL MOON LIVE this month. Great actually, rather distracted by Tomacchan’s birthday broadcast though. Koro-sensei plushie is featured in the video too (How can I get my hands on that and the rabbit one from Servant x Service??? Man…), and they sung all the new songs and a couple ones I’m interested in listening to. Thus I will give two songs, one fanservice song “Chu Chu” from her single in 2011 and another from her album in 2010. Maybe I’ll give more, as I have pledged to give them another chance next month, provided they still sing the new songs, of course.



I guess that’s all, huh. Cya guys next week then, I’m rather tired by that stupid… event I probably cannot mention or the Army will get me. Until next time, please take care, as two more week are till Chinese New Year (for those Chinese out there) and also, my birthday. I am still thinking how to get myself to write an entry on my day, because I probably can. *laughs* Also, don’t bother asking for APoL; If I’m unhappy with my work you guys will have to wait. But this will probably be done before the holidays, I hope. Bye!


Not “love” because they’re not mine, and they’re images only. Probably both in the same reason, huh. Kayanon still has a few more weeks. And then probably Mikakoshi will take over. We shall see. *giggles*]

Thursday 5 February 2015

The Three “Musketeers” Of Song Production

“All for one, one for all”. Apparently those are the big three heroes who complement each other. Doesn’t say much when I’m referring this to Klassic Note, but I’ll get to it in a moment.

As you see, song production comprises of three main participants, if you flip through the jackets of all the CDs you (ever) bought (I know I own a lot) you will notice that they are the lyricist, the composer, and the arrangement. Now you may say that they may be just three different people involved in the production of the song, but bear in mind like any other big event, release production is actually a very large scale project, as I’m only going to talk about the song itself.

The question here is: Why do I talk about them? Why do I need to show differences in their roles when they supposedly complement each other? In reality, it doesn’t. There is no need to question intentions, neither is there a need to investigate the truth (because truth hurts), but I can give you a good idea of it, just by listening to the songs produced.

[NOTE: Bear in mind I’m only referring to the Japanese music industry, sometimes specifically on Anime music companies.]

As a couple of artists have proven (recently from SCANDAL too), normally the song starts from its own words, which means it needs lyrics to sing to, and creates the general meaning of the song. This normally isn’t a big problem in Klassic Note because my proficiency of Japanese is… do I even have any proficiency? まあ良いか。Anyways, there are people who know how to write the words, and some who don’t. As we all know, lyrics in songs behave like poems and recitals, normally rhythmic in form. But then that is not always true. Pertaining to a certain topic, the lyrics may make a serious turn, causing the song to sound like as if it doesn’t have a topic. This is normally noticed with songs in Anime-centric songs, like their own theme songs or specific character songs, which just sound more entertaining in nature instead of pairing itself with the melody. Hey, the melody’s next!

This is probably where things start to kick in. Lyrics may not mean much and can be generic in meaning and mood, but this place is where it makes everything sound unique. Words can be repeated, but if melodies repeat very often it is noticeable, even on to the extent that a song this year can sound like one I’ve heard years ago. A good example of this fault is own long term mainstream artists, less obvious in Anime groups though, like sphere. Artists like Ikimonogakari and Aqua Timez do have the tendency to write songs with similar melodies yet very different lyrics, and call it as another song, normally taken to credit of a recent production, like a movie, for example.

This in turn may make song creativity come to a halt, as with respect to reviews in Klassic Note that means lesser songs in my list. Often this isn’t an issue, as I can always search for other artists or new ones like indie artists in order to satisfy my own music desires. It takes a lot to get an experienced group to form a new style or evolve in styles, but then if it happens I will be able to “give chance” to them as well.

This is also evident for giving new artists a chance to create a portfolio in Klassic Note so that I can have subsequent impressions of the artists in due time. A good example is nano.RIPE from last year which its latest single is on my shelf after three months of “giving chance” and within that time I reviewed their latest album. Not so latest anymore once their new album comes in on April this year, but oh well. Another example in progress is moumoon, in which I’ve just joined a recent live stream performance yesterday, their new single with credit to Anime “Assassination Classroom” is going to be my first pre-order on my shelf this year, and I’m already giving their previous songs a chance, from a single and a mini-album, which is still under review.

Despite the discrepancies, composition is not an easy task, so I always “give chance”, as much as I can, so I can open myself to new melodies and possibly forgive them for their shortcomings. I’m very picky when it comes to new melodies, you know. It has been seven years already, you see…

This? This is the person who decides on everything else of the song. In which case “everything else” means everything besides the words and melody in the song. Yes, which means this person supervises on what instruments to use for recording (if not a mainstream artist, and even so there is a degree of control), how it sounds like before it even gets to our ears (which means what you hear is given the thumbs up by this producer) and many more details like background vocals and additional styles where necessary. Normally done by a music producer in various music label companies, singer-songwriters or bands themselves can also independently supervise their own production, as seen in many examples including YUI, QUATTRO (YouTube video as evidence online), miwa and more. Some depend on producers like Ikimonogakari and SCANDAL (less of it last year as they start writing their own songs) and others who generally do not write songs and/or lyrics (like Anime artists) of course will not expect to be deciding how it sounds like anyway.

The downside is not doing it yourself, but for someone else to decide how it sounds like on a record, especially if it is your song. This will probably explain why it sounds so vastly different in many cases where the live performance of a band or artist sounds unlike their studio release. In Klassic Note, I generally only consider studio versions of the songs (unlike my dad who likes to listen to lives) so if they aren’t good, especially when they’re done long ago, like in the case of Kuso Iinkai before their major debut last year, I won’t give them. They did well in COUNTDOWN JAPAN over the end of last year, but I didn’t give another song this year.

Of course, with many of these people comes many exceptions where, in Klassic Note, I take no attention to when I listen to the songs. Really, sometimes just listening to a song may already make me know about the general style of production, which will make me remember them when I hear a new song related to the artist, whether the lyrics or melody or arrangement is done by a specific person. General exceptions include regular artists (Ikimonogakari, Aqua Timez, Rie fu and so on) as I tend to give more chances to them within a release, and what I refer to as idol artists (Toyosaki Aki, Kotobuki Minako, Tomatsu Haruka and many more) where they are devoid of all judgement here unless I really think it’s so out of the court to be in my list. Specifically Aki-chan has a record-breaking set of releases on myself, definitely is me being more lenient in judgement as now I normally give the pre-order just listening to 90-second previews in favour of the special gifts that come with the purchase. Like in 2013 I pre-ordered her single “CHEEKY” and that probably is one of the most controversial releases I have under her name, as I question many times after listening to the full songs why I made the decision so haphazardly in the first place.


In conclusion, the judgement in Klassic Note is pretty strict in itself as I’m stuck on only a few styles of music, and things like bridges in song format and inappropriately arranged songs deter me from giving more songs, even if they don’t sound that bad. That is why every year I try to list down from time to time a list of songs that “did not make the cut”, because although they do not deserve the thumbs up from me, they deserve a mention. Come to think of it, I never showed them to you guys, isn’t it? Hmm…

So that is pretty much it. It’s long, but hope that addresses the many bias for my opinion in song reviews and why I’m still stuck in my circle of artists, even till now. See you guys soon then, and until next time… Twitter. The best place for me to post anything related to Klassic Note when I want to. Yeah.

- Kaineng, on the Klassic Note: The Three “Musketeers”
(They still work together though, though so much not all for one…)

Sunday 1 February 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #5

Hey guys, I’m back. Hope you are. Even if you’re not… I’ll still be here, nonetheless.

KimiUso: Despite the many happenings of Tsubaki, like her breakup with that senpai, and her really going to miss Kousei if he ever leaves the place, I guess the cliffhanger of Kaori-chan on the ground unable to move is headline news, isn’t it? I can see the focus of the author in terms of character development than storyline, but yeah, now that we know what is potentially going to happen, let’s hope Kaori-chan gets to recover. I don’t want to watch a show with a disabled violinist. Or even a dead one.
Koufuku Graffiti: This one came late this week (like today kind of late), but then it’s not short of food-gasms and emotional memories. Rather a lack of Shiina and Kirin-chan, Ryou-chan takes a journey back memory lane on her grandmother. More deterred of the erotic food scenes, I’m actually pretty impressed of the focus of happiness in this show. Which will make such a difference in many other cooking shows out there.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: None this week, a replay of last week’s episode. Don’t know why.

MythBusters: Video Games Special this week, and two of the most obvious myths are in test. It’s possible to carry a whole arsenal of weapons whilst fighting a zombie group (not a hoard of them, not even humans), provided you have the physique and strength of a wrestler. Not possible of course to beat your own high score in Fruit Ninja because they probably could do better if they built robots. Grant Imahara, anyone?

BLEACH: Everyone’s gathered around despite people like Kenpachi seriously worried about Yachiru (even I’m worried of her as well this time round), and Ichigo managed to find the Soul King. And his son. Haha. Don’t ask me why. Just go read. Too many spoilers here already.

This Week on Klassic Note
This week on music is pretty damn good, as I see several reviews under my hood. Problem is I didn’t spend much time in reviewing and selecting more songs, so they’ll get more chances. Starting with miwa’s single is pretty damn good, not that I give B-side, but the new song will keep me entertained for the time being. Yeah, the maid outfit. Also on the list as I think I mentioned last week was Sakamoto Maaya’a new single, and despite the whole single sounding good, I only ended up giving the A-side anyways. I also gave chance to SECONDWALL’s 2nd mini-album (if you don’t remember them I took a demo song from them in 2012 when they are still in Audioleaf, which is in their first mini-album a year later), and took their topic song as a reminder to giving inspirational songs once every now and then. Despite the heavy rock style, of course. Last on the list is fumika’s long awaited 2nd album, and it sounds pretty good. So despite giving another song from a single from last year (which surprisingly I didn’t give due to the season mood back then) I intend to give a couple more. I shall see about that myself, I guess.


On other news… I’m in no mood for anything apparently. Not even APoL. I know. I’m really close to finishing those chapters already. Really. Just… haiz.

[P.S.: Yay the best segment of the week. As I mentioned to myself, some are in landscape (which I cannot fit on my phone) and too erotic for me to put them. Or else I’ll be ******* *** every time I see them. Just joking.

And yes, I don’t do that to any of them, especially Kayanon. Even if she has an outstanding chest. Really, no. More Kayanon next week.]

Saturday 31 January 2015

The Dream Fragment #4

Man, I dreamt of miwa. In my school.

Don't ask where it is because I don't really know myself (or probably it's using the university grounds I'm in now), but after one live session she is seen singing alone.

"Sometimes you have to deal with an empty audience, you know. It's part of a singer's journey."

A man walks out of the room and I sneak in. Only one guy appears to hear her sing a new song, and the session is to teach us how to analyse lyrics. Shortly after many come in because it's their lunch/dinner break.

Many things I don't remember happened, like miwa personally rubbing my eyes because I was sleepy. I know. Dreams are awesome, isn't it?

[P.S.: Probably also the reason why I may have to give Tsuji Shion a chance again. Her song was the theme song to this session...]

Monday 26 January 2015

More hentai and yuri, less drama. I wonder why I'm still watching Anime.

I'm just saying. Or probably it's just me seeing other sequels of shows I don't watch get announced. B**ches.

Sunday 25 January 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #4

Hey, another week has passed. *sigh* I know. But hey, the week in Entertainment hasn’t dampened, as we have more shows to watch than ever.

KimUso: Well we know that Kaori-chan is fine, but not so fine as she seemingly is keeping the truth from Tsubaki and the other guy (haha LOL), and on the other hand the show takes an emotional turn as the story questions once again Tsubaki’s relationship with Kousei as a “childhood friend”. Come on, if there is competition we may not even need to worry. Not that I read the manga, but I just think Kaori-chan is moving through Kousei mother’s footsteps? Hopefully not, it’s not Attack on Titans, you know…
Koufuku Graffiti: Aside form the food-gasm that is filling up the episode already, we continue the journey for yummy food, this time rice omelette, in various versions similar to a food TV program. Hopefully this is on the side of the Anime production instead of real storyline (is there a storyline anyway), but then another week with the three girls is pretty damn good. I guess this show, focusing on the happiness of the girls, is pretty positive on their side, and is definitely doing good for me. Not much for my appetite though; need to choose my time to watch the show from next episode…
Assassination Classroom: Another episode featuring assassinations, but starring one of the rowdiest and evilest students on suspension ever since the start of the episode. Having been released, he seeks revenge on “another teacher” but turns out to be futile. I mean, if you watch episode one you won’t think this guy will be a threat to the teacher anytime soon. Anyway, this show shows premise in terms of the storyline and conclusion, obviously with many other things to come (like Satomi-chan, Satomi-chan and Satomi-chan…) I think it’ll be a show to watch. Hopefully new theme songs won’t deter me away from watching this show. (Well not like Koufuku Graffiti did anyway)

BLEACH: Kubo, after being a month in hospital, is back with new chapters. Sorting out the situation now, Urahara has a plan to send everyone to the Soul Palace, and I suppose it may not be necessary as we see one of their own stopping their way. Ichibe vs Ichigo. Hmm…
Isshuukan Friends.: Yes, the last chapter is probably out soon. Sad. Not like we’ll get to see a romance ending anyway. We can still be friends Maccha-sensei. Won’t forget the great times you gave me since last year. Just… sad to see it (going to) go.

MythBusters: Well (almost) forgot to watch before writing this, but I guess now that I’m done… Anyways, the guys are testing from the show A-Team (not I heard of it before), but somehow that manhole cover explosion is pretty interesting, and goes along the mission of not injuring people in the process, even if they’re bad guys. Not bad, I must admit.

This Week on Klassic Note
Well nothing much this week, so I guess I’ll just take a couple of Anime soundtracks a listen (Sora no Method and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ie. KimiUso), and probably get a headstart from the songs next week. Listening to Sakamoto Maaya’s new single for Anime “Koufuku Graffiti” opening shocked me in two ways; the unexpected intro verses and (as usual) the end part. Oh well, I have to give chance, and I guess I should then. Not forgetting I did give chance to her song from Anime “Cardcaptor Sakura” years ago too. Also in the list is another piece from SPYAIR’s best album because I like them. Not so much of their style, but I guess I can give another song. Not another single though.

I’m being so moodless and heartless recently. I guess it’s the time of the year, huh. At least I know it’ll pan out the second half of the year. Until then… give chance?


I guess that’s all. Supposedly I need more rest (even though I have a lot already) and less life (in which I clearly don’t have). APoL is progressing quickly over the weekend, and hopefully I’ll get things done before… Ok I better not make promises then. Cya guys then, until next time… I’m looking forward to coming back here next week. Really.

[P.S.: The thing I’m probably still doing to make myself happy. Yeah. *laughs*

Some Kana-chan to celebrate her first live-action movie, and more Kayanon to come. I still have a lot in line, man…]

[P.P.S.: Though you may not get to see it, I posted twice of the same thing. Oops.

Wow, and it’s so much lesser. Clearly I’m not feeling well somewhere…

Sunday 18 January 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #3

Hey everyone… Been not well recently, but all is well in this segment of my life. So let's carry on, shall we?

KimiUso: Well Kousei does his solo, and to the end of the episode we finally have an answer to Kaori-chan, who is in the hospital. Well that may sound anticlimactic from the point we see the cliffhanger from last week, but hey, glad she’s fine and not like, betray him for any other reason. The mother’s friend is still feeling bad for some reason (and I think she should), and the elementary school champion is being such a snob. Haha, just saying.
Koufuku Graffiiti: Going to be called “Yuri Graffiti” soon for some reason by me, as we see plenty of body contact between the girls, more like, an old girl to the young one. Akira makes her appearance to join the girls in a picnic, coincidentally meeting with the third main girl in the show, Shiina. Funny she draws random people at her spare time and is actually quite a good friend of Ryou in school and we know so little of her up till now… Yeah you get what I mean. If I don’t mind the body contact, I guess… I can still watch this? Food-gasm is rather never-ending though, even for the working lady…
Assassination Classroom: Still talking about the fundamentals and generic viewpoint of the class in a prestigious school (I recognise the principal’s voice…), Koro-sensei plays around with his assassination hunters and reveals a little more about himself to the class. Not much yet though, but of course if I’m expecting an ending now I might as well go read the book. Anyways, nice comedy now and then, and less serious (just a little) than last episode, and definitely still worth watching. I mean, guns aren’t the only thing in this show, right? I wonder what’s next. RPGs?

I don’t know why, but no BLEACH for two weeks seems to make me miss it already. Great. Keep it going, I guess?

MythBusters had another nice episode again, this time starring the infamous adventurer Indiana Jones, or Indiana Savage in this case as Adam shows us how to make a whip and create a temple scene in miniature. Well, felt that content may be lacking, but I guess I should get used to it, huh. Just want more to feed my interest, and probably some interest for the study ahead of me. In university.

This Week on Klassic Note
As I mentioned, it has been a dull week, and yeah, it happens to Klassic Note too, apparently. Like, my mood greatly affects me finding new songs for the year anyway. Well, it’s been a rough start since the start of the year anyway, for I lack desire for new songs. I guess it’ll take some time. Even miwa’s single this week isn’t for my review. I don’t know why. I’m also missing bands like QUATTRO and VELTPUNCH already…


I guess this week has been short, or maybe not, whatever. Anyways, a long way ahead of us this year, and I should probably get to finding new songs and doing my new assignments already, so if you would excuse me. Cya guys next time, and until then… I’ll have an early night. *snores* (Audience: WTF?)

[P.S.: Mostly Kayanon again. I’m not complaining. I probably won’t see another photobook from her soon. Well if Kana-chan’s one would come by or Mikakoshi’s scheduled in March, then I’ll see. *laughs*

Looks like I might want to limit the amount of fetish I receive (in the form of homescreen wallpapers) every week, huh.]

Compromise is such a bitch. Even when you comply and give in you're also in the wrong.

Well, letting it all out here is just great.

Friday 16 January 2015

I love to live in my own world. Unfortunately nothing in my world is similar to reality.

Really envious how Ayachi can wake up to greet the world everyday. At least, on her Twitter account.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Dream Fragmemt #3

I feel so bad about myself this morning. Thought this would only happen with Ayachi. This time it's Kalafina.

I rather not go into details, but suffice it to say... I guess I watched too much p*rn already, really.


Sorry, ladies.

(Audience: OMG...)

Monday 12 January 2015

The Twitter (Localised) Phenomenon

Once again, I'm surprised by the power of Internet in connecting people together. This morning, when I'm still considering whether to get out of my bed, I saw this.

That really made my day.

I love Twitter. At least on the Japanese side.

I wonder what's next. miwa-san, perhaps?

[P.S.: Maybe it’s just me, huh. My friends don’t know nothing.]

Sunday 11 January 2015

The Entertainment News 2015 Edition Week #2

Hey guys, welcome back to this weekly post. Yeah makes you wonder what happens if I don’t do this post every week, huh.

Anyways, I’m not feeling well recently, I’ve watched an awesome new season of MythBusters, and school is starting tomorrow, so…  let’s get this weird feeling done and over with.

KimiUso: Yep this will be the first Anime of the new season now, in contrast to being the last viewed the previous season. The story continues where Kaori and Kousei prepare for the Gaia performance which does not involve judging but somehow the judges are there, don’t ask me why. Anyways, Kaori misses in action and Kousei intends to do a solo performance? Well well, I swear no one paid to watch a piano performance… unlike that elementary school brat that got the mother’s friend worked up. Haha, oh well.
Koufuku Graffiti: As mentioned this will be one of the two I’ll be watching this season, and yeah apparently I see no reason to reject them at all. We start with this show talking lesser of food that its brand suggests but more on its effects on happiness. With this, it’ll make a huge difference to many other cooking-related Anime out there (I know about Shougeki no Souma, I know. I just don’t watch/read it), and I think I can watch this. Some cousin comes to stay with a loner who just lost her grandma a year ago, and is unsatisfied with her cooking mainly, as hinted by the guest, that she doesn’t have anyone to eat with. We’ll be seeing more food porn, food-gasm (eating of the food) and plenty of cute girls in the future episodes, and yeah Mikakoshi’s role Shiina hasn’t made her appearance apart from a mere few seconds. Nice show I probably will have the mood to watch every week.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: I know years ago I definitely have seen or even heard of this show and its OVA years ago, but only has now got around to it. Its unique circumstances make of a strange yet strong premise for an action and assassination Anime. The cast has changed ever since the OVA, but seeing both versions I see why production made the transition. Everything else is pretty damn good on first impression, from first explaining the background, that main guy student with a seemingly girly appearance (maybe it’s just me) to the teacher travelling up to Mach 20 in order to spend the lunch break in China. Seriously. Anyways, nice show to watch, it’s 2-cour (ie. until July) like KimiUso and I think I can watch a couple more episodes. Or even more.

Well I think I watched quite a few, but no BLEACH though. Meh.
Isshuukan Friends.: Well the trip is over, and Hase-kun seriously is worried. Very seriously worried. Of course he questions his relations with Fujimiya-san at almost every point ever since that Hajime came by, and it’s about time he thought about it seriously.


You know how desperate I want to see this turn into a romance story once Hase-kun decides to date the girl? Really, just saying.
Seitokai Yakuindomo: I missed the Christmas special by the scanlators, and I’ve caught up to it. Much are already in the second season of Anime, but many are still funny to laugh at. Really, I wonder when the author wants to stop this story. I guess not anytime soon? Good. *laughs*

MythBusters: Hell yeah. Been a while since I ever got this excited as the date draws near and as I watched it just now. With this new season they focus more on the process which they do at the start of this whole series, and bought a bunch of cinematic cameras to make them (and the show) look fascinating in the process. .I guess that’s good, but what’s important is new myths. The Simpsons myths may vary from stupid to ridiculous, but still great to watch the guys do the work. The premise looks fresher than any other season premier I’ve gone through with them, and the new episodes will continue to look better. Really, like Indiana Jones and Transformers will be interesting to watch.

Also, whoever b**ched about that they shouldn’t do The Simpsons should recall the comedy show myths they’ve done (gunpower chasing to its barrel) and that 80% of Hollywood is unrealistic. Well, *quote from Jamie* I’m just saying.

This Week on Klassic Note
Well this year’s gone to a slow start as I bring down my mood to listen to new songs, and maybe because of this my style of listening and reviewing may change this year, considering the huge competition from the sheer amount of songs last year. Nonetheless, I supposedly am starting the new year with five songs which I vaguely recall maybe lesser than last year’s, but things will pick up soon anyway, isn’t it? I anticipate that in time to come.

Talk about new songs this week, I reviewed an album and a single. Hocchan’s new album is nothing but foreign to me the first time I touched it or actually reviewed one, and I tried my best to give at least one song already by the time this is out. (I now know where all the sh**ty songs go to liao) ClariS new single is nothing but standard with respect to their previous singles where I probably won’t take the B-sides (I guess it needs an overpowering reason to do so huh), and I’m still trying to get used to the new duo, now that the two literally sound like one. (I swear I’ll be out once Clara gets replaced) Also coming up is their first best single with the obvious point stated in the title (which means the previous bracket might just happen), and we shall see if I can even get it on my shelf. Also under review recently are yucat’s 3rd album from like months ago, and I decided to give chance (I know, it was hard considering the previous paragraph) to two songs to start the hype for the year, and KANA-BOON’s theme song with Anime Naruto because I watched them perform in a live performance video over the new year and that-

(As always, go to my Twitter page for more insider and possibly offensive honest opinions of my list of music. And probably upcoming songs I will/might/might not be giving.)

Also, before I forget about theme songs for this season’s Anime… it’s kind of a hit-and-many-misses…


That’s all, folks. My headache is giving me problems to type more already. Seriously, I can type more. And also I have to prepare for lessons tomorrow, so if you would excuse me. With this much happening above me, I guess I’m braced for the things in the new year, yes?

[P.S.: I hope so… Also, don’t ask about APoL. I just am not in the mood to finalise my unsatisfactory work.]

[P.P.S.: On a higher note, Kayanon is enjoying being on my phone? I guess… not?

(Don’t ask me why)

More to come, especially when I heard about Mikakoshi is also having a new photobook. And more especially when I’m in school. Hope the battery life holds up, Android Lollipop.]